teststate.run.Report.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package teststate.run
import japgolly.microlibs.name_fn._
import scala.annotation.elidable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import teststate.data.Failure
import teststate.run.Report._
import teststate.typeclass.DisplayError
case class Report[+E](name: Option[Name], history: History[Failure[E]], stats: Stats) {
@inline def failure = history.failure
@inline def failed = history.failed
@inline def result = history.result
def failureReason[e >: E](implicit displayError: DisplayError[e]): Option[Failure[String]] =
failure.map(_ map (err =>
(history.rootFailurePath.lastOption, Option(displayError display err).filter(_.nonEmpty)) match {
case (Some(f), Some(e)) => s"${f.name.value} -- $e"
case (Some(f), None ) => f.name.value
case (None , Some(e)) => e
case (None , None ) => "Failed without an error message."
@deprecated("Use .assert(true)", "2.2.0")
def assertF[EE >: E]()(implicit as: AssertionSettings, se: DisplayError[EE]): Unit =
assert[EE]()(as.withFailSettingsOnPass, se)
def assert[EE >: E](useFailSettingsOnPass: Boolean = false)
(implicit as: AssertionSettings, de: DisplayError[EE]): Unit = {
exception[EE].foreach(throw _)
/** Print the report to stdout */
def print[EE >: E](useFailSettingsOnPass: Boolean = false)
(implicit as: AssertionSettings, de: DisplayError[EE]): Unit = {
val fmt = if (useFailSettingsOnPass || failed) as.onFail else as.onPass
def exception[EE >: E](implicit de: DisplayError[EE]): Option[Throwable] =
failureReason(de) map { fe =>
fe.cause match {
case Some(NonFatal(e)) =>
case Some(e) =>
// Because UndefinedBehaviourErrors (and presumably other fatal errors) freeze Scala.JS
val x = new RuntimeException(e.getMessage)
case None =>
new AssertionError(fe.failure)
def format[EE >: E](implicit as: AssertionSettings, s: DisplayError[EE]): String =
def format[EE >: E](useFailSettingsOnPass: Boolean = false)
(implicit as: AssertionSettings, de: DisplayError[EE]): String =
format[EE](if (failed || useFailSettingsOnPass) as.onFail else as.onPass)(de)
def format[EE >: E](f: Format)(implicit de: DisplayError[EE]): String =
f.format[EE](this)(de) getOrElse ""
@deprecated("Use .format(true)", "2.2.0")
def formatF[EE >: E](implicit as: AssertionSettings, s: DisplayError[EE]): String =
format(as.withFailSettingsOnPass, s)
object Report {
// Help keep Exports small
type History[+E] = teststate.run.History[E]
val History = teststate.run.History
type Format = teststate.run.ReportFormat
val Format = teststate.run.ReportFormat
type Stats = teststate.run.Stats
val Stats = teststate.run.Stats
final case class AssertionSettings(onPass: Format, onFail: Format) {
def silenceOnPass: AssertionSettings =
copy(onPass = Format.quiet)
@deprecated("Use withFailSettingsOnPass", "2.2.0")
def failSettingsOnPass: AssertionSettings =
copy(onPass = onFail)
def withFailSettingsOnPass: AssertionSettings =
copy(onPass = onFail)
object AssertionSettings {
def uniform(format: Format): AssertionSettings =
AssertionSettings(format, format)
def uncoloured = AssertionSettings(
onPass = Format.Default.uncoloured.apply,
onFail = Format.Default.uncoloured.alwaysShowChildren.apply)
def coloured = AssertionSettings(
onPass = Format.Default.coloured.apply,
onFail = Format.Default.coloured.alwaysShowChildren.apply)
def default = coloured