com.github.jasoma.stsync.ide.WebIDE.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.jasoma.stsync.ide
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import org.jsoup.Connection
import org.jsoup.Connection.Response
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import javax.script.ScriptException
* Encapsulates the HTTP api exposed by the SmartThings IDE. As the IDE uses a combination of JSON responses and server side rendering
* this class does both JSON parsing and HTML scraping to recover the necessary information.
class WebIDE {
private static final String HOST = ""
private static final String SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = "JSESSIONID"
def Map cookies = [:]
def Map headers = [:]
def loggedIn
* Connect to a specific path on the WebIDE host. If {@link #login(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)} has been called then
* the stored headers/cookies needed to authenticate will be set.
* @param path the path to connect to.
* @return a configured request containing any stored headers or cookies.
def Connection connect(String path) {
def connection = (path.startsWith("/")) ? Jsoup.connect("$HOST$path") : Jsoup.connect("$HOST/$path");
cookies.each { connection.cookie(it.key, it.value) }
headers.each { connection.header(it.key, it.value) }
return connection
* Authenticates a user with the WebIDE and saves the session data needing to authenticate subsequent requests.
* @param username the username to login with.
* @param password the users password.
* @throws LoginException if the authentication fails.
def void login(String username, String password) throws LoginException {
def response = connect("j_spring_security_check")
.data("j_username", username)
.data("j_password", password)
if (response.statusCode() != 302 || !response.hasCookie(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME)) {
throw ApiException.unexpectedResult()
if (response.header('location')?.contains('authfail')) {
throw new LoginException()
loggedIn = true
* Fetches the list of apps for this user.
* @return a list of the apps from the ide server.
def List apps() {
def appsPage = connect('/ide/apps').get()
def tableData ='#smartapp-table tbody tr')
if (tableData.isEmpty()) {
throw ApiException.unexpectedResult()
return tableData.collect { SmartAppProject.fromRow(it, this) }
* Fetches all the resource descriptors for a project.
* @param projectId the id of the project to load resources for.
* @return the resources for that project.
def AppResources downloadResourcesList(SmartAppProject project) {
def connection = connect('/ide/app/getResourceList')
def response = connection.execute()
if (response.statusCode() != 200 || !response.contentType().contains('json')) {
throw ApiException.unexpectedResult()
return AppResources.fromJson(response.body())
* Fetches the user script for an app project.
* @param project the project to get the script for.
* @return the entire text of the script.
def String downloadScript(SmartAppProject project) {
if (!project.hasScript()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No script file was found in the resources for project ${} (${}). " +
"Full resource list:\n${JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(project.rawResources))}")
def connection = connect('/ide/app/getCodeForResource')
.data('resourceId', project.getScriptEntry()['id'] as String)
.data('resourceType', 'script')
def response = connection.execute()
if (response.statusCode() != 200 || !response.contentType().contains('groovy')) {
throw ApiException.unexpectedResult()
return response.body();
* Upload a new version of an app script file to a project.
* @param project the project to upload the script to.
* @param script the script contents.
* @throws ScriptException if the script cannot be compiled on the remote server.
def void uploadScript(SmartAppProject project, String script) throws ScriptException {
def connection = connect('/ide/app/compile')
.data('resourceId', project.getScriptEntry()['id'] as String)
.data('resourceType', 'script')
.data('code', script)
def response = connection.execute()
if (response.statusCode() != 200 || !response.contentType().concat('json')) {
throw ApiException.unexpectedResult()
* Fetches the list of device handlers for this user.
* @return a list of device handlers from the server.
def List deviceHandlers() {
def devicePage = connect('/ide/devices').get()
def tableData ='#devicetype-table tbody tr')
if (tableData.isEmpty()) {
throw ApiException.unexpectedResult()
return tableData.collect { DeviceHandlerProject.fromRow(it, this) }
* Fetches the user script for a device handler project.
* @param project the project to get the script for.
* @return the entire text of the script.
def String downloadScript(DeviceHandlerProject project) {
def editor = connect("/ide/device/editor/${}").get()
def codeBlock ='#code')
if (codeBlock.isEmpty()) {
throw ApiException.unexpectedResult()
return codeBlock.first().text()
* Upload a new version of a device script file to a project.
* WARNING: Unlike when uploading an app script the WebIDE currently will save non-compiling device handler scripts.
* If compilation fails the script must be manually rolled back with another upload.
* @param project the project to upload the script to.
* @param script the script contents.
* @throws ScriptException if the script cannot be compiled on the remote server.
def void uploadScript(DeviceHandlerProject project, String script) {
def connection = connect('/ide/device/compile')
.data('code', script)
def response = connection.execute()
if (response.statusCode() != 200 || !response.contentType().concat('json')) {
throw ApiException.unexpectedResult()
private def ensureLoggedIn() {
if (!loggedIn) {
throw new IllegalStateException("`login(username, password) must be called before accessing other methods on the WebIDE")
private def checkCompileErrors(Response response) {
def parser = new JsonSlurper()
def results = parser.parseText(response.body())
def errors = results['errors']
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScriptException("The script failed to compile on the remote server, errors:\n\t${errors.join('\n\t')}")
static class LoginException extends Exception {
LoginException() {
super('Could not login to the WebIDE, check your username and password are correct')