japgolly.scalajs.react.test.TestDom.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package japgolly.scalajs.react.test
import japgolly.scalajs.react.test.internal.HtmlAssertionDsl
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.JsUtil
import org.scalajs.dom
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Try
object TestDom {
def apply(n: dom.Node): TestDom =
new TestDom {
override type Self = TestDom
override protected def Self(n2: dom.Node) = TestDom(n2)
override def node = n
override def toString = s"TestDom($node)"
// =====================================================================================================================
/** Wraps a DOM and provides utilities for testing its state.
* As an example `testDom.outerHTML.assert("Welcome")`
* @since 2.2.0
trait TestDom {
def node: dom.Node
assert(node.isInstanceOf[dom.Node], "Invalid test DOM. Expected a DOM node but got: " + node)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returning `TestDom`
type Self <: TestDom
protected def Self(n: dom.Node): Self
def select(f: dom.Node => dom.Node): Self =
def select(selectors: String): Self = {
val all = querySelectorAll(selectors)
all.length match {
case 1 => Self(all.head)
case 0 => throw new RuntimeException(s"No child of $node found matching '$selectors'")
case n => throw new RuntimeException(s"Found $n children of $node found matching '$selectors', expected 1. Use .selectFirst() instead to select the first matching result.")
def selectFirst(selectors: String): Self =
querySelectorOption(selectors) match {
case Some(e) => Self(e)
case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"No child of $node found matching '$selectors'")
def selectFirstChild(): Self =
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returning DOM
/** Cast the DOM as `A` or throw an exception. */
def as[A](implicit ct: ClassTag[A]): A =
(node: Any) match {
case a: A =>
case _ =>
val cls = ct.runtimeClass
val name = Try(cls.getSimpleName()).getOrElse(cls.getName())
throw new RuntimeException(s"Expected DOM to be a $name, got: $node")
def asButton(): dom.HTMLButtonElement =
def asDocument(): dom.Document =
def asDocumentFragment(): dom.DocumentFragment =
def asElement(): dom.Element =
def asHtml(): dom.HTMLElement =
def asInput(): dom.HTMLInputElement =
def asSelect(): dom.HTMLSelectElement =
def asTextArea(): dom.HTMLTextAreaElement =
def children(): Vector[dom.Node] =
def firstChild(): dom.Node =
def querySelector(selectors: String): dom.Element = {
.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s".querySelector() isn't available on $node"))
def querySelectorOption(selectors: String): Option[dom.Element] =
JsUtil.querySelectorFn(node).toOption.flatMap(f => Option(f(selectors)))
def querySelectorAll(selectors: String): Vector[dom.Element] =
// /**
// * Traverse all components in tree and accumulate all components where test(component) is true.
// * This is not that useful on its own, but it's used as a primitive for other test utils.
// */
// def findAllInRenderedTree(tree: Mounted, test: MountedOutput => Boolean): Vector[MountedOutput] =
// raw.findAllInRenderedTree(tree.raw, (m: RawM) => test(wrapMO(m))).iterator.map(wrapMO(_)).toVector
// /**
// * Finds all instance of components in the rendered tree that are DOM components with the class name
// * matching className.
// */
// def scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(tree: Mounted, className: String): Vector[MountedOutput] =
// raw.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(tree.raw, className).iterator.map(wrapMO(_)).toVector
// /**
// * Like [[scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass()]] but expects there to be one result, and returns that one result, or
// * throws exception if there is any other number of matches besides one.
// */
// def findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(tree: Mounted, className: String): MountedOutput =
// wrapMO(raw.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(tree.raw, className))
// /**
// * Finds all instance of components in the rendered tree that are DOM components with the tag name
// * matching tagName.
// */
// def scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(tree: Mounted, tagName: String): Vector[MountedOutput] =
// raw.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(tree.raw, tagName).iterator.map(wrapMO(_)).toVector
// /**
// * Like [[scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag()]] but expects there to be one result, and returns that one result, or
// * throws exception if there is any other number of matches besides one.
// */
// def findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(tree: Mounted, tagName: String): MountedOutput =
// wrapMO(raw.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(tree.raw, tagName))
// /** Finds all instances of components with type equal to componentClass. */
// def scryRenderedComponentsWithType(tree: Mounted, c: CompType): Vector[MountedOutput] =
// raw.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(tree.raw, c.raw).iterator.map(wrapMO(_)).toVector
// /**
// * Same as [[scryRenderedComponentsWithType()]] but expects there to be one result and returns that one result, or throws
// * exception if there is any other number of matches besides one.
// */
// def findRenderedComponentWithType(tree: Mounted, c: CompType): MountedOutput =
// wrapMO(raw.findRenderedComponentWithType(tree.raw, c.raw))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing
def innerHTML: HtmlAssertionDsl =
HtmlAssertionDsl.node("innerHTML", node, _.innerHTML)
def outerHTML: HtmlAssertionDsl =
HtmlAssertionDsl.node("outerHTML", node, _.outerHTML)
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