com.github.javaparser.utils.PositionUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2024 The JavaParser Team.
* This file is part of JavaParser.
* JavaParser can be used either under the terms of
* a) the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* b) the terms of the Apache License
* You should have received a copy of both licenses in LICENCE.LGPL and
* LICENCE.APACHE. Please refer to those files for details.
* JavaParser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.github.javaparser.utils;
import com.github.javaparser.Position;
import com.github.javaparser.Range;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Modifier;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.NodeList;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.FieldDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.AnnotationExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.nodeTypes.NodeWithAnnotations;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import static java.lang.Integer.signum;
public final class PositionUtils {
private PositionUtils() {
// prevent instantiation
public static void sortByBeginPosition(List nodes) {
sortByBeginPosition(nodes, false);
public static void sortByBeginPosition(NodeList nodes) {
sortByBeginPosition(nodes, false);
public static void sortByBeginPosition(List nodes, final boolean ignoringAnnotations) {
nodes.sort((o1, o2) ->, o2, ignoringAnnotations));
public static boolean areInOrder(Node a, Node b) {
return areInOrder(a, b, false);
public static boolean areInOrder(Node a, Node b, boolean ignoringAnnotations) {
return compare(a, b, ignoringAnnotations) <= 0;
private static int compare(Node a, Node b, boolean ignoringAnnotations) {
if (a.hasRange() && !b.hasRange()) {
return -1;
if (!a.hasRange() && b.hasRange()) {
return 1;
if (!a.hasRange() && !b.hasRange()) {
return 0;
if (ignoringAnnotations) {
int signLine = signum(beginLineWithoutConsideringAnnotation(a) - beginLineWithoutConsideringAnnotation(b));
if (signLine == 0) {
return signum(beginColumnWithoutConsideringAnnotation(a) - beginColumnWithoutConsideringAnnotation(b));
return signLine;
Position aBegin = a.getBegin().get();
Position bBegin = b.getBegin().get();
int signLine = signum(aBegin.line - bBegin.line);
if (signLine == 0) {
return signum(aBegin.column - bBegin.column);
return signLine;
public static AnnotationExpr getLastAnnotation(Node node) {
if (node instanceof NodeWithAnnotations) {
NodeList annotations = NodeList.nodeList(((NodeWithAnnotations>) node).getAnnotations());
if (annotations.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return annotations.get(annotations.size() - 1);
return null;
private static int beginLineWithoutConsideringAnnotation(Node node) {
return firstNonAnnotationNode(node).getRange().get().begin.line;
private static int beginColumnWithoutConsideringAnnotation(Node node) {
return firstNonAnnotationNode(node).getRange().get().begin.column;
private static Node firstNonAnnotationNode(Node node) {
if (node instanceof ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) {
// Modifiers appear before the class name --
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration casted = (ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration) node;
Modifier earliestModifier = casted.getModifiers().stream().filter(modifier -> modifier.hasRange()).min(Comparator.comparing(o -> o.getRange().get().begin)).orElse(null);
if (earliestModifier == null) {
return casted.getName();
return earliestModifier;
if (node instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
// Modifiers appear before the class name --
MethodDeclaration casted = (MethodDeclaration) node;
Modifier earliestModifier = casted.getModifiers().stream().filter(modifier -> modifier.hasRange()).min(Comparator.comparing(o -> o.getRange().get().begin)).orElse(null);
if (earliestModifier == null) {
return casted.getType();
return earliestModifier;
if (node instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
// Modifiers appear before the class name --
FieldDeclaration casted = (FieldDeclaration) node;
Modifier earliestModifier = casted.getModifiers().stream().filter(modifier -> modifier.hasRange()).min(Comparator.comparing(o -> o.getRange().get().begin)).orElse(null);
if (earliestModifier == null) {
return casted.getVariable(0).getType();
return earliestModifier;
return node;
* Compare the position of two nodes. Optionally include annotations within the range checks.
* This method takes into account whether the nodes are within the same compilation unit.
* Note that this performs a "strict contains", where the container must extend beyond the other node in both
* directions (otherwise it would count as an overlap, rather than "contain").
* If `ignoringAnnotations` is false, annotations on the container are ignored. For this reason, where
* `container == other`, the raw `other` may extend beyond the sans-annotations `container` thus return false.
public static boolean nodeContains(Node container, Node other, boolean ignoringAnnotations) {
if (!container.hasRange()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare the positions of nodes if container node does not have a range.");
if (!other.hasRange()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare the positions of nodes if contained node does not have a range.");
// // FIXME: Not all nodes seem to have the compilation unit available?
// if (!Objects.equals(container.findCompilationUnit(), other.findCompilationUnit())) {
// // Allow the check to complete if they are both within a known CU (i.e. the CUs are the same),
// // ... or both not within a CU (i.e. both are Optional.empty())
// return false;
// }
final boolean nodeCanHaveAnnotations = container instanceof NodeWithAnnotations;
// final boolean hasAnnotations = PositionUtils.getLastAnnotation(container) != null;
if (!ignoringAnnotations || PositionUtils.getLastAnnotation(container) == null) {
// No special consideration required - perform simple range check.
return container.containsWithinRange(other);
if (!container.containsWithinRange(other)) {
return false;
if (!nodeCanHaveAnnotations) {
return true;
// If the node is contained, but it comes immediately after the annotations,
// let's not consider it contained (i.e. it must be "strictly contained").
Node nodeWithoutAnnotations = firstNonAnnotationNode(container);
Range rangeWithoutAnnotations = container.getRange().get().withBegin(nodeWithoutAnnotations.getBegin().get());
return rangeWithoutAnnotations.// .contains(other.getRange().get());