com.github.jeuxjeux20.guicybukkit.PluginDependencies Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.jeuxjeux20.guicybukkit;
import com.github.jeuxjeux20.guicybukkit.command.CommandConfigurator;
import com.github.jeuxjeux20.guicybukkit.command.CommandNotFoundException;
import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import java.util.Set;
* A simple object to gather all injected {@linkplain Listener}s and {@linkplain CommandConfigurator}s,
* and register them in plugins.
* Here is an example on how to use {@link PluginDependencies} with a {@link PluginModule} in a {@link JavaPlugin}:
* public class MyAwesomePlugin extends JavaPlugin {
* @Override
* public void onLoad() {
* Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AwesomePluginModule());
* PluginDependencies.fromInjector(injector).registerAll(this);
* // The UsefulListener is added, and HelloCommand is registered!
* }
* private class AwesomePluginModule extends PluginModule {
* public AwesomePluginModule() {
* super(MyAwesomePlugin.this);
* }
* @Override
* protected void configureListeners(Multibinder<Listener> binder) {
* binder.addBinding().to(UsefulListener.class);
* }
* @Override
* protected void configureCommands(Multibinder<CommandConfigurator> binder) {
* binder.addBinding().to(HelloCommand.class);
* }
* }
* }
* @see #fromInjector(Injector)
public class PluginDependencies {
private final Set listeners;
private final Set commandsConfigurators;
* Creates a new instance of {@link PluginDependencies} with the specified
* {@code listeners} and {@code commands}.
* @param listeners the listeners
* @param commands the commands
public PluginDependencies(Set listeners, Set commands) {
this.listeners = listeners;
this.commandsConfigurators = commands;
* Creates a {@link PluginDependencies} instance using the specified {@code injector}.
* @param injector the injector to use
* @return an instance of {@link PluginDependencies} from the specified {@code injector}.
* @implSpec This implementation uses the {@link Injector#getInstance(Class)} method
* to get an instance of {@link PluginDependencies}.
public static PluginDependencies fromInjector(Injector injector) {
return injector.getInstance(PluginDependencies.class);
* Gets the injected listeners.
* @return the listeners
public final Set getListeners() {
return listeners;
* Gets the injected commands.
* @return the commands
public final Set getCommandsConfigurators() {
return commandsConfigurators;
* Registers all listeners in the specified {@code plugin}.
* @param plugin the plugin to use to register the listeners
* @implSpec The default implementation uses the server's {@link PluginManager} to register a listener.
* This is the equivalent of this code:
* {@code for (Listener listener : listeners) {
* plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(listener, plugin);
* }}
public void registerListeners(Plugin plugin) {
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(listener, plugin);
* Runs {@link #registerCommands(CommandConfigurator.CommandFinder)} using the specified {@code plugin}.
* @param plugin the plugin to register the commands to
* @implSpec The default implementation uses {@link #registerCommands(CommandConfigurator.CommandFinder)}, and gets
* the command using {@link JavaPlugin#getCommand(String)} on the specified {@code plugin}.
* This would be equivalent to this code (without the null checks):
{@code for (CommandConfigurator configurator : commandsConfigurators) {
* PluginCommand command = plugin.getCommand(configurator.getCommandName());
* configurator.configureCommand(command);
* }}
* @see #registerCommands(CommandConfigurator.CommandFinder)
public final void registerCommands(JavaPlugin plugin) {
* Executes every {@linkplain CommandConfigurator command configurator} with each command retrieved
* using the specified {@code commandFinder} with the name
* the {@linkplain CommandConfigurator command configurator} requests.
* If the {@code commandFinder} returns {@code null},
* this method will throw a {@link CommandNotFoundException}.
* @throws CommandNotFoundException when {@code commandFinder} returns {@code null}.
* @param commandFinder a command finder used to find the command for each command configurator
public void registerCommands(CommandConfigurator.CommandFinder commandFinder) {
for (CommandConfigurator commandConfigurator : commandsConfigurators) {
String commandName = commandConfigurator.getCommandName();
PluginCommand pluginCommand = commandFinder.find(commandName);
if (pluginCommand == null) {
throw new CommandNotFoundException("Couldn't find the command " + commandName + ".");
* Registers all listeners and commands on the specified {@code plugin}.
* @param plugin the plugin to register the listeners and commands to.
* @implSpec The default implementation applies {@link #registerListeners(Plugin)}
* and {@link #registerCommands(JavaPlugin)} on the specified {@code plugin}.
public void registerAll(JavaPlugin plugin) {