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;;;;   __    __         _
;;;;   \ \  / /__ _ __ (_) ___ ___
;;;;    \ \/ / _ \ '_ \| |/ __/ _ \
;;;;     \  /  __/ | | | | (_|  __/
;;;;      \/ \___|_| |_|_|\___\___|
;;;; Copyright 2017-2024 Venice
;;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;;; limitations under the License.

;;;; Venice ring
;;;; Venice Ring is a port of Clojure's Ring web applications library
;;;; (

(ns ring)

(load-module :ring-multipart)
(load-module :ring-mw)
(load-module :ring-session)
(load-module :ring-util)

(import :com.github.jlangch.venice.RingRedirectException

(import :jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
(import :jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Ring Servlet
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ^{ :arglists '("(ring/create-servlet handler)")
     :doc """
          Create a ring servlet.
     :see-also '( "ring/match-routes") }

  create-servlet [handler]

  (. :VeniceServlet :new
    (proxify :IVeniceServlet
      { :init      (fn [servlet config]  (. servlet :log "Initialized"))
        :destroy   (fn [servlet]         (. servlet :log "Destroyed"))
        :doGet     (fn [servlet req res] (ring/handle req res servlet handler))
        :doHead    (fn [servlet req res] (ring/handle req res servlet handler))
        :doPost    (fn [servlet req res] (ring/handle req res servlet handler))
        :doPut     (fn [servlet req res] (ring/handle req res servlet handler))
        :doDelete  (fn [servlet req res] (ring/handle req res servlet handler))
        :getLastModified (fn [req] -1) })))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Routing
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ^{ :arglists '("(ring/match-routes routes)")
     :doc """
          Compile the routes and return a function that calls the handler
          matching the URI.

          A route is defined by a HTTP verb, a URI filter and a handle
          function. If multiple routes match the route with the longest
          URI filter will be chosen.
          (def routes [
            [:get    "/**"                   hello-world-handler]
            [:get    "/test/**"              test-handler]
            [:get    "/static/images/*.png"  image-handler]
            [:get    "/employees"             get-all-employees]
            [:get    "/employees/:id"         get-employee]
            [:post   "/employees"             create-employee]
            [:put    "/employees/:id"         update-employee]
            [:delete "/employees/:id"         delete-employee] ])
          Routing URI pattern filters:
          *  "/**"
          *  "/app/**"
          *  "/static/images/chart.png"
          *  "/static/images/*.png"
          *  "/static/**/*.png"

          A routing handler is single argument function that receives the
          request and returns a response.

          Handler request:

          | [![width: 15%]]     | [![width: 85%]] |
          | :server-port        | The server port. E.g.: 8080 |
          | :server-name        | The server name. E.g.: localhost |
          | :remote-addr        | The remote address. E.g.: "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" |
          | :uri                | The request URI. E.g.: "/employees" |
          | :query-string       | The query string |
          | :scheme             | The scheme {:http, :https } |
          | :request-method     | The lower case request method. \
                                  {:get, :post, :put, :delete, :head, :options, \
                                   :trace } |
          | :protocol           | The protocol. E.g. "HTTP/1.1" |
          | :headers            | A map of part's headers. Key: header name, \
                                  value: list of header values. The header \
                                  names are mapped to lower case.¶ \
                                  Use `(first ("xxxx" :headers))` to get a \
                                  single value header |
          | :parameters         | A name/value map of the request parameters | 
          | :cookies            | A map of the cookies. Key: cookie name, \
                                  value: the Java servlet cookie object |
          | :content-type       | The content type (may be nil) |
          | :content-length     | The content length |
          | :character-encoding | The character encoding |
          | :ssl-client-cert    | The client certificate, if available |
          | :parts              | A list of parts, empty for non multipart \
                                  requests |
          | :body               | The content part as input stream  |

          Handler response:

          { :status 400
            :headers { "Content-Type" "text/plain" }
            :body "Not a json request!" }

          The `:body` element of a handler response may be a:
            * string
            * bytebuf
          Rigging up a Ring WEB App and starting Tomcat:

            (ring/create-servlet (-> (ring/match-routes routes)     ; >--+
                                                                    ;    |
                                     (ring-mw/mw-dump-request)      ; ^  |
                                     (ring-mw/mw-request-counter)   ; |  |
                                     (ring-mw/mw-add-session 3600)  ; |  |
                                     (ring-mw/mw-print-uri)         ; |  |
                                     (ring-mw/mw-debug :on)))       ; +--+
            {:await? false})
     :see-also '( "ring/create-servlet") }

  match-routes [routes]

