teststate.run.Runner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package teststate.run
import japgolly.microlibs.name_fn._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import teststate.core.CoreExports._
import teststate.core.Types.SackE
import teststate.core._
import teststate.data.Result.{Fail, Pass, Skip}
import teststate.data._
import teststate.typeclass._
object Runner {
trait HalfCheck[O, S, E] {
type A
val check: Around.DeltaAux[OS[O, S], E, A]
val before: Tri[Failure[E], A]
def HalfCheck[O, S, E, a](_check: Around.DeltaAux[OS[O, S], E, a])(_before: Tri[Failure[E], a]): HalfCheck[O, S, E] =
new HalfCheck[O, S, E] {
override type A = a
override val check = _check
override val before = _before
val ActionName : Name = "Action"
val PreName : Name = "Pre-conditions"
val PostName : Name = "Post-conditions"
val InvariantsName: Name = "Invariants"
val Observation = "Observation"
val UpdateState = "Update expected state"
val InitialState = "Initial state."
val notRightRight: (Any Or (Any Or Any)) => Boolean = {
case x: Right[_] => x.isLeft
case _ => true
val obsAndTestFailed: (Any Or (Any, PostCheckResults[Any])) => Boolean = {
case Right((_, hh)) => hh.retry
case _ => true
final def foreachSack[I, A](sack: Sack[I, A])(i: I)(err: (Name, Throwable) => Unit)(f: A => Unit): Boolean = {
var coproductFound = false
def go(s: Sack[I, A]): Unit =
s match {
case Sack.Value(a) => f(a)
case Sack.Product(ss) => ss foreach go
case Sack.CoProduct(n, p) =>
coproductFound = true
ErrorHandler.id.attempt(p(i)) match {
case Right(s) => go(s)
case Left(e) => err(ErrorHandler.byToString.name(n, Some(i)), e.failure)
def foreachSackE[A, B, E](s: SackE[A, B, E])(a: A)(f: NamedError[Failure[E]] Or B => Unit)(implicit r: ErrorHandler[E]) =
foreachSack(s)(a)((n, t) => f(Left(NamedError(n, r(t)))))(f)
private case class ActionQueue[F[_], R, O, S, E](head: NamedError[Failure[E]] Or Action.Outer[F, R, O, S, E],
tail: Actions[F, R, O, S, E])
private case class Progress[F[_], R, O, S, E](queue : Option[ActionQueue[F, R, O, S, E]],
ros : ROS[R, O, S],
history: History[Failure[E]]) {
def failure: Option[Failure[E]] = history.failure
def failed : Boolean = history.failed
def :+(s: History.Step[Failure[E]]) = copy(history = history :+ s)
def ++(s: History.Steps[Failure[E]]) = copy(history = history ++ s)
def ++(s: History[Failure[E]]) = copy(history = history ++ s.steps)
private object Progress {
def prepareNext[F[_], R, O, S, E](actions: Actions[F, R, O, S, E],
ros : ROS[R, O, S],
history: History[Failure[E]])(implicit r: ErrorHandler[E]): Progress[F, R, O, S, E] = {
type As = Actions[F, R, O, S, E]
type Ret = Name Or (NamedError[Failure[E]] Or Action.Outer[F, R, O, S, E])
def queue(subject: As, tail: As): Option[(Ret, As)] =
subject match {
case Sack.Value(a) =>
Some((Right(a), tail))
case Sack.Product(as) =>
as.length match {
case 0 if tail.isEmpty => None
case 0 => queue(tail, Sack.empty)
case 1 => queue(as.head, tail)
case _ => queue(as.head, Sack.append(Sack.Product(as.tail), tail))
case Sack.CoProduct(n, p) =>
def name = r.name(n, None)
if (history.failed) {
Some((Right(Right(Action.Outer.skip(name))), tail))
} else
r.attempt(p(ros)) match {
case Right(as) =>
