dlm.model.StochasticVolatility.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector}
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import math._
import cats.Semigroup
import cats.implicits._
case class SvParameters(phi: Double, mu: Double, sigmaEta: Double) {
def toList: List[Double] = phi :: mu :: sigmaEta :: Nil
def map(f: Double => Double) =
SvParameters(f(phi), f(mu), f(sigmaEta))
def add(p: SvParameters) =
p.copy(phi = p.phi + phi, mu = p.mu + mu, sigmaEta = p.sigmaEta + sigmaEta)
object SvParameters {
def empty: SvParameters =
SvParameters(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def fromList(l: List[Double]): SvParameters =
SvParameters(l.head, l(1), l(2))
implicit def svSemigroup = new Semigroup[SvParameters] {
def combine(x: SvParameters, y: SvParameters) =
x add y
* Simulate and fit a Stochastic volatility model using a mixture model approximation for
* the non-linear dynamics for either a AR(1) latent-state or OU latent state
* Y_t = sigma * exp(a_t / 2), sigma ~ N(0, 1)
* a_t = phi * a_t + eta, eta ~ N(0, sigma_eta)
object StochasticVolatility {
private val pis = Array(0.0073, 0.1056, 0.00002, 0.044, 0.34, 0.2457, 0.2575)
private val means = Array(-11.4, -5.24, -9.84, 1.51, -0.65, 0.53, -2.36)
private val variances = Array(5.8, 2.61, 5.18, 0.17, 0.64, 0.34, 1.26)
* The observation function for the stochastic volatility model
def observation(at: Double): Rand[Double] =
Gaussian(0.0, exp(at * 0.5))
def stepState(p: SvParameters, at: Double): ContinuousDistr[Double] =
Gaussian(p.mu + p.phi * (at - p.mu), p.sigmaEta)
def simStep(time: Double, p: SvParameters)(state: Double) = {
for {
x <- stepState(p, state)
y <- observation(x)
} yield (time, y.some, x)
* Simulate regularly from a stochastic volatility model with
* AR(1) latent-state
def simulate(p: SvParameters) = {
val initVar = p.sigmaEta * p.sigmaEta / (1 - p.phi * p.phi)
val initState = Gaussian(p.mu, math.sqrt(initVar))
val init = (0.0, None: Option[Double], initState.draw)
MarkovChain(init)(a => simStep(a._1 + 1.0, p)(a._3))
* Advance the state of the OU process
def stepOu(p: SvParameters,
at: Double,
dt: Double): ContinuousDistr[Double] = {
val phi = exp(-p.phi * dt)
val mean = p.mu + phi * (at - p.mu)
val variance = (math.pow(p.sigmaEta, 2) * (1 - exp(-2 * p.phi * dt))) / (2 * p.phi)
Gaussian(mean, math.sqrt(variance))
* Simulate from a Stochastic Volatility model with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck latent State
def simOu(p: SvParameters,
times: Stream[Double]): Stream[(Double, Option[Double], Double)] = {
val initVar = p.sigmaEta * p.sigmaEta / (1 - p.phi * p.phi)
val initState = Gaussian(p.mu, math.sqrt(initVar))
val init = (0.0, None: Option[Double], initState.draw)
times.tail.scanLeft(init) {
case (d0, t) =>
val dt = t - d0._1
val a1 = stepOu(p, d0._3, dt).draw
val y = observation(a1).draw
(t, y.some, a1)
* Sample the indices for the mixture model
* @param ys a collection of observations
* @param alphas the latent log-volatility
def sampleKt(ys: Vector[Option[Double]], alphas: Vector[Double]) = {
// conditional likelihood
def ll(j: Int, yo: Option[Double], x: Double) = {
yo.map { y =>
Gaussian(x, math.sqrt(variances(j))).logPdf(log(y * y) - means(j))
// calculate the log weights
def logWeights(yo: Option[Double], x: Double): Vector[Double] =
for {
j <- Vector.range(0, variances.size)
_ = if (x.isNaN) {
s"Calculating the ll for $yo, with state $x, mean ${means(j)}, variance ${variances(j)}")
} yield log(pis(j)) + ll(j, yo, x)
for {
(y, x) <- ys zip alphas.tail
lw = logWeights(y, x)
max = lw.max
weights = lw.map(w => exp(w - max))
normed = ParticleFilter.normaliseWeights(weights)
kt = Multinomial(DenseVector(normed.toArray)).draw
} yield kt
def sampleStateAr(ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
params: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState])
: Rand[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]] = {
// sample the T indices of the mixture
val kt = sampleKt(ys.map(_._2), alphas.map(_.sample))
// construct a list of variances and means
val vkt = kt.map(j => variances(j))
val mkt = kt.map(j => means(j))
val yt = (ys zip mkt).map {
case ((t, yo), m) =>
(t, yo map (y => log(y * y) - m))
// create vector of parameters
val filtered = FilterAr.filterUnivariate(yt, vkt, params)
FilterAr.univariateSample(params, filtered)
* Log-Likelihood of the AR(1) process
* @param state the current value of the state
* @param p the current value of the parameters
