dlm.model.StochVolKnots.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import math._
case class StochVolState(params: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState])
* Use a Gaussian approximation to the state space to sample the
* stochastic volatility model with discrete regular observations
* and an AR(1) latent state
object StochasticVolatilityKnots {
* Sample phi from the autoregressive state space
* from a conjugate Gaussian distribution
* @param prior a Gaussian prior distribution
* @return a function from the current state
* to the next state with a new value for
* phi sample from a Gaussian posterior distribution
def samplePhiConjugate(prior: Gaussian,
p: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[Double]): Rand[Double] = {
val pmu = prior.mean
val psigma = prior.variance
val sumStates = alphas.tail.map(at => (at - p.mu)).map(x => x * x).sum
val sumStates2 = (alphas.tail.init zip alphas.drop(2)).map {
case (at1, at) => (at1 - p.mu) * (at - p.mu)
val prec = 1 / psigma + (1 / p.sigmaEta * p.sigmaEta) * sumStates
val mean = (pmu / psigma + (1 / p.sigmaEta * p.sigmaEta) * sumStates2) / prec
val variance = 1 / prec
Gaussian(mean, sqrt(variance))
* Sample the precision of the AR(1) process
def sampleTau(prior: Gamma, p: SvParameters, alphas: Vector[Double]) = {
val squaredSum = (alphas.tail.init, alphas.drop(2)).zipped.map {
case (mt, mt1) =>
val diff = mt1 - (p.mu + p.phi * (mt - p.mu))
(diff * diff)
val shape = prior.shape + (alphas.size - 1) * 0.5
val scale = prior.scale + squaredSum * 0.5
Gamma(shape, scale)
* The log likelihood for the Gaussian approximation
* @param state the proposed state for the current block
* @param observations to observations for the current block
* @return the log likelihood of the Gaussian approximation
def approxLl(state: Vector[Double],
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]): Double = {
val n = ys.length
val sums = (ys zip state)
.map {
case ((t, Some(y)), a) => log(y * y) + 1.27 - a
case _ => 0.0
.map(x => x * x)
-3 * n * 0.5 * log(math.Pi) - (1 / (math.Pi * math.Pi)) * sums
* The exact log likelihood of the observations
* @param state the proposed state for the current block
* @param ys to observations for the current block
* @return The exact log likelihood of the observations
def exactLl(state: Vector[Double],
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]): Double = {
val n = ys.length
val sums = (ys zip state).map {
case ((t, Some(y)), a) => a + y * y * exp(-a)
case _ => 0.0
-n * 0.5 * log(2 * math.Pi) - 0.5 * sums
def transformObs(ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) =
for {
(t, yo) <- ys
yt = yo map (y => log(y * y) + 1.27)
} yield (t, yt)
type ConditionalFFBS = (
Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) => Rand[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]]
type ConditionalFilter = (
Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) => Rand[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]]
type ConditionalSample = (
Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) => Rand[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]]
def sampleBlock(ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
p: SvParameters,
filter: ConditionalFFBS) = {
val transObs = transformObs(ys)
val prop = (vs: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]) => {
filter(vs.head, vs.last, p, transObs)
val ll = (vs: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]) => {
val state = vs.map(_.sample).tail
exactLl(state, ys) - approxLl(state, ys)
Metropolis.mAccept[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]](prop, ll) _
def sampleEnd(ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
p: SvParameters,
filter: ConditionalFilter) = {
val transObs = transformObs(ys)
val prop = (vs: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]) => {
filter(vs.head, p, transObs)
val ll = (vs: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]) => {
