dlm.model.Gibbs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector, diag, DenseMatrix, sum, cholesky}
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import breeze.numerics._
object GibbsSampling {
case class State(
p: DlmParameters,
state: Vector[SamplingState]
* Sample the (diagonal) observation noise covariance matrix
* from an Inverse Gamma distribution
* @param prior an Inverse Gamma prior distribution for each
* variance element of the observation matrix
* @param mod the DLM specification
* @param theta a sample of the DLM state
* @param ys the observed values of the time series
* @return the posterior distribution over the diagonal observation matrix
def sampleObservationMatrix(prior: InverseGamma,
f: Double => DenseMatrix[Double],
ys: Vector[DenseVector[Option[Double]]],
theta: Vector[(Double, DenseVector[Double])])
: Rand[DenseMatrix[Double]] = {
val ssy: DenseVector[Double] = (theta.tail zip ys)
.map {
case (ss, d) =>
val ft = f(ss._1).t * ss._2
val res: Array[Double] = d.data.zipWithIndex.map {
case (Some(y), i) => (y - ft(i)) * (y - ft(i))
case _ => 0.0
.reduce(_ + _)
val ns: Vector[Int] = ys.map(_.data.toVector).transpose.map(_.flatten.size)
val shape = ns map (n => prior.shape + n * 0.5)
val rate = ssy.data.map(ss => prior.scale + ss * 0.5)
val res = for {
(r, s) <- rate zip shape
} yield InverseGamma(s, r).draw
* Sample the diagonal system matrix for an irregularly observed
def sampleSystemMatrix(
prior: InverseGamma,
theta: Vector[(Double, DenseVector[Double])],
g: Double => DenseMatrix[Double]): Rand[DenseMatrix[Double]] = {
// take the squared difference of x_t - g * x_{t-1} for t = 1 ... 0
// add them all up
val squaredSum = (theta.init, theta.tail).zipped
.map {
case (mt, mt1) =>
val dt = mt1._1 - mt._1
val diff = (mt1._2 - g(dt) * mt._2)
(diff *:* diff) / dt
.reduce(_ + _)
val shape = prior.shape + (theta.size - 1) * 0.5
val rate = squaredSum map (s => prior.scale + s * 0.5)
val res = rate.map(r => InverseGamma(shape, r).draw)
* Calculate the marginal likelihood of phi given
* the values of the latent-state and other static parameters
* @param state a sample of the latent state of an AR(1) DLM
* @param p the static parameters of a DLM
* @param phi autoregressive
def arlikelihood(state: Vector[SamplingState],
p: DlmParameters,
phi: DenseVector[Double]): Double = {
val n = state.length
val ssa = (state.init zip state.tail)
.map { case (at, at1) => at1.sample - phi * at.sample }
.map(x => x * x)
.reduce(_ + _)
val det = sum(log(diag(cholesky(p.w))))
-n * 0.5 * log(2 * math.Pi) + det - 0.5 * (p.w \ ssa).dot(ssa)
* Update an autoregressive model with a new value of the autoregressive
* parameter
def updateModel(mod: Dlm, phi: Double*): Dlm =
Dlm(f = mod.f,
g = (dt: Double) => new DenseMatrix(phi.size, 1, phi.toArray))
* Sample the autoregressive parameter with a Beta Prior
* and proposal distribution
* @param
def samplePhi(prior: Beta, lambda: Double, tau: Double, s: State) = {
val proposal = (phi: Double) =>
new Beta(lambda * phi + tau, lambda * (1 - phi) + tau)
val pos = (phi: Double) =>
prior.logPdf(phi) + arlikelihood(s.state, s.p, DenseVector(phi))
* A single step of a Gibbs Sampler
* @param mod the model containing the definition of
* the observation matrix F_t and system evolution matrix G_t
* @param priorV the prior distribution on the observation noise matrix, V
* @param priorW the prior distribution on the system noise matrix, W
* @param observations an array of Data containing the observed time series
def dinvGammaStep(mod: Dlm,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma,
observations: Vector[Data]) = { s: State =>
for {
theta <- Smoothing.ffbs(mod,
KalmanFilter.advanceState(s.p, mod.g),
Smoothing.step(mod, s.p.w),
state = theta.map(s => (s.time, s.sample))
newV <- sampleObservationMatrix(priorV,
newW <- sampleSystemMatrix(priorW, state, mod.g)
} yield State(s.p.copy(w = newW, v = newV), theta)
* Return a Markov chain using Gibbs Sampling to determine
* the values of the system and
* observation noise covariance matrices, W and V