* @return the log-likelihood
def arLikelihood(alphas: Vector[Double], p: SvParameters): Double = {
val initvar = math.pow(p.sigmaEta, 2) / (1 - math.pow(p.phi, 2))
Gaussian(p.mu, math.sqrt(initvar)).logPdf(alphas.head) +
(alphas.drop(2) zip alphas.tail.init).map {
case (a1, a0) =>
val mean = p.mu + p.phi * (a0 - p.mu)
Gaussian(mean, p.sigmaEta).logPdf(a1)
* Sample Phi using a Beta proposal distribution
* @param tau a small tuning parameter for the beta proposal
* @param lambda a tuning parameter for the beta proposal distribution
* @param prior a prior distribution for the parameter phi
* @return a Metropolis Hastings step sampling the value of Phi
def samplePhi(prior: ContinuousDistr[Double],
p: SvParameters,
alpha: Vector[Double],
tau: Double,
lambda: Double) = {
val proposal = (phi: Double) =>
new Beta(lambda * phi + tau, lambda * (1 - phi) + tau)
val pos = (phi: Double) =>
prior.logPdf(phi) + arLikelihood(alpha, p.copy(phi = phi))
* Sample mu from the autoregressive state space,
* from a Gaussian distribution
* @param prior a Gaussian prior for the parameter
* @return a function from the current state of the Markov chain to
* a new state with a new mu sampled from the Gaussian
* posterior distribution
def sampleMu(prior: Gaussian,
p: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[Double]): Rand[Double] = {
val n = alphas.tail.size
val pmu = prior.mean
val psigma = prior.variance
val sumStates = (alphas.tail.init, alphas.drop(2)).zipped
.map { case (at, at1) => (at1 - p.phi * at) }
.reduce(_ + _)
val prec = 1 / psigma + ((n - 1) * (1 - p.phi) * (1 - p.phi)) / p.sigmaEta * p.sigmaEta
val mean = (pmu / psigma + ((1 - p.phi) / p.sigmaEta * p.sigmaEta) * sumStates) / prec
val variance = 1 / prec
Gaussian(mean, math.sqrt(variance))
* Sample sigma from the an inverse gamma distribution (sqrt)
* @param prior the prior for the variance of the noise of the latent-state
* @param p the current value of the parameters
* @param alphas the current value of the latent-state
* @return a distribution over the system variance
def sampleSigma(prior: InverseGamma,
p: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[Double]) = {
val squaredSum = (alphas.tail.init, alphas.drop(2)).zipped.map {
case (mt, mt1) =>
val diff = mt1 - (p.mu + p.phi * (mt - p.mu))
(diff * diff)
val shape = prior.shape + alphas.size * 0.5
val scale = prior.scale + squaredSum * 0.5
InverseGamma(shape, scale).map(math.sqrt)
def sampleTau(prior: Gamma, p: SvParameters, alphas: Vector[Double]) = {
val squaredSum = (alphas.tail.init, alphas.drop(2)).zipped.map {
case (mt, mt1) =>
val diff = mt1 - (p.mu + p.phi * (mt - p.mu))
(diff * diff)
val shape = prior.shape + alphas.size * 0.5
val rate = prior.scale + squaredSum * 0.5
val scale = 1.0 / rate
Gamma(shape, scale)
def stepUni(priorPhi: Gaussian,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = { s: StochVolState =>
for {
alphas <- sampleStateAr(ys, s.params, s.alphas)
state = alphas.map(_.sample)
newPhi <- StochasticVolatilityKnots.samplePhiConjugate(priorPhi,
newMu <- sampleMu(priorMu, s.params.copy(phi = newPhi), state)
newSigma <- sampleSigma(priorSigma,
s.params.copy(phi = newPhi, mu = newMu),
p = SvParameters(newPhi, newMu, newSigma)
} yield s.copy(params = p, alphas = alphas)
def stepBeta(priorPhi: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = { s: StochVolState =>
for {
alphas <- sampleStateAr(ys, s.params, s.alphas)
state = alphas.map(_.sample)
newPhi <- samplePhi(priorPhi, s.params, state, 0.05, 100.0)(s.params.phi)
newMu <- sampleMu(priorMu, s.params.copy(phi = newPhi), state)
newSigma <- sampleSigma(priorSigma,
s.params.copy(phi = newPhi, mu = newMu),
p = SvParameters(newPhi, newMu, newSigma)
} yield s.copy(params = p, alphas = alphas)
def sampleBeta(priorPhi: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
// draw from the prior distributions
val initP = for {
phi <- priorPhi
mu <- priorMu
sigma <- priorSigma
} yield SvParameters(phi, mu, sigma)
val params = initP.draw
// initialise the latent state
val initState = StochasticVolatilityKnots.initialStateAr(params, ys).draw
val init = StochVolState(params, initState)
MarkovChain(init)(stepBeta(priorPhi, priorMu, priorSigma, ys))
def sampleUni(priorPhi: Gaussian,
priorMu: Gaussian,
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
// draw from the prior distributions
val initP = for {
phi <- priorPhi
mu <- priorMu
sigma <- priorSigma
} yield SvParameters(phi, mu, sigma)
val params = initP.draw
