japgolly.webapputil.indexeddb.Txn.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package japgolly.webapputil.indexeddb
import cats.Monad
import japgolly.webapputil.indexeddb.TxnMode._
/** Embedded language for safely working with(in) an IndexedDB transaction.
* This is necessary because whilst all the transaction methods are async, any other type of asynchronicity is not
* supported and will result in IndexedDB automatically committing and closing the transaction, in which case,
* further interaction with the transaction will result in a runtime error.
* Therefore, returning [[AsyncCallback]] from within transactions is dangerous because it allows composition of
* both kinds of asynchronicity. To avoid this, we use this embedded language and don't publicly expose its
* interpretation/translation to [[AsyncCallback]]. From the call-site's point of view, a `Txn[A]` is completely
* opaque.
* This also has a nice side-effect of ensuring that transaction completion is always awaited because we do it in the
* transaction functions right after interpretation. Otherwise, the call-sites would always need to remember to do it
* if live transaction access were exposed.
* @tparam A The return type.
final case class Txn[+M <: TxnMode, +A](step: TxnStep[M, A]) { self =>
import TxnStep._
def map[B](f: A => B): Txn[M, B] =
Txn(Map(step, f))
def void: Txn[M, Unit] =
map(_ => ())
object Txn {
@inline implicit final class InvariantOps[M <: TxnMode, A](private val self: Txn[M, A]) extends AnyVal {
import TxnStep._
def flatMap[N <: TxnMode, B](f: A => Txn[N, B])(implicit m: TxnMode.Merge[M, N]): Txn[m.Mode, B] = {
val step = FlatMap[m.Mode, A, B](m.substM(self.step), a => m.substN(f(a).step))
@inline def unless(cond: Boolean)(implicit ev: TxnStep[RO, Option[Nothing]] => Txn[M, Option[Nothing]]): Txn[M, Option[A]] =
@inline def unless_(cond: Boolean)(implicit ev: TxnStep[RO, Unit] => Txn[M, Unit]): Txn[M, Unit] =
def when(cond: Boolean)(implicit ev: TxnStep[RO, Option[Nothing]] => Txn[M, Option[Nothing]]): Txn[M, Option[A]] =
if (cond) self.map(Some(_)) else ev(none)
def when_(cond: Boolean)(implicit ev: TxnStep[RO, Unit] => Txn[M, Unit]): Txn[M, Unit] =
if (cond) self.void else ev(unit)
def >>[N <: TxnMode, B](f: Txn[N, B])(implicit m: TxnMode.Merge[M, N]): Txn[m.Mode, B] = {
val next = m.substN(f.step)
val step = FlatMap[m.Mode, A, B](m.substM(self.step), _ => next)
type CatsInstance[M <: TxnMode] = Monad[Txn[M, *]]
def catsInstance[M <: TxnMode](dsl: TxnDsl[M]): CatsInstance[M] =
new CatsInstance[M] {
override def pure[A](a: A) = dsl.pure(a)
override def map[A, B](fa: Txn[M, A])(f: A => B) = fa map f
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: Txn[M, A])(f: A => Txn[M, B]) = fa flatMap f
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Txn[M, Either[A, B]]) = dsl.tailRec(a)(f)
implicit def catsInstanceRO: CatsInstance[RO] = catsInstance(TxnDslRO)
implicit def catsInstanceRW: CatsInstance[RW] = catsInstance(TxnDslRW)
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