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dlm.model.FactorSv.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package dlm.core.model

import breeze.stats.distributions._
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import breeze.numerics.exp
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector, DenseMatrix, diag, svd}
import breeze.linalg.svd._
import cats.Semigroup
import cats.implicits._

  * Factor Stochastic Volatility Parameters for a model with
  * k factors and p time series
  * k << p
  * @param v the variance of the measurement error
  * @param beta the factor loading matrix, p x k
  * @param factorParams a vector of length k containing the
  * ISV parameters for the factors
case class FsvParameters(v: DenseMatrix[Double],
                         beta: DenseMatrix[Double],
                         factorParams: Vector[SvParameters]) {

  def diagonal(m: DenseMatrix[Double]): List[Double] = {
    for {
      i <- List.range(0, m.rows)
    } yield m(i, i)

  def toList =
    diagonal(v) ::: ::: factorParams.flatMap(_.toList).toList

  def map(f: Double => Double) =
    FsvParameters(v map f,,

  def add(p: FsvParameters): FsvParameters =
    FsvParameters(v + p.v,
                  p.beta + beta,
                  (factorParams zip p.factorParams).map {
                    case (f, f1) => f add f1

object FsvParameters {
  def apply(v: Double,
            beta: DenseMatrix[Double],
            factorParams: Vector[SvParameters]): FsvParameters = {
    FsvParameters(diag(DenseVector.fill(beta.rows)(v)), beta, factorParams)

  def empty(p: Int, k: Int): FsvParameters =
                  FactorSv.makeBeta(p, k),

  def fromList(p: Int, k: Int)(l: List[Double]): FsvParameters =
      new DenseMatrix(p, k, l.slice(p, p + p * k).toArray),
      l.drop(p + p * k).grouped(3).map(SvParameters.fromList).toVector)

  implicit def fsvSemigroup = new Semigroup[FsvParameters] {
    def combine(x: FsvParameters, y: FsvParameters) =
      x add y

  * Model a large covariance matrix using a factor structure
object FactorSv {

    * The state of the Gibbs Sampler
    * @param p the current sample of the fsv parameters
    * @param factors the current sample of the time series of factors
    * k x n dimensional
    * @param volatility the current sample of the time series of variances, k x n dimensional
  case class State(
      params: FsvParameters,
      factors: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])],
      volatility: Vector[SamplingState]

    * Build a beta matrix from a prior distribution
    * @param p the dimension of the rows of beta
    * @param k the dimension of the columns of beta
    * @param prior a lazily evaluated prior distribution
    * @return a beta matrix with ones on the leading diagonal, zeros above
    * and draws from the prior distribution elsewhere
  def buildBeta(p: Int, k: Int, prior: => Double): DenseMatrix[Double] = {

    DenseMatrix.tabulate(p, k) {
      case (i, j) =>
        if (i == j) {
        } else if (i > j) {
        } else {

    * A single step for simulating a factor stochastic volatility model
    * @param dt the time increment between successive realisations
    * @param t the current time of the realisation
    * @param params the parameters of the stochastic volatility model
    * @param a the current log volatilities of the factors
    * @return
  def simStep(t: Double, params: FsvParameters)(a: Vector[Double]) = {

    for {
      vt <- MultivariateGaussian(DenseVector.zeros[Double](params.beta.rows),

      fs <- (a zip params.factorParams).traverse {
        case (x, p) => StochasticVolatility.simStep(t, p)(x)

      f = { case (t, ft, at) => ft.get }

      a1 = { case (t, ft, at) => at }

      y = params.beta * DenseVector(f.toArray) + vt
    } yield (Data(t,, f, a1)

  def simulate(p: FsvParameters) = {
    val k = p.beta.cols
    val initState = Vector.fill(k)(Gaussian(0.0, 1.0).draw)
    val init = (Data(0.0, DenseVector[Option[Double]](None)),

    MarkovChain(init) { case (d, _, x) => simStep(d.time + 1.0, p)(x) }

    * Encode partially missing data as totally missing in order to
    * sample the factors
    * @param obs a vector of observations
    * @return
  def encodePartiallyMissing(
      obs: Vector[Data]): Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])] = { =>
      (d.time, { x =>

    * Sample the factors from a multivariate gaussian
    * @param beta the current value of the factor loading matrix
    * @param observations the observations of the time series
    * @param volatility the current value of the volatility
    * @param sigmaY the value of the observation variance
    * @return
  def sampleFactors(observations: Vector[Data],
                    p: FsvParameters,
                    volatility: Vector[SamplingState]) = {

    val precY = diag(diag(p.v).map(1.0 / _))
    val beta = p.beta
    val obs = encodePartiallyMissing(observations)

