dlm.model.LiuAndWest.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
// exclude vector
import breeze.linalg.{Vector => _, _}
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import cats.Traverse
import cats.implicits._
import math.{exp, sqrt, log}
* State for the particle filter with parameters
* TODO: Gamma mixture distribution
* @param time the time of the observation
* @param state a particle cloud representing the latent-state
* @param weights the conditional log-likelihood of the latent-state
* @param params a particle cloud representing the values of the parameters
case class PfStateParams(time: Double,
state: Vector[DenseVector[Double]],
weights: Vector[Double],
params: Vector[DlmParameters])
* Extended Particle filter which approximates the parameters as a particle cloud
case class LiuAndWestFilter(n: Int,
prior: Rand[DlmParameters],
a: Double,
n0: Int)
extends FilterTs[PfStateParams, DlmParameters, Dglm] {
import LiuAndWestFilter._
def initialiseState[T[_]: Traverse](
model: Dglm,
p: DlmParameters,
ys: T[Data]
): PfStateParams = {
val t0 = ys.map(_.time).reduceLeftOption((t0, d) => math.min(t0, d))
val x0 = MultivariateGaussian(p.m0, p.c0).sample(n)
val p0 = prior.sample(n).map(_.map(log))
val w0 = Vector.fill(n)(1.0 / n).map(math.log)
PfStateParams(t0.get - 1.0, x0.toVector, w0, p0.toVector)
def step(mod: Dglm, p: DlmParameters)(x: PfStateParams,
d: Data): PfStateParams = {
val varParams = varParameters(x.params)
val mi = scaleParameters(x.params, a)
val y = KalmanFilter.flattenObs(d.observation)
val auxVars = auxiliaryVariables(x.weights, x.state, mod, y, mi)
val dt = d.time - x.time
val (newParams, newState, logw) = (for {
i <- auxVars
p = mi(i)
param = proposal(p, diag(varParams * (1 - a * a)))
state = x.state(i)
newState = Dglm.stepState(mod, param map exp)(state, dt).draw
topw = mod.conditionalLikelihood(param.v map exp)(newState, y)
meanP = mi(i)
bottomw = mod.conditionalLikelihood(meanP.v map exp)(state, y)
} yield (param, newState, topw - bottomw)).unzip3
val maxWeight = logw.max
val ws = logw map (w => exp(w - maxWeight))
val ess =
if (ess < n0) {
val (np, ns) =
ParticleFilter.multinomialResample(newParams zip newState, ws).unzip
PfStateParams(d.time, ns, Vector.fill(n)(1.0 / n).map(log), np)
} else {
PfStateParams(d.time, newState, logw, newParams)
object LiuAndWestFilter {
* Calculate the auxiliary variables needed for online importance sampling
def auxiliaryVariables(weights: Vector[Double],
states: Vector[DenseVector[Double]],
mod: Dglm,
y: DenseVector[Double],
mi: Vector[DlmParameters]): Vector[Int] = {
val logAuxWeights = (weights, mi, states).zipped map {
case (weight, param, state) =>
val ll = mod.conditionalLikelihood(param.v map exp)(state, y)
weight + ll
val max = logAuxWeights.max
val auxWeights = logAuxWeights map (a => exp(a - max))
ParticleFilter.multinomialResample(states.indices.toVector, auxWeights)
def scaleParameters(params: Vector[DlmParameters],
a: Double): Vector[DlmParameters] = {
val meanParams: DlmParameters = meanParameters(params)
for {
param <- params
mp = meanParams.map(x => x * (1.0 - a))
m = param.map(_ * a).add(mp)
} yield m
* Advance the state particles to the a-priori
* value of the state at time t
* @param s the current state of the Kalman Filter
* @param dt the time increment
* @return the a-priori mean and covariance of the state at time t
def advanceState(p: DlmParameters, model: Dglm)(s: PfStateParams,
dt: Double) = {
val adv = s.state traverse (x => Dglm.stepState(model, p)(x, dt))
s.copy(state = adv.draw)
* Function to create a DenseMatrix from a sequence of DenseVectors
* @param v a sequence of DenseVectors
* @return a denseMatrix with columns corresponding to the elements of v
def seqToMatrix(v: Vector[DenseVector[Double]]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val elems = v.reduce((a, b) => DenseVector.vertcat(a, b))
new DenseMatrix(v.head.size, v.length, elems.data).t
def meanState(v: Vector[DenseVector[Double]]): DenseVector[Double] =
v.reduce(_ + _).map(_ / v.size)
def varState(v: Vector[DenseVector[Double]]): DenseVector[Double] = {
val m = seqToMatrix(v)
breeze.stats.variance(m(::, *)).t
* Determine the credible intervals of a collection of samples of DenseVectors
* @param
def credibleIntervals(xs: Vector[DenseVector[Double]],
interval: Double): Vector[(Double, Double)] = {
for {
x <- xs.map(_.data.toVector).transpose
n = xs.size
upper = math.floor(n * interval).toInt
lower = n - upper
} yield (x(lower), x(upper))
* Calculate the mean of the parameter particles
def meanParameters(p: Vector[DlmParameters]): DlmParameters = {
p.reduce(_ add _).map(_ / p.size)
* Calculate the variance of the parameter particles
def varParameters(p: Vector[DlmParameters]): DenseVector[Double] = {
val m = seqToMatrix(p map (x => DenseVector(x.toList.toArray)))
breeze.stats.variance(m(::, *)).t
* Multivariate Normal proposal distribution for the logged-parameters psi = (log(v), log(w))
* @param p the DLM parameters
* @param delta the covariance matrix of the MVN proposal distribution
* @return perturbed logged DLM parameters
def proposal(p: DlmParameters, delta: DenseMatrix[Double]) = {
val z = DenseVector.rand(delta.cols, Gaussian(0.0, 1.0))
val innov = delta.map(sqrt) * z
val newV = diag(p.v) + innov(0 until p.v.cols)
val newW = diag(p.w) + innov(p.v.cols until (p.v.cols + p.w.cols))
p.copy(v = diag(newV), w = diag(newW))