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japgolly.scalajs.react.ScalazReact.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package japgolly.scalajs.react

import org.scalajs.dom
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.{TagMod, Attr, Optional, EmptyTag}
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.Implicits._
import scala.scalajs.js.{UndefOr, undefined}
import scalaz.{Optional => _, _}
import scalaz.effect.IO
import Scalaz.Id
import Leibniz.===

object ScalazReact {

  implicit val maybeInstance: Optional[Maybe] = new Optional[Maybe] {
    @inline final override def foreach[A](m: Maybe[A])(f: (A) => Unit): Unit = m.cata(f, ())
    @inline final override def fold[A, B](t: Maybe[A], f: A => B, b: => B): B = t.cata(f, b)

  implicit val IoToIo: IO ~> IO = NaturalTransformation.refl[IO]
  implicit object IdToIo extends (Id ~> IO) {
    override def apply[A](a: Id[A]): IO[A] = IO(a)

  @inline implicit final class SzRExt_Attr(val _a: Attr) extends AnyVal {

    @inline final def ~~>(io: => IO[Unit]): TagMod =
      _a --> io.unsafePerformIO()

    @inline final def ~~>[N <: dom.Node, E <: SyntheticEvent[N]](eventHandler: E => IO[Unit]): TagMod =
      _a.==>[N, E](eventHandler(_).unsafePerformIO())

    @inline final def ~~>?[T[_]](t: => T[IO[Unit]])(implicit o: Optional[T]): TagMod =
      _a --> o.foreach(t)(_.unsafePerformIO()) // This implementation keeps the argument lazy
      //o.fold[IO[Unit], TagMod](t, ~~>(_), EmptyTag)

    @inline final def ~~>?[T[_], N <: dom.Node, E <: SyntheticEvent[N]](eventHandler: E => T[IO[Unit]])(implicit o: Optional[T]): TagMod =
      _a.==>[N, E](e => o.foreach(eventHandler(e))(_.unsafePerformIO()))

  @inline implicit final class SzRExt_C_M(val _c: ComponentScope_M[_]) extends AnyVal {
    def forceUpdateIO = IO(_c.forceUpdate())

  @inline implicit final class SzRExt_SEvent[N <: dom.Node](val _e: SyntheticEvent[N]) extends AnyVal {
     * Stops the default action of an element from happening.
     * For example: Prevent a submit button from submitting a form Prevent a link from following the URL
    def preventDefaultIO = IO(_e.preventDefault())
     * Stops the bubbling of an event to parent elements, preventing any parent event handlers from being executed.
    def stopPropagationIO = IO(_e.stopPropagation())

  val preventDefaultIO  = (_: SyntheticEvent[dom.Node]).preventDefaultIO
  val stopPropagationIO = (_: SyntheticEvent[dom.Node]).stopPropagationIO

  // ===================================================================================================================
  // State manipulation

  final type OpCallbackIO = UndefOr[IO[Unit]]
  @inline final implicit def OpCallbackFromIO(cb: OpCallbackIO): OpCallback = => () => f.unsafePerformIO())
  @inline final implicit def makeCallbackIOFnOp[A](cb: A => IO[Unit]): A => OpCallbackIO = cb(_)

  @inline def StateAndCallbacks[S](s: S, cb: OpCallbackIO = undefined) = new StateAndCallbacks[S](s, cb)
  final class StateAndCallbacks[S](val state: S, val cb: OpCallbackIO) {
    @inline def withState(s2: S) = new StateAndCallbacks(s2, cb)
    @inline def addCallback(cb2: OpCallbackIO) = new StateAndCallbacks(state, appendCallbacks(cb, cb2))
    override def toString = s"StateAndCallbacks($state, $cb)"

  @inline private[this] def appendCallbacks(a: OpCallbackIO, b: OpCallbackIO): OpCallbackIO =
    a.fold(b)(aa => b.fold(aa)(bb => aa.flatMap(_ => bb)))

  final type ReactS[S, A] = ReactST[Id, S, A]
  final type ReactST[M[_], S, A] = StateT[M, StateAndCallbacks[S], A]

