japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.TimerSupport.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package japgolly.scalajs.react.extra
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.scalajs.js.timers.{RawTimers, SetTimeoutHandle}
import scala.scalajs.js.{UndefOr, undefined}
* Alternatives to `window.setTimeout`/`window.setInterval` that automatically unregister installed callbacks
* when the component unmounts.
* Provides interval methods that guarentee duration between callbacks. Regular use of `setInterval` is fine
* for callbacks with determined execution time. However, if your callback could possibly take as long or longer
* than your `timeout`, you can end up with callbacks firing back to back.
* Install in `ScalaComponent.build` via `.configure(TimerSupport.install)`.
trait TimerSupport extends OnUnmount {
/** Invokes the callback `f` once after a minimum of `timeout` elapses. */
final def setTimeout(f: Callback, timeout: FiniteDuration): Callback =
setTimeoutMs(f, timeout.toMillis.toDouble)
/** Invokes the callback `f` once after a minimum of `timeout` elapses. */
final def setTimeoutMs(f: Callback, timeoutInMilliseconds: Double): Callback = {
CallbackTo {
var handle: UndefOr[SetTimeoutHandle] = undefined
val proc = f << Callback { handle = undefined }
handle = RawTimers.setTimeout(proc.toJsFn, timeoutInMilliseconds)
Callback(handle foreach RawTimers.clearTimeout)
} flatMap onUnmount
/** Provides `setInterval`-like behavior insuring that the time between calls of `f` is *at least* the `timeout`. */
final def setGuaranteedInterval(f: Callback, interval: FiniteDuration): Callback =
setGuaranteedIntervalMs(f, interval.toMillis.toDouble)
/** Provides `setInterval`-like behavior insuring that the time between calls of `f` is *at least* the `timeout`. */
final def setGuaranteedIntervalMs(f: Callback, intervalInMilliseconds: Double): Callback= {
val reschedule = Callback byName setGuaranteedIntervalMs(f, intervalInMilliseconds)
setTimeoutMs(f finallyRun reschedule, intervalInMilliseconds)
/** Invokes the callback `f` repeatedly every `period`. */
final def setInterval(f: Callback, period: FiniteDuration): Callback =
setIntervalMs(f, period.toMillis.toDouble)
final def setIntervalMs(f: Callback, periodInMilliseconds: Double): Callback =
CallbackTo {
val i = RawTimers.setInterval(f.toJsFn, periodInMilliseconds)
Callback(RawTimers clearInterval i)
} flatMap onUnmount
object TimerSupport {
@inline def install[P, C <: Children, S, B <: TimerSupport, U <: UpdateSnapshot]: ScalaComponent.Config[P, C, S, B, U, U] =