teststate.data.Or.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package teststate.data
sealed abstract class Or[+A, +B] extends Product with Serializable {
def fold[C](l: A => C, r: B => C): C
def cata[C](l: Left[A] => C, r: Right[B] => C): C
final def isLeft: Boolean =
final def isRight: Boolean =
this match {
case _: Right[B] => true
case _ => false
final def exists(f: B => Boolean): Boolean =
fold(_ => false, f)
final def flatMap[C >: A, D](f: B => C Or D): C Or D =
this match {
case Right(b) => f(b)
case l: Left[A] => l
final def map[C >: A, D](f: B => D): C Or D =
flatMap(b => Right(f(b)))
final def flatten[C, D](implicit ev: Or[A, B] <:< Or[C, C Or D]): C Or D =
final def >>[C >: A, D](r: => C Or D): C Or D =
flatMap(_ => r)
final def set[C >: A, D](d: => D): C Or D =
this >> Right(d)
final def bimap[C, D](l: A => C, r: B => D): C Or D =
fold(a => Left(l(a)), b => Right(r(b)))
final def recover[C >: B](f: A => C): C =
this match {
case Right(b) => b
case Left(a) => f(a)
final def leftMap[C, D >: B](f: A => C): C Or D =
this match {
case r: Right[B] => r
case Left(a) => Left(f(a))
final def test[C >: A](f: B => Option[C]): C Or B =
this match {
case r: Right[B] =>
f(r.right) match {
case None => r
case Some(a) => Left(a)
case l: Left[A] => l
final def leftOption: Option[A] =
fold(Some(_), _ => None)
final def toOption: Option[B] =
fold(_ => None, Some(_))
final def toOptionMap[C](f: B => C): Option[C] =
fold(_ => None, b => Some(f(b)))
final def toTri: Tri[A, B] =
final def toTriMap[C](f: B => C): Tri[A, C] =
toTriFlatMap(b => Passed(f(b)))
final def toTriFlatMap[C >: A, D](f: B => Tri[C, D]): Tri[C, D] =
fold(Failed(_), f)
final def toEither: Either[A, B] =
fold(scala.Left(_), scala.Right(_))
final case class Left[+A](left: A) extends Or[A, Nothing] {
override def fold[C](l: A => C, r: Nothing => C): C = l(left)
override def cata[C](l: Left[A] => C, r: Right[Nothing] => C): C = l(this)
final case class Right[+B](right: B) extends Or[Nothing, B] {
override def fold[C](l: Nothing => C, r: B => C): C = r(right)
override def cata[C](l: Left[Nothing] => C, r: Right[B] => C): C = r(this)
object Or {
def liftLeft[A, B](o: Option[A]): A Or Unit =
liftLeft(o, ())
def liftLeft[A, B](o: Option[A], b: => B): A Or B =
o.fold[A Or B](Right(b))(Left(_))
def fromScalaEither[A, B](e: A Either B): A Or B =
e.fold(Left(_), Right(_))
val rightTrue = Right(true)