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artoria.generator.code.JavaCodeGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Artoria is a java technology framework based on the facade pattern.
package artoria.generator.code;
import artoria.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import artoria.generator.Generator;
import artoria.jdbc.ColumnMeta;
import artoria.jdbc.TableMeta;
import artoria.jdbc.TableMetaUtils;
import artoria.renderer.TextRenderer;
import artoria.util.Assert;
import artoria.util.CollectionUtils;
import artoria.util.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.util.*;
import static artoria.common.constant.Charsets.STR_UTF_8;
import static artoria.common.constant.Numbers.*;
import static artoria.common.constant.Symbols.*;
import static artoria.common.constant.Words.GET;
import static artoria.common.constant.Words.SET;
import static;
public class JavaCodeGenerator implements Generator {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JavaCodeGenerator.class);
private static final String JAVA_TYPE = "javaType";
private static final String ENTITY = "entity";
private static final String DTO = "dto";
private static final String VO = "vo";
private static final String JAVA = "java";
private static final String XML = "xml";
private Map builderMap = new HashMap();
protected String getFilename(Map tableInfo, String templateName) {
Assert.notNull(tableInfo, "Parameter \"tableInfo\" must not null. ");
int index = templateName.lastIndexOf(UNDERLINE), length;
String begin = templateName, end = EMPTY_STRING;
if (index != -1 && index + 1 !=
(length = templateName.length())) {
begin = templateName.substring(ZERO, index);
end = templateName.substring(index + ONE, length);
if (begin.endsWith(UNDERLINE)) {
begin = begin.substring(ZERO, begin.length() - ONE);
begin = StringUtils.uncapitalize(begin);
String className = (String) tableInfo.get(begin + "ClassName");
return className + DOT + end;
protected List getTables(JavaCodeGenConfig javaCodeGenConfig) {
Set removedTableNamePrefixes = javaCodeGenConfig.getRemovedTableNamePrefixes();
Set reservedTables = javaCodeGenConfig.getReservedTables();
Set excludedTables = javaCodeGenConfig.getExcludedTables();
String jdbcUrl = javaCodeGenConfig.getJdbcUrl();
String user = javaCodeGenConfig.getJdbcUser();
String password = javaCodeGenConfig.getJdbcPassword();
String catalog = javaCodeGenConfig.getJdbcCatalog();
try {
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, user, password);
List tableMetaList = TableMetaUtils.getTableMetaList(connection, catalog);
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(tableMetaList)) { return tableMetaList; }
// Table filtering and alias handling.
List result = new ArrayList();
for (TableMeta tableMeta : tableMetaList) {
String tableName = tableMeta.getName();
if (!reservedTables.isEmpty() && !reservedTables.contains(tableName)) {
if (!excludedTables.isEmpty() && excludedTables.contains(tableName)) {
// Handle entity name (alias).
String entityName = tableName;
if (!removedTableNamePrefixes.isEmpty()) {
for (String prefix : removedTableNamePrefixes) {
if (!entityName.startsWith(prefix)) { continue; }
entityName = entityName.substring(prefix.length());
if (StringUtils.isBlank(entityName)) {
log.error("Table name \"{}\" handled is blank, so continue. ", tableName);
entityName = StringUtils.underlineToCamel(entityName);
entityName = StringUtils.capitalize(entityName);
return result;
catch (Exception e) {
throw ExceptionUtils.wrap(e);
protected Map convert(TableMeta tableMeta) {
if (tableMeta == null) { return null; }
Map result = BeanUtils.beanToMap(tableMeta);
// Get the column list and create a column map list.
List> columnMapList = new ArrayList>();
List columnMetaList = tableMeta.getColumnList();
result.put("columnList", columnMapList);
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(columnMetaList)) { return result; }
// Create a map of the import classes.
Map importClassMap = new HashMap(columnMetaList.size());
Set typeImportList = new HashSet();
result.put("typeImportList", typeImportList);
// Processing column data.
for (ColumnMeta columnMeta : columnMetaList) {
// Create column map.
if (columnMeta == null) { continue; }
Map columnMap = BeanUtils.beanToMap(columnMeta);
// Set column field, getter and setter.
String columnName = columnMeta.getName();
String fieldName = StringUtils.underlineToCamel(columnName);
columnMap.put("fieldName", StringUtils.uncapitalize(fieldName));
String capFieldName = StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName);
columnMap.put("getterName", GET + capFieldName);
columnMap.put("setterName", SET + capFieldName);
// Handle java type.
String columnClassName = columnMeta.getClassName();
String columnType = columnMeta.getType();
String typeMapping =
DatabaseTypeMapper.getTypeMapping(columnType, columnClassName);
columnClassName =
StringUtils.isNotBlank(typeMapping) ? typeMapping : columnClassName;
if (StringUtils.isBlank(columnClassName)) { continue; }
// Try to convert short java type.
int index = columnClassName.lastIndexOf(DOT);
if (index == EOF) {
columnMap.put(JAVA_TYPE, columnClassName);
String shortName = columnClassName.substring(index + ONE);
String className = importClassMap.get(shortName);
if (className != null && !className.equals(columnClassName)) {
columnMap.put(JAVA_TYPE, columnClassName);
else {
importClassMap.put(shortName, columnClassName);
columnMap.put(JAVA_TYPE, shortName);
return result;
protected void fillTableInfo(FileContext buildContext, JavaCodeGenConfig javaCodeGenConfig) {
String xmlBaseOutputPath = javaCodeGenConfig.getXmlBaseOutputPath();
boolean notBlankXmlDir = StringUtils.isNotBlank(xmlBaseOutputPath);
List tableList = getTables(javaCodeGenConfig);
// Clipping template name.
