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package monocle.macros
import monocle.Iso
import scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable
import scala.reflect.macros.{blackbox, whitebox}
object GenIso {
/** Generate an [[Iso]] between a case class `S` and its unique field of type `A`. */
def apply[S, A]: Iso[S, A] = macro GenIsoImpl.genIso_impl[S, A]
/** Generate an [[Iso]] between an object `S` and `Unit`. */
def unit[S]: Iso[S, Unit] = macro GenIsoImpl.genIso_unit_impl[S]
* Generate an [[Iso]] between a case class `S` and its fields.
* Case classes with 0 fields will correspond with `Unit`, 1 with the field type, 2 or more with
* a tuple of all field types in the same order as the fields themselves.
* Case classes with multiple parameter-lists (example: `case class X(…)(…)`) are rejected.
def fields[S]: Iso[S, _] = macro GenIsoImplW.genIso_fields_impl[S]
sealed abstract class GenIsoImplBase {
val c: blackbox.Context
import c.universe._
protected final def fail(msg: String): Nothing =
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
protected final def caseAccessorsOf[S: c.WeakTypeTag]: List[MethodSymbol] =
weakTypeOf[S].decls.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m }.toList
protected final def genIso_unit_tree[S: c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Tree = {
val sTpe = weakTypeOf[S]
if (sTpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) {
val table = c.universe.asInstanceOf[SymbolTable]
val tree = table.gen
val obj = tree.mkAttributedQualifier(sTpe.asInstanceOf[]).asInstanceOf[Tree]
monocle.Iso[${sTpe}, Unit](Function.const(()))(Function.const(${obj}))
} else {
caseAccessorsOf[S] match {
case Nil =>
val sTpeSym = sTpe.typeSymbol.companion
monocle.Iso[${sTpe}, Unit](Function.const(()))(Function.const(${sTpeSym}()))
case _ => fail(s"$sTpe needs to be a case class with no accessor or an object.")
class GenIsoImpl(override val c: blackbox.Context) extends GenIsoImplBase {
import c.universe._
def genIso_impl[S: c.WeakTypeTag, A: c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Expr[Iso[S, A]] = {
val (sTpe, aTpe) = (weakTypeOf[S], weakTypeOf[A])
val fieldMethod = caseAccessorsOf[S] match {
case m :: Nil => m
case Nil => fail(s"Cannot find a case class accessor for $sTpe, $sTpe needs to be a case class with a single accessor.")
case _ => fail(s"Found several case class accessor for $sTpe, $sTpe needs to be a case class with a single accessor.")
val sTpeSym = sTpe.typeSymbol.companion
c.Expr[Iso[S, A]](q"""
import monocle.Iso
new Iso[$sTpe, $aTpe]{ self =>
override def get(s: $sTpe): $aTpe =
override def reverseGet(a: $aTpe): $sTpe =
override def reverse: Iso[$aTpe, $sTpe] =
new Iso[$aTpe, $sTpe]{
override def get(a: $aTpe): $sTpe =
override def reverseGet(s: $sTpe): $aTpe =
override def reverse: Iso[$sTpe, $aTpe] =
def genIso_unit_impl[S: c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Expr[Iso[S, Unit]] =
c.Expr[Iso[S, Unit]](genIso_unit_tree[S])
class GenIsoImplW(override val c: whitebox.Context) extends GenIsoImplBase {
import c.universe._
protected final def nameAndType(T: Type, s: Symbol): (TermName, Type) = {
def paramType(name: TermName): Type =
T.decl(name).typeSignatureIn(T) match {
case NullaryMethodType(t) => t
case t => t
val a = match {
case n: TermName => n
case n: TypeName => fail("Expected a TermName, got " + n)
val A = paramType(a)
(a, A)
def genIso_fields_impl[S: c.WeakTypeTag]: Tree = {
val sTpe = weakTypeOf[S]
val sTpeSym = sTpe.typeSymbol.asClass
if (!sTpeSym.isCaseClass)
fail(s"$sTpe is not a case class.")
val paramLists = sTpe
.collectFirst { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m }
.getOrElse(fail(s"Unable to discern primary constructor for $sTpe."))
paramLists match {
case Nil | Nil :: Nil =>
case (param :: Nil) :: Nil =>
val (pName, pType) = nameAndType(sTpe, param)
monocle.Iso[$sTpe, $pType](_.$pName)(${sTpeSym.companion}(_))
case params :: Nil =>
var readField = List.empty[Tree]
var readTuple = List.empty[Tree]
var types = List.empty[Type]
for ((param, i) <- params.zipWithIndex.reverse) {
val (pName, pType) = nameAndType(sTpe, param)
readField ::= q"s.$pName"
readTuple ::= q"t.${TermName("_" + (i + 1))}"
types ::= pType
monocle.Iso[$sTpe, (..$types)](s => (..$readField))(t => ${sTpeSym.companion}(..$readTuple))
case _ :: _ :: _ =>
fail(s"Found several parameter-lists for $sTpe, $sTpe needs to be a case class with a single parameter-list.")