if (as.isEmpty) {
val name2 = r.name(n, ros.some)
Some((Left(name2), tail))
} else
queue(as, tail)
case Left(e) =>
Some((Right(Left(NamedError(r.name(n, ros.some), e))), tail))
queue(actions, Sack.empty) match {
case Some((Right(result), tail)) => Progress(Some(ActionQueue(result, tail)), ros, history)
case None => Progress(None, ros, history)
case Some((Left(name), tail)) => prepareNext(tail, ros, history :+ History.Step(name, Result.Pass))
private type CheckNE[C[_, _], O, S, E] = NamedError[Failure[E]] Or C[OS[O, S], E]
final class RefEq[+A <: AnyRef](val value: A) {
override def hashCode = value.hashCode
override def equals(x: Any) = x match {
case y: RefEq[AnyRef] => value eq y.value
case _ => false
final class UniqueListBuilder[A <: AnyRef] {
private val set = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty[RefEq[A]]
def +=(a: A): Unit = {
set add new RefEq(a)
def iterator(): Iterator[A] =
def result(): List[A] =
case class UnpackChecks[F[_], O, S, E](befores : F[Point [OS[O, S], E]],
deltas : F[Around.DeltaA[OS[O, S], E]],
afters : F[Point [OS[O, S], E]],
errors : F[NamedError[Failure[E]]],
coproductFound: Boolean)
object UnpackChecks {
def invariants[O, S, E](invariants: Invariants[O, S, E], input: OS[O, S])
(implicit r: ErrorHandler[E]): UnpackChecks[List, O, S, E] = {
type Builder[A <: AnyRef] = UniqueListBuilder[A]
def newBuilder[A <: AnyRef]: Builder[A] = new UniqueListBuilder[A]
def add[A <: AnyRef](b: Builder[A], a: A): Unit = b += a
def result[A <: AnyRef](r: Builder[A]): List[A] = r.result()
val ds = newBuilder[Around.DeltaA[OS[O, S], E]]
val as = newBuilder[Point [OS[O, S], E]]
val es = newBuilder[NamedError[Failure[E]]]
val coproductFound =
foreachSackE(invariants)(input) {
case Right(Invariant.Point(p)) => add(as, p)
case Right(Invariant.Delta(d)) => add(ds, d)
case Left(e) => add(es, e)
UnpackChecks(List.empty[Point[OS[O, S], E]], result(ds), result(as), result(es), coproductFound)
def arounds[O, S, E](arounds: Arounds[O, S, E], input: OS[O, S])
(implicit r: ErrorHandler[E]): UnpackChecks[List, O, S, E] = {
import Around.{Before, After}
type Builder[A <: AnyRef] = UniqueListBuilder[A]
def newBuilder[A <: AnyRef]: Builder[A] = new UniqueListBuilder[A]
def add[A <: AnyRef](b: Builder[A], a: A): Unit = b += a
def result[A <: AnyRef](r: Builder[A]): List[A] = r.result()
val bs = newBuilder[Point [OS[O, S], E]]
val ds = newBuilder[Around.DeltaA[OS[O, S], E]]
val as = newBuilder[Point [OS[O, S], E]]
val es = newBuilder[NamedError[Failure[E]]]
val coproductFound =
foreachSackE(arounds)(input) {
case Right(Around.Delta(d)) => add(ds, d)
case Right(Around.Point(p, Before)) => add(bs, p)
case Right(Around.Point(p, After)) => add(as, p)
case Left(e) => add(es, e)
UnpackChecks(result(bs), result(ds), result(as), result(es), coproductFound)
final case class PreCheck[+A](pre: A, invariants: A)
final case class PostCheckResults[+A](post: History[A], invariants: History[A]) {
def retry: Boolean =
post.failed || invariants.failed
def both: History[A] =
post ++ invariants
object PostCheckResults {
val empty = apply(History.empty, History.empty)
def run[F[_], R, O, S, E](test: Test[F, R, O, S, E])(initialState: S, refFn: () => R): F[Report[E]] = {
