dlm.model.Smoothing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector, DenseMatrix}
import breeze.stats.distributions.{Rand, MultivariateGaussian}
import cats.implicits._
import spire.syntax.cfor._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import math.exp
case class SamplingState(time: Double,
sample: DenseVector[Double],
mean: DenseVector[Double],
cov: DenseMatrix[Double],
at1: DenseVector[Double],
rt1: DenseMatrix[Double])
object Smoothing {
case class SmoothingState(time: Double,
mean: DenseVector[Double],
covariance: DenseMatrix[Double],
at1: DenseVector[Double],
rt1: DenseMatrix[Double])
* A single step in the backwards smoother
* Requires that a Kalman Filter has been run on the model
* @param mod a DLM model specification
* @param state the state at time t + 1
* @return
def smoothStep(mod: Dlm)(kfState: KfState, state: SmoothingState) = {
// extract elements from kalman state
val time = kfState.time
val dt = state.time - kfState.time
val mt = kfState.mt
val ct = kfState.ct
val at1 = state.at1
val rt1 = state.rt1
val cgrinv = (rt1.t \ (mod.g(dt) * ct.t)).t
val mean = mt + cgrinv * (state.mean - at1)
val covariance = ct - cgrinv * (rt1 - state.covariance) * cgrinv
SmoothingState(time, mean, covariance, kfState.at, kfState.rt)
* Learn the distribution of the latent state (the smoothing distribution)
* p(x_{1:T} | y_{1:T}) of a fully specified DLM with observations available
* for all time
* @param mod a DLM model specification
* @param kfState the output of a Kalman Filter
* @return
def backwardsSmoother(mod: Dlm)(kfState: Vector[KfState]) = {
val last = kfState.last
val lastTime = last.time
val init = SmoothingState(lastTime, last.mt, last.ct, last.at, last.rt)
* Perform a single step of the Backward Sampling algorithm for a DLM
* @param mod a DLM
* @param w the system noise covariance matrix
* @param kfState the state at the Kalman Filter at time t
* @param state the sampling state at time t + 1
* @return a sample from the state
def step(mod: Dlm, w: DenseMatrix[Double])(kfState: KfState,
state: SamplingState) = {
// extract elements from kalman state
val dt = state.time - kfState.time
val mt = kfState.mt
val ct = kfState.ct
val at1 = state.at1
val rt1 = state.rt1
// more efficient than inverting rt, equivalent to C * G.t * inv(R)
val cgrinv = (rt1.t \ (mod.g(dt) * ct.t)).t
// calculate the updated mean
val mean = mt + cgrinv * (state.sample - at1)
// calculate the updated covariance
val n = mt.size
val identity = DenseMatrix.eye[Double](n)
val diff = identity - cgrinv * mod.g(dt)
val covariance = diff * ct * diff.t + cgrinv * w * dt * cgrinv.t
val r = (covariance + covariance.t) /:/ 2.0
MultivariateGaussianSvd(mean, r).draw,
def initialise(filtered: Vector[KfState]) = {
val last = filtered.last
val lastState = MultivariateGaussianSvd(last.mt, last.ct).draw
SamplingState(last.time, lastState, last.mt, last.ct, last.at, last.rt)
* Perform backward sampling
def sample(mod: Dlm,
filtered: Vector[KfState],
backStep: (KfState, SamplingState) => SamplingState) = {
val initState = initialise(filtered)
* Perform backward sampling using a cfor loop
def sampleArray[FS, S, M](
filtered: Array[FS],
initialise: S,
backStep: (FS, S) => S)(implicit ct: ClassTag[S]): Array[S] = {
val n = filtered.size
val st: Array[S] = Array.ofDim[S](filtered.size)
st(n - 1) = initialise
cfor(n - 2)(_ >= 0, _ - 1) { i =>
st(i) = backStep(filtered(i), st(i + 1))
* Forward filtering backward sampling
* @param mod the DLM
* @param observations a list of observations
* @param advState the a priori state update in a Kalman Filter
* @param backStep the backward step of the backward sampler
* @param p parametes of the DLM
def ffbs(mod: Dlm,
observations: Vector[Data],
advState: (KfState, Double) => KfState,
backStep: (KfState, SamplingState) => SamplingState,
p: DlmParameters) = {
val filtered = KalmanFilter(advState).filter(mod, observations, p)
Rand.always(sample(mod, filtered, backStep))
* Perform backward sampling for a DLM
def sampleDlm(mod: Dlm, filtered: Vector[KfState], w: DenseMatrix[Double]) =
sample(mod, filtered, Smoothing.step(mod, w))
* Forward filtering backward sampling for a DLM
* @param mod the DLM
* @param observations a list of observations
* @param p parametes of the DLM
def ffbsDlm(mod: Dlm, ys: Vector[Data], p: DlmParameters) = {
KalmanFilter.advanceState(p, mod.g),
Smoothing.step(mod, p.w),
* Perform a backward step of FFBS for the OU process
def backwardStepOu(p: SvParameters)(kfState: KfState,
s: SamplingState): SamplingState = {
val dt = s.time - kfState.time
val phi = exp(-p.phi * dt)
val variance = (math.pow(p.sigmaEta, 2) / (2 * p.phi)) * (1 - exp(
-2 * p.phi * dt))
// extract elements from kalman state
val time = kfState.time
val mt = kfState.mt
val ct = kfState.ct
val at1 = s.at1
val rt1 = s.rt1
val identity = DenseMatrix.eye[Double](mt.size)
val g = identity * phi
val w = identity * variance
val cgrinv = (rt1.t \ (g * ct.t)).t
val mean = mt + cgrinv * (s.sample - at1)
val diff = (identity - cgrinv * g)
val cov = diff * ct * diff.t + cgrinv * w * cgrinv.t
val sample = MultivariateGaussian(mean, cov).draw
SamplingState(time, sample, mean, cov, kfState.at, kfState.rt)