![JAR search and dependency download from the Maven repository](/logo.png)
com.github.jlangch.venice.venice.venice Maven / Gradle / Ivy
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Venice shell
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; This Venice shell is started by a launcher script:
;; venice.sh MacOSX & Linux
;; venice.bat Windows
;; On MacOSX / Linux the launcher script looks like:
;; cd /Users/juerg/Desktop/scripts/
;; ${JAVA_8_HOME}/bin/java \
;; -server \
;; -cp "lib:libs/*" com.github.jlangch.venice.Launcher \
;; -Xmx2G \
;; -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow \
;; -Dvenice.repl.home=${VENICE_REPL_HOME} \
;; -colors \
;; -macroexpand \
;; -app-repl venice.venice
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(load-module :gradlew)
(load-module :ansi)
(load-module :java)
(import :com.github.jlangch.venice.EofException)
;; see https://www.ascii-art-generator.org/ with font "standard"
(defonce logo
__ __ _
\\ \\ / /__ _ __ (_) ___ ___
\\ \\/ / _ \\ '_ \\| |/ __/ _ \\
\\ / __/ | | | | (_| __/
\\/ \\___|_| |_|_|\\___\\___|
""" )
(defonce COLOR_THEMES {
:light { :logo "[38;5;33m"
:status "[38;5;64m"
:result "[38;5;20m"
:stdout "[38;5;243m"
:stderr "[38;5;208m"
:debug "[38;5;29m"
:warning "[38;5;208m"
:error "[38;5;196m" }
:dark { :logo "[38;5;33m"
:status "[38;5;64m"
:result "[38;5;20m"
:stdout "[38;5;243m"
:stderr "[38;5;208m"
:debug "[38;5;29m"
:warning "[38;5;208m"
:error "[38;5;196m" } } )
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Configuration -
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defonce proj-name "venice") ;; Venice Git/Eclipse project name
(defonce proj-home (str/strip-end (system-env :VENICE_PROJECT_HOME) "/"))
(defonce repl-home (str/strip-end (system-env :VENICE_REPL_HOME) "/"))
;; Java 8 is mandatory for "./gradlew eclipse", the Eclipse Venice project must
;; be based on Java 8!
(defonce java-8-home (str/strip-end (system-env :JAVA_8_HOME) "/"))
(defonce java-home java-8-home)
(defonce sonatype-user "xxxxxx")
(defonce cmd-line-prompt (str "vshell> "))
(defonce gradle-std-options ["--warning-mode=all"
;; "--info"
;; "--debug"
(defonce display-status-bar? false)
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Commands -
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn exit []
(printlnc :error "Terminating shell...")
(sleep 600)
(throw (ex :EofException "exit")))
(defn deploy []
;; deploy the Venice jar to REPL
(let [repl-libs-dir (io/file repl-home "libs")
proj-libs-dir (io/file proj-home "build/libs")]
(io/delete-files-glob repl-libs-dir "venice-*.jar")
(io/copy-files-glob proj-libs-dir repl-libs-dir "venice-*.jar")))
(defn publish [pgp-key sonatype-pwd]
(assert (some? pgp-key) "Please provide the PGP key ID (e.g. 0000AAAA)!")
(assert (some? sonatype-pwd) "Please provide the Sonatype password!")
(assert (not-match? sonatype-user "[x?]*") "Please configure the Sonatype user!")