   * M prefix indicates M in args.
   * T prefix indicates we want the result lifted into an M.
  object ReactS {
    @inline def apply    [S,A](f: S => (S, A))            : ReactS[S,A]    = applyM[Id, S, A](f)
    @inline def callback [S,A](a: A, c: OpCallbackIO)     : ReactS[S,A]    = callbackM[Id, S, A](a, c)
    @inline def callbacks[S,A](a: A, c: S => OpCallbackIO): ReactS[S,A]    = callbacksM[Id, S, A](a, c)
    @inline def get      [S]                              : ReactS[S,S]    = gets(identity[S])
    @inline def mod      [S]  (f: S => S)                 : ReactS[S,Unit] = modM[Id, S](f)
    @inline def ret      [S,A](a: A)                      : ReactS[S,A]    = retM[Id, S, A](a)
    @inline def set      [S]  (s: S)                      : ReactS[S,Unit] = mod((_: S) => s)

    @inline def applyT    [M[_],S,A](f: S => (S, A))            (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = applyM(s ⇒ M point f(s))
    @inline def callbackM [M[_],S,A](ma: M[A], c: OpCallbackIO) (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = callbacksM(ma, _ => c)
    @inline def callbackT [M[_],S,A](a: A, c: OpCallbackIO)     (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = callbackM(M point a, c)
    @inline def callbacksT[M[_],S,A](a: A, c: S => OpCallbackIO)(implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = callbacksM(M point a, c)
    @inline def getT      [M[_],S]                              (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,S]    = get.lift[M]
    @inline def getsT     [M[_],S,A](f: S => A)                 (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = getsM(s ⇒ M point f(s))
    @inline def liftR     [M[_],S,A](f: S ⇒ ReactST[M, S, A])   (implicit M: Monad[M])      : ReactST[M,S,A]    = getT[M,S] flatMap f
    @inline def modT      [M[_],S]  (f: S => S)                 (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,Unit] = modM(s ⇒ M point f(s))
    @inline def retM      [M[_],S,A](ma: M[A])                  (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = getsM[M,S,A](_ ⇒ ma)
    @inline def setM      [M[_],S]  (ms: M[S])                  (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,Unit] = modM((_: S) ⇒ ms)
    @inline def setT      [M[_],S]  (s: S)                      (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,Unit] = setM(M point s)

    def applyM[M[_], S, A](f: S => M[(S, A)])(implicit F: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, S, A] =
      StateT[M, StateAndCallbacks[S], A](sc => => (sc withState x._1, x._2) ))

    def callbacksM[M[_], S, A](ma: M[A], c: S => OpCallbackIO)(implicit M: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, S, A] =
      StateT[M, StateAndCallbacks[S], A](s => => (s addCallback c(s.state), a)))

    @inline def gets[S, A](f: S => A): ReactS[S, A] =
      State.gets[StateAndCallbacks[S], A](s => f(s.state))

    def getsM[M[_], S, A](f: S => M[A])(implicit F: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, S, A] =
      StateT[M, StateAndCallbacks[S], A](sc =>, _)))

    def liftS[M[_], S, A](t: StateT[M, S, A])(implicit M: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, S, A] =
      StateT[M, StateAndCallbacks[S], A](sc => => (sc withState sa._1, sa._2) ))

    def modM[M[_], S](f: S => M[S])(implicit M: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, S, Unit] =
      StateT[M, StateAndCallbacks[S], Unit](sc => => (sc withState s2,()) ))

    @inline def retT[M[_], S, A](a: A)(implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M, S, A] =
      StateT[M, StateAndCallbacks[S], A](s => M.point((s, a)))

    def unlift[M[_], S, A](t: ReactST[M, S, A])(implicit M: Functor[M]): StateT[M, S, A] =
      StateT[M, S, A](s => => (sa._1.state, sa._2) ))

    def zoom[M[_], S, T, A](r: ReactST[M, S, A], f: T => S, g: (T, S) => T)(implicit M: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, T, A] =
      StateT[M, StateAndCallbacks[T], A](tc => {
        val m = r(StateAndCallbacks(f(tc.state), tc.cb)){ case (sc, a) => (StateAndCallbacks(g(tc.state, sc.state), sc.cb), a) }

    @inline def zoomU[M[_], S, A](r: ReactST[M, Unit, A])(implicit M: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, S, A] =
      zoom[M, Unit, S, A](r, _ => (), (s, _) => s)

