dlm.model.StudentTGibbs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dlm.core.model
import cats.implicits._
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, diag, sum}
import breeze.stats.distributions._
* Fit a state space model with a latent Gaussian state and a Student's t observation distribution
* using the fact that the student's t-distribution is an Inverse Gamma mixture of normals
object StudentT {
* The state of the Markov chain for the Student's t-distribution
* gibbs sampler
* @param p the DLM parameters
* @param variances the variances for each of the observations V_t
* @param nu the degrees of freedom of the Student's t-distribution
* @param state the currently sampled state using FFBS
case class State(p: DlmParameters,
variances: Vector[Double],
nu: Int,
state: Vector[SamplingState],
accepted: Int)
* Sample the variances of the Normal distribution
* These are auxilliary variables required when calculating
* the one-step prediction in the Kalman Filter
* @param ys an array of observations of length N
* @param f the observation matrix
* @param dof the degrees of freedom of the Student's t-distribution
* @return a Rand distribution over the list of N variances
def sampleVariances(ys: Vector[Data],
f: Double => DenseMatrix[Double],
dof: Int,
theta: Vector[SamplingState],
p: DlmParameters) = {
val scale = p.v(0, 0)
val alpha = (dof + 1) * 0.5
val diff = (ys.map(_.observation) zip theta)
.map {
case (y, s) =>
val ft = f(s.time).t * s.sample
y(0).map(y => (y - ft(0)) * (y - ft(0))).getOrElse(0.0)
val beta = diff.map(d => (dof * scale * 0.5) + d * 0.5)
beta map (b => InverseGamma(alpha, b).draw)
* Calculate the log-likelihood of the student's t-distributed model
* @param ys a vector of observations
* @param xs a sample from the latent-state of the student's t model
* @param mod the Student t DGLM
* @param index the index of the observation to select
* @param p the
def ll(ys: Vector[Data],
xs: Vector[SamplingState],
mod: Dglm,
p: DlmParameters)(nu: Int) = {
(xs.tail zip ys)
.map {
case (s, Data(t, yo)) =>
.map { y =>
val location = mod.f(t).t * s.sample
val scale = math.sqrt(p.v(0, 0))
ScaledStudentsT(nu, location(0), scale).logPdf(y)
.reduce(_ + _)
* Sample the (square of the) scale of the Student's t distribution
* @param dof the degrees of freedom of the Student's t observation distribution
* @param vs the current sampled scales
def sampleScaleT(dof: Int, variances: Vector[Double]) = {
val t = variances.size
val shape = t * dof * 0.5 + 1
val rate = dof * 0.5 * variances.map(1.0 / _).sum
val scale = 1 / rate
Gamma(shape, scale)
def filter(mod: Dlm,
variances: Vector[Double],
observations: Vector[Data],
params: DlmParameters) = {
// create a list of parameters with the variance in them
val ps = variances.map(vi => params.copy(v = DenseMatrix(vi)))
val kf = (p: DlmParameters) =>
KalmanFilter(KalmanFilter.advanceState(p, mod.g))
def kalmanStep(p: DlmParameters) = kf(p).step(mod, p) _
val (at, rt) =
KalmanFilter.advState(mod.g, params.m0, params.c0, 0, params.w)
val init = kf(params).initialiseState(mod, params, observations)
// fold over the list of variances and the observations
(ps zip observations).scanLeft(init) {
case (s, (p, y)) => kalmanStep(p)(s, y)
* Sample the state, incorporating the drawn variances for each observation
* @param variances the sampled auxiliary parameters
* @param mod the DLM
* @param observations
* @param params the parameters of the DLM model
def sampleState(variances: Vector[Double],
mod: Dlm,
observations: Vector[Data],
params: DlmParameters) = {
val filtered = filter(mod, variances, observations, params)
Rand.always(Smoothing.sampleDlm(mod, filtered, params.w))
* Sample the degrees of freedom for the observation distribution
def sampleNu(prop: Int => Rand[Int],
propP: (Int, Int) => Double,
prior: Int => Double,
likelihood: Int => Double) = { (nu: Int) =>
