dlm.model.DlmFsvSystem.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector, DenseMatrix, diag}
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import cats.implicits._
import breeze.numerics.exp
* Fit a DLM with the system variance modelled using an FSV model
* and latent log volatility modelled using continuous time
* Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
object DlmFsvSystem {
* The state of the Gibbs Sampler
* @param p the current parameters of the MCMC
* @param theta the current state of the mean latent state (DLM state)
* of the DLM FSV model
* @param factors the factors of the observation model
* @param volatility the log-volatility of the system variance
case class State(
p: DlmFsvParameters,
theta: Vector[SamplingState],
factors: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])],
volatility: Vector[SamplingState]
* Read DLM FSV parameters with a factor structure on the system matrix
* from a list of doubles
* @param vDim the dimension of the observation matrix
* @param wDim the dimension of the latent-state
* @param k the number of factors
* @param l a list of doubles representing parameter from a DLM FSV system model
def paramsFromList(vDim: Int, wDim: Int, k: Int)(
l: List[Double]): DlmFsvParameters =
DlmParameters.fromList(vDim, wDim)(l.take(vDim + wDim * 3)),
FsvParameters.fromList(wDim, k)(l.drop(vDim + wDim * 3))
def emptyParams(vDim: Int, wDim: Int, k: Int): DlmFsvParameters =
DlmParameters.empty(vDim, wDim),
FsvParameters.empty(wDim, k)
* Simulate a single step in the DLM FSV model
* @param time the time of the next observation
* @param x the state of the DLM
* @param a0v the latent log-volatility of the observation variance
* @param a0w the latent log-volatility of the system variance
* @param dlm the DLM model to use for the evolution
* @param mod the stochastic volatility model
* @param p the parameters of the DLM and FSV Model
* @param dt the time difference between successive observations
* @return the next simulated value
def simStep(time: Double,
x: DenseVector[Double],
a0w: Vector[Double],
dlm: Dlm,
p: DlmFsvParameters,
dt: Double,
dimObs: Int) = {
for {
(w, f1w, a1w) <- FactorSv.simStep(time, p.fsv)(a0w)
wt = KalmanFilter.flattenObs(w.observation)
vt <- MultivariateGaussian(DenseVector.zeros[Double](dimObs), p.dlm.v)
x1 = dlm.g(dt) * x + wt
y = dlm.f(time).t * x1 + vt
} yield (Data(time, y.map(_.some)), x1, a1w)
* Simulate from a DLM Factor Stochastic Volatility Model
* @param dlm the dlm model
* @param sv the stochastic volatility model
* @param p dlm fsv model parameters
* @param dt the time increment between observations
* @return a vector of observations
def simulateRegular(dlm: Dlm, p: DlmFsvParameters, dimObs: Int) = {
val k = p.fsv.beta.cols
val init = for {
initState <- MultivariateGaussian(p.dlm.m0, p.dlm.c0)
initFw = Vector.fill(k)(Gaussian(0.0, 1.0).draw)
} yield (Data(0.0, DenseVector[Option[Double]](None)), initState, initFw)
MarkovChain(init.draw) {
case (d, x, aw) =>
simStep(d.time + 1.0, x, aw, dlm, p, 1.0, dimObs)
* Center the state by taking away the dynamic mean of the series
* @param theta the state representing the evolving mean of the process
* @param g the system matrix: a function from time to a dense matrix
* @return a vector containing the x(t_i) - g(dt_i)x(t_{i-1})
def factorState(theta: Vector[SamplingState],
g: Double => DenseMatrix[Double]) = {
for {
(x0, x1) <- theta.init zip theta.tail
dt = x1.time - x0.time
diff = x1.sample - g(dt) * x0.sample
} yield Data(x1.time, diff.mapValues(_.some))
* Calculate the time dependent variance from the log-volatility
* and factor loading matrix
* @param alphas the time series of log-volatility
* @param beta the factor loading matrix
* @param v the diagonal observation covariance
def calculateVariance(alphas: Vector[SamplingState],
beta: DenseMatrix[Double],
v: DenseMatrix[Double]): Vector[DenseMatrix[Double]] = {
alphas map (a => ((beta * diag(exp(a.sample))) * beta.t) + v)
* Perform forward filtering backward sampling using a
* time dependent state covariance matrix