val runner = new Runner[F, R, O, S, E](test.retryPolicy)(test.executionModel, test.attempt)
runner.run(test)(initialState, refFn)
@inline implicit class RunnerTriExt[E, A](private val self: Tri[E, A]) extends AnyVal {
def noCause: Tri[Failure[E], A] =
self.mapE(Failure NoCause _)
@inline implicit class RunnerOptionExt[E](private val self: Option[E]) extends AnyVal {
def noCause: Option[Failure[E]] =
self.map(Failure NoCause _)
val retryInvariants: Any Or (Any, History[Any]) => Boolean = {
case Right((_, h)) => h.failed
case _ => true
val retryCheckAround0: ActionResult.PreCheckFail[Any] Or Any => Boolean = {
case Left(x) => x.retry
case _ => false
sealed trait ActionResultF[+V, +A, +P, +FE] {
def retry = false
object ActionResult {
case class Success[+V, +A](s: V, a: A) extends ActionResultF[V, A, Nothing, Nothing]
case object Skip extends ActionResultF[Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]
case class PreCheckFail[+P](progress: P, override val retry: Boolean) extends ActionResultF[Nothing, Nothing, P, Nothing]
case class ActionFail[+A, +FE](failure: FE, a: A) extends ActionResultF[Nothing, A, Nothing, FE] {
override def retry = true
case class ObsFail[+A, +FE](actionFailure: Option[FE], obsFailure: FE, a: A) extends ActionResultF[Nothing, A, Nothing, FE] {
override def retry = true
* Internal use only. Not thread-safe (due to mutable stats). Don't expose.
private final class Runner[F[_], R, O, S, E](retryPolicy: Retry.Policy)
(implicit EM: ExecutionModel[F], attempt: ErrorHandler[E]) {
import Runner.{ActionResultF => _, _}
private type FE = Failure[E]
private type H = History[FE]
private type HH = PostCheckResults[FE]
private type ROS = teststate.data.ROS[R, O, S]
private type Test = teststate.run.Test[F, R, O, S, E]
private type P = Progress[F, R, O, S, E]
private type ActionResult[+V, +A] = Runner.ActionResultF[V, A, P, FE]
// TODO Ref result should be in an F
// TODO Observer result should be in an F
private def withRetry[A](scope: Retry.Scope, impureRun: () => A)(failed: A => Boolean)
(implicit stats: Stats.Mutable): F[A] =
_withRetryF(scope, impureRun())(EM.point(impureRun()), failed)
private def withRetryF[A](scope: Retry.Scope, impureRun: => F[A])(failed: A => Boolean)
(implicit stats: Stats.Mutable): F[A] =
EM.flatMap(impureRun)(_withRetryF(scope, _)(impureRun, failed))
private def withRetryF1[A](scope: Retry.Scope, firstAttempt: => F[A], repeatAttempts: => F[A])(failed: A => Boolean)
(implicit stats: Stats.Mutable): F[A] =
EM.flatMap(firstAttempt)(_withRetryF(scope, _)(repeatAttempts, failed))
private def withRetryF1I[A](scope: Retry.Scope, firstAttempt: => F[A])(repeatAttempts: A => F[A], failed: A => Boolean)
(implicit stats: Stats.Mutable): F[A] =
EM.flatMap(firstAttempt)(a0 => _withRetryF(scope, a0)(repeatAttempts(a0), failed))
private def _withRetryF[A](scope: Retry.Scope, initialA: A)(retryF: => F[A], failed: A => Boolean)
(implicit stats: Stats.Mutable): F[A] = {
def retryWithStats = EM.flatMap(EM.point(stats.retries += 1))(_ => retryF)
retryPolicy.retryI(scope, initialA)(failed, retryWithStats)
private def observeWithRetry(test: Test, ref: R): F[FE Or O] =
withRetry[FE Or O](Retry.Scope.Observation, () => observeNoRetry(test, ref))(_.isLeft)
