japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router.RoutingRulesF.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router
import japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router.RouterConfig.Parsed
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.Effect.Sync
/** A complete set of routing rules that allow the router to handle every all routes without further input.
* @tparam Page The type of legal pages. Most commonly, a sealed trait that you've created, where all subclasses
* represent a page in your SPA.
final case class RoutingRulesF[F[_], Page, Props](
parseMulti : Path => List[StaticOrDynamic[Option[Parsed[Page]]]],
path : Page => Path,
actionMulti : (Path, Page) => List[StaticOrDynamic[Option[ActionF[F, Page, Props]]]],
fallbackAction: (Path, Page) => ActionF[F, Page, Props],
whenNotFound : Path => F[Parsed[Page]])
(implicit F: Sync[F]) {
import RoutingRulesF.SharedLogic._
def withEffect[G[_]](implicit G: Sync[G]): RoutingRulesF[G, Page, Props] =
G.subst[F, ({type L[E[_]] = RoutingRulesF[E, Page, Props]})#L](this)(
RoutingRulesF[G, Page, Props](
parseMulti = parseMulti,
path = path,
actionMulti = actionMulti(_, _).map(_.map(_.map(_.withEffect[G]))),
fallbackAction = fallbackAction(_, _).withEffect[G],
whenNotFound = G.transSyncFn1(whenNotFound),
def parse(path: Path): F[Parsed[Page]] =
F.flatMap(selectParsed(path, parseMulti)) {
case Some(a) => F.pure(a)
case None => whenNotFound(path)
def action(path: Path, page: Page): F[ActionF[F, Page, Props]] =
F.map(selectAction(path, page, actionMulti))(_.getOrElse(fallbackAction(path, page)))
// =====================================================================================================================
object RoutingRulesF {
import StaticOrDynamic.Helpers._
final class Exception(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
private[router] object SharedLogic {
def selectParsed[F[_], Page](path : Path,
parse: Path => List[StaticOrDynamic[Option[Parsed[Page]]]])
(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Option[Parsed[Page]]] =
as => s"Multiple (${as.size}) (unconditional) routes specified for path ${path.value}",
as => s"Multiple (${as.size}) conditional routes active for path ${path.value}")
def selectAction[F[_], Page, Props](path : Path,
page : Page,
action: (Path, Page) => List[StaticOrDynamic[Option[ActionF[F, Page, Props]]]],
)(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Option[ActionF[F, Page, Props]]] =
unambiguousRule(action(path, page))(
as => s"Multiple (${as.size}) (unconditional) actions specified for $page at path ${path.value}",
as => s"Multiple (${as.size}) conditional actions active for $page at path ${path.value}")
private def unambiguousRule[F[_], A](xs : List[StaticOrDynamic[Option[A]]])
(staticErr: List[A] => String,
dynErr : List[A] => String)
(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Option[A]] = {
val (statics, dynamics) = StaticOrDynamic.partition(xs)(F)
F.flatMap(F.sequenceList(dynamics) )(dynamicOptions =>
F.flatMap(unambiguousOption(dynamicOptions)(dynErr))(dynamicOption =>
F.map (unambiguousOption(statics)(staticErr) )(staticOption =>
private def unambiguousOption[F[_], A](input: List[Option[A]])(errMsg: List[A] => String)
(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Option[A]] = {
val as = input.collect { case Some(a) => a }
as match {
case Nil => F.pure(None)
case a :: Nil => F.pure(Some(a))
case as => F.delay(throw new Exception(errMsg(as)))
def fromRule[F[_], Page, Props](rule : RoutingRule[Page, Props],
fallbackPath : Page => Path,
fallbackAction: (Path, Page) => ActionF[F, Page, Props],
whenNotFound : Path => F[Parsed[Page]])
(implicit F: Sync[F]): RoutingRulesF[F, Page, Props] = {
implicit def optionTransAction(o: Option[Action[Page, Props]]): Option[ActionF[F, Page, Props]] =
def prepareParseFn(rule: RoutingRule[Page, Props]): Path => List[StaticOrDynamic[Option[Parsed[Page]]]] =
rule match {
case r: RoutingRule.Atom[Page, Props] =>
p => static(r.parse(p)) :: Nil
