com.github.jeroenr.tepkin.auth.ScramSha1Authentication.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.github.jeroenr.tepkin.auth
import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef}
import{Received, Write}
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.element.BinarySubtype
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.util.Converters
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.{BsonDocument, BsonDsl, BsonValueNumber, Implicits}
import com.github.jeroenr.tepkin.MongoCredentials
import com.github.jeroenr.tepkin.protocol.command.Command
import com.github.jeroenr.tepkin.protocol.message.Reply
import com.github.jeroenr.tepkin.util.{Crypto, Randomizer}
trait ScramSha1Authentication extends Authentication with Crypto with Randomizer {
this: Actor with ActorLogging =>
private[this] case class Step0(rPrefix: String,
clientFirstMessageBare: String,
clientFirstMessage: Array[Byte])
private[this] case class Step1(serverSignature: Array[Byte],
clientFinalMessage: Array[Byte])
private[this] case class SaslStart(databaseName: String, message: ByteString) extends Command {
override def command: BsonDocument = {
("saslStart" := 1) ~
("mechanism" := "SCRAM-SHA-1") ~
("payload" := Binary(message, BinarySubtype.Generic))
private[this] case class SaslContinue(databaseName: String, conversationId: Int, message: ByteString) extends Command {
override def command: BsonDocument = {
("saslContinue" := 1) ~
("conversationId" := conversationId) ~
("payload" := Binary(message, BinarySubtype.Generic))
private val GS2_HEADER = "n,,"
private val RANDOM_LENGTH = 24
private def prepareUsername(username: String): String = {
username.replace("=", "=3D").replace(",", "=2D")
private def parseServerResponse(response: String): Map[String, String] = {
response.split(",").map(_.split("=", 2)).map(array => (array(0), array(1))).toMap
private def computeStep0(username: String): Step0 = {
val preparedUsername = "n=" + prepareUsername(username)
val rPrefix = randomString(RANDOM_LENGTH)
val nonce = s"r=$rPrefix"
val clientFirstMessageBare = s"$preparedUsername,$nonce"
val clientFirstMessage = GS2_HEADER + clientFirstMessageBare
rPrefix = rPrefix,
clientFirstMessageBare = clientFirstMessageBare,
clientFirstMessage = decodeUtf8(clientFirstMessage)
private def computeStep1(challenge: Array[Byte], username: String, password: String, step0: Step0): Step1 = {
val serverFirstMessage = encodeUtf8(challenge)
val response = parseServerResponse(serverFirstMessage)
val r = response("r")
if (!r.startsWith(step0.rPrefix)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Server sent an invalid nonce.")
val s = response("s")
val iterations = response("i")
val channelBinding = "c=" + encodeBase64(decodeUtf8(GS2_HEADER))
val nonce = s"r=$r"
val clientFinalMessageWithoutProof = s"$channelBinding,$nonce"
val saltedPassword = keyDerive(Converters.md5Hex(s"$username:mongo:$password"), decodeBase64(s), iterations.toInt)
val clientKey = hmac(saltedPassword, "Client Key")
val storedKey = sha1(clientKey)
val authMessage = step0.clientFirstMessageBare + "," + serverFirstMessage + "," + clientFinalMessageWithoutProof
val clientSignature = hmac(storedKey, authMessage)
val clientProof = xor(clientKey, clientSignature)
val serverKey = hmac(saltedPassword, "Server Key")
val serverSignature = hmac(serverKey, authMessage)
val proof = "p=" + encodeBase64(clientProof)
val clientFinalMessage = clientFinalMessageWithoutProof + "," + proof
serverSignature = serverSignature,
clientFinalMessage = decodeUtf8(clientFinalMessage)
private def computeStep2(challenge: ByteString, step1: Step1): ByteString = {
val response = parseServerResponse(encodeUtf8(challenge.toArray))
if (response("v") != encodeBase64(step1.serverSignature)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Server signature was invalid.")
override def authenticate(connection: ActorRef, databaseName: String, credentials: Option[MongoCredentials]): Unit = {
val step0 = computeStep0(credentials.get.username)
val command = SaslStart(databaseName, ByteString(step0.clientFirstMessage))
context.become(step1(connection, databaseName, credentials, step0))
connection ! Write(command.encode)
private def step1(connection: ActorRef, databaseName: String, credentials: Option[MongoCredentials], step0: Step0): Receive = {
case Received(data) =>
for {
reply <- Reply(data.asByteBuffer)
result <- reply.documents.headOption
conversationId <- result.getAs[Int]("conversationId")
payload <- result.get[Binary]("payload")
} {
val step1 = computeStep1(payload.value.toArray, credentials.get.username, credentials.get.password.get, step0)
val command = SaslContinue(databaseName, conversationId, ByteString(step1.clientFinalMessage))
context.become(stepN(2, connection, databaseName, conversationId, step1))
connection ! Write(command.encode)
private def stepN(n: Int, connection: ActorRef, databaseName: String, conversationId: Int, step1: Step1): Receive = {
case Received(data) =>
for {
reply <- Reply(data.asByteBuffer)
result <- reply.documents.headOption
} result.get[BsonValueNumber]("ok") match {
case Some(number) if number.toInt == 0 =>
log.error(result.getAs[String]("errmsg").getOrElse("Authentication failed."))
case _ =>
result.getAs[Boolean]("done") match {
case Some(true) =>
case Some(false) if n == 2 =>
val payload = result.get[Binary]("payload").get
val command = SaslContinue(databaseName, conversationId, computeStep2(payload.value, step1))
context.become(stepN(n + 1, connection, databaseName, conversationId, step1))
connection ! Write(command.encode)
case _ =>
log.error("Too many steps involved in the SCRAM-SHA-1 negotiation.")