  (let [compiled (ring/compile-routes routes)]
    (fn [req]
      (let [verb       (:request-method req)
            uri        (:uri req)
            req-params (:parameters req)
            route      (ring/get-route verb uri compiled)]
        (if route
          (let [handler    (:handler route)
                uri-params (zipmap (:uri-param-names route '())
                                    ((:uri-param-values route) uri))
                params     (merge req-params uri-params)
                req        (assoc req :parameters params)]
            (when (ring-util/debug? req)
                  (println (str "Route: " verb " \"" uri "\" -> " (name handler)))
                  (println (str "URI parameters: " uri-params)))
            (handler req))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Request handling
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ^{ :doc """
          Bootstrap the handler chain. Builds the request from then
          HttpServletRequest and calls the handler with the request.
          Builds the HttpServletResponse from the handler's response.
          Sends a not-found HTTP response if the handler returned a
          nil response. Sends a redirect if a handler raises a
          RingRedirectException. In case of any other exception sends
          an internal-error (HTTP status 500) response.
          """ }

  handle [req res servlet handler]

    (if (. req :isAsyncSupported)
      (handle-async-request req res servlet handler)
      (handle-sync-request req res servlet handler))
    (catch :RingRedirectException ex
      (ring/send-redirect req res (:redirectUri ex)))
    (catch :VncException ex
      (. ex :printVeniceStackTrace)
      (ring/send-error req res))
    (catch :Exception ex
      (. ex :printStackTrace)
      (ring/send-error req res))))

(defn- handle-sync-request [request response servlet handler]
   (handle-request request response  servlet handler 
                   { :async? false }))

(defn- handle-async-request [request response servlet handler]
  (let [async-context  (. request :startAsync request response)
                       ;; ensure formal type for Tomcat RequestFacade and 
                       ;; ResponseFacade. From Tomcat 10+ on these facades 
                       ;; implement 
                       ;;   - jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 
                       ;;   - jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
                       ;; instead of javax.servlet.http.*
                       ;; The package 'jakarta.servlet' comes with the 
                       ;; Tomcat 10+ core library.
        async-request  (cast :HttpServletRequest (. async-context :getRequest))
        async-response (cast :HttpServletResponse (. async-context :getResponse))]

    ;; run the request handler asynchronously in its own thread and 
    ;; return immediately
    (future (fn [] (try 
                     (handle-request async-request async-response servlet handler
                                     { :async?         true 
                                       :async-context  async-context
                                       :async-request  async-request
                                       :async-response async-response })
                     (catch :RingRedirectException ex
                       (ring/send-redirect async-request async-response (:redirectUri ex)))
                     (catch :VncException ex
                       (. ex :printVeniceStackTrace)
                       (ring/send-error async-request async-response))
                     (catch :Exception ex
                       (. ex :printStackTrace)
                       (ring/send-error async-request async-response))
                     (finally (. async-context :complete)))))))

(defn- handle-request [request response servlet handler request-options]
  (let [async?     (:async? request-options)
        ring-req   (-> (ring/build-request-map request)
                       (merge request-options)
                       (ring/merge-servlet-keys servlet request response))
                    ;; run the handler chain
        ring-res   (handler ring-req)]
    (if ring-res
      (do (when-let [status (:status ring-res)]
            (. response :setStatus status))
          (ring/set-response-headers response (dissoc (:headers ring-res)))
          (ring/write-body-to-stream (:body ring-res) 
                                     (. response :getOutputStream)))
      (when-not async?
        ;; send a not-found response only when not in async mode
        (ring/send-not-found request response)))))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Request utils
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ^{ :arglists '(
          "(ring/get-header request name)")
     :doc """
          Returns the multi-value header named 'name'. 