     * M prefix indicates M in args.
     * T prefix indicates we want the result lifted into an M.
    @inline def Fix[S] = new Fix[S]
    final class Fix[S] {
      type T[A] = ReactS[S, A]

      @inline def nop :        ReactS[S,Unit] = ret(())
      @inline def _nop: Any => ReactS[S,Unit] = _ => nop

      @inline def apply    [A]     (f: S => (S, A))            : ReactS[S,A]    = ReactS(f)
      @inline def callback [A]     (a: A, c: OpCallbackIO)     : ReactS[S,A]    = ReactS.callback(a, c)
      @inline def callbacks[A]     (a: A, c: S => OpCallbackIO): ReactS[S,A]    = ReactS.callbacks(a, c)
      @inline def get                                          : ReactS[S,S]    = ReactS.get
      @inline def gets     [A]     (f: S => A)                 : ReactS[S,A]    = ReactS.gets(f)
      @inline def mod              (f: S => S)                 : ReactS[S,Unit] = ReactS.mod(f)
      @inline def ret      [A]     (a: A)                      : ReactS[S,A]    = ReactS.ret(a)
      @inline def set              (s: S)                      : ReactS[S,Unit] = ReactS.set(s)
      @inline def zoom     [T,A]   (r: ReactS[T, A])
                                   (f: S => T, g: (S, T) => S) : ReactS[S,A]    = ReactS.zoom(r, f, g)
      @inline def zoomU    [A]     (r: ReactS[Unit, A])        : ReactS[S,A]    = ReactS.zoomU(r)

      @inline def applyM    [M[_],A](f: S => M[(S, A)])            (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.applyM(f)
      @inline def applyT    [M[_],A](f: S => (S, A))               (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.applyT(f)
      @inline def callbackM [M[_],A](a: M[A], c: OpCallbackIO)     (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.callbackM(a, c)
      @inline def callbackT [M[_],A](a: A, c: OpCallbackIO)        (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.callbackT(a, c)
      @inline def callbacksM[M[_],A](a: M[A], c: S => OpCallbackIO)(implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.callbacksM(a, c)
      @inline def callbacksT[M[_],A](a: A, c: S => OpCallbackIO)   (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.callbacksT(a, c)
      @inline def getT      [M[_]]                                 (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,S]    = ReactS.getT
      @inline def getsM     [M[_],A](f: S => M[A])                 (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.getsM(f)
      @inline def getsT     [M[_],A](f: S => A)                    (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.getsT(f)
      @inline def liftR     [M[_],A](f: S => ReactST[M, S, A])     (implicit M: Monad[M])      : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.liftR(f)
      @inline def liftS     [M[_],A](t: StateT[M, S, A])           (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.liftS(t)
      @inline def modM      [M[_]]  (f: S => M[S])                 (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,Unit] = ReactS.modM(f)
      @inline def modT      [M[_]]  (f: S => S)                    (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,Unit] = ReactS.modT(f)
      @inline def retM      [M[_],A](ma: M[A])                     (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.retM(ma)
      @inline def retT      [M[_],A](a: A)                         (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.retT(a)
      @inline def setM      [M[_]]  (ms: M[S])                     (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,Unit] = ReactS.setM(ms)
      @inline def setT      [M[_]]  (s: S)                         (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,Unit] = ReactS.setT(s)
      @inline def unlift    [M[_],A](t: ReactST[M, S, A])          (implicit M: Functor[M])    : StateT [M,S,A]    = ReactS.unlift(t)

     * T prefix indicates we want the result lifted into an M.
    @inline def FixT[M[_], S] = new FixT[M, S]
    final class FixT[M[_], S] {
      type T[A] = ReactST[M, S, A]

      @inline def nop (implicit M: Applicative[M]):        ReactST[M,S,Unit] = retT(())
      @inline def _nop(implicit M: Applicative[M]): Any => ReactST[M,S,Unit] = _ => nop