val state = vs.map(_.sample)
exactLl(state, ys) - approxLl(state, ys)
Metropolis.mAccept[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]](prop, ll) _
def sampleStart(ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
p: SvParameters,
sampler: ConditionalSample) = {
val transObs = transformObs(ys)
val prop = (vs: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]) => {
sampler(vs.last, p, transObs)
val ll = (vs: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]) => {
val state = vs.map(_.sample)
exactLl(state, ys) - approxLl(state, ys)
Metropolis.mAccept[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]](prop, ll) _
// TODO: Fix this
def sampleStateFold(ffbs: ConditionalFFBS,
filter: ConditionalFilter,
sampler: ConditionalSample)(
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
p: SvParameters,
knots: Vector[Int],
state: Array[FilterAr.SampleState]) = {
(knots.init zip knots.tail).foldLeft(state.toVector) {
case (st, (start, end)) =>
val selectedObs = ys.slice(start, end)
if (start == 0) {
val vs = st.slice(1, end + 1).toVector
val (res, a) = sampleStart(selectedObs, p, sampler)(vs).draw
res ++ st.drop(end + 1)
} else if (end == knots.last) {
val vs = st.slice(start + 1, end + 1).toVector
val (res, a) = sampleEnd(selectedObs, p, filter)(vs).draw
st.take(start + 1) ++ res
} else {
val vs = st.slice(start, end + 1).toVector
val (res, a) = sampleBlock(selectedObs, p, ffbs)(vs).draw
st.take(start) ++ res ++ st.drop(end)
def sampleState(ffbs: ConditionalFFBS,
filter: ConditionalFilter,
sampler: ConditionalSample)(
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
p: SvParameters,
knots: Vector[Int],
state: Array[FilterAr.SampleState]): Array[FilterAr.SampleState] = {
val finalKnot = knots.last
for (i <- knots.indices.init) {
val selectedObs = ys.slice(knots(i), knots(i + 1))
if (i == 0) {
val vs = state.slice(1, knots(i + 1) + 1).toVector
val (res, a) = sampleStart(selectedObs, p, sampler)(vs).draw
res.copyToArray(state, 0)
} else if (knots(i + 1) == finalKnot) {
val vs = state.slice(knots(i) + 1, knots(i + 1) + 1).toVector
val (res, a) = sampleEnd(selectedObs, p, filter)(vs).draw
res.copyToArray(state, knots(i) + 1)
} else {
val vs = state.slice(knots(i), knots(i + 1) + 1).toVector
val (res, a) = sampleBlock(selectedObs, p, ffbs)(vs).draw
res.copyToArray(state, knots(i))
def discreteUniform(min: Int, max: Int) =
min + scala.util.Random.nextInt(max - min + 1)
def sampleStarts(min: Int, max: Int, length: Int) =
.continually(discreteUniform(min, max))
.scanLeft(0)(_ + _)
.takeWhile(_ < length - 1)
* Sample knot positions by sampling block size
* from a uniform distribution between
* min and max for a sequence of observations of length n
* @param min the minimum size of a block
* @param max the maxiumum size of a block
* @param n the length of the observations
def sampleKnots(min: Int, max: Int, n: Int): Rand[Vector[Int]] =
Rand.always(sampleStarts(min, max, n) :+ n - 1)
def ffbsAr = FilterAr.conditionalFfbs _
def filterAr(start: FilterAr.SampleState,
p: SvParameters,
transObs: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
val filtered = FilterAr.conditionalFilter(start, p, transObs)
FilterAr.univariateSample(p, filtered)
def sampleAr(end: FilterAr.SampleState,
p: SvParameters,
transObs: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
val variances = Vector.fill(transObs.size)(Pi * Pi * 0.5)
val filtered = FilterAr.filterUnivariate(transObs, variances, p)
FilterAr.conditionalSampler(end, p, filtered)
def sampleSigmaMetrop(prior: InverseGamma,
p: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[Double]) = {
val proposal = (sigma: Double) =>
Gaussian(0.0, 0.05).map(z => sigma * exp(z))
val pos = (newSigma: Double) => {
val newP = p.copy(sigmaEta = newSigma)
prior.logPdf(newSigma) +
StochasticVolatility.arLikelihood(alphas, newP)
Metropolis.mAccept[Double](proposal, pos) _
def sampleStepAr(
priorPhi: Gaussian,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]