case r: RoutingRule.AutoCorrect[Page, Props] =>
case r: RoutingRule.Or[Page, Props] =>
val x = prepareParseFn(r.lhs)
val y = prepareParseFn(r.rhs)
p => y(p).reverse_:::(x(p))
case r: RoutingRule.Conditional[Page, Props] =>
// Page condition is checked in prepareActionFn
case r: RoutingRule.ConditionalP[Page, Props] =>
// Page condition is checked in prepareActionFn
def preparePathFn(rule: RoutingRule[Page, Props]): Page => Option[Path] =
rule match {
case r: RoutingRule.Atom [Page, Props] => r.path
case r: RoutingRule.Conditional [Page, Props] => preparePathFn(r.underlying)
case r: RoutingRule.ConditionalP[Page, Props] => preparePathFn(r.underlying)
case r: RoutingRule.AutoCorrect [Page, Props] => preparePathFn(r.underlying)
case r: RoutingRule.Or [Page, Props] => preparePathFn(r.lhs) || preparePathFn(r.rhs)
def prepareActionFn(rule: RoutingRule[Page, Props]): (Path, Page) => List[StaticOrDynamic[Option[ActionF[F, Page, Props]]]] =
rule match {
case r: RoutingRule.Atom[Page, Props] =>
(path, page) =>
val action = optionTransAction(r.action(path, page))
static(action) :: Nil
case r: RoutingRule.Or[Page, Props] =>
val x = prepareActionFn(r.lhs)
val y = prepareActionFn(r.rhs)
(path, page) => y(path, page).reverse_:::(x(path, page))
case r: RoutingRule.AutoCorrect[Page, Props] =>
val path = preparePathFn(r.underlying)
val action = prepareActionFn(r.underlying)
(actualPath, page) =>
path(page) match {
case Some(expectedPath) =>
if (expectedPath == actualPath)
action(actualPath, page)
static[Option[ActionF[F, Page, Props]]](Some(RedirectToPath(expectedPath, r.redirectVia))) :: Nil
case None =>
case r: RoutingRule.Conditional[Page, Props] =>
prepareActionFn(RoutingRule.ConditionalP(_ => r.condition, r.underlying, r.otherwise))
case r: RoutingRule.ConditionalP[Page, Props] =>
val underlying = prepareActionFn(r.underlying)
(path, page) =>
dynamic[F, Option[ActionF[F, Page, Props]]] {
val step1 = SharedLogic.selectAction[F, Page, Props](path, page, underlying)
F.flatMap(step1) {
case ok@Some(_) =>
F.map(F.fromJsFn0(r.condition(page))) {
case true => ok
case false => r.otherwise(page)
case None =>
} :: Nil
parseMulti = prepareParseFn(rule),
path = preparePathFn(rule) | fallbackPath,
actionMulti = prepareActionFn(rule),
fallbackAction = fallbackAction,
whenNotFound = whenNotFound)
/** Create routing rules all at once, with compiler proof that all `Page`s will have a `Path` and `Action`
* associated.
* The trade-off here is that care will need to be taken to ensure that path-parsing aligns with paths
* generated for pages. It is recommended that you call [[RouterConfig.verify]] as a sanity-check.
def bulk[F[_], Page, Props](toPage : Path => Option[Parsed[Page]],
fromPage: Page => (Path, ActionF[F, Page, Props]),
notFound: Path => Parsed[Page])
(implicit F: Sync[F]): RoutingRulesF[F, Page, Props] =
apply[F, Page, Props](
parseMulti = p => static(toPage(p)) :: Nil,
path = fromPage(_)._1,
actionMulti = (_, p) => static(Option(fromPage(p)._2)) :: Nil,
fallbackAction = (_, _) => RedirectToPath(Path.root, SetRouteVia.HistoryPush), // won't happen
whenNotFound = notFound.andThen(F.pure(_)))
/** Create routing rules all at once, with compiler proof that all `Page`s will have a `Path` and `Action`
* associated.
* The trade-off here is that care will need to be taken to ensure that path-parsing aligns with paths
* generated for pages. It is recommended that you call [[RouterConfig.verify]] as a sanity-check.
def bulkDynamic[F[_], Page, Props](toPage : Path => F[Option[Parsed[Page]]],
fromPage: Page => (Path, F[ActionF[F, Page, Props]]),
notFound: Path => Parsed[Page])
(implicit F: Sync[F]): RoutingRulesF[F, Page, Props] =
apply[F, Page, Props](
parseMulti = p => dynamic(toPage(p)) :: Nil,
path = fromPage(_)._1,
actionMulti = (_, p) => dynamic(F.map(fromPage(p)._2)(Option(_))) :: Nil,
fallbackAction = (_, _) => RedirectToPath(Path.root, SetRouteVia.HistoryPush), // won't happen
whenNotFound = notFound.andThen(F.pure(_)))
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