def ffbs(model: Dlm,
ys: Vector[Data],
p: DlmParameters,
ws: Vector[DenseMatrix[Double]]) = {
val ps = ws.map(wi => p.copy(w = wi))
val filterStep = (params: DlmParameters) => {
val advState = KalmanFilter.advanceState(params, model.g) _
KalmanFilter(advState).step(model, params) _
val initFilter = KalmanFilter(KalmanFilter.advanceState(p, model.g))
.initialiseState(model, p, ys)
val filtered = (ps, ys).zipped
.scanLeft(initFilter) {
case (s, (params, y)) =>
filterStep(params)(s, y)
val init = Smoothing.initialise(filtered)
val sampleStep = (params: DlmParameters) => {
Smoothing.step(model, params.w) _
val res = (ps, filtered.init).zipped
.scanRight(init) {
case ((params, fs), s) =>
sampleStep(params)(fs, s)
* Perform forward filtering backward sampling using a
* time dependent state covariance matrix updating the SVD
* of the parameters
def ffbsSvd(model: Dlm,
ys: Vector[Data],
p: DlmParameters,
ws: Vector[DenseMatrix[Double]]) = {
val ps = ws.map(wi => SvdFilter.transformParams(p.copy(w = wi)))
val filterStep = (params: DlmParameters) => {
val advState = SvdFilter.advanceState(params, model.g) _
SvdFilter(advState).step(model, params) _
val initFilter = SvdFilter(SvdFilter.advanceState(p, model.g))
.initialiseState(model, p, ys)
val filtered = (ps, ys).zipped
.scanLeft(initFilter) {
case (s, (params, y)) =>
filterStep(params)(s, y)
val init = SvdSampler.initialise(filtered.toArray)
val sampleStep = (params: DlmParameters) => {
SvdSampler.step(model, params.w) _
val res = (ps, filtered.init).zipped
.scanRight(init) {
case ((params, fs), s) =>
sampleStep(params)(fs, s)
* Perform a single step of the Gibbs Sampling algorithm
* for the DLM FSV where the system variance is modelled
* using FSV model
def sampleStep(priorBeta: Gaussian,
priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
priorPhi: Gaussian,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
priorV: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[Data],
dlm: Dlm)(s: State): Rand[State] = {
// extract the system factors
val beta = s.p.fsv.beta
val fs = FactorSv.State(s.p.fsv, s.factors, s.volatility)
// calculate the dimensions of the system and assoc. factors
val k = beta.cols
val d = beta.rows
for {
fs1 <- FactorSv.sampleStep(priorBeta,
factorState(s.theta, dlm.g),
// perform FFBS using time dependent system noise covariance
ws = calculateVariance(fs1.volatility.tail, fs1.params.beta, fs1.params.v)
theta <- ffbs(dlm, ys, s.p.dlm, ws)
state = theta.map(x => (x.time, x.sample))
newV <- GibbsSampling.sampleObservationMatrix(priorV,
newP = s.p.copy(fsv = fs1.params, dlm = s.p.dlm.copy(v = newV))
} yield State(newP, theta, fs1.factors, fs1.volatility)
* Perform a single step of the Gibbs Sampling algorithm
* for the DLM FSV where the system variance is modelled
* using FSV model
def sampleStepOu(priorBeta: Gaussian,
priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
priorPhi: Beta,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
priorV: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[Data],
dlm: Dlm)(s: State): Rand[State] = {
// extract the system factors
val beta = s.p.fsv.beta
val fs = FactorSv.State(s.p.fsv, s.factors, s.volatility)
// calculate the dimensions of the system and assoc. factors
val k = beta.cols
val d = beta.rows
for {
fs1 <- FactorSv.stepOu(priorBeta,
factorState(s.theta, dlm.g),
// perform FFBS using time dependent system noise covariance
ws = calculateVariance(fs1.volatility.tail, fs1.params.beta, fs1.params.v)
theta <- ffbs(dlm, ys, s.p.dlm, ws)
state = theta.map(x => (x.time, x.sample))
newV <- GibbsSampling.sampleObservationMatrix(priorV,
newP = s.p.copy(fsv = fs1.params, dlm = s.p.dlm.copy(v = newV))
} yield State(newP, theta, fs1.factors, fs1.volatility)
* Initialise the state of the DLM FSV system Model
* by initialising variance matrices for the system, performing FFBS for
* the mean state
* @param params parameters of the DLM FSV system model
* @param ys time series of observations
* @param dlm the description of the
def initialise(params: DlmFsvParameters, ys: Vector[Data], dlm: Dlm) = {
