monocle.Optional.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package monocle
import cats.{Applicative, Eq, Monoid}
import cats.arrow.Choice
import cats.syntax.either._
import monocle.function.{At, Each, FilterIndex, Index}
/** A [[POptional]] can be seen as a pair of functions:
* - `getOrModify: S => Either[T, A]`
* - `replace : (B, S) => T`
* A [[POptional]] could also be defined as a weaker [[PLens]] and
* weaker [[PPrism]]
* [[POptional]] stands for Polymorphic Optional as it replace and modify methods change
* a type `A` to `B` and `S` to `T`.
* [[Optional]] is a type alias for [[POptional]] restricted to monomorphic updates:
* {{{
* type Optional[S, A] = POptional[S, S, A, A]
* }}}
* @see [[]]
* @tparam S the source of a [[POptional]]
* @tparam T the modified source of a [[POptional]]
* @tparam A the target of a [[POptional]]
* @tparam B the modified target of a [[POptional]]
abstract class POptional[S, T, A, B] extends Serializable { self =>
/** get the target of a [[POptional]] or return the original value while allowing the type to change if it does not match */
def getOrModify(s: S): Either[T, A]
/** get the modified source of a [[POptional]] */
def replace(b: B): S => T
/** alias to replace */
@deprecated("use replace instead", since = "3.0.0-M1")
def set(b: B): S => T = replace(b)
/** get the target of a [[POptional]] or nothing if there is no target */
def getOption(s: S): Option[A]
/** modify polymorphically the target of a [[POptional]] with an Applicative function */
def modifyF[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[B])(s: S): F[T]
/** modify polymorphically the target of a [[POptional]] with a function */
def modify(f: A => B): S => T
/** modify polymorphically the target of a [[POptional]] with a function.
* return empty if the [[POptional]] is not matching
final def modifyOption(f: A => B): S => Option[T] =
s => getOption(s).map(a => replace(f(a))(s))
/** replace polymorphically the target of a [[POptional]] with a value.
* return empty if the [[POptional]] is not matching
final def replaceOption(b: B): S => Option[T] =
modifyOption(_ => b)
/** alias to replaceOption */
@deprecated("use replaceOption instead", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def setOption(b: B): S => Option[T] =
/** check if there is no target */
final def isEmpty(s: S): Boolean =
/** check if there is a target */
final def nonEmpty(s: S): Boolean =
/** find if the target satisfies the predicate */
final def find(p: A => Boolean): S => Option[A] =
getOption(_).flatMap(a => Some(a).filter(p))
/** check if there is a target and it satisfies the predicate */
final def exist(p: A => Boolean): S => Boolean =
/** check if there is no target or the target satisfies the predicate */
final def all(p: A => Boolean): S => Boolean =
/** join two [[POptional]] with the same target */
final def choice[S1, T1](other: POptional[S1, T1, A, B]): POptional[Either[S, S1], Either[T, T1], A, B] =
POptional[Either[S, S1], Either[T, T1], A, B](
_.fold(self.getOrModify(_).leftMap(Either.left), other.getOrModify(_).leftMap(Either.right))
)(b => _.bimap(self.replace(b), other.replace(b)))
final def first[C]: POptional[(S, C), (T, C), (A, C), (B, C)] =
POptional[(S, C), (T, C), (A, C), (B, C)] { case (s, c) =>
getOrModify(s).bimap(_ -> c, _ -> c)
} {
case (b, c) => { case (s, c2) =>
replaceOption(b)(s).fold(replace(b)(s) -> c2)(_ -> c)
final def second[C]: POptional[(C, S), (C, T), (C, A), (C, B)] =
POptional[(C, S), (C, T), (C, A), (C, B)] { case (c, s) =>
getOrModify(s).bimap(c -> _, c -> _)
} {
case (c, b) => { case (c2, s) =>
replaceOption(b)(s).fold(c2 -> replace(b)(s))(c -> _)
def some[A1, B1](implicit ev1: A =:= Option[A1], ev2: B =:= Option[B1]): POptional[S, T, A1, B1] =
adapt[Option[A1], Option[B1]] composePrism (std.option.pSome)
private[monocle] def adapt[A1, B1](implicit evA: A =:= A1, evB: B =:= B1): POptional[S, T, A1, B1] =
evB.substituteCo[POptional[S, T, A1, *]](evA.substituteCo[POptional[S, T, *, B]](this))
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[Fold]] */
final def andThen[C](other: Fold[A, C]): Fold[S, C] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[Getter]] */
final def andThen[C](other: Getter[A, C]): Fold[S, C] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PSetter]] */
final def andThen[C, D](other: PSetter[A, B, C, D]): PSetter[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PTraversal]] */
final def andThen[C, D](other: PTraversal[A, B, C, D]): PTraversal[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[POptional]] */
final def andThen[C, D](other: POptional[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
new POptional[S, T, C, D] {
def getOrModify(s: S): Either[T, C] =
.flatMap(a => other.getOrModify(a).bimap(self.replace(_)(s), identity))
def replace(d: D): S => T =
def getOption(s: S): Option[C] =