    // sample factors independently
    val res = for {
      ((time, ys), at) <- obs zip volatility.tail
      fVar = diag(exp(-at.sample))
      prec = fVar + (beta.t * precY * beta)
      mean = => prec \ (beta.t * (precY * y)))
      sample = mean map (m => rnorm(m, prec).draw)
    } yield (time, sample)


    * Select the ith observation from a vector of data representing a
    * multivariate time series
    * @param y a vector of data
    * @param i the index of the observation to select
    * @return a vector containing the ith observation of a multivariate time series
  def getithObs(y: Vector[Data], i: Int): Vector[Option[Double]] = { => d.observation(i))

    * Sum the product of f and y
    * @param facs the latent factors
    * @param obs the observations of the ith time series
    * @return the squared sum of the product of factors and observations
  def sumFactorsObservations(
      facs: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])],
      obs: Vector[Option[Double]]): DenseVector[Double] = {

    (obs zip facs)
      .map {
        case (Some(y), (t, Some(f))) => Some(f * y)
        case _                       => None
      .reduce(_ + _)

    * Generate a random draw from the multivariate normal distribution
    * Using the precision matrix
  def rnorm(mean: DenseVector[Double], prec: DenseMatrix[Double]) =
    new Rand[DenseVector[Double]] {

      def draw = {
        val z = DenseVector.rand(mean.size, Gaussian(0.0, 1.0))
        val SVD(u, d, vt) = svd(prec)
        val dInv = / _)

        mean + (vt.t * diag(dInv) * z)

  def sumFactors(factors: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])])
    : DenseMatrix[Double] = {
      .map { case (t, fo) => => fi * fi.t) }
      .reduce(_ + _)

    * The rows, i = 1,...,p of a k-factor model of Beta can be updated with Gibbs step
    * The prior specification is b_ij ~ N(0, C0) i > j, b_ii = 1, b_ij = 0 for j > i
    * This is a helper function for sampleBeta
    * @param prior a multivariate normal prior distribution for each column
    * @param factors the current value of latent factors
    * @param sigma the variance of the measurement error
    * @param i the row number
    * @param k the total number of factors in the model
    * @return the full conditional distribution of the
  def sampleBetaRow(prior: Gaussian,
                    factors: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])],
                    observations: Vector[Data],
                    sigma: Double,
                    i: Int,
                    k: Int) = {

    if (i < k) {
      // take factors up to f value i - 1
      val fsi = { case (t, xo) => (t, => x(0 until i))) }

      // take the ith time series observation
      val obs: Vector[Option[Double]] = getithObs(observations, i)

      val id = DenseMatrix.eye[Double](i)
      val sf = sumFactors(fsi)

      val prec = (1.0 / sigma) * sf + id * prior.variance
      val mean = (1.0 / sigma) * sumFactorsObservations(fsi, obs)

      rnorm(prec \ mean, prec).draw
    } else {
      // take the ith time series observation
      val obs = getithObs(observations, i)

      val id = DenseMatrix.eye[Double](k)
      val sf = sumFactors(factors)

      val prec = (1.0 / sigma) * sf + id * prior.variance
      val mean = (1.0 / sigma) * sumFactorsObservations(factors, obs)

      rnorm(prec \ mean, prec).draw

    * Make an empty beta matrix
    * Make a p x k matrix with 1s on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere
    * @param p the rows of the matrix corresponding to the number of time series to model
    * @param k the number of factors
    * @return a p x k matrix with 1s on leading diagonal
  def makeBeta(p: Int, k: Int): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
    DenseMatrix.tabulate(p, k) {
      case (i, j) =>
        if (i == j) {
        } else {

    * Sample a value of beta using the function sampleBetaRow
    * @param prior the prior distribution to be used for each element of beta
    * @param observations a time series containing the
    * @param p the dimension of a single observation vector
    * @param k the dimension of the latent-volatilities
    * @return
  def sampleBeta(prior: Gaussian,
                 ys: Vector[Data],
                 p: Int,
                 k: Int,
                 fs: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])],
                 v: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {

    val newbeta = makeBeta(p, k)

    // mutate the beta matrix
    (1 until p).foreach { i =>
      if (i < k) {
        newbeta(i, 0 until i).t := sampleBetaRow(prior, fs, ys, v(i, i), i, k)
      } else {
        newbeta(i, ::).t := sampleBetaRow(prior, fs, ys, v(i, i), i, k)


    * Extract a single state from a vector of states
    * @param vs the combined state
    * @param i the position of the state to extract
    * @return the extracted state
  def extractState(vs: Vector[SamplingState],
                   i: Int): Vector[FilterAr.SampleState] = { s =>
                           s.cov(i, i),
                           s.rt1(i, i))

  def combineStates(
      s: Vector[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]]): Vector[SamplingState] = { x =>
        time = x.head.time,
        sample = DenseVector(,
        mean = DenseVector(,
        cov = diag(DenseVector(,
        at1 = DenseVector(,
        rt1 = diag(DenseVector(

