japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.OnUnmount.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package japgolly.scalajs.react.extra
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.DefaultEffects
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.Effect.{Dispatch, Sync}
/** Accrues procedures to be run automatically when its component unmounts.
* Install in `ScalaComponent.build` via `.configure(OnUnmount.install)`.
trait OnUnmountF[F[_]] { self =>
protected def onUnmountEffect: Sync[F]
import self.{onUnmountEffect => F}
private var unmountProcs: List[F[Unit]] = Nil
final def unmount: F[Unit] =
F.chain(F.sequence_(unmountProcs), F.delay{ unmountProcs = Nil })
final def onUnmount[G[_]](f: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]): F[Unit] =
F.delay(unmountProcs ::= F.transDispatch(f))
object OnUnmountF {
def install[F[_]: Dispatch, P, C <: Children, S, B <: OnUnmountF[F], U <: UpdateSnapshot]: ScalaComponent.Config[P, C, S, B, U, U] =
def apply[F[_]]()(implicit F: Sync[F]): OnUnmountF[F] =
new OnUnmountF[F] {
override protected def onUnmountEffect = F
// =====================================================================================================================
/** Accrues procedures to be run automatically when its component unmounts.
* Install in `ScalaComponent.build` via `.configure(OnUnmount.install)`.
trait OnUnmount extends OnUnmountF[DefaultEffects.Sync] {
override protected def onUnmountEffect: Sync[DefaultEffects.Sync] =
object OnUnmount {
def install[P, C <: Children, S, B <: OnUnmount, U <: UpdateSnapshot]: ScalaComponent.Config[P, C, S, B, U, U] =
/** Convenience class for the frequent case that a component needs a backend with `OnUnmount` and nothing else. */
@deprecated("Change `new OnUnmount.Backend` to `OnUnmount()`", "2.0.0")
final class Backend extends OnUnmount
def apply(): OnUnmount =
new OnUnmount {}