          Returns `nil` if the header does not exist.
          """ }

  get-header [request name]

  (assert (map? request))
  (assert (string? name))
  (assert (not-empty? name))
  (->> (:headers request)
        (filter #(str/equals-ignore-case? name (first %)))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Request/Response utils (internal)
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ^{ :arglists '("(ring/set-response-headers response headers)")
     :doc "Update a HttpServletResponse with a map of headers." }

  set-response-headers [response headers]

  (doseq [[k v] headers]
    (if (string? v)
      (. response :setHeader k v)
      (doseq [i v] (. response :setHeader k i))))

  ; Some headers must be set through specific methods
  (if-let [content-type (get headers "Content-Type")]
    (. response :setContentType content-type)))

(defn- make-output-stream [response async-context]
  (let [os (. response :getOutputStream)]
    (if (nil? async-context)
      (. :FilterOutputStreamCloseCB :new
         (proxify :Runnable {:run (fn [] (. context :complete))} )))))

(defn- write-body-to-stream [body response output-stream]
    (string? body)
        (try-with [os output-stream]
          (if-let [charset (ring-util/get-charset response)]
            (io/spit-stream os body :flush true :encoding charset)
            (io/spit-stream os body :flush true)))

    (bytebuf? body)
        (try-with [os output-stream]
          (io/spit-stream os body :flush true))

    (instance-of? body)
        (try-with [os output-stream]
          (io/copy-stream body os))

    (instance-of? body)
        (try-with [os output-stream]
          (io/copy-file body os))

        (throw (ex :VncException 
                   Unsupported response body type '~(type body)'. Use one of \
                   {string, bytebuf,,}

  ^{ :arglists '("(ring/build-request-map request)")
     :doc "Create the request map from the HttpServletRequest object." }

  build-request-map [request]

    (let [content-type (. request :getContentType)
          multipart?   (ring-multipart/multipart-content-type? content-type)] 
        :server-port        (. request :getServerPort)
        :server-name        (. request :getServerName)
        :remote-addr        (. request :getRemoteAddr)
        :uri                (. request :getRequestURI)
        :query-string       (. request :getQueryString)
        :scheme             (keyword (. request :getScheme))
        :request-method     (keyword (str/lower-case (. request :getMethod)))
        :protocol           (. request :getProtocol)
        :headers            (ring-util/get-headers request)
        :parameters         (ring-util/get-parameters request)
        :cookies            (ring-util/get-cookies request)
        :content-type       content-type
        :content-length     (ring-util/get-content-length request)
        :character-encoding (. request :getCharacterEncoding)
        :ssl-client-cert    (ring-util/get-client-cert request)
        :parts              (if multipart? (ring-multipart/map-parts request) '())
        :body               (. request :getInputStream)))

    (catch [:cause-type :java.lang.IllegalStateException] e
      (let [e (ex-cause e)]
        (if (= (ex-message e) "Unable to process parts as no multi-part configuration has been provided")
          (throw (ex :VncException 
                    The servlet is not configured for multi-part!

                    Please provide a multi-part configuration to the servlet:
                    { :name                 "fileupload-servlet" 
                      :mapping              "/upload"

                      ;; multi-part configuration
                      :file-upload          true
                      :location             "/tmp"
                      :max-file-size        10485760
                      :max-request-size     10485760
                      :file-size-threshold  -1 } 
          (throw e))))))

   ^{ :arglists '("(ring/merge-servlet-keys request-map servlet request response)")
      :doc "Associate servlet-specific keys with the request map." }

   merge-servlet-keys [request-map servlet request response]

   (merge request-map
          {:servlet              servlet
           :servlet-request      request
           :servlet-response     response
           :servlet-context      (. servlet :getServletContext)
           :servlet-path         (. request :getServletPath)
           :servlet-context-path (. request :getContextPath) }))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Routing (internal)
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn uri-matches-regex [regex uri]
  (regex/matches? (regex/matcher regex uri)))

(defn uri-filter-regex [uri-filter]
  ;; handles URIs like:
  ;; "/abc/**/*.png"
  ;;    1) split:     "/abc/" "**" "/" "*" ".png"
  ;;    2) escape:    "\\Q/abc/\\E" "**" "\\Q/\\E" "*" "\\Q.png\\E"
  ;;    3) translate: "\\Q/abc/\\E" ".*" "\\Q/\\E" "[^/]+" "\\Q.png\\E"
  ;;    4) join
  ;;    5) compile pattern
  (-<> uri-filter
       (str/split <> "((?<=[*]{2})|(?=[*]{2}))")
       (map #(if (== "**" %) % (str/split % "((?<=[*])|(?=[*]))")) <>)
       (flatten <>)
       (map #(if (or (== "**" %) (== "*" %)) % (str "\\Q" % "\\E")) <>)
       (map #(if (== "**" %) ".*" %) <>)
       (map #(if (== "*" %) "[^/]+" %) <>)
       (str/join "" <>)
       (regex/pattern <>)))