* @param mod the model containing the definition of the observation
* matrix F_t and system evolution matrix G_t
* @param priorV the prior distribution on the observation noise matrix, V
* @param priorW the prior distribution on the system noise matrix, W
* @param initParams the initial parameters of the Markov Chain
* @param observations an array of Data containing the observed time series
* @return a Process
def sample(mod: Dlm,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma,
initParams: DlmParameters,
observations: Vector[Data]) = {
val init = for {
initState <- Smoothing.ffbs(mod,
KalmanFilter.advanceState(initParams, mod.g),
Smoothing.step(mod, initParams.w),
} yield State(initParams, initState)
MarkovChain(init.draw)(dinvGammaStep(mod, priorV, priorW, observations))
def stepSvd(mod: Dlm,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma,
observations: Vector[Data]) = { s: State =>
for {
theta <- SvdSampler.ffbs(mod,
SvdFilter.advanceState(s.p, mod.g))
state = theta.map(s => (s.time, s.sample))
newV <- sampleObservationMatrix(priorV,
newW <- sampleSystemMatrix(priorW, state, mod.g)
} yield State(s.p.copy(v = newV, w = newW), theta.toVector)
* Perform Gibbs Sampling using the SVD Kalman Filter for numerical stability
def sampleSvd(mod: Dlm,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma,
initParams: DlmParameters,
observations: Vector[Data]) = {
val init = for {
initState <- SvdSampler.ffbs(mod,
SvdFilter.advanceState(initParams, mod.g))
} yield State(initParams, initState)
MarkovChain(init.draw)(stepSvd(mod, priorV, priorW, observations))
* Calculate the marginal likelihood for metropolis hastings
def likelihood(theta: Vector[SamplingState],
g: Double => DenseMatrix[Double])(p: DlmParameters): Double = {
val n = theta.length
val ssa = (theta.init zip theta.tail)
.map {
case (at, at1) =>
val dt = at1.time - at.time
at1.sample - g(dt) * at.sample
.map(x => x * x)
.reduce(_ + _)
val det: Double = sum(log(diag(cholesky(p.w))))
-n * 0.5 * log(2 * math.Pi) + det - 0.5 * (p.w \ ssa).dot(ssa)
* A metropolis step for a DLM
* @param mod a DLM model
* @param theta the currently sampled state of the DLM
* @param proposal a symmetric proposal distribution for the parameters
* of a DLM
* @return a function from Parameters => Rand[Parameters] which
* performs a metropolis step to be used in a Markov Chain
def metropStep(mod: Dlm,
theta: Vector[SamplingState],
proposal: DlmParameters => Rand[DlmParameters]) = {
MarkovChain.Kernels.metropolis(proposal)(likelihood(theta, mod.g))
* Use metropolis hastings to determine the initial state
* distribution x0 ~ N(m0, C0)
* @param proposal a proposal distribution for the parameters of the initial state
* @param mod a DLM model specification
* @param priorV the prior distribution of the observation noise matrix
* @param priorW the prior distribution of the system noise matrix
* @param observations a vector of observations
* @param gibbsState the current state of the Markov Chain
def gibbsMetropStep(proposal: DlmParameters => Rand[DlmParameters],
mod: Dlm,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma,
observations: Vector[Data]) = { s: State =>
for {
theta <- SvdSampler.ffbs(mod,
SvdFilter.advanceState(s.p, mod.g))
state = theta.map(s => (s.time, s.sample))
newV <- sampleObservationMatrix(priorV,
newW <- sampleSystemMatrix(priorW, state, mod.g)
newP <- metropStep(mod, theta, proposal)(s.p)
} yield State(newP.copy(v = newV, w = newW), theta)
* Use metropolis hastings to determine the initial state
* distribution x0 ~ N(m0, C0)
* And Gibbs sampling for the state and observation variance matrices
def metropSamples(proposal: DlmParameters => Rand[DlmParameters],
mod: Dlm,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma,
initParams: DlmParameters,
observations: Vector[Data]) = {
val init = for {
initState <- Smoothing.ffbs(mod,
KalmanFilter.advanceState(initParams, mod.g),
Smoothing.step(mod, initParams.w),
} yield State(initParams, initState)
gibbsMetropStep(proposal, mod, priorV, priorW, observations))