dlm.model.ParticleGibbs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import breeze.stats.distributions.{Multinomial, Rand}
import cats.implicits._
import math.{exp, log}
import breeze.stats.mean
import ParticleFilter._
case class PgState(conditionedState: Map[Double, DenseVector[Double]],
states: Vector[Vector[(Double, DenseVector[Double])]],
weights: Vector[Double],
ll: Double)
* Particle Gibbs Sampler for A Dynamic Generalised Linear Dglm
case class ParticleGibbs(n: Int) {
def initialConditionedState(model: Dglm,
p: DlmParameters,
ys: Vector[Data]) = {
val n0 = math.floor(n / 5).toInt
val st = ParticleFilter(n, n0, multinomialResample).filter(model, ys, p)
val ws = st.map(_.weights).last
val states = st.map(d => d.state.map((d.time, _)))
ParticleGibbs.sampleState(states, ws).draw.toMap
def initialiseState(model: Dglm, p: DlmParameters, ys: Vector[Data]) = {
val t0 = ys.foldLeft(0.0)((t0, d) => math.min(t0, d.time))
val x0 = MultivariateGaussianSvd(p.m0, p.c0)
.sample(n - 1)
.map(x => (t0, x))
// sample the first conditioned state
val conditionedState = initialConditionedState(model, p, ys)
PgState(conditionedState, Vector(x0), Vector.fill(n - 1)(1.0 / n), 0.0)
def step(mod: Dglm, p: DlmParameters)(s: PgState, d: Data): PgState = {
val y = KalmanFilter.flattenObs(d.observation)
val dt = d.time - s.states.last.head._1
// resample using the previous weights
val resampledX = multinomialResample(s.states.head, s.weights)
// advance n-1 states from time t, located at the head of the list
val x1 =
advanceState(dt, resampledX.map(_._2), mod, p).draw.map(x => (d.time, x))
if (y.data.isEmpty) {
s.states :+ x1,
Vector.fill(x1.size - 1)(1.0 / x1.size),
} else {
// concat conditioned state at current time and advanced state
val cond: (Double, DenseVector[Double]) =
(d.time, s.conditionedState.getOrElse(d.time, x1.head._2))
val x = cond +: x1
// calculate weights of all n states at time t
val w = calcWeights(mod, d.time, x.map(_._2), d.observation, p)
// calculate updated pseudo log-likelihood
val max = w.max
val w1 = w map (a => exp(a - max))
val ll = s.ll + max + log(mean(w1))
PgState(s.conditionedState, s.states :+ x1, w1.tail, ll)
* Perform the PG filter
* @param n the total number of particles in the filter
* @param n0 if ESS < n0 then resample
def filter(model: Dglm, ys: Vector[Data], p: DlmParameters): PgState = {
val init = initialiseState(model, p, ys)
ys.foldLeft(init)(step(model, p))
object ParticleGibbs {
* Using the weights at time T (the end of all observations) sample a
* path from the collection of paths
* @param states a collection of paths with ancestory, the outer list is
* of length T, theinner length N
* @param weights particle weights at time T
* @return a single path
def sampleState(
states: Vector[Vector[(Double, DenseVector[Double])]],
weights: Vector[Double]): Rand[Vector[(Double, DenseVector[Double])]] = {
for {
k <- Multinomial(DenseVector(weights.toArray))
x = states.transpose
} yield x(k)
* Sample the conditioned state from the Particle Gibbs Sampler
* @param n the number of particles to use in the particle filter
def sample(n: Int, mod: Dglm, ys: Vector[Data], p: DlmParameters) = {
val filtered = ParticleGibbs(n).filter(mod, ys, p)
sampleState(filtered.states, filtered.weights) map ((filtered.ll, _))