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package japgolly.scalajs.react.extra
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.internal.{Effect, Iso, Lens}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
final class StateSnapshot[S](val value: S,
val underlyingSetFn: Reusable[StateSnapshot.SetFn[S]],
private[StateSnapshot] val reusability: Reusability[S]) extends StateAccess.Write[CallbackTo, S] {
override protected implicit def F: Effect[CallbackTo] =
override def toString = s"StateSnapshot($value)"
/** @param callback Executed regardless of whether state is changed. */
override def setStateOption(newState: Option[S], callback: Callback): Callback =
underlyingSetFn(newState, callback)
/** @param callback Executed regardless of whether state is changed. */
override def modStateOption(mod: S => Option[S], callback: Callback): Callback =
setStateOption(mod(value), callback)
* The resulting `StateSnapshot[T]` will not be reusable.
def xmapState[T](f: S => T)(g: T => S): StateSnapshot[T] =
StateSnapshot(f(value))((ot, cb) => underlyingSetFn.value(ot map g, cb))
* The resulting `StateSnapshot[T]` will not be reusable.
def zoomState[T](f: S => T)(g: T => S => S): StateSnapshot[T] =
* The resulting `StateSnapshot[T]` will not be reusable.
def zoomStateOption[T](f: S => Option[T])(g: T => S => S): Option[StateSnapshot[T]] =
f(value).map(t => StateSnapshot(t)((ot, cb) => underlyingSetFn.value(, cb)))
def withReuse: StateSnapshot.InstanceMethodsWithReuse[S] =
new StateSnapshot.InstanceMethodsWithReuse(this)
/** @return `None` if `value: S` isn't `value: T` as well. */
def narrowOption[T <: S: ClassTag]: Option[StateSnapshot[T]] =
value match {
case b: T => Some(StateSnapshot(b)(setStateOption(_, _)))
case _ => None
/** Unsafe because writes may be dropped.
* Eg. if you widen a `StateSnapshot[Banana]` into `StateSnapshot[Food]`, calling `setState(banana2)` will work
* but `setState(pasta)` will be silently ignored.
def unsafeWiden[T >: S](implicit ct: ClassTag[S]): StateSnapshot[T] =
StateSnapshot[T](value) { (ob, cb) =>
val oa: Option[S] =
ob match {
case Some(s: S) => Some(s)
case _ => None
setStateOption(oa, cb)
object StateSnapshot {
type SetFn[-S] = (Option[S], Callback) => Callback
type ModFn[S] = (S => Option[S], Callback) => Callback
type TupledSetFn[-S] = ((Option[S], Callback)) => Callback
type TupledModFn[S] = ((S => Option[S], Callback)) => Callback
private def reusableSetFn[S](f: SetFn[S]): Reusable[SetFn[S]] =
private def untuple[A,B,C](f: ((A, B)) => C): (A, B) => C =
(a, b) => f((a, b))
private lazy val setFnReadOnly: Reusable[SetFn[Any]] =
reusableSetFn[Any]((_, cb) => cb)
final class InstanceMethodsWithReuse[S](self: StateSnapshot[S]) { // not AnyVal, nominal for Monocle ext
import self.{value, underlyingSetFn}
def xmapState[T](iso: Reusable[(S => T, T => S)]): StateSnapshot[T] =
new StateSnapshot[T](
Reusable.ap(underlyingSetFn, iso)((f, g) => (ot, cb) => f(ot map g._2, cb)),
def zoomState[T](lens: Reusable[(S => T, T => S => S)]): StateSnapshot[T] =
new StateSnapshot[T](
Reusable.ap(underlyingSetFn, lens)((f, g) => (ot, cb) => f(, cb)),
def zoomStateOption[T](optional: Reusable[(S => Option[T], T => S => S)]): Option[StateSnapshot[T]] =
optional._1(value).map { t =>
new StateSnapshot[T](
Reusable.ap(underlyingSetFn, optional)((f, g) => (ot, cb) => f(, cb)),
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// Construction DSL
object withReuse {
// Putting (implicit r: Reusability[S]) here would shadow WithReuse.apply
def apply[S](value: S): FromValue[S] =
new FromValue(value)
/** This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same. */
def prepare[S](f: SetFn[S]): FromSetStateFn[S] =
new FromSetStateFn(reusableSetFn(f))
/** This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same. */
def prepareTupled[S](f: TupledSetFn[S]): FromSetStateFn[S] =
/** This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same. */
def prepareVia[I, S](i: I)(implicit t: StateAccessor.WritePure[I, S]): FromSetStateFn[S] =
def xmap[S, T](get: S => T)(set: T => S): FromLens[S, T] =
new FromLens(Iso(get)(set).toLens)
def zoom[S, T](get: S => T)(set: T => S => S): FromLens[S, T] =
new FromLens(Lens(get)(set))
final class FromLens[S, T](private val l: Lens[S, T]) extends AnyVal {
// There's no point having (value: S)(mod: (S => S) ~=> Callback) because the callback will be composed with the
// lens which avoids reusability.
