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net.sf.jsqlparser.util.cnfexpression.CNFConverter Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes. The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern.

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 * #%L
 * JSQLParser library
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2017 JSQLParser
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%
package net.sf.jsqlparser.util.cnfexpression;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Stack;

import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.NotExpression;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.LikeExpression;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.BinaryExpression;

 * This class handles the conversion from a normal expression tree into
 * the CNF form. 
 * Here is the definition of CNF form: 
 * Basically it will follow these steps:
 * To help understanding, I will generate an example:
 * Here is the original tree:
 *                   OR
 *             /            \
 *            OR            NOT
 *         /     \           |
 *       NOT      H         AND
 *        |                /   \
 *       NOT              G    OR
 *        |                   /  \
 *        F                  H   NOT
 *                                |
 *                               OR
 *                             /    \
 *                            AND    L
 *                           /   \
 *                         ( )   ( )
 *                          |     |
 *                          J     K
 * 1. rebuild the tree by replacing the "and" and "or" operators 
 * (which are binary) into their counterparts node that could hold 
 * multiple elements. Also, leave out the parenthesis node between the 
 * conditional operators to make the tree uniform.
 * After the transform, the result should be like this:
 *                   OR(M)
 *             /            \
 *            OR(M)         NOT
 *         /     \           |
 *       NOT      H         AND(M)
 *        |                /   \
 *       NOT              G    OR(M)
 *        |                   /  \
 *        F                  H   NOT
 *                                |
 *                               OR(M)
 *                             /    \
 *                            AND(M)  L
 *                           /   \
 *                          J     K
 * 2. push the not operators into the bottom of the expression. That
 * means the not operator will be the root of the expression tree
 * where no "and" or "or" exists. Be sure use the De Morgan's law
 * and double not law.
 * How to use De Morgan law:
 * For example, here is the original expression tree:
 *                NOT
 *                 |
 *                AND(M)
 *              /     \
 *             G       H
 * After we use the De Morgan law, the result should be like this:
 *                OR(M)
 *              /     \
 *            NOT     NOT
 *             |       |
 *             G       H
 * After the transform, the result should be like this:
 *                   OR(M)
 *              /             \
 *            OR(M)           OR(M)    
 *          /    \          /       \
 *         F      H       NOT       AND(M)
 *                         |       /   \
 *                         G      NOT  OR(M)
 *                                 |  /     \
 *                                 H AND(M)  L
 *                                   /  \
 *                                  J    K
 * 3. gather all the adjacent "and" or "or" operator together.
 * After doing that, the expression tree will be presented as:
 * all the and expression will be in either odd or even levels,
 * this will be the same for the or operator.
 * After the transform, the expression tree should be like this:
 *                         OR(M)
 *               /     /         \     \
 *              F     H          NOT   AND(M)
 *                                |   /    \
 *                                G  NOT   OR(M)
 *                                    |   /   \ 
 *                                    H  AND(M) L
 *                                      /     \
 *                                     J       K
 * 4. push the and operator upwards until the root is an and 
 * operator and all the children are or operators with multiple
 * components. At this time we get the result: an expression in CNF form.
 * How do we push and up? Use distribution law!
 * For example, here is the way to push the and up and merge them.
 *                       OR
 *                    /      \
 *                  AND       L
 *                /     \
 *               J       K
 * In the normal form, it could be: (J AND K) OR L.
 * If we apply the distribution law, we will get the result like this:
 * (J OR L) AND (K OR L), the tree form of this should be like:
 *                     AND
 *                   /     \
 *                  OR     OR
 *                /   \   /   \
 *               J     L K     L
 * So after we push the AND at the deepest level up and merge it with the 
 * existing add, we get this result.
 *                     OR(M)
 *           /     /         \              \
 *          F     H          NOT            AND(M)
 *                            |      /       |       \
 *                            G    NOT      OR(M)    OR(M)
 *                                  |      /    \   /    \
 *                                  H     J     L  K      L 
 * Now let us push the and up and we will get the result like this:
 *                             AND(M)
 *             /                |                 \
 *            OR(M)             OR(M)             OR(M)
 *     /    /   \   \    /   /  |   \   \    /  /  |   \  \
 *    F    H    NOT NOT  F  H  NOT  J   L   F  H  NOT  K   L
 *               |   |          |                  |
 *               G   H          G                  G
 * 5. The last step, convert the Multiple Expression back to the binary
 * form. Note the final tree shall be left-inclined. 
 * The final expression tree shall be like this:
 *                                            AND
 *                                       /                \
 *                                   AND                ( )
 *                             /            \            |
 *                           ( )            ( )         part1
 *                            |              |
 *                            OR          part2
 *                        /        \
 *                       OR        NOT
 *                  /         \     |
 *                OR          NOT   H
 *            /        \       |
 *           F          H      G
 * part1:                                         OR
 *                                          /            \
 *                                         OR            L
 *                                    /          \
 *                                  OR            K
 *                              /        \
 *                            OR          NOT    
 *                         /      \        |
 *                        F        H       G
 * part2:                                        OR
 *                                         /        \
 *                                        OR          L
 *                                   /          \
 *                                 OR            J
 *                            /          \
 *                          OR           NOT
 *                      /        \        |                            
 *                     F          H       G                                    
 * @author messfish
public class CNFConverter {

