webapp.fileserve-webapp.venice Maven / Gradle / Ivy
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; File serving application
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(load-module :tomcat ['tomcat :as 'tc])
(load-module :ring)
(load-module :mimetypes)
; ensure the Tomcat libs are on the classpath
(def files-base-dir (io/file-absolute (io/file "." "resources")))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Ring handler
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn not-found-handler [request]
{ :status 404
:headers { "Content-Type" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" }
:body "Not Found!" })
(defn file-handler [dir request]
(if (str/starts-with? (:uri request) "/static/")
(let [uri (:uri request)
file (io/file dir (str/strip-start uri "/static/"))
mimetype (or (mimetypes/probe-content-type file)
(if (and (io/exists-file? file)
(io/file-can-read? file)
(io/file-within-dir? dir file))
{ :status 200
:headers { "Content-Type" mimetype }
:body file } ;; may be a string, bytebuf, :InputSream, :File
(not-found-handler request)))
(not-found-handler request)))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Middleware configuration
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(when-not (io/exists-dir? files-base-dir)
(throw (ex :VncException
"The file base dir ~{files-base-dir} does not exits!")))
;; A route is defined by a HTTP verb, a URI filter and a handle
;; function.
;; If multiple routes match the route with the longest URI filter
;; will be chosen
(def routes [[:get "/**" not-found-handler]
[:get "/static/**" (partial file-handler files-base-dir)]])
(defn fileserve-servlet []
(ring/create-servlet (-> (ring/match-routes routes) ; >--+
; |
;(ring-mw/mw-dump-response) ; ^ |
;(ring-mw/mw-dump-request) ; | |
(ring-mw/mw-request-counter) ; | |
(ring-mw/mw-add-session 3600) ; | |
(ring-mw/mw-print-uri) ; | |
(ring-mw/mw-debug :on)))) ; +--+
;; Tomcat server options
(def tomcat-opts { :await? false ;; do not block - return after start
:base-dir "."
:port 8080 })
;; start Tomcat (wires Tomcat with the ring servlets)
(let [server (tc/start [ [ (fileserve-servlet)
{ :name "fileserve-servlet"
:mapping "/*" } ] ]
(defn stop [] (tc/shutdown server)))
(println "File server dir: " + files-base-dir)
(println "Tomcat started on port ~(:port tomcat-opts).")
(println "Open a browser: (sh/open \"http://localhost:8080\")")
(println "Stop it by calling: (stop)")