// def apply(value: S) = new FromLensValue(l, l get value)
/** This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same. */
def prepare(modify: ModFn[S]): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T] =
new FromLensSetStateFn[S, T](l, reusableSetFn((ot, cb) => modify(l setO ot, cb)))
/** This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same. */
def prepareTupled(modify: TupledModFn[S]): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T] =
/** This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same. */
def prepareVia[I](i: I)(implicit t: StateAccessor.WritePure[I, S]): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T] =
def prepareViaProps[P, I]($: GenericComponent.MountedPure[P, _])(f: P => I)(implicit t: I => StateAccess.ModState[CallbackTo, S]): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T] =
def prepareViaCallback[I](cb: CallbackTo[I])(implicit t: I => StateAccess.ModState[CallbackTo, S]): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T] =
prepare((f, k) => cb.flatMap(t(_).modStateOption(f, k)))
def xmap[U](get: T => U)(set: U => T): FromLens[S, U] =
new FromLens(l --> Iso(get)(set))
def zoom[U](get: T => U)(set: U => T => T): FromLens[S, U] =
new FromLens(l --> Lens(get)(set))
final class FromValue[S](private val value: S) extends AnyVal {
def apply(set: Reusable[SetFn[S]])(implicit r: Reusability[S]): StateSnapshot[S] =
new StateSnapshot(value, set, r)
def tupled(set: Reusable[TupledSetFn[S]])(implicit r: Reusability[S]): StateSnapshot[S] =
def readOnly(implicit r: Reusability[S]): StateSnapshot[S] =
final class FromSetStateFn[S](private val set: Reusable[SetFn[S]]) extends AnyVal {
def apply(value: S)(implicit r: Reusability[S]): StateSnapshot[S] =
final class FromLensSetStateFn[S, T](l: Lens[S, T], set: Reusable[SetFn[T]]) {
def apply(value: S)(implicit r: Reusability[T]): StateSnapshot[T] =
withReuse(l get value)(set)(r)
// ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
// withoutReuse is the default and needn't be specified explicitly
import withoutReuse._
def apply[S](value: S): FromValue[S] =
new FromValue(value)
def of[I, S](i: I)(implicit t: StateAccessor.ReadImpureWritePure[I, S]): StateSnapshot[S] =
def xmap[S, T](get: S => T)(set: T => S): FromLens[S, T] =
new FromLens(Iso(get)(set).toLens)
def zoom[S, T](get: S => T)(set: T => S => S): FromLens[S, T] =
new FromLens(Lens(get)(set))
object withoutReuse {
final class FromLens[S, T](private val l: Lens[S, T]) extends AnyVal {
def apply(value: S) = new FromLensValue(l, l get value)
def of[I](i: I)(implicit t: StateAccessor.ReadImpureWritePure[I, S]): StateSnapshot[T] =
def xmap[U](get: T => U)(set: U => T): FromLens[S, U] =
new FromLens(l --> Iso(get)(set))
def zoom[U](get: T => U)(set: U => T => T): FromLens[S, U] =
new FromLens(l --> Lens(get)(set))
final class FromValue[S](private val value: S) extends AnyVal {
def apply(set: SetFn[S]): StateSnapshot[S] =
new StateSnapshot(value, reusableSetFn(set), Reusability.never)
def tupled(set: TupledSetFn[S]): StateSnapshot[S] =
def setStateVia[I](i: I)(implicit t: StateAccessor.WritePure[I, S]): StateSnapshot[S] =
def readOnly: StateSnapshot[S] =
final class FromLensValue[S, T](l: Lens[S, T], value: T) {
def apply(modify: ModFn[S]): StateSnapshot[T] =
StateSnapshot(value)((ot, cb) => modify(l setO ot, cb))
def tupled(modify: TupledModFn[S]): StateSnapshot[T] =
def setStateVia[I](i: I)(implicit t: StateAccessor.WritePure[I, S]): StateSnapshot[T] =
// ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
private[this] val reusabilityInstance: Reusability[StateSnapshot[Any]] = {
val f = implicitly[Reusability[Reusable[SetFn[Any]]]] // Safe to reuse
Reusability((x, y) =>
(x eq y) ||
(f.test(x.underlyingSetFn, y.underlyingSetFn)
&& x.reusability.test(x.value, y.value)
&& y.reusability.test(x.value, y.value)))
implicit def reusability[S]: Reusability[StateSnapshot[S]] =