val k = params.fsv.beta.cols
val parameters = params.dlm
// initialise the variances of the system
val ws =
Vector.fill(ys.size)(DenseMatrix.eye[Double](dlm.f(1.0).rows) * 0.1)
val theta = ffbs(dlm, ys, parameters, ws).draw
val thetaObs = factorState(theta, dlm.g)
val fs = FactorSv.initialiseStateAr(params.fsv, thetaObs, k)
State(params, theta.toVector, fs.factors, fs.volatility)
def sample(priorBeta: Gaussian,
priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
priorPhi: Gaussian,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
priorV: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[Data],
dlm: Dlm,
initP: DlmFsvParameters): Process[State] = {
// initialise the latent state
val init = initialise(initP, ys, dlm)
* Initialise the state of the DLM FSV system Model
* by initialising variance matrices for the system, performing FFBS for
* the mean state
* @param params parameters of the DLM FSV system model
* @param ys time series of observations
* @param dlm the description of the
def initialiseOu(params: DlmFsvParameters, ys: Vector[Data], dlm: Dlm) = {
val k = params.fsv.beta.cols
val parameters = params.dlm
// initialise the variances of the system
val ws = Vector.fill(ys.size)(DenseMatrix.eye[Double](dlm.f(1.0).rows))
val theta = ffbs(dlm, ys, parameters, ws).draw
val thetaObs = theta.map { ss =>
Data(ss.time, ss.sample.map(_.some))
val fs = FactorSv.initialiseStateOu(params.fsv, thetaObs, k)
State(params, theta.toVector, fs.factors, fs.volatility)
def sampleOu(priorBeta: Gaussian,
priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
priorPhi: Beta,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
priorV: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[Data],
dlm: Dlm,
initP: DlmFsvParameters): Process[State] = {
// initialise the latent state
val init = initialiseOu(initP, ys, dlm)
* Sample the factors, mean state and volatility while keeping the parameters constant
def sampleStateAr(ys: Vector[Data], dlm: Dlm, params: DlmFsvParameters) = {
// specify number of factors and dimension of the observation
val beta = params.fsv.beta
val k = beta.cols
val p = beta.rows
// initialise the latent state
val initFactorState = FactorSv.initialiseStateAr(params.fsv, ys, k)
val factors = initFactorState.factors
val vol = initFactorState.volatility
val vs =
DlmFsvSystem.calculateVariance(vol.tail, params.fsv.beta, params.fsv.v)
val initDlmState = ffbsSvd(dlm, ys, params.dlm, vs).draw
val init = State(params, initDlmState.toVector, factors, vol)
def step(s: State) = {
val ws = DlmFsvSystem.calculateVariance(s.volatility.tail,
for {
theta <- ffbsSvd(dlm, ys, params.dlm, ws)
fObs = factorState(s.theta, dlm.g)
factors <- FactorSv.sampleFactors(fObs, params.fsv, s.volatility)
vol <- FactorSv.sampleVolatilityAr(p, params.fsv, factors, s.volatility)
} yield State(s.p, theta.toVector, factors, vol)
* Perform a forecast online using the DLM FSV Model
* Given a collection of parameters sampled from the
* parameter posterior
* @param dlm a dlm model
* @param p DLM FSV Parameters
def forecast(dlm: Dlm, p: DlmFsvParameters, ys: Vector[Data]) = {
val fps = p.fsv.factorParams
// initialise the log-volatility at the stationary solution
val a0 = fps map { vp =>
val initVar = math.pow(vp.sigmaEta, 2) / (1 - math.pow(vp.phi, 2))
Gaussian(vp.mu, initVar).draw
val n = ys.size
val times = ys.map(_.time)
// advance volatility using the parameters
val as = Vector.iterate(a0, n)(a =>
(fps zip a).map {
case (vp, at) =>
StochasticVolatility.stepState(vp, at).draw
// add times to latent state
val alphas = (as, times).zipped.map {
case (a, t) =>
// calculate the time dependent system variance matrix
val ws = calculateVariance(alphas, p.fsv.beta, p.dlm.v)
val kf = KalmanFilter(
KalmanFilter.advanceState(p.dlm.copy(w = ws.head), dlm.g))
val init: KfState = kf.initialiseState(dlm, p.dlm, ys)
// advance the state of the DLM using the time dependent system matrix
(ws, ys).zipped.scanLeft(init) {
case (st, (wi, y)) =>
val dlmP = p.dlm.copy(w = wi)
KalmanFilter(KalmanFilter.advanceState(dlmP, dlm.g))
.step(dlm, dlmP)(st, y)