self.getOption(s) flatMap other.getOption
def modifyF[F[_]: Applicative](f: C => F[D])(s: S): F[T] =
def modify(f: C => D): S => T =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PPrism]] */
final def andThen[C, D](other: PPrism[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PLens]] */
final def andThen[C, D](other: PLens[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PIso]] */
final def andThen[C, D](other: PIso[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[Fold]] */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def composeFold[C](other: Fold[A, C]): Fold[S, C] =
/** Compose with a function lifted into a Getter */
def to[C](f: A => C): Fold[S, C] = composeGetter(Getter(f))
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[Getter]] */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def composeGetter[C](other: Getter[A, C]): Fold[S, C] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PSetter]] */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def composeSetter[C, D](other: PSetter[A, B, C, D]): PSetter[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PTraversal]] */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def composeTraversal[C, D](other: PTraversal[A, B, C, D]): PTraversal[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[POptional]] */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def composeOptional[C, D](other: POptional[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PPrism]] */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def composePrism[C, D](other: PPrism[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PLens]] */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def composeLens[C, D](other: PLens[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** compose a [[POptional]] with a [[PIso]] */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def composeIso[C, D](other: PIso[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** *****************************************
/** Experimental aliases of compose methods */
/** *****************************************
/** alias to composeTraversal */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def ^|->>[C, D](other: PTraversal[A, B, C, D]): PTraversal[S, T, C, D] =
/** alias to composeOptional */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def ^|-?[C, D](other: POptional[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** alias to composePrism */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def ^<-?[C, D](other: PPrism[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** alias to composeLens */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def ^|->[C, D](other: PLens[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** alias to composeIso */
@deprecated("use andThen", since = "3.0.0-M1")
final def ^<->[C, D](other: PIso[A, B, C, D]): POptional[S, T, C, D] =
/** ******************************************************************
/** Transformation methods to view a [[POptional]] as another Optics */
/** ******************************************************************
/** view a [[POptional]] as a [[Fold]] */
final def asFold: Fold[S, A] =
new Fold[S, A] {
def foldMap[M: Monoid](f: A => M)(s: S): M =
self.getOption(s) map f getOrElse Monoid[M].empty
/** view a [[POptional]] as a [[PSetter]] */
final def asSetter: PSetter[S, T, A, B] =
new PSetter[S, T, A, B] {
def modify(f: A => B): S => T =
def replace(b: B): S => T =
/** view a [[POptional]] as a [[PTraversal]] */
final def asTraversal: PTraversal[S, T, A, B] =
new PTraversal[S, T, A, B] {
def modifyF[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[B])(s: S): F[T] =
object POptional extends OptionalInstances {
def id[S, T]: POptional[S, T, S, T] =[S, T].asOptional
def codiagonal[S, T]: POptional[Either[S, S], Either[T, T], S, T] =
POptional[Either[S, S], Either[T, T], S, T](
_.fold(Either.right, Either.right)
)(t => _.bimap(_ => t, _ => t))
/** create a [[POptional]] using the canonical functions: getOrModify and replace */
def apply[S, T, A, B](_getOrModify: S => Either[T, A])(_set: B => S => T): POptional[S, T, A, B] =
new POptional[S, T, A, B] {
def getOrModify(s: S): Either[T, A] =
def replace(b: B): S => T =
def getOption(s: S): Option[A] =
def modifyF[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[B])(s: S): F[T] =
t => Applicative[F].pure(t),
a => Applicative[F].map(f(a))(_set(_)(s))
def modify(f: A => B): S => T =
s => _getOrModify(s).fold(identity, a => _set(f(a))(s))
implicit def optionalSyntax[S, A](self: Optional[S, A]): OptionalSyntax[S, A] =
new OptionalSyntax(self)
object Optional {
def id[A]: Optional[A, A] =[A].asOptional
def codiagonal[S]: Optional[Either[S, S], S] =
/** [[Optional]] that points to nothing */
def void[S, A]: Optional[S, A] =
Optional[S, A](_ => None)(_ => identity)
/** Select all the elements which satisfies the predicate.