    * Extract the ith factor from a multivariate vector of factors
  def extractFactors(fs: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])],
                     i: Int): Vector[(Double, Option[Double])] = {

    fs map { case (t, fo) => (t, => f(i))) }

    * Sample each of the factor states and parameters in turn
    * @param priorMu a Normal prior for the mean of the AR(1) process
    * @param priorSigmaEta an inverse Gamma prior for the variance of the AR(1) process
    * @param piorPhi a Beta prior on the mean reversion parameter phi
    * @param p an integer specifying the dimension of the observations
    * @param s the current state of the MCMC algorithm
    * @return
  def sampleVolatilityParamsAr(priorPhi: Gaussian,
                               priorMu: Gaussian,
                               priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
                               p: Int)(s: State) = {

    val k = s.params.beta.cols

    val res = for {
      i <- Vector.range(0, k)
      thisState = extractState(s.volatility, i)
      theseParameters = s.params.factorParams(i)
      factorState = StochVolState(theseParameters, thisState)
      theseFactors = extractFactors(s.factors, i)
      factor = StochasticVolatilityKnots.sampleStepAr(priorPhi,
    } yield factor

    for {
      res <- res.sequence
      params =
      state =
    } yield
      State(s.params.copy(factorParams = params),

    * Sample the log-volatility of a factor model
  def sampleVolatilityAr(
      p: Int,
      params: FsvParameters,
      factors: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])],
      volatility: Vector[SamplingState]
  ): Rand[Vector[SamplingState]] = {

    val k = params.beta.cols

    val res = for {
      i <- Vector.range(0, k)
      thisState = extractState(volatility, i)
      theseParameters = params.factorParams(i)
      theseFactors = extractFactors(factors, i)
      logVol = StochasticVolatility.sampleStateAr(theseFactors,
    } yield logVol

    * Sample each of the factor states and parameters in turn
    * @param priorMu a Normal prior for the mean of the OU
    * @param priorSigmaEta an inverse Gamma prior for the variance of the OU process
    * @param priorPhi a Beta prior on the mean reversion parameter phi
    * @param p an integer specifying the dimension of the observations
    * @param s the current state of the MCMC algorithm
    * @return
  def sampleVolatilityParamsOu(priorMu: Gaussian,
                               priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
                               priorPhi: Beta,
                               p: Int)(s: State) = {

    val k = s.params.beta.cols

    val res = for {
      i <- Vector.range(0, k).par
      thisState = extractState(s.volatility, i)
      theseParameters = s.params.factorParams(i)
      factorState = StochVolState(theseParameters, thisState)
      theseFactors = extractFactors(s.factors, i)
      factor = StochasticVolatility.stepOu(priorPhi,
    } yield factor

    for {
      res <- res.seq.sequence
      params =
      state =
    } yield
      State(s.params.copy(factorParams = params),

    * Sample the log-volatility of a factor model
  def sampleVolatilityOu(
      p: Int,
      params: FsvParameters,
      factors: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])],
      volatility: Vector[SamplingState]
  ): Vector[SamplingState] = {

    val k = params.beta.cols

    val res: Vector[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]] = for {
      i <- Vector.range(0, k)
      thisState = extractState(volatility, i)
      theseParameters = params.factorParams(i)
      theseFactors = extractFactors(factors, i)
      knots = StochasticVolatilityKnots
        .sampleKnots(10, 100, theseFactors.size)
      logVol = StochasticVolatilityKnots.sampleState(
    } yield logVol.toVector


    * Update the value of the variance in the
    * observation model, a diagonal matrix filled with identical
    * values
    * @param prior an inverse gamma
    * @param ys the observations
    * @param s the current state of the MCMC
    * @return the sampled value of sigma
  def sampleSigmaUni(prior: InverseGamma,
                     ys: Vector[Data],
                     params: FsvParameters,
                     fs: Vector[(Double, Option[DenseVector[Double]])])
    : Rand[DenseMatrix[Double]] = {

    val obs = encodePartiallyMissing(ys)
    val n =
    val p = ys.head.observation.size
    val shape = prior.shape + n * 0.5

    val ssy = (obs zip fs)
      .map {
        case ((t, Some(y)), (timef, Some(f))) =>
          val centered = (y - params.beta * f)
          Some(centered.t * centered)
        case _ => None
      .reduce(_ + _)

    val scale = prior.scale + 0.5 * ssy / p

    val d = InverseGamma(shape, scale).draw
    Rand.always(DenseMatrix.eye[Double](p) * d)