): StochVolState => Rand[StochVolState] = { st =>
for {
knots <- sampleKnots(10, 100, ys.size)
alphas = sampleState(ffbsAr, filterAr, sampleAr)(
state = alphas.map(_.sample)
newPhi <- samplePhiConjugate(priorPhi, st.params, state)
newMu <- StochasticVolatility.sampleMu(priorMu,
st.params.copy(phi = newPhi),
newSigma <- StochasticVolatility.sampleSigma(
st.params.copy(phi = newPhi, mu = newMu),
newP = SvParameters(newPhi, newMu, newSigma)
} yield StochVolState(newP, alphas)
def sampleStepArBeta(priorPhi: Beta,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
st: StochVolState =>
for {
knots <- sampleKnots(10, 100, ys.size)
alphas = sampleState(ffbsAr, filterAr, sampleAr)(
state = alphas.map(_.sample)
phi <- StochasticVolatility.samplePhi(priorPhi,
mu <- StochasticVolatility.sampleMu(priorMu,
st.params.copy(phi = phi),
se <- StochasticVolatility.sampleSigma(
st.params.copy(phi = phi, mu = mu),
} yield StochVolState(SvParameters(phi, mu, se), alphas)
def initialStateAr(p: SvParameters, ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])])
: Rand[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]] = {
// transform the observations, centering, squaring and logging
val transObs = transformObs(ys)
val vs = Vector.fill(ys.size)(Pi * Pi * 0.5)
FilterAr.ffbs(p, transObs, vs)
def sampleParametersAr(priorPhi: Gaussian,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
// draw from the prior distributions
val initP = for {
phi <- priorPhi
mu <- priorMu
sigma <- priorSigmaEta
} yield SvParameters(phi, mu, sigma)
val params = initP.draw
val init = StochVolState(params, initialStateAr(params, ys).draw)
MarkovChain(init)(sampleStepAr(priorPhi, priorMu, priorSigmaEta, ys))
def sampleArBeta(priorPhi: Beta,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigmaEta: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
initP: SvParameters) = {
val init = StochVolState(initP, initialStateAr(initP, ys).draw)
MarkovChain(init)(sampleStepArBeta(priorPhi, priorMu, priorSigmaEta, ys))
def ffbsOu = FilterOu.conditionalFfbs _
def filterOu(start: FilterAr.SampleState,
p: SvParameters,
transObs: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
val filtered = FilterOu.conditionalFilter(start, p, transObs)
FilterOu.univariateSample(p, filtered)
def sampleOu(end: FilterAr.SampleState,
p: SvParameters,
transObs: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
val variances = Vector.fill(transObs.size)(Pi * Pi * 0.5)
val filtered = FilterOu.filterUnivariate(transObs, variances, p)
FilterOu.conditionalSampler(end, p, filtered)
case class OuSvState(params: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState],
accepted: DenseVector[Int])
def sampleStepOu(
priorPhi: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorMu: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorSigma: ContinuousDistr[Double],
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]): OuSvState => Rand[OuSvState] = {
st =>
for {
knots <- sampleKnots(10, 100, ys.size)
alphas = sampleState(ffbsOu, filterOu, sampleOu)(
state = alphas.map(x => (x.time, x.sample))
(newPhi, acceptedPhi) <- StochasticVolatility.samplePhiOu(
(newMu, acceptedMu) <- StochasticVolatility.sampleMuOu(
st.params.copy(phi = newPhi),
(newSigma, acceptedSigma) <- StochasticVolatility.sampleSigmaMetropOu(
st.params.copy(phi = newPhi, mu = newMu),
p = SvParameters(newPhi, newMu, newSigma)
} yield
st.accepted + DenseVector(
Array(acceptedPhi, acceptedMu, acceptedSigma)))
def sampleOu(priorPhi: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorMu: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorSigma: ContinuousDistr[Double],
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
initP: SvParameters) = {
val initialState = StochasticVolatility.initialStateOu(initP, ys).draw
val init = OuSvState(initP, initialState, DenseVector.zeros[Int](3))
MarkovChain(init)(sampleStepOu(priorPhi, priorMu, priorSigma, ys))