dlm.model.MetropolisHastings.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, diag, DenseVector}
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import scala.math.log
import breeze.numerics.exp
import cats.{Applicative, Traverse}
import cats.implicits._
object Metropolis {
* State for the Metropolis algorithm
* @param
case class State[A](parameters: A, ll: Double, accepted: Int)
* Add a Random innovation to a numeric value using the Gaussian distribution
* @param delta the standard deviation of the innovation distribution
* @param a the starting value of the Double
* @return a Rand[Double] representing a perturbation of the
* double a which can be drawn from
def proposeDouble(delta: Double)(a: Double) =
Gaussian(0.0, delta).map(i => a + i)
* Add a Random innovation to a DenseVector[Double] using
* the Gaussian distribution
* @param delta the standard deviation of the innovation distribution
* @param a the starting value of the parameter
* @return a Rand[DenseVector[Double]] representing a perturbation
* of the double a which can be drawn from
def proposeVector(delta: Double)(a: DenseVector[Double]) = {
for {
i <- Applicative[Rand].replicateA(a.size, Gaussian(0.0, delta))
} yield DenseVector(i.toArray) + a
* Simulate from a multivariate normal distribution
* given the cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix
def rmvn(chol: DenseMatrix[Double])(implicit rand: RandBasis = Rand) = {
Rand.always(chol * DenseVector.rand(chol.cols, rand.gaussian(0, 1)))
* Update the diagonal values of a covariance matrix by adding a Gaussian perturbation
* and ensuring the resulting diagonal is symmetric
* @param delta the standard deviation of the innovation distribution
* @param m a diagonal DenseMatrix[Double], representing a covariance matrix
* @return a distribution over the diagonal matrices
def proposeDiagonalMatrix(delta: Double)(m: DenseMatrix[Double]) = {
rmvn(DenseMatrix.eye[Double](m.cols) * (math.sqrt(delta)))
.map(i => diag(m) *:* exp(i))
.map(a => diag(a))
* Propose a new value of the parameters on the log scale
def symmetricProposal(delta: Double)(
p: DlmParameters): Rand[DlmParameters] = {
for {
v <- proposeDiagonalMatrix(delta)(p.v)
w <- proposeDiagonalMatrix(delta)(p.w)
m0 <- proposeVector(delta)(p.m0)
c0 <- proposeDiagonalMatrix(delta)(p.c0)
} yield DlmParameters(v, w, m0, c0)
* A Single Step without acceptance ratio
* this requires re-evaluating the likelihood at each step
def step[A](proposal: A => Rand[A],
prior: A => Double,
likelihood: A => Double)(state: (A, Double)) = {
MarkovChain.Kernels.metropolis(proposal)((a: A) => prior(a) + likelihood(a))
* Metropolis kernel without re-evaluating the likelihood
* from the previous time step and keeping track of the acceptance ratio
def mStep[A](proposal: A => Rand[A],
prior: A => Double,
likelihood: A => Double)(state: State[A]) = {
for {
propP <- proposal(state.parameters)
prop_ll = likelihood(propP) + prior(propP)
a = prop_ll - state.ll
u <- Uniform(0, 1)
next = if (log(u) < a) {
State(propP, prop_ll, state.accepted + 1)
} else {
} yield next
def mAccept[A](proposal: A => Rand[A], logMeasure: A => Double)(param: A) = {
for {
propP <- proposal(param)
a = logMeasure(propP) - logMeasure(param)
u <- Uniform(0, 1)
next = if (log(u) < a) {
(propP, 1)
} else {
(param, 0)
} yield next
* Run the metropolis algorithm for a DLM
* using the kalman filter to calculate the likelihood
def dlm(
mod: Dlm,
observations: Vector[Data],
proposal: DlmParameters => Rand[DlmParameters],
prior: DlmParameters => Double,
initP: DlmParameters
) = {
val initState = State[DlmParameters](initP, -1e99, 0)
val ll = (p: DlmParameters) => KalmanFilter.likelihood(mod, observations)(p)
MarkovChain(initState)(mStep[DlmParameters](proposal, prior, ll))
* Use particle marginal metropolis algorithm for a DGLM model
def dglm[T[_]: Traverse](mod: Dglm,
observations: T[Data],
proposal: DlmParameters => Rand[DlmParameters],
prior: DlmParameters => Double,
initP: DlmParameters,
n: Int) = {
val initState = State[DlmParameters](initP, -1e99, 0)
val ll = (p: DlmParameters) =>
ParticleFilter.likelihood(mod, observations, n)(p)
MarkovChain(initState)(mStep[DlmParameters](proposal, prior, ll))
object MetropolisHastings {
def mhStep[A](
proposal: A => ContinuousDistr[A],
prior: A => Double,
likelihood: A => Double
)(state: Metropolis.State[A]) = {
for {
propP <- proposal(state.parameters)
nextp = proposal(state.parameters).logPdf(propP)
lastp = proposal(propP).logPdf(state.parameters)
propll = likelihood(propP) + prior(propP)
a = propll - nextp - state.ll + lastp
u <- Uniform(0, 1)
next = if (log(u) < a) {
Metropolis.State(propP, propll, state.accepted + 1)
} else {
} yield next
def mhAccept[A](proposal: A => ContinuousDistr[A], logMeasure: A => Double)(
param: A) = {
for {
propP <- proposal(param)
nextp = proposal(param).logPdf(propP)
lastp = proposal(propP).logPdf(param)
a = logMeasure(propP) - nextp - logMeasure(param) + lastp
u <- Uniform(0, 1)
next = if (log(u) < a) {
(propP, 1)
} else {
(param, 0)
} yield next
* Run Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for a DLM, using the kalman filter to calculate the likelihood
def dlm(mod: Dlm,
observations: Vector[Data],
proposal: DlmParameters => ContinuousDistr[DlmParameters],
prior: DlmParameters => Double,
initP: DlmParameters) = {
val ll = (p: DlmParameters) => KalmanFilter.likelihood(mod, observations)(p)
val initState = Metropolis.State[DlmParameters](initP, -1e99, 0)
MarkovChain(initState)(mhStep[DlmParameters](proposal, prior, ll))
* Particle Marginal Metropolis Hastings for a ContinuousTime Model
* Where the log-likelihood is an estimate calculated using the bootstrap
* particle filter
* @param mod a DGLM model
* @param observations an array of observations
* @param a proposal distribution for the parameters
* @param initP the intial parameters to start the Markov Chain
* @param n the number of particles in the PF
* @return a Markov Chain Process which can be drawn from
def pmmh(mod: Dglm,
observations: Vector[Data],
proposal: DlmParameters => ContinuousDistr[DlmParameters],
prior: DlmParameters => Double,
initP: DlmParameters,
n: Int) = {
val ll = (p: DlmParameters) =>
ParticleFilter.likelihood(mod, observations, n)(p)
val initState = Metropolis.State[DlmParameters](initP, -1e99, 0)
MarkovChain(initState)(mhStep[DlmParameters](proposal, prior, ll))