(gradle-tasks "clean"
(defn gradle-tasks [& args]
(apply gradlew/run* proj-home
(partial printlnc :stdout)
(partial printlnc :stderr)
(concat gradle-std-options args)))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; REPL launcher utils -
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- start-repl [java-major]
(println "Starting new REPL: (~{repl-home})")
(sh/open (repl-script-path java-major)))
(defn- repl-script-path [java-major]
(let [base-name (case (to-long java-major)
8 "repl"
11 "replJava11"
17 "replJava17"
21 "replJava21"
(case (os-type)
:mac-osx (str repl-home "/" base-name ".sh")
:linux (str repl-home "/" base-name ".sh")
:windows (str repl-home "/" base-name ".bat"))))
(defn- to-long [s]
(if (and (string? s) (match? s "[1-9][0-9]*")) (long s) nil))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Util -
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn fatal-error-and-exit [msg]
(printlnc :error msg)
(printlnc :error "")
(throw (ex :EofException "exit")))
(defn invalid-cmd [msg]
(printlnc :warning msg))
(defn display-welcome-msg []
(docoll #(printlnc-bold :logo %) (str/split-lines logo)))
(defn show-color-theme []
(doseq [code [:logo :status :result :stdout :stderr :warning :error]]
(printlnc code (name code))))
(defn printlnc [color-code text]
(println (ansi/style (str text) (ansi-color color-code))))
(defn printlnc-bold [color-code text]
(println (ansi/style (str text) :bold (ansi-color color-code))))
(defn ansi-color [code]
(code ((repl/color-theme) COLOR_THEMES (:light COLOR_THEMES)) :stdout))
(defn help []
b|build build the Venice project
r|rebuild build, deploy, and start a Venice console
s|start start the Venice console
T|tests run the Venice unit tests
t|task t1 tN run one or more Venice project Gradle tasks
c|cheatsheet generate the Venice cheatsheet
P|pdfdoc show the cheat sheet PDF
d|dependencies list the Venice dependencies
e|eclipse update the Eclipse project classpath
p|publish k p publish Venice artefacts, requires pgp-key & password
C|colors print the color theme
i|info display the configuration
h|!|help display the help
q|quit quit the shell
x|exit quit the shell
(defn display-info []
Gradle: ~(gradlew/version proj-home)
Java version: ~(java-version)
User home: ~(io/user-home-dir)
Working dir: ~(io/user-dir)
Project home: ~{proj-home}
Build Java 8: ~{java-8-home}
Build Java 11: ~{java-11-home}
Color theme: ~(repl/color-theme)
Terminal: [~(repl/term-cols) x ~(repl/term-rows)]
(defn display-status-bar []
(when display-status-bar?
(let [cols (repl/term-cols)
left (str/format "%s" (version))
right ""
delim (str/repeat "-" (- cols 8 (count left) (count right)))]
(printlnc :status "-- ~{left} ~{delim} ~{right} --"))))
(defn run-command [cmd & args]
(nil? cmd) nil
(match? cmd "b|build") (gradle-tasks "clean" "shadowJar")
(match? cmd "r|rebuild") (do (gradle-tasks "clean" "shadowJar")
(start-repl (first args)))
(match? cmd "s|start") (start-repl (first args))
(match? cmd "c|cheatsheet") (gradle-tasks "cheatsheet")
(match? cmd "cp") (do (gradle-tasks "cheatsheet")
(sh/open (io/file proj-home "cheatsheet.pdf")))
(match? cmd "P|pdfdoc") (sh/open (io/file proj-home "cheatsheet.pdf"))
(match? cmd "d|dependencies") (gradle-tasks "dependencies")
(match? cmd "e|eclipse") (gradle-tasks "eclipse")
(match? cmd "T|tests") (gradle-tasks "clean" "test")
(match? cmd "p|publish") (publish (first args) (second args))
(match? cmd "t|task") (apply gradle-tasks args)
(match? cmd "C|colors") (show-color-theme)
(match? cmd "i|info") (display-info)
(match? cmd "h|!|help") (help)
(match? cmd "x|exit") (exit)
(match? cmd "q|quit") (exit)
:else (printlnc :warning "Invalid command: ~{cmd}")))
(defn split-command [cmd]
(let [c (str/trim-to-nil cmd)]
(if (some? c)
(->> (regex/matcher "([^\"]\\S*|\".+?\")\\s*" c)
(map str/trim-to-nil)
(filter some?)
(map str/double-unquote))
(defn handle-command [cmd]
(apply run-command (split-command cmd))
(catch :EofException ex
(throw ex))
(catch :VncException ex
(printlnc :error (ex-venice-stacktrace ex)))
(catch :java.lang.Exception ex
(printlnc :error (str "Error: " (:message ex))))))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; MAIN -
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(when-not (io/exists-dir? proj-home)
(fatal-error-and-exit "The Venice project dir '~{proj-home}' does not exist!"))
(when-not (io/exists-dir? repl-home)
(fatal-error-and-exit "The REPL dir '~{repl-home}' does not exist!"))
(when-not (io/exists-dir? java-home)
(fatal-error-and-exit "The JAVA home '~{java-home}' does not exist!"))
;; configure the REPL
(repl/prompt! cmd-line-prompt)
(repl/handler! handle-command)
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