dlm.model.Storvik.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector, diag}
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import breeze.numerics.exp
import cats.implicits._
import cats.Traverse
import scala.language.higherKinds
import spire.syntax.cfor._
* State of the Storvik filter
* @param time the time of the observation associated with this latent state
* @param state the particle cloud representing the posterior state
* @param params
case class StorvikState(time: Double,
state: Vector[DenseVector[Double]],
params: Vector[DlmParameters],
statsV: Vector[Vector[InverseGamma]],
statsW: Vector[Vector[InverseGamma]],
ess: Int)
object StorvikFilter {
def initialiseState[T[_]: Traverse](model: Dglm,
p: DlmParameters,
ys: T[Data],
n: Int,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma): StorvikState = {
val x0 = MultivariateGaussian(p.m0, p.c0).sample(n).toVector
val vStats = Vector.fill(n)(Vector.fill(p.w.cols)(priorV))
val wStats = Vector.fill(n)(Vector.fill(p.w.cols)(priorW))
val p0 = drawParams(vStats, wStats, p)
StorvikState(0.0, x0, p0, vStats, wStats, 0)
* Update the value of the sufficient statistics for the system covariance matrix
* @param dt the time difference between observations
* @param stats the previous value of the sufficient statistics
* @param x0 the previous value of the state particles
* @param x1 the current value of the state particles
* @return a vector representing the diagonal entries of the system covariance matrix
def updateStatsW(dt: Double,
mod: Dglm,
stats: Vector[InverseGamma],
x0: DenseVector[Double],
x1: DenseVector[Double]): Vector[InverseGamma] = {
val diff = (x1 - mod.g(dt) * x0)
val ss = (diff *:* diff) / dt
val shapes = stats.map(_.shape + 0.5)
val scales = (stats zip ss.data) map { case (s, si) => s.scale + 0.5 * si }
(shapes zip scales) map {
case (shape, scale) => InverseGamma(shape, scale)
def drawParams(statsV: Vector[Vector[InverseGamma]],
statsW: Vector[Vector[InverseGamma]],
p: DlmParameters) = {
(statsV, statsW).zipped.map {
case (vs, ws) =>
v = diag(DenseVector(vs.map(g => g.draw).toArray)),
w = diag(DenseVector(ws.map(g => g.draw).toArray))
* Update the value of the sufficient statistics for the observation covariance matrix
def updateStatsV(time: Double,
mod: Dglm,
stats: Vector[InverseGamma],
x: DenseVector[Double],
y: DenseVector[Double]): Vector[InverseGamma] = {
val diff = (y - mod.f(time).t * x)
val ss = (diff *:* diff)
val shapes = stats.map(_.shape + 0.5)
val scales = (stats zip ss.data) map { case (s, si) => s.scale + 0.5 * si }
(shapes zip scales) map {
case (shape, scale) => InverseGamma(shape, scale)
def advanceState(mod: Dglm,
dt: Double,
ps: Vector[DlmParameters],
xs: Vector[DenseVector[Double]]) = {
(xs zip ps).map { case (x, p) => Dglm.stepState(mod, p)(x, dt).draw }
def step(mod: Dglm, n0: Int)(s: StorvikState, d: Data): StorvikState = {
val y = KalmanFilter.flattenObs(d.observation)
val dt = d.time - s.time
// propose parameters from a known distribution, using the vector of sufficient statistics
val params = drawParams(s.statsV, s.statsW, s.params.head)
// advance the state particles, according to p(x(t) | x(t-1), psi)
val x1 = advanceState(mod, dt, params, s.state)
// calculate the new weights, evaluating p(y(t) | x(t), psi)
val weights = calcWeights(mod, d.time, x1, d.observation, params)
// avoid underflow
val maxWeight = weights.max
val expWeight = weights map (a => exp(a - maxWeight))
// normalise the weights to sum to one
val normWeights = ParticleFilter.normaliseWeights(expWeight)
// calculate the effective sample size
val ess = ParticleFilter.effectiveSampleSize(normWeights)
// resample if the effective sample size is less than n0
if (ess < n0) {
val indices = ParticleFilter.multinomialResample(
val resampledState = indices map (x1(_))
val resampledParams = indices map (params(_))
val resampledStatsW = indices map (s.statsW(_))
val resampledStatsV = indices map (s.statsV(_))
val statsW = (s.state, resampledState, resampledStatsW).zipped.map {
case (x0, x, stats) => updateStatsW(dt, mod, stats, x0, x)
val statsV = (resampledState, resampledStatsV).zipped.map {
case (x, stats) => updateStatsV(d.time, mod, stats, x, y)
StorvikState(d.time, resampledState, resampledParams, statsV, statsW, ess)
} else {
val statsW = (s.state, x1, s.statsW).zipped.map {
case (x0, x, stats) => updateStatsW(dt, mod, stats, x0, x)
val statsV = (x1, s.statsV).zipped.map {
case (x, stats) => updateStatsV(d.time, mod, stats, x, y)
StorvikState(d.time, x1, params, statsV, statsW, ess)
def filterArrayTs(model: Dglm,
ys: Vector[Data],
p: DlmParameters,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma,
n: Int,
n0: Int) = {
val st = Array.ofDim[StorvikState](ys.length + 1)
st(0) = initialiseState(model, p, ys, n, priorV, priorW)
cfor(1)(_ < st.size, _ + 1) { i =>
st(i) = step(model, n0)(st(i - 1), ys(i - 1))
def filterTs(model: Dglm,
ys: Vector[Data],
p: DlmParameters,
priorV: InverseGamma,
priorW: InverseGamma,
n: Int,
n0: Int): Vector[StorvikState] = {
val init = initialiseState(model, p, ys, n, priorV, priorW)
ys.scanLeft(init)(step(model, n0))
def calcWeights(mod: Dglm,
time: Double,
state: Vector[DenseVector[Double]],
y: DenseVector[Option[Double]],
ps: Vector[DlmParameters]) = {
val fm = KalmanFilter.missingF(mod.f, time, y)
(state zip ps).map {
case (x, p) =>
val vm = KalmanFilter.missingV(p.v, y)
mod.conditionalLikelihood(vm)(fm.t * x, KalmanFilter.flattenObs(y))