monocle.generic.CoProduct.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package monocle.generic
import monocle.{Iso, Prism}
import monocle.generic.internal.{CoproductToDisjunction, DisjunctionToCoproduct}
import shapeless.{Coproduct, Generic}
import shapeless.ops.coproduct.{CoproductToEither, EitherToCoproduct, Inject, Selector}
import scala.annotation.nowarn
@deprecated("no replacement", since = "3.0.0-M1")
object coproduct extends CoProductInstances
trait CoProductInstances {
@deprecated("no replacement", since = "3.0.0-M1")
def coProductPrism[C <: Coproduct, A](implicit evInject: Inject[C, A], evSelector: Selector[C, A]): Prism[C, A] =
Prism[C, A](evSelector.apply(_))(evInject.apply)
/** An isomorphism between a coproduct `S` and the sum of its parts.
* {{{
* type ISB = Int :+: String :+: Boolean :+: CNil
* val iso: Iso[ISB, Either[Int, Either[String, Boolean]]] = coProductEitherIso[ISB].apply
* }}}
@deprecated("no replacement", since = "3.0.0-M1")
def coProductEitherIso[S <: Coproduct]: GenCoProductEitherIso[S] = new GenCoProductEitherIso
class GenCoProductEitherIso[S <: Coproduct] {
def apply[L, R](implicit
coproductToEither: CoproductToEither.Aux[S, Either[L, R]],
eitherToCoproduct: EitherToCoproduct.Aux[L, R, S]
): Iso[S, Either[L, R]] =
/** An isomorphism between a sum type `S` (e.g. a sealed trait) and the sum of its parts.
* {{{
* sealed trait S
* case class A(name: String) extends S
* case class B(name: String) extends S
* case class C(otherName: String) extends S
* val iso: Iso[S, Either[A, Either[B, C]]] = coProductToEither[S].apply
* }}}
@deprecated("no replacement", since = "3.0.0-M1")
def coProductToEither[S]: GenCoProductToEither[S] = new GenCoProductToEither
class GenCoProductToEither[S] {
def apply[C <: Coproduct, L, R](implicit
ev: Generic.Aux[S, C],
coproductToEither: CoproductToEither.Aux[C, Either[L, R]],
eitherToCoproduct: EitherToCoproduct.Aux[L, R, C]
): Iso[S, Either[L, R]] =
generic.toGeneric[S] composeIso coProductEitherIso.apply
/** An isomorphism between a coproduct `S` and the sum of its parts.
* {{{
* type ISB = Int :+: String :+: Boolean :+: CNil
* val iso: Iso[ISB, Either[Int, Either[String, Boolean]] = coProductDisjunctionIso[ISB].apply
* }}}
@deprecated("no replacement", since = "3.0.0-M1")
def coProductDisjunctionIso[S <: Coproduct]: GenCoProductDisjunctionIso[S] = new GenCoProductDisjunctionIso
class GenCoProductDisjunctionIso[S <: Coproduct] {
def apply[L, R](implicit
coproductToDisjunction: CoproductToDisjunction.Aux[S, Either[L, R]],
disjunctionToCoproduct: DisjunctionToCoproduct.Aux[L, R, S]
): Iso[S, Either[L, R]] =
/** An isomorphism between a sum type `S` (e.g. a sealed trait) and the sum of its parts.
* {{{
* sealed trait S
* case class A(name: String) extends S
* case class B(name: String) extends S
* case class C(otherName: String) extends S
* val iso: Iso[S, Either[A, Either[B, C])] = coProductToDisjunction[S].apply
* }}}
@deprecated("no replacement", since = "3.0.0-M1")
def coProductToDisjunction[S]: GenCoProductToDisjunction[S] = new GenCoProductToDisjunction
class GenCoProductToDisjunction[S] {
def apply[C <: Coproduct, L, R](implicit
ev: Generic.Aux[S, C],
coproductToDisjunction: CoproductToDisjunction.Aux[C, Either[L, R]],
disjunctionToCoproduct: DisjunctionToCoproduct.Aux[L, R, C]
): Iso[S, Either[L, R]] =
generic.toGeneric[S] composeIso coProductDisjunctionIso.apply