(defn uri-params-regex [uri-template]
  ;; handles URIs like:
  ;;   /users/:id
  ;;   /users/:id/playlists/:playlistid
  ;;    1) mark:      "/users/:PARAM/playlists/:PARAM"
  ;;    1) split:     "/users/" ":PARAM" "/playlists/" "*" ":PARAM"
  ;;    2) escape:    "\\Q/users/\\E" ":PARAM" " "\\Q/playlists/\\E" ":PARAM"
  ;;    3) translate: "\\Q/users/\\E" "([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)" " "\\Q/playlists/\\E" "([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)"
  ;;    4) join
  ;;    5) compile pattern
  (-<> uri-template
       (str/replace-all <> (regex/pattern ":[0-9a-zA-Z_]+") ":PARAM")
       (str/split <> "((?<=:PARAM)|(?=:PARAM))")
       (map #(if (== ":PARAM" %) % (str/split % "((?<=:PARAM)|(?=:PARAM))")) <>)
       (flatten <>)
       (map #(if (== ":PARAM" %) "([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)" (str "\\Q" % "\\E")) <>)
       (str/join "" <>)
       (regex/pattern <>)))

(defn- get-uri-param-names [uri-template]
  (-<> (regex/pattern ":[0-9a-zA-Z_]+")
       (regex/matcher <> uri-template)
       (regex/find-all <>)
       (map #(keyword %) <>)))

(defn- get-uri-param-values [uri-regex uri]
  (rest (regex/matches uri-regex uri)))

(defn compile-route-filter-uri [route]
  { :verb (first route)
    :uri (second route)
    :uri-regex (ring/uri-filter-regex (second route))
    :uri-param-names '()
    :uri-param-values (fn [uri] '())
    :len (count (second route))
    :handler (third route) })

(defn compile-route-params-uri [route]
  (let [regex (ring/uri-params-regex (second route))]
    { :verb (first route)
      :uri (second route)
      :uri-regex regex
      :uri-param-names (ring/get-uri-param-names (second route))
      :uri-param-values (fn [uri] (ring/get-uri-param-values regex uri))
      :len (count (second route))
      :handler (third route) }))

(defn compile-routes [routes]
   (fn [route]
       (if (str/contains? (second route) ":")
         (ring/compile-route-params-uri route)
         (ring/compile-route-filter-uri route)))

(defn- priority-route [routes]
  (if (empty? routes)
    (last (sort #(compare (:len %1) (:len %2)) routes))))

(defn- get-route [verb uri routes]
    (filter (fn [route]
                (and (== verb (:verb route))
                     (ring/uri-matches-regex (:uri-regex route) uri)))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Request/Response functions
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn- accepts-mimetype? [req mimetype]
  (str/contains? (. req :getHeader "Accept") mimetype))

(defn- send-redirect [req res redirect-uri]
  (. res :sendRedirect (str (. req :getContextPath) redirect-uri)))

(defn- send-not-found [req res]
  (. res :setStatus 404)
  (let [wr (. res :getWriter)]
    (if (accepts-mimetype? req "txt/html")
        (. res :setContentType "text/html")
        (. res :setCharacterEncoding "UTF-8")
        (. wr :println (ring-util/html-box-page 
                            "Not Found"
                            "The requested webpage was not found!")))
        (. res :setContentType "text/plain")
        (. res :setCharacterEncoding "UTF-8")
        (. wr :println "Not Found\r\n\r\nThe requested webpage was not found!")))))

(defn- send-error [req res]
  (. res :setStatus 500)
  (let [wr (. res :getWriter)]
    (if (accepts-mimetype? req "txt/html")
        (. res :setContentType "text/html")
        (. res :setCharacterEncoding "UTF-8")
        (. wr :println (ring-util/html-box-page 
                            "Internal Error"
                            "The request processing failed!")))
        (. res :setContentType "text/plain")
        (. res :setCharacterEncoding "UTF-8")
        (. wr :println "Internal Error\r\n\r\nThe request processing failed!")))))

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