private def observeNoRetry(test: Test, ref: R): FE Or O =
attempt.recover(test.observer(ref).leftMap(Failure NoCause _), Left(_))
private implicit var stats: Stats.Mutable = _
def run(test: Test)(initialState: S, refFn: () => R): F[Report[E]] =
EM flatten EM.point {
stats = new Stats.Mutable
val refFnWithRetry: () => R =
() => retryPolicy.unsafeRetryOnException(Retry.Scope.Reference, refFn(), {
stats.retries += 1
val ref = refFnWithRetry()
val history: F[H] =
EM.flatMap(observeWithRetry(test, ref)) {
case Right(obs) =>
val ros = new ROS(ref, obs, initialState)
EM.map(subtest(test, Sack.empty, refFnWithRetry, ros, true))(_.history)
// TODO Using refFnWithRetry is the easy answer for now but it's incorrect
// It should be F[Error \/ Ref] without retry so that the get-ref-and-observe blocks
// have a proper retry that covers ref failures AND obs failures
case Left(e) =>
val s = History.Step(Observation, Fail(e))
val h = History(History.parent(InitialState, History(s)))
EM pure h
EM.map(history) { h =>
Report(test.name, h, stats.result())
/** First arg is step.failed */
private type PostCheckFn = Boolean => ROS => HH
private def runPreChecks(name : Name,
invariants: Invariants[O, S, E],
arounds : Arounds[O, S, E],
collapse : Boolean,
p : P): ActionResult.PreCheckFail[P] Or (PostCheckFn, (H, ROS, HH) => P) = {
// Perform before
val preResults: (PreCheck[H], PreCheck[UnpackChecks[List, O, S, E]]) = {
val checksPreI = UnpackChecks.invariants(invariants, p.ros)
val checksPreA = UnpackChecks.arounds(arounds, p.ros)
val checksPre = PreCheck(checksPreA, checksPreI)
val bI = History.newBuilder[E](stats)
val bA = History.newBuilder[E](stats)
checksPreA.errors foreach bA.addNE
checksPreI.errors foreach bI.addNE
bA.addEach(checksPreA.befores)(_.name)(p.ros.some, _.test(p.ros).noCause)
bI.addEach(checksPreI.befores)(_.name)(p.ros.some, _.test(p.ros).noCause)
val pre = PreCheck(bA.group(PreName), bI.group(PreName))
(pre, checksPre)
val pre = preResults._1.pre ++ preResults._1.invariants
val checksPre = preResults._2
if (pre.failed) {
val invariantsOk = !preResults._1.invariants.failed
val p2 = p :+ History.parent(name, pre)
Left(ActionResult.PreCheckFail(p2, invariantsOk))
} else {
def runHalfChecks(deltas: Iterable[Around.DeltaA[OS[O, S], E]],
prepend: Vector[HalfCheck[O, S, E]] = Vector.empty): Vector[HalfCheck[O, S, E]] = {
var b = prepend
for (d0 <- deltas) {
val d = d0.aux
val r = attempt.attempt(d.before(p.ros)).fold[Tri[FE, d.A]](Failed(_), _.noCause)
b :+= HalfCheck(d)(r)
// Perform around-pre
val halfChecksI: Vector[HalfCheck[O, S, E]] =
val postChecksFn: PostCheckFn =
failed =>
if (failed)
_ => PostCheckResults.empty
ros => {
val halfChecks = runHalfChecks(checksPre.pre.deltas, halfChecksI)
postChecks(halfChecks, checksPre, invariants, arounds, p, ros)
val postAction: (H, ROS, HH) => P = {
case (step, ros2, hh) =>
val collapseIfNoPost = collapse && pre.isEmpty && step.steps.length == 1
def collapsed = step.steps(0).copy(name = name)
val result: History.Step[FE] =
if (step.failed) {
if (collapseIfNoPost)
History.parent(name, pre ++ step)
} else {
val post = hh.both
if (collapseIfNoPost && post.isEmpty)