Map typeNameMap = new HashMap(builderMap.size());
for (FileBuilder codeBuilder : builderMap.values()) {
String templateName = codeBuilder.getName();
String typeName = templateName;
int index = typeName.lastIndexOf(UNDERLINE);
if (index != MINUS_ONE) {
typeName = typeName.substring(ZERO, index);
typeName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(typeName);
typeNameMap.put(templateName, typeName);
// Convert table meta list to table map list.
List tableNames = new ArrayList();
for (TableMeta tableMeta : tableList) {
if (tableMeta == null) { continue; }
String tableName = tableMeta.getName();
Map tableInfo = convert(tableMeta);
if (tableInfo == null) { continue; }
// Get the name of the entity.
String entityName = tableMeta.getAlias();
// Create class name, object name and package name.
for (Map.Entry entry : builderMap.entrySet()) {
FileBuilder codeBuilder = entry.getValue();
if (codeBuilder == null) { continue; }
String templateName = codeBuilder.getName();
String baseOutputPath = javaCodeGenConfig.getBaseOutputPath();
String basePackageName = javaCodeGenConfig.getBasePackageName();
String businessPackageName = (String) buildContext.getAttribute(templateName, "businessPackageName");
// typeName
String typeName = typeNameMap.get(templateName);
String backTypeName = StringUtils.capitalize(typeName);
if (VO.equalsIgnoreCase(backTypeName)
|| DTO.equalsIgnoreCase(backTypeName)) {
backTypeName = backTypeName.toUpperCase();
else if (ENTITY.equalsIgnoreCase(backTypeName)) {
backTypeName = EMPTY_STRING;
String className = entityName + backTypeName;
tableInfo.put(typeName + "ClassName", className);
String objectName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(className);
tableInfo.put(typeName + "ObjectName", objectName);
String packageName = basePackageName + businessPackageName;
tableInfo.put(typeName + "PackageName", packageName);
boolean existXmlDir = templateName.toLowerCase().endsWith(XML) && notBlankXmlDir;
packageName = StringUtils.replace(packageName, DOT, SLASH);
File outputDir = existXmlDir ? new File(xmlBaseOutputPath) : new File(baseOutputPath, packageName);
String filename = getFilename(tableInfo, templateName);
String outputPath = new File(outputDir, filename).toString();
((SimpleFileContext) buildContext).setOutputPath(templateName, tableName, outputPath);
// Add to the result.
((SimpleFileContext) buildContext).setTableInfo(tableName, tableInfo);
((SimpleFileContext) buildContext).setTableNames(tableNames);
protected FileContext createContext(JavaCodeGenConfig javaCodeGenConfig) {
TextRenderer textRenderer = javaCodeGenConfig.getTextRenderer();
SimpleFileContext buildContext = new SimpleFileContext();
Map attributes = javaCodeGenConfig.getCustomAttributes();
List templateConfigs = javaCodeGenConfig.getTemplateConfigs();
for (JavaTemplateConfig templateConfig : templateConfigs) {
if (templateConfig == null) { continue; }
String templateName = templateConfig.getTemplateName();
String businessPackageName = templateConfig.getBusinessPackageName();
Boolean skipExisted = templateConfig.getSkipExisted();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(templateName)) { continue; }
buildContext.putAttributes(templateName, attributes);
// Charset
buildContext.setTemplateCharset(templateName, STR_UTF_8);
buildContext.setOutputCharset(templateName, STR_UTF_8);
// SkipExisted
buildContext.setSkipExisted(templateName, skipExisted);
// businessPackageName
buildContext.putAttribute(templateName, "businessPackageName", businessPackageName);
// CoverMark
if (templateName.toLowerCase().contains(XML)) {
buildContext.putAttribute(templateName, "beginCoverTag", javaCodeGenConfig.getXmlBeginCoverTag());
buildContext.putAttribute(templateName, "endCoverTag", javaCodeGenConfig.getXmlEndCoverTag());
else if (templateName.toLowerCase().contains(JAVA)) {
buildContext.putAttribute(templateName, "beginCoverTag", javaCodeGenConfig.getJavaBeginCoverTag());
buildContext.putAttribute(templateName, "endCoverTag", javaCodeGenConfig.getJavaEndCoverTag());
// getTemplatePath
String baseTemplatePath = javaCodeGenConfig.getBaseTemplatePath();
String extensionName = javaCodeGenConfig.getTemplateExtensionName();
String fileName = templateName + extensionName;
String templatePath = new File(baseTemplatePath, fileName).toString();
buildContext.setTemplatePath(templateName, templatePath);
// Code builder
SimpleFileBuilder codeBuilder = new SimpleFileBuilder(templateName, textRenderer);
builderMap.put(templateName, codeBuilder);
return buildContext;
public void generate(JavaCodeGenConfig javaCodeGenConfig) {
if (javaCodeGenConfig == null) { return; }
FileContext buildContext = createContext(javaCodeGenConfig);
fillTableInfo(buildContext, javaCodeGenConfig);
for (Map.Entry entry : builderMap.entrySet()) {
FileBuilder codeBuilder = entry.getValue();
String result =;