    private Expression root; 
    // the variable that stores the newly generated root.
    private Expression dummy;
    // this variable mainly serves as the dummy root of the true root.
    // generally it will be a multi and operator with root as the child.
    private Expression temp1;
    private Expression temp2;
    private Expression child;
    // these two variable mainly serves as nodes that traverse through
    // the expression tree to change the structure of expression tree.
    // notice temp1 will be settled as the root and temp2 will be 
    // settled as the dummy root.
    private boolean isUsed = false;
    private CloneHelper clone = new CloneHelper();
     * this class is mainly used for gather the parent expression,
     * children expression and the level of the children expression
     * in the expression tree together.
     * @author messfish
    private class Mule {
        private Expression parent;
        private Expression child;
        private int level;
        private Mule(Expression parent, Expression child, int level) {
            this.parent = parent;
            this.child = child;
            this.level = level;
     * Since the class is only used once, I create this method to make the rest
     * of the methods private. 
     * @param expr the expression that will be converted.
     * @return the converted expression.
    public static Expression convertToCNF(Expression expr) {
        CNFConverter cnf = new CNFConverter();
        return cnf.convert(expr);
     * this method takes an expression tree and converts that into
     * a CNF form. Notice the 5 steps shown above will turn into
     * 5 different methods. For the sake of testing, I set them public.
     * return the converted expression.
     * @param express the original expression tree.
    private Expression convert(Expression express) 
            throws IllegalStateException {
        if(isUsed) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The class could only be used once!");
        } else {
            isUsed = true;
        /* notice for the gather() function, we do not change the variable
         * that points to the root by pointing to others. Also, we do not 
         * change those temp variables. So there is no need to set those
         * variables back to their modified state. */
        return root;
     * this is the first step that rebuild the expression tree.
     * Use the standard specified in the above class. Traverse the 
     * original tree recursively and rebuild the tree from that.
     * @param express the original expression tree.
    private void reorder(Expression express) {
        root = clone.modify(express);
        List list = new ArrayList();
        dummy = new MultiAndExpression(list);
     * This method is used to deal with pushing not operators down.
     * Since it needs an extra parameter, I will create a new 
     * method to handle this.
    private void pushNotDown() {
        /* set the two temp parameters to their staring point. */
        temp1 = root;
        temp2 = dummy;
        /* I set it to zero since if the modification happens at the root,
         * the parent will have the correct pointer to the children. */
        /* do not forget to set the operators back! */
        root = ((MultiAndExpression) dummy).getChild(0);
        temp1 = root;
        temp2 = dummy;
     * This method is the helper function to push not operators down.
     * traverse the tree thoroughly, when we meet the not operator.
     * We only need to consider these three operators: MultiAndOperator,
     * MultiOrOperator, NotOperator. Handle them in a seperate way.
     * when we finish the traverse, the expression tree will have 
     * all the not operators pushed as downwards as they could.
     * In the method, I use two global variables: temp1 and temp2 
     * to traverse the expression tree. Notice that temp2 will always
     * be the parent of temp1.
     * @param index the index of the children appeared in parents array.
    private void pushNot(int index) {
        /* what really matters is the three logical operators:
         * and, or, not. so we only deal with these three operators. */
        if(temp1 instanceof MultiAndExpression) {
            MultiAndExpression and = (MultiAndExpression) temp1;
            for(int i=0; i< and.size(); i++) {
                temp2 = and;
                temp1 = and.getChild(i);
        }else if(temp1 instanceof MultiOrExpression) {
            MultiOrExpression or = (MultiOrExpression) temp1;