History.parent(name, pre ++ step ++ post)
p.copy(ros = ros2, history = p.history :+ result)
Right((postChecksFn, postAction))
private def runPreChecksWithRetry[A, B](preCheckFn: P => ActionResult.PreCheckFail[A] Or B,
reObserve : () => F[FE Or (R, O)],
p0 : P): F[ActionResult.PreCheckFail[A] Or B] = {
def retry: F[ActionResult.PreCheckFail[A] Or B] =
EM.map(reObserve()) {
case Right((r, o)) => preCheckFn(p0.copy(ros = ROS(r, o, p0.ros.state)))
case Left(_) => preCheckFn(p0)
withRetryF1(Retry.Scope.PreConditions, EM.point(preCheckFn(p0)), retry)(retryCheckAround0)
private def postChecks(hcs : Vector[HalfCheck[O, S, E]],
checksPre : PreCheck[UnpackChecks[List, O, S, E]],
invariants: Invariants[O, S, E],
arounds : Arounds[O, S, E],
p : P,
ros2 : ROS): HH = {
// TODO This didn't work out as planned - redo unpackChecks stuff
var checksPostA = checksPre.pre
var checksPostI = checksPre.invariants
if (checksPostA.coproductFound || checksPostI.coproductFound) {
checksPostA = UnpackChecks.arounds(arounds, ros2)
checksPostI = UnpackChecks.invariants(invariants, ros2)
// Post conditions
val post = {
val b = History.newBuilder[E](stats)
checksPostA.errors foreach b.addNE
c => c.check.name)(Some(BeforeAfter(p.ros, ros2)),
c => c.before.flatMap(a => Tri failedOption c.check.test(ros2, a).noCause)) // Perform around-post
b.addEach(checksPostA.afters)(_.name)(ros2.some, _.test(ros2).noCause) // Perform post
// Check invariants
val invs = {
val b = History.newBuilder[E](stats)
checksPostI.errors foreach b.addNE
b.addEach(checksPostI.afters)(_.name)(ros2.some, _.test(ros2).noCause)
PostCheckResults(post, invs)
private def runWithChecksAround(runPreChecksF: => F[ActionResult.PreCheckFail[P] Or (PostCheckFn, (H, ROS, HH) => P)],
run : PostCheckFn => F[(H, ROS, HH)]): F[P] =
EM.flatMap(runPreChecksF) {
case Right((postCheckFn, onComplete)) =>
case Left(ActionResult.PreCheckFail(p2, _)) =>
private def runAction[X](actionFn : ROS => Option[() => F[E Or (O => E Or S)]],
reObserve: () => F[FE Or (R, O)],
ros0 : ROS,
preChecks: ROS => ActionResult.PreCheckFail[P] Or X): F[ActionResult[O => E Or S, X]] = {
type Result = ActionResult[O => E Or S, X]
type ResultF = F[Result]
def go(ros: ROS): ResultF =
actionFn(ros) match {
case Some(act1) =>
preChecks(ros) match {
case Right(x) =>
stats.actions += 1
def act2(): F[FE Or (O => E Or S)] = EM.map(act1())(_.leftMap(Failure NoCause _))
def act3(): F[FE Or (O => E Or S)] = EM.recover(act2())
EM.map(act3()) {
case Right(nextStateFn) => ActionResult.Success(nextStateFn, x)
case Left(e) => ActionResult.ActionFail(e, x)
case Left(e) => EM.pure(e)
case None =>
lazy val initialPreCheck = preChecks(ros0)
def onRetry(initialFailure: Result): ResultF =
EM.flatMap(reObserve()) {
case Right((r, o)) => go(ROS(r, o, ros0.state))
case Left(e) =>
val actionFailure: Option[FE] =
initialFailure match {
case ActionResult.ActionFail(fe, _) => Some(fe)
case _ => None // The shit types don't let me prove this but this isn't possible
EM.pure(initialPreCheck.fold(identity, ActionResult.ObsFail(actionFailure, e, _)))
withRetryF1I(Retry.Scope.Action, go(ros0))(onRetry, _.retry)
private def subtest(test: Test,
nonInitialInvariants: Invariants[O, S, E],
refFn: () => R,
