japgolly.webapputil.general.Protocol.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package japgolly.webapputil.general
/** Uni-directional protocol. */
trait Protocol[F[_]] { self =>
type Type
val codec: F[Type]
final type AndValue = Protocol.AndValue[F] { type Type = self.Type }
final def andValue(v: Type): AndValue =
new Protocol.AndValue[F] {
override type Type = self.Type
override val codec = self.codec
override val value = v
object Protocol {
type Of[F[_], A] = Protocol[F] { type Type = A }
def apply[F[_], A](c: F[A]): Of[F, A] =
new Protocol[F] {
override type Type = A
override val codec = c
trait AndValue[F[_]] {
type Type
val codec: F[Type]
val value: Type
override def toString = s"Protocol.AndValue($value)"
def unsafeForceType[A]: AndValue.Of[F, A] =
this.asInstanceOf[AndValue.Of[F, A]]
object AndValue {
type Of[F[_], A] = AndValue[F] { type Type = A }
// ===================================================================================================================
/** Polymorphic bi-directional protocol.
* This is polymorphic in the sense that the response protocol can vary based on the runtime value of the request.
* By calling `prepareSend` with a request value, one can get back the appropriate, associated response protocol.
trait RequestResponse[F[_]] {
type RequestType
type ResponseType
final type PreparedSend = RequestResponse.PreparedSend.Of[F, PreparedRequestType, ResponseType]
type PreparedRequestType
def prepareSend(r: RequestType): PreparedSend
object RequestResponse {
/** Monomorphic bi-directional protocol. */
type Simple[F[_], Req, Res] = RequestResponse[F] {
type RequestType = Req
type ResponseType = Res
type PreparedRequestType = Req
/** Monomorphic bi-directional protocol. */
def simple[F[_], Req, Res](res: Protocol.Of[F, Res]): Simple[F, Req, Res] =
new RequestResponse[F] {
override type RequestType = Req
override type ResponseType = Res
override type PreparedRequestType = Req
override def prepareSend(r: Req) = PreparedSend(r, res)
trait PreparedSend[F[_], Req] {
val request : Req
val response: Protocol[F]
object PreparedSend {
type Of[F[_], Req, Res] = PreparedSend[F, Req] {
val request : Req
val response: Protocol.Of[F, Res]
def apply[F[_], Req, Res](req: Req, res: Protocol.Of[F, Res]): Of[F, Req, Res] =
new PreparedSend[F, Req] {
override val request = req
override val response: Protocol.Of[F, Res] = res
// ===================================================================================================================
object WebSocket {
/** Client can send requests (ReqRes)
* Server can send messages (Push)
trait ClientReqServerPush[F[_]] {
type ReqId
type ReqRes <: Protocol.RequestResponse[F] { type PreparedRequestType = Req }
final type Req = req.Type
final type Push = push.Type
val url: Url.Relative
val req: Protocol[F]
val push: Protocol[F]
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