* {{{
* val positiveNumbers = Traversal.fromTraverse[List, Int] composeOptional filter[Int](_ >= 0)
* positiveNumbers.getAll(List(1,2,-3,4,-5)) == List(1,2,4)
* positiveNumbers.modify(_ * 10)(List(1,2,-3,4,-5)) == List(10,20,-3,40,-5)
* }}}
* `filter` can break the fusion property, if `replace` or `modify` do not preserve the predicate.
* For example, here the first `modify` (`x - 3`) transform the positive number 1 into the
* negative number -2.
* {{{
* val positiveNumbers = Traversal.fromTraverse[List, Int] composeOptional Optional.filter[Int](_ >= 0)
* val list = List(1, 5, -3)
* val firstStep = positiveNumbers.modify(_ - 3)(list) // List(-2, 2, -3)
* val secondStep = positiveNumbers.modify(_ * 2)(firstStep) // List(-2, 4, -3)
* val bothSteps = positiveNumbers.modify(x => (x - 3) * 2)(list) // List(-4, 4, -3)
* secondStep != bothSteps
* }}}
* @see This method is called `filtered` in Haskell Lens.
def filter[A](predicate: A => Boolean): Optional[A, A] =
Optional[A, A](value => if (predicate(value)) Some(value) else None)(newValue =>
current => if (predicate(current)) newValue else current
/** alias for [[POptional]] apply restricted to monomorphic update */
def apply[S, A](_getOption: S => Option[A])(_set: A => S => S): Optional[S, A] =
new Optional[S, A] {
def getOrModify(s: S): Either[S, A] =
_getOption(s).fold[Either[S, A]](Either.left(s))(Either.right)
def replace(a: A): S => S =
def getOption(s: S): Option[A] =
def modifyF[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[A])(s: S): F[S] =
_getOption(s).fold(Applicative[F].pure(s))(a => Applicative[F].map(f(a))(_set(_)(s)))
def modify(f: A => A): S => S =
s => _getOption(s).fold(s)(a => _set(f(a))(s))
sealed abstract class OptionalInstances {
implicit val optionalChoice: Choice[Optional] = new Choice[Optional] {
def choice[A, B, C](f: Optional[A, C], g: Optional[B, C]): Optional[Either[A, B], C] =
f choice g
def id[A]: Optional[A, A] =[A]
def compose[A, B, C](f: Optional[B, C], g: Optional[A, B]): Optional[A, C] =
g composeOptional f
/** Extension methods for monomorphic Optional
final case class OptionalSyntax[S, A](private val self: Optional[S, A]) extends AnyVal {
def each[C](implicit evEach: Each[A, C]): Traversal[S, C] =
self composeTraversal evEach.each
/** Select all the elements which satisfies the predicate.
* This combinator can break the fusion property see Optional.filter for more details.
def filter(predicate: A => Boolean): Optional[S, A] =
def filterIndex[I, A1](predicate: I => Boolean)(implicit ev: FilterIndex[A, I, A1]): Traversal[S, A1] =
def withDefault[A1: Eq](defaultValue: A1)(implicit evOpt: A =:= Option[A1]): Optional[S, A1] =
self.adapt[Option[A1], Option[A1]] composeIso (std.option.withDefault(defaultValue))
def at[I, A1](i: I)(implicit evAt: At[A, i.type, A1]): Optional[S, A1] =
def index[I, A1](i: I)(implicit evIndex: Index[A, I, A1]): Optional[S, A1] =
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