initROS: ROS,
summariseFinalResult: Boolean): F[P] = {
def start(actions: Actions[F, R, O, S, E], ros: ROS, history: H = History.empty) =
go(Progress.prepareNext(actions, ros, history))
def go(p0: P): F[P] =
EM.tailrecA(p0)(_.queue.isEmpty) { p =>
val queue = p.queue.get
import p.ros
val processNextStep: F[P] =
queue.head match {
case Right(Action.Outer(nameFn, innerAction, check)) =>
if (p.failed)
EM.pure(p :+ History.Step.skip(nameFn))
else {
val name = attempt.name(nameFn, ros.some)
val reObserve: () => F[FE Or (R, O)] =
() => EM.point {
val ref = refFn()
observeNoRetry(test, ref).map((ref, _))
val invariants = nonInitialInvariants & test.invariants
innerAction match {
// ==============================================================================
case Action.Single(prepareAction) =>
val actionResultF =
runAction(prepareAction, reObserve, p.ros, ros =>
runPreChecks(name, invariants, check, true, p.copy(ros = ros)))
def fail(f: (H, ROS, HH) => P, h: Name => H) =
f(h(ActionName), ros, PostCheckResults.empty)
EM.flatMap(actionResultF) {
case ActionResult.Success(nextStateFn, (postCheckFn, onComplete)) =>
EM.map(observeAndTestWithRetry(refFn, test, nextStateFn, postCheckFn(false))) {
case Right((ros2, hh)) => onComplete(histPassFn(ActionName), ros2, hh)
case Left((where, fe)) => fail(onComplete, hist2Fn(Pass, History.Step(where, Fail(fe))))
case ActionResult.PreCheckFail(p2, _) =>
case ActionResult.ActionFail(e, (_, onComplete)) =>
EM pure fail(onComplete, hist1Fn(Fail(e)))
case ActionResult.ObsFail(Some(ae), oe, (_, onComplete)) =>
EM pure fail(onComplete, hist2Fn(Fail(ae), History.Step(Observation, Fail(oe))))
case ActionResult.ObsFail(None, e, (_, onComplete)) =>
EM pure fail(onComplete, hist1Fn(Fail(e)))
case ActionResult.Skip =>
EM.pure(p :+ History.Step(name, Skip))
// ==============================================================================
case Action.Group(actions, cond) =>
def run(postCheckFn: PostCheckFn): F[(H, ROS, HH)] =
EM.flatMap(start(actions, ros))(childResults => {
val runPostChecks: ROS => (ROS, HH) = {
val f = postCheckFn(childResults.history.failed)
ros2 => (ros2, f(ros2))
val initialPostCheck: (ROS, HH) =
def reObserveAndPostCheck: F[(ROS, HH)] =
EM.map(reObserve()) {
case Right((r, o)) => runPostChecks(ROS(r, o, ros.state))
case Left(_) => initialPostCheck
def postCheckWithRetry: F[(ROS, HH)] =
_withRetryF(Retry.Scope.PostConditions, initialPostCheck)(reObserveAndPostCheck, _._2.retry)
EM.map(postCheckWithRetry)(x => (childResults.history, x._1, x._2))
// Retry here doesn't make sense. This bit is pure and deterministic
attempt.attempt(cond.permit(p.ros)) match {
case Right(Right(true)) =>
val preChecks1 = (p: P) => runPreChecks(name, invariants, check, false, p)
def preChecksF = runPreChecksWithRetry(preChecks1, reObserve, p)
runWithChecksAround(preChecksF, run)
case Right(Right(false)) =>
EM.pure(p :+ History.Step(name, Skip))
case Right(Left(e)) =>
EM.pure(p :+ History.Step(name, Fail(Failure NoCause e)))
case Left(e) =>
EM.pure(p :+ History.Step(name, Fail(e)))
// ==============================================================================
case Action.SubTest(action, subInvariants) =>
val runFn = (postChks: PostCheckFn) => {