// initialise the latent state
val initState = StochasticVolatilityKnots.initialStateAr(params, ys).draw
val init = StochVolState(params, initState)
MarkovChain(init)(stepUni(priorPhi, priorMu, priorSigma, ys))
* Marginal log likelihood of the OU process used to
* perform the Metropolis Hastings steps to learn the static parameters
* @param s the current state of the MCMC including the current values
* of the parameters
* @return the log likelihood of the state given the static parameter values
def ouLikelihood(p: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[(Double, Double)]): Double = {
val phi = (dt: Double) => exp(-p.phi * dt)
val variance = (dt: Double) =>
(math.pow(p.sigmaEta, 2) * (1 - exp(-2 * p.phi * dt))) / (2 * p.phi)
(alphas.init zip alphas.tail).map {
case (a0, a1) =>
val dt = a1._1 - a0._1
if (dt == 0.0) {
} else {
val mean = p.mu + phi(dt) * (a0._2 - p.mu)
Gaussian(mean, math.sqrt(variance(dt))).logPdf(a1._2)
* Sample the mean from the OU process using a metropolis step
* @param prior a prior distribution for the mean parameter, mu
* @param delta the standard deviation of the (Gaussian)
* proposal distribution
* @return
def sampleMuOu(prior: ContinuousDistr[Double],
delta: Double = 0.05,
p: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[(Double, Double)]) = {
val proposal = (mu: Double) => Gaussian(mu, delta)
val pos = (newMu: Double) => {
val newP = p.copy(mu = newMu)
prior.logPdf(newMu) + ouLikelihood(newP, alphas)
Metropolis.mAccept[Double](proposal, pos) _
* Metropolis step to sample the value of sigma_eta
def sampleSigmaMetropOu(prior: ContinuousDistr[Double],
delta: Double = 0.05,
p: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[(Double, Double)]) = {
val proposal = (sigmaEta: Double) =>
for {
z <- Gaussian(0.0, delta)
newSigma = sigmaEta * exp(z)
} yield newSigma
val pos = (newSigma: Double) => {
val newP = p.copy(sigmaEta = newSigma)
prior.logPdf(newSigma) + ouLikelihood(newP, alphas)
Metropolis.mAccept[Double](proposal, pos) _
* Sample the autoregressive parameter (between 0 and 1)
def samplePhiOu(prior: ContinuousDistr[Double],
p: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[(Double, Double)],
lambda: Double = 10.0,
tau: Double = 0.05) = {
val proposal = (phi: Double) =>
new Beta(lambda * phi + tau, lambda * (1 - phi) + tau)
val pos = (newPhi: Double) => {
val newP = p.copy(phi = newPhi)
prior.logPdf(newPhi) + ouLikelihood(newP, alphas)
Metropolis.mAccept[Double](proposal, pos) _
def sampleStateOu(ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])],
params: SvParameters,
alphas: Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]) = {
// sample the T indices of the mixture
val kt = sampleKt(ys.map(_._2), alphas.map(_.sample))
// construct a list of variances and means
val vkt = kt.map(j => variances(j))
val mkt = kt.map(j => means(j))
val yt = (ys zip mkt).map {
case ((t, yo), m) =>
(t, yo map (y => log(y * y) - m))
// create vector of parameters
val filtered = FilterOu.filterUnivariate(yt, vkt, params)
FilterOu.univariateSample(params, filtered)
* Perform a single step of the MCMC Kernel for the SV with OU latent state
* Using independent Metropolis-Hastings moves
* @param
def stepOu(priorPhi: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorMu: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])])(s: StochVolState) = {
for {
alphas <- sampleStateOu(ys, s.params, s.alphas)
state = alphas map (x => (x.time, x.sample))
(newPhi, _) <- samplePhiOu(priorPhi, s.params, state, 0.05)(s.params.phi)
(newSigma, _) <- sampleSigmaMetropOu(priorSigma,
s.params.copy(phi = newPhi),
(newMu, _) <- sampleMuOu(priorMu,
s.params.copy(phi = newPhi, sigmaEta = newSigma),
p = SvParameters(newPhi, newMu, newSigma)
} yield StochVolState(p, alphas)
def initialStateOu(p: SvParameters, ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])])
: Rand[Vector[FilterAr.SampleState]] = {
// transform the observations, centering, squaring and logging
val transObs = StochasticVolatilityKnots.transformObs(ys)
val vs = Vector.fill(ys.size)(Pi * Pi * 0.5)
FilterOu.ffbs(p, transObs, vs)
def sampleOu(priorPhi: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorMu: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorSigma: InverseGamma,
params: SvParameters,
ys: Vector[(Double, Option[Double])]) = {
// initialise the latent state
val alphas = initialStateOu(params, ys).draw
val init = StochVolState(params, alphas)
MarkovChain(init)(stepOu(priorPhi, priorMu, priorSigma, ys))