dlm.model.GibbsWishart.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix
* This class learns a correlated system matrix
* using the InverseWishart prior on the system noise matrix
object GibbsWishart {
* Sample the system covariance matrix using an
* Inverse Wishart prior on the system covariance matrix
* @param priorW the prior distribution of the System evolution noise matrix
def sampleSystemMatrix(priorW: InverseWishart,
g: Double => DenseMatrix[Double],
theta: Vector[SamplingState]) = {
val n = theta.size - 1
val squaredSum = (theta.init zip theta.tail)
.map {
case (mt, mt1) =>
val dt = mt1.time - mt.time
val centered = (mt1.sample - g(dt) * mt.sample)
(centered * centered.t) /:/ dt
.reduce(_ + _)
val dof = priorW.nu + n
val scale = priorW.psi + squaredSum
InverseWishart(dof, scale)
* A single step of the Gibbs Wishart algorithm
def wishartStep(mod: Dlm,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseWishart,
observations: Vector[Data]) = { s: GibbsSampling.State =>
for {
theta <- Smoothing.ffbsDlm(mod, observations, s.p)
newW <- sampleSystemMatrix(priorW, mod.g, theta)
newV <- GibbsSampling.sampleObservationMatrix(
theta.map(s => (s.time, s.sample)))
} yield GibbsSampling.State(s.p.copy(v = newV, w = newW), theta)
* Perform Gibbs Sampling using an Inverse Wishart distribution for the system
* noise matrix
* @param mod a DLM model specification
* @param priorV the prior on the observation noise matrix
* @param priorW the Inverse Wishart prior distribution on the system
* covariance matrix
* @param initParams the intial parameters of the Markov Chain
* @param observations a vector of time series observations
def sample(mod: Dlm,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseWishart,
initParams: DlmParameters,
observations: Vector[Data]) = {
val init = for {
initState <- Smoothing.ffbs(mod,
KalmanFilter.advanceState(initParams, mod.g),
Smoothing.step(mod, initParams.w),
} yield GibbsSampling.State(initParams, initState)
MarkovChain(init.draw)(wishartStep(mod, priorV, priorW, observations))