val t = Plan(action, subInvariants).test(test.observer)
val subP = subtest(t, invariants, refFn, ros, false)
EM.map(subP)(s => (s.history, s.ros, postChks(s.history.failed)(s.ros)))
val p0 = p.copy(history = History.empty)
val preChecks1 = (p: P) => runPreChecks(name, Sack.empty, check, false, p)
def preChecksF = runPreChecksWithRetry(preChecks1, reObserve, p0)
val logic = runWithChecksAround(preChecksF, runFn)
EM.map(logic)(s => s.copy(history = p.history ++ s.history))
case Left(NamedError(n, e)) =>
EM.pure(p :+ History.Step(n, Fail(e)))
EM.map(processNextStep)(p => Progress.prepareNext(queue.tail, p.ros, p.history))
def runInvariants(ros: ROS): (ROS, H) = {
val invariantsPoints = {
val ps = new UniqueListBuilder[Point[OS[O, S], E]]
val es = new UniqueListBuilder[NamedError[FE]]
foreachSackE(test.invariants)(ros) {
case Right(Invariant.Point(p)) => ps += p
case Right(Invariant.Delta(_)) => ()
case Left(e) => es += e
type T = CheckNE[Point, O, S, E]
val pi = ps.iterator().map[T](Right(_))
val ei = es.iterator().map[T](Left(_))
(pi ++ ei).toList
val h: H =
if (invariantsPoints.isEmpty)
else {
val children = {
val b = History.newBuilder[E](stats)
b.addEachNE(invariantsPoints)(_.name)(ros.some, _.test(ros).noCause)
History(History.parent(InitialState, children))
(ros, h)
def runInvariantsOnRetry(): FE Or (ROS, H) = {
val r = refFn()
observeNoRetry(test, r).map(o => runInvariants(ROS(r, o, initROS.state)))
def runAfterInvariants(ros: ROS, initialHistory: H): F[P] = {
val fh: F[P] =
if (initialHistory.failed)
EM.pure(Progress[F, R, O, S, E](None, ros, initialHistory))
start(test.actions, ros, initialHistory)
EM.map(fh) { p =>
import p.{history => h}
// Summarise
val h2: H =
if (h.isEmpty)
History(History.Step("Nothing to do.", Skip))
else if (summariseFinalResult)
h.result match {
case Pass => h :+ History.Step("All pass.", Pass)
case Skip => h :+ History.Step("All skipped.", Skip)
case Fail(_) => h
p.copy(history = h2)
val runInvariantsWithRetry: F[FE Or (ROS, H)] =
_withRetryF[FE Or (ROS, H)](
EM.point(runInvariantsOnRetry()), retryInvariants)
EM.flatMap(runInvariantsWithRetry) {
case Right((ros, h)) => runAfterInvariants(ros, h)
case Left(e) =>
val s = History.Step(Observation, Fail(e))
val h = History(History.parent(InitialState, History(s)))
EM.pure(Progress[F, R, O, S, E](None, initROS, h))
private def hist1Fn(r: Result[FE]): Name => H =
n => History(vector1(History.Step(n, r)))
private val histPassFn = hist1Fn(Pass)
private def hist2Fn(r: Result[FE], hs: History.Step[FE]): Name => H =
n => History(vector1(History.Step(n, r)) :+ hs)
private def observeAndTestWithRetry(refFn: () => R, test: Test,
nextStateFn: O => E Or S, postChecks: ROS => HH)
: F[(String, FE) Or (ROS, HH)] = {
def withoutRetry: F[(String, FE) Or (ROS, HH)] = {
val ref = refFn()
EM.map(observeWithRetry(test, ref)) {
case Right(obs) =>
attempt.attempt(nextStateFn(obs)) match {
case Right(Right(state)) =>
val ros = ROS(ref, obs, state)
Right((ros, postChecks(ros)))
case Right(Left(e)) => Left((UpdateState, Failure NoCause e))
case Left(fe) => Left((UpdateState, fe))
case Left(e) => Left((Observation, e))
withRetryF(Retry.Scope.PostAction, withoutRetry)(obsAndTestFailed)