            for(int i=0; i< or.size(); i++) {
                temp2 = or;
                temp1 = or.getChild(i);
        }else if(temp1 instanceof NotExpression) {
     * This function mainly deals with pushing not operators down. 
     * check the child. If it is not a logic operator(and or or).
     * stop at that point. Else use De Morgan law to push not downwards.
     * @param index the index of the children appeared in parents array.
    private void handleNot(int index) {
        child = ((NotExpression) temp1).getExpression();
        int nums = 1; // takes down the number of not operators.
        while(child instanceof NotExpression){
            child = ((NotExpression) child).getExpression();
        /* if the number of not operators are even. we could get
         * rid of all the not operators. set the child to the parent. */
        if(nums%2==0) {
            ((MultipleExpression) temp2).setChild(index, child);
            temp1 = child;
        } else{
            /* otherwise there will be one not left to push. 
             * if the child is not these two types of operators.
             * that means we reach the leaves of the logical part.
             * set a new not operator whose child is the current one
             * and connect that operator with the parent and return. */
            if(!(child instanceof MultiAndExpression) &&
                    !(child instanceof MultiOrExpression)){
                if (child instanceof LikeExpression) {
                    ((LikeExpression) child).setNot(true);
                }else if(child instanceof BinaryExpression) {
                    ((BinaryExpression) child).setNot();
                }else {
                    child = new NotExpression(child);
                ((MultipleExpression) temp2).setChild(index, child);
            }else if(child instanceof MultiAndExpression) {
                MultiAndExpression and = (MultiAndExpression) child;
                List list = new ArrayList();
                for(int i=0; i list = new ArrayList();
                for(int i=0; i queue = new LinkedList();
        while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
            Expression express = queue.poll();
            /* at this level, we only deal with "multi and" and "multi or"
             * operators, so we only consider these two operators. 
             * that means we do nothing if the operator is not those two. */
            if(express instanceof MultiAndExpression) {
                MultiAndExpression and = (MultiAndExpression) express;
                while(true) {
                    int index = 0;
                    Expression get = null;
                    for(; index queue = new LinkedList();
        Stack stack = new Stack();
        Mule root = new Mule(temp2, temp1, 0);
        int level = 1;
        /* do the BFS and store valid mule into the stack. Notice the 
         * first parameter is parent and the second parameter is children. */
        while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
            int size = queue.size();
            for(int i=0; i stack) {
        int level = 0;
        if(!stack.isEmpty()) {
            level = stack.peek().level;
        while(!stack.isEmpty()) {
            Mule mule = stack.pop();
            /* we finish a level, uniform the tree by calling gather. */
            if(level!= mule.level) {
                level = mule.level;
            Queue queue = new LinkedList();
            /* this time we do not need to take down the level of the
             * tree, so simply set a 0 to the last parameter. */
            Mule combined = new Mule(mule.parent, mule.child, 0);
            while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
                Mule get = queue.poll();
                Expression parent = get.parent;
                Expression child = get.child;
                /* based on the code above, the stack only have the expression
                 * which they are multi operators. so safely convert them. */
                MultipleExpression children = (MultipleExpression) child;
                int index = 0; 
                MultiAndExpression and = null;
                /* find the children that the child is an multi and operator. */
                for(; index list = new ArrayList();
                MultiAndExpression newand = new MultiAndExpression(list);
                parents.setChild(parents.getIndex(children), newand);
                for(int i=0; i

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