japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package japgolly.scalajs.react.extra
import japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router.RouterConfig.{Logger, Parsed}
import japgolly.scalajs.react.internal.CoreGeneral._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.DefaultEffects.Sync
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.VdomElement
import japgolly.scalajs.react.{CtorType, ScalaComponent}
package object router {
type Action [Page, -Props] = ActionF[Sync, Page, Props]
type Renderer [Page, -Props] = RendererF[Sync, Page, Props]
type RouterCtl [A] = RouterCtlF[Sync, A]
type RouterLogic[Page, Props] = RouterLogicF[Sync, Page, Props]
type RouterWithPropsF [F[_], P, Props] = ScalaComponent [Props, ResolutionWithProps[P, Props], OnUnmountF[F], CtorType.Props]
type RouterWithPropsFU[F[_], P, Props] = ScalaComponent.Unmounted [Props, ResolutionWithProps[P, Props], OnUnmountF[F]]
type RouterWithPropsFM[F[_], P, Props] = ScalaComponent.MountedImpure[Props, ResolutionWithProps[P, Props], OnUnmountF[F]]
type RouterWithProps [P, Props] = RouterWithPropsF [Sync, P, Props]
type RouterWithPropsU[P, Props] = RouterWithPropsFU[Sync, P, Props]
type RouterWithPropsM[P, Props] = RouterWithPropsFM[Sync, P, Props]
// START: Compatibility with no-props Router API
type RouterConfig[P] = RouterWithPropsConfig[P, Unit]
type Resolution[P] = ResolutionWithProps[P, Unit]
type RouterF [F[_], P] = ScalaComponent [Unit, Resolution[P], OnUnmountF[F], CtorType.Nullary]
type RouterFU[F[_], P] = ScalaComponent.Unmounted [Unit, Resolution[P], OnUnmountF[F]]
type RouterFM[F[_], P] = ScalaComponent.MountedImpure[Unit, Resolution[P], OnUnmountF[F]]
type Router [P] = RouterF [Sync, P]
type RouterU[P] = RouterFU[Sync, P]
type RouterM[P] = RouterFM[Sync, P]
// END
private[router] implicit class OptionFnExt[A, B](private val f: A => Option[B]) extends AnyVal {
def ||(g: A => Option[B]): A => Option[B] = a => f(a) orElse g(a)
def | (g: A => B) : A => B = a => f(a) getOrElse g(a)
private[router] implicit class CallbackToOptionFnExt[A, B](private val f: A => Sync[Option[B]]) extends AnyVal {
def ||(g: A => Sync[Option[B]]): A => Sync[Option[B]] =
a => Sync.flatMap(f(a)) {
case s@ Some(_) => Sync.pure(s)
case None => g(a)
private[router] implicit class OptionFn2Ext[A, B, C](private val f: (A, B) => Option[C]) extends AnyVal {
def ||(g: (A, B) => Option[C]): (A, B) => Option[C] = (a, b) => f(a, b) orElse g(a, b)
def | (g: (A, B) => C) : (A, B) => C = (a, b) => f(a, b) getOrElse g(a, b)
private[router] implicit class CallbackToOptionFn2Ext[A, B, C](private val f: (A, B) => Sync[Option[C]]) extends AnyVal {
def ||(g: (A, B) => Sync[Option[C]]): (A, B) => Sync[Option[C]] =
(a, b) => Sync.flatMap(f(a, b)) {
case s@ Some(_) => Sync.pure(s)
case None => g(a, b)
private[router] implicit class SaneEitherMethods[A, B](private val e: Either[A, B]) extends AnyVal {
def map[C](f: B => C): Either[A, C] =
e match {
case Right(b) => Right(f(b))
case l: Left[A, B] => l.asInstanceOf[Left[A, Nothing]]
def bimap[C, D](f: A => C, g: B => D): Either[C, D] =
e match {
case Right(b) => Right(g(b))
case Left(a) => Left(f(a))
// =====================================================================================================================
/** A complete set of routing rules that allow the router to handle every all routes without further input.
* @tparam Page The type of legal pages. Most commonly, a sealed trait that you've created, where all subclasses
* represent a page in your SPA.
type RoutingRules[Page, Props] = RoutingRulesF[Sync, Page, Props]
object RoutingRules {
type Exception = RoutingRulesF.Exception
@inline def fromRule[Page, Props](rule : RoutingRule[Page, Props],
fallbackPath : Page => Path,
fallbackAction: (Path, Page) => Action[Page, Props],
whenNotFound : Path => Sync[Parsed[Page]],
): RoutingRules[Page, Props] =
RoutingRulesF.fromRule(rule, fallbackPath, fallbackAction, whenNotFound)
/** Create routing rules all at once, with compiler proof that all `Page`s will have a `Path` and `Action`
* associated.
* The trade-off here is that care will need to be taken to ensure that path-parsing aligns with paths
* generated for pages. It is recommended that you call [[RouterConfig.verify]] as a sanity-check.
@inline def bulk[Page, Props](toPage : Path => Option[Parsed[Page]],
fromPage: Page => (Path, Action[Page, Props]),
notFound: Path => Parsed[Page],
): RoutingRules[Page, Props] =
RoutingRulesF.bulk(toPage, fromPage, notFound)
/** Create routing rules all at once, with compiler proof that all `Page`s will have a `Path` and `Action`
* associated.
* The trade-off here is that care will need to be taken to ensure that path-parsing aligns with paths
* generated for pages. It is recommended that you call [[RouterConfig.verify]] as a sanity-check.
@inline def bulkDynamic[Page, Props](toPage : Path => Sync[Option[Parsed[Page]]],
fromPage: Page => (Path, Sync[Action[Page, Props]]),
notFound: Path => Parsed[Page],
): RoutingRules[Page, Props] =
RoutingRulesF.bulkDynamic(toPage, fromPage, notFound)
// ===================================================================================================================
type RouterWithPropsConfig[Page, Props] = RouterWithPropsConfigF[Sync, Page, Props]
@inline def RouterWithPropsConfig[Page, Props](
rules : RoutingRules[Page, Props],
renderFn : (RouterCtl[Page], ResolutionWithProps[Page, Props]) => Props => VdomElement,
postRenderFn: (Option[Page], Page, Props) => Sync[Unit],
logger : Logger,
): RouterWithPropsConfig[Page, Props] =
RouterWithPropsConfigF(rules, renderFn, postRenderFn, logger)
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