val logMeasure = (nu: Int) => likelihood(nu) + prior(nu)
for {
propNu <- prop(nu)
a = logMeasure(propNu) + propP(propNu, nu) -
logMeasure(nu) - propP(nu, propNu)
u <- Uniform(0, 1)
next = if (math.log(u) < a) (propNu, true) else (nu, false)
} yield next
* Sample the latent state for the student's t model
def interpolateStep(data: Vector[Data], mod: Dglm, p: DlmParameters) = {
s: State =>
val dlm = Dlm(mod.f, mod.g)
for {
theta <- sampleState(s.variances, dlm, data, p)
vs = sampleVariances(data, mod.f, s.nu, theta, p)
} yield State(s.p, vs, s.nu, theta, s.accepted)
def interpolate(data: Vector[Data], mod: Dglm, nu: Int, p: DlmParameters) = {
val dlm = Dlm(mod.f, mod.g)
val initVariances = Vector.fill(data.size)(1.0)
val initState = sampleState(initVariances, dlm, data, p)
val init = State(p, initVariances, nu, initState.draw, 0)
MarkovChain(init)(interpolateStep(data, mod, p))
* A single step of the Student t-distribution Gibbs Sampler
def step(data: Vector[Data],
priorW: InverseGamma,
priorNu: DiscreteDistr[Int],
propNu: Int => Rand[Int],
propNuP: (Int, Int) => Double,
mod: Dglm,
p: DlmParameters) = { s: State =>
val dlm = Dlm(mod.f, mod.g)
for {
theta <- sampleState(s.variances, dlm, data, p)
state = theta.map(s => (s.time, s.sample))
newW <- GibbsSampling.sampleSystemMatrix(priorW, state, mod.g)
vs = sampleVariances(data, mod.f, s.nu, theta, p)
scale <- sampleScaleT(s.nu, vs)
(nu, accepted) <- sampleNu(propNu,
ll(data, theta, mod, p))(s.nu)
} yield
State(s.p.copy(v = DenseMatrix(scale), w = newW),
s.accepted + (if (accepted) 1 else 0))
* Perform Gibbs Sampling for the Student t-distributed model
* @param priorW the prior distribution of the system noise matrix
* @param mod the DGLM representing the Student's t model
* @param params the initial parameters
def sample(data: Vector[Data],
priorW: InverseGamma,
priorNu: DiscreteDistr[Int],
propNu: Int => Rand[Int],
propNuP: (Int, Int) => Double,
mod: Dglm,
params: DlmParameters) = {
val dlm = Dlm(mod.f, mod.g)
val initVariances = Vector.fill(data.size)(1.0)
val initState = sampleState(initVariances, dlm, data, params)
val init = State(params, initVariances, priorNu.draw, initState.draw, 0)
MarkovChain(init)(step(data, priorW, priorNu, propNu, propNuP, mod, params))
case class PmmhState(ll: Double, p: DlmParameters, nu: Int, accepted: Int)
* Perform a single step of the PMMH algorithm for the Student's t distributed state
* space model
* @param priorW
def stepPmmh(priorW: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorV: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorNu: DiscreteDistr[Int],
prop: DlmParameters => Rand[DlmParameters],
propNu: Int => Rand[Int],
propNuP: (Int, Int) => Double,
ll: (DlmParameters, Int) => Double) = { s: PmmhState =>
val logMeasure = (p: DlmParameters, nu: Int) =>
ll(p, nu) +
priorNu.logProbabilityOf(nu) +
sum(diag(p.w).map(wi => priorW.logPdf(wi))) +
sum(diag(p.v).map(vi => priorV.logPdf(vi)))
for {
nu <- propNu(s.nu)
propP <- prop(s.p)
ll = logMeasure(propP, nu)
a = ll + propNuP(nu, s.nu) - s.ll - propNuP(s.nu, nu)
u <- Uniform(0, 1)
next = if (math.log(u) < a) {
PmmhState(ll, propP, nu, s.accepted + 1)
} else {
} yield next
* Particle Marginal Metropolis Hastings for the Student's t-distributed state space model
def samplePmmh(data: Vector[Data],
priorW: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorV: ContinuousDistr[Double],
priorNu: DiscreteDistr[Int],
prop: DlmParameters => Rand[DlmParameters],
propNu: Int => Rand[Int],
propNuP: (Int, Int) => Double,
model: Dlm,
n: Int,
initP: DlmParameters,
initNu: Int): Process[PmmhState] = {
val mod = (nu: Int) => Dglm.studentT(nu, model)
val ll = (p: DlmParameters, nu: Int) =>
ParticleFilter.likelihood(mod(nu), data, n)(p)
val init = PmmhState(-1e99, initP, initNu, 0)
stepPmmh(priorW, priorV, priorNu, prop, propNu, propNuP, ll))