      @inline def apply     [A]  (f: S => M[(S, A)])            (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.applyM(f)
      @inline def applyT    [A]  (f: S => (S, A))               (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.applyT(f)
      @inline def callback  [A]  (a: M[A], c: OpCallbackIO)     (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.callbackM(a, c)
      @inline def callbackT [A]  (a: A, c: OpCallbackIO)        (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.callbackT(a, c)
      @inline def callbacks [A]  (a: M[A], c: S => OpCallbackIO)(implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.callbacksM(a, c)
      @inline def callbacksT[A]  (a: A, c: S => OpCallbackIO)   (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.callbacksT(a, c)
      @inline def get                                           (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,S]    = ReactS.getT
      @inline def gets      [A]  (f: S => M[A])                 (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.getsM(f)
      @inline def getsT     [A]  (f: S => A)                    (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.getsT(f)
      @inline def liftR     [A]  (f: S => ReactST[M, S, A])     (implicit M: Monad[M])      : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.liftR(f)
      @inline def liftS     [A]  (t: StateT[M, S, A])           (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.liftS(t)
      @inline def mod            (f: S => M[S])                 (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,Unit] = ReactS.modM(f)
      @inline def modT           (f: S => S)                    (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,Unit] = ReactS.modT(f)
      @inline def ret       [A]  (ma: M[A])                     (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.retM(ma)
      @inline def retT      [A]  (a: A)                         (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.retT(a)
      @inline def set            (ms: M[S])                     (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,Unit] = ReactS.setM(ms)
      @inline def setT           (s: S)                         (implicit M: Applicative[M]): ReactST[M,S,Unit] = ReactS.setT(s)
      @inline def unlift    [A]  (t: ReactST[M, S, A])          (implicit M: Functor[M])    : StateT [M,S,A]    = ReactS.unlift(t)
      @inline def zoom      [T,A](r: ReactST[M, T, A])
                                 (f: S => T, g: (S,T) => S)     (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.zoom(r, f, g)
      @inline def zoomU     [A]  (r: ReactST[M, Unit, A])       (implicit M: Functor[M])    : ReactST[M,S,A]    = ReactS.zoomU(r)

  @inline implicit final class SzRExt_StateTOps[M[_], S, A](val _s: StateT[M, S, A]) extends AnyVal {
    @inline def liftS(implicit M: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, S, A] = ReactS.liftS(_s)

  @inline implicit final class SzRExt__StateTOps[I, M[_], S, A](val _f: I => StateT[M, S, A]) extends AnyVal {
    @inline def liftS(implicit M: Functor[M]): I => ReactST[M, S, A] = _f(_).liftS

  @inline implicit final class SzRExt_ReactSOps[S, A](val _r: ReactS[S,A]) extends AnyVal {
    // Very common case. Very sick of seeing it highlighted red everywhere in Intellij.
    def liftIO: ReactST[IO, S, A] = _r.lift[IO]

  @inline implicit final class SzRExt_ReactSTOps[M[_], S, A](val _r: ReactST[M,S,A]) extends AnyVal {
    def addCallback(c: OpCallbackIO)(implicit M: Monad[M]): ReactST[M,S,A] =
      _r.flatMap(ReactS.callbackT(_, c))

    def addCallbackS(c: S => OpCallbackIO)(implicit M: Monad[M]): ReactST[M,S,A] =
      _r.flatMap(ReactS.callbacksT(_, c))

    // This shouldn't be needed; it's already in BindSyntax.
    def >>[B](t: => ReactST[M,S,B])(implicit M: Bind[M]): ReactST[M,S,B] =
      _r.flatMap(_ => t)

    /** zoom2 because StateT.zoom already exists. 2 because it takes two fns. */
    def zoom2[T](f: T => S, g: (T, S) => T)(implicit M: Functor[M]): ReactST[M, T, A] =
      ReactS.zoom(_r, f, g)

    def zoomU[T](implicit M: Functor[M], ev: S === Unit): ReactST[M, T, A] =
      ReactS.zoomU[M, T, A](ev.subst[({type λ[σ] = ReactST[M, σ, A]})#λ](_r))