    * Gibbs step for the factor stochastic volatility model
  def sampleStep(priorBeta: Gaussian,
                 priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
                 priorMu: Gaussian,
                 priorPhi: Gaussian,
                 priorSigma: InverseGamma,
                 observations: Vector[Data],
                 p: Int,
                 k: Int)(s: State): Rand[State] = {

    for {
      svp <- sampleVolatilityParamsAr(priorPhi, priorMu, priorSigmaEta, p)(s)
      fs <- sampleFactors(observations, svp.params, svp.volatility)
      sigma <- sampleSigmaUni(priorSigma, observations, svp.params, fs)
      newBeta = sampleBeta(priorBeta, observations, p, k, fs, sigma)
    } yield
      State(svp.params.copy(v = sigma, beta = newBeta), fs, svp.volatility)

    * Initialise the factors
    * @param beta the factor loading matrix
    * @param observations a vector containing observations of the process
    * @param sigmaY The observation error variance
    * @return the factors sampled from a multivariate normal distribution
  def initialiseFactors(beta: DenseMatrix[Double],
                        observations: Vector[Data],
                        sigmaY: DenseMatrix[Double]) = {

    val k = beta.cols
    val precY = diag(diag(sigmaY).map(1.0 / _))
    val obs = encodePartiallyMissing(observations)

    // sample factors independently
    val res = for {
      (time, yt) <- obs
      prec = DenseMatrix.eye[Double](k) + (beta.t * precY * beta)
      mean = yt map (y => prec \ (beta.t * (precY * y)))
      sample = mean map { m =>
        rnorm(m, prec).draw
    } yield (time, sample)


    * Initialise the state for the Factor SV model with AR(1) latent state
  def initialiseStateAr(initP: FsvParameters,
                        observations: Vector[Data],
                        k: Int) = {
    // initialise factors
    val factors = initialiseFactors(initP.beta, observations, initP.v).draw

    // initialise the latent state
    val initState = for {
      i <- Vector.range(0, k)
      fps = initP.factorParams(i)
      fs = extractFactors(factors, i)
      state = StochasticVolatilityKnots.initialStateAr(fps, fs)
    } yield state

    State(initP, factors, combineStates(

    * Gibbs sampling for the factor stochastic volatility model with AR(1) latent-state
    * @param priorBeta the prior for the non-zero elements of the factor loading matrix
    * @param priorSigmaEta the prior for the state evolution noise
    * @param priorPhi the prior for the mean reverting factor phi
    * @param priorSigma the prior for the variance of the measurement noise
    * @param observations a vector of time series results
    * @param initP the parameters of the Factor model
    * @return a markov chain
  def sampleAr(priorBeta: Gaussian,
               priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
               priorMu: Gaussian,
               priorPhi: Gaussian,
               priorSigma: InverseGamma,
               observations: Vector[Data],
               initP: FsvParameters): Process[State] = {

    // specify number of factors and time series
    val k = initP.beta.cols
    val p = initP.beta.rows

    // initialise the latent state
    val init = initialiseStateAr(initP, observations, k)


    * Initialise the state for the Factor SV model with OU latent state
  def initialiseStateOu(initP: FsvParameters,
                        observations: Vector[Data],
                        k: Int) = {
    // initialise factors
    val factors = initialiseFactors(initP.beta, observations, initP.v).draw

    // initialise the latent state
    val initState = for {
      i <- Vector.range(0, k)
      fps = initP.factorParams(i)
      fs = extractFactors(factors, i)
      state = StochasticVolatility.initialStateOu(fps, fs)
    } yield state

    State(initP, factors, combineStates(

  def stepOu(priorBeta: Gaussian,
             priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
             priorMu: Gaussian,
             priorPhi: Beta,
             priorSigma: InverseGamma,
             observations: Vector[Data],
             p: Int,
             k: Int) = { (s: State) =>
    for {
      svp <- sampleVolatilityParamsOu(priorMu, priorSigmaEta, priorPhi, p)(s)
      fs <- sampleFactors(observations, svp.params, svp.volatility)
      sigma <- sampleSigmaUni(priorSigma, observations, svp.params, fs)
      beta = sampleBeta(priorBeta, observations, p, k, fs, sigma)
    } yield
      svp.copy(params = svp.params.copy(beta = beta, v = sigma), factors = fs)

  def sampleOu(priorBeta: Gaussian,
               priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
               priorMu: Gaussian,
               priorPhi: Beta,
               priorSigma: InverseGamma,
               observations: Vector[Data],
               initP: FsvParameters): Process[State] = {

    // specify number of factors and time series
    val p = initP.beta.rows
    val k = initP.beta.cols

    // initialise the latent state
    val init = initialiseStateAr(initP, observations, k)


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