dlm.model.Streaming.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kantan.csv._
import kantan.csv.ops._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import akka.stream._
import akka.stream.scaladsl._
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.util.ByteString
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector, diag}
object Streaming {
* Write a single chain
* @param iters the iterations of the MCMC chain
* @param formatParameters a function to properly format the parameters
* to write them to a file
* @param file the file to write the parameters to
* @param config additional configuration as CsvConfiguration
* from the kantan CSV package
def writeChain(
formatParameters: DlmParameters => List[Double],
filename: String,
config: CsvConfiguration
)(iters: Iterator[DlmParameters]) = {
val file = new File(filename)
val writer = file.asCsvWriter[List[Double]](config)
// write iters to file
while (iters.hasNext) {
* Parse parameters from a collection containing the diagonal
* entries of the v, w matrices
def parseDiagonalParameters(vDim: Int, wDim: Int)(
ps: Vector[Double]): DlmParameters = {
val v = ps.take(vDim).map(_.toDouble).toArray
val w = ps.drop(vDim).take(wDim).map(_.toDouble).toArray
val m0 = ps.drop(vDim + wDim).take(wDim).map(_.toDouble).toArray
val c0 = ps.drop(vDim + 2 * wDim).take(wDim * wDim).map(_.toDouble).toArray
new DenseMatrix(wDim, wDim, c0))
* Read an MCMC Chain into a list of doubles
def readMcmcChain(filename: String) = {
val mcmcChain = Paths.get(filename)
* Calculate the column means of List of List of doubles
def colMeans(params: List[List[Double]]): List[Double] = {
params.transpose.map(a => breeze.stats.mean(a))
def quantile[A: Ordering](xs: Seq[A], prob: Double): A = {
val index = math.floor(xs.length * prob).toInt
val ordered = xs.sorted
* Streaming mean
def mean =
.fold((0.0, 1.0)) {
case ((avg, n), b) =>
((avg * n + b) / (n + 1), n + 1)
def meanDlmFsvParameters(vDim: Int, wDim: Int, p: Int, k: Int) =
.fold((DlmFsvParameters.empty(vDim, wDim, p, k), 1.0)) {
case ((avg, n), b) =>
(avg.map(_ * n).add(b).map(_ / (n + 1)), n + 1)
def meanDlmFsvSystemParameters(vDim: Int, wDim: Int, k: Int) =
.fold((DlmFsvSystem.emptyParams(vDim, wDim, k), 1.0)) {
case ((avg, n), b) =>
(avg.map(_ * n).add(b).map(_ / (n + 1)), n + 1)
* Calculate the streaming mean of DLM parameters
def meanParameters(vDim: Int, wDim: Int) = {
.fold((DlmParameters.empty(vDim, wDim), 1.0))((acc, b) => {
val (avg: DlmParameters, n: Double) = acc
(avg.map(_ * n).add(b).map(_ / (n + 1)), n + 1)
def meanSvParameters =
.fold((SvParameters.empty, 1.0)) { (acc, b) =>
val (avg: SvParameters, n: Double) = acc
(avg.map(_ * n).add(b).map(_ / (n + 1)), n + 1)
def meanFsvParameters(p: Int, k: Int) =
.fold((FsvParameters.empty(p, k), 1.0)) { (acc, b) =>
val (avg: FsvParameters, n: Double) = acc
(avg.map(_ * n).add(b).map(_ / (n + 1)), n + 1)
* Create an Akka stream from a Markov Chain
def streamChain[A](chain: breeze.stats.distributions.Process[A],
nIters: Int): Source[A, NotUsed] = {
Source.fromIterator(() => chain.steps.take(nIters))
def writeChainSink[A](
filename: String,
format: A => List[Double]
): Sink[A, Future[IOResult]] = {
.map(a => ByteString(format(a).mkString(", ") + "\n"))
* Given a single MCMC, write different realisations using
* the same initial parameters
* @param nChains the number of parallel chains
* @param nIters the number of iterations
* @param filename the prefix of the filename
* @param format a function to format each row of the CSV output
def writeParallelChain[A](
chain: breeze.stats.distributions.Process[A],
nChains: Int,
nIters: Int,
filename: String,
format: A => List[Double])(implicit m: Materializer) = {
Source((0 until nChains)).mapAsync(nChains) { i =>
streamChain(chain, nIters).runWith(
writeChainSink(s"${filename}_$i.csv", format))
* Filter a Stream to select only every nth iteration
* @param xs an iterator
* @param n the index of the iterator to select
def thinChain[A](n: Int) = {
Flow[A].zipWithIndex.filter { case (a, i) => i % n == 0 }.map(_._1)
def readCsv[S](file: String) = {
maximumFrameLength = 8192,
allowTruncation = true))
.map(a => a.split(",").toVector)