  @inline implicit final def toSzRExtCompStateAccessOps[C[_]: CompStateAccess, S](c: C[S]) = new SzRExt_CompStateAccessOps(c)
  final class SzRExt_CompStateAccessOps[C[_], S](val _c: C[S]) extends AnyVal {
    // CompStateAccess[C] should really be a class param but then we lose the AnyVal
    type CC = CompStateAccess[C]

    private def run[M[_], A, B](st: => ReactST[M, S, A], f: (S, S, A, => IO[Unit]) => IO[B])(implicit C: CC, M: M ~> IO): IO[B] =
      IO(StateAndCallbacks(C state _c)).flatMap(s1 =>
        M(st run s1).flatMap { case (s2, a) =>
          f(s1.state, s2.state, a, IO(C.setState(_c, s2.state, s2.cb)))

    def runState[M[_], A](st: => ReactST[M, S, A])(implicit C: CC, M: M ~> IO): IO[A] =
      run[M, A, A](st, (s1,s2,a,io) => => a))

    def _runState[I, M[_], A](f: I => ReactST[M, S, A])(implicit C: CC, M: M ~> IO): I => IO[A] =
      i => runState(f(i))

    def _runState[I, M[_], A](f: I => ReactST[M, S, A], cb: I => OpCallbackIO)(implicit C: CC, M: M ~> IO, N: Monad[M]): I => IO[A] =
      i => runState(f(i) addCallback cb(i))

    def runStateF[M[_], A](st: => ReactST[M, S, A])(implicit C: CC, M: M ~> IO, F: ChangeFilter[S]): IO[A] =
      run[M, A, A](st, (s1,s2,a,io) => F(s1, s2, IO(a), _ => => a)))

    def _runStateF[I, M[_], A](f: I => ReactST[M, S, A])(implicit C: CC, M: M ~> IO, F: ChangeFilter[S]): I => IO[A] =
      i => runStateF(f(i))

    def _runStateF[I, M[_], A](f: I => ReactST[M, S, A], cb: I => OpCallbackIO)(implicit C: CC, M: M ~> IO, N: Monad[M], F: ChangeFilter[S]): I => IO[A] =
      i => runStateF(f(i) addCallback cb(i))

    @inline def stateIO(implicit C: CC): IO[S] =
      IO(C state _c)

    @inline def setStateIO(s: S, cb: OpCallbackIO = undefined)(implicit C: CC): IO[Unit] =
      IO(C.setState(_c, s, cb))

    @inline def _setStateIO[I](f: I => S, cb: OpCallbackIO = undefined)(implicit C: CC): I => IO[Unit] =
      i => setStateIO(f(i), cb)

    @inline def modStateIO(f: S => S, cb: OpCallbackIO = undefined)(implicit C: CC): IO[Unit] =
      IO(_c.modState(f, cb))

    def modStateIOF(f: S => S, cb: OpCallbackIO = undefined)(implicit C: CC, F: ChangeFilter[S]): IO[Unit] =
      stateIO.flatMap(s1 =>
        F(s1, f(s1), IO(()), setStateIO(_, cb)))

    @inline def _modStateIO[I](f: I => S => S, cb: OpCallbackIO = undefined)(implicit C: CC): I => IO[Unit] =
      i => modStateIO(f(i), cb)

    @inline def _modStateIOF[I](f: I => S => S, cb: OpCallbackIO = undefined)(implicit C: CC, F: ChangeFilter[S]): I => IO[Unit] =
      i => modStateIOF(f(i), cb)

  final case class ChangeFilter[S](allowChange: (S, S) => Boolean) {
    def apply[A](s1: S, s2: S, orElse: => A, change: S => A): A =
      if (allowChange(s1, s2)) change(s2) else orElse
  object ChangeFilter {
    def refl[S] = apply[S](_ != _)
    def reflOn[S, T](f: S => T) = apply[S](f(_) != f(_))
    def equal[S: Equal] = apply[S]((a,b) => !implicitly[Equal[S]].equal(a,b))
    def equalOn[S, T: Equal](f: S => T) = apply[S]((a,b) => !implicitly[Equal[T]].equal(f(a),f(b)))

  // Seriously, Scala, get your shit together.
  @inline final implicit def moarScalaHandHolding[P,S](b: BackendScope[P,S]): SzRExt_CompStateAccessOps[ComponentScope_SS, S] = (b: ComponentScope_SS[S])
  @inline final implicit def moarScalaHandHolding[P,S,B](b: ComponentScopeU[P,S,B]): SzRExt_CompStateAccessOps[ComponentScope_SS, S] = (b: ComponentScope_SS[S])

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