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package com.github.kikuomax.spray.jwt
import com.nimbusds.jose.{
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.{
import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet
import java.text.ParseException
import java.util.{
import net.minidev.json.JSONObject
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import spray.routing.{
import spray.routing.authentication.{
import spray.routing.directives.BasicDirectives.{
import spray.routing.directives.CookieDirectives.optionalCookie
import spray.routing.directives.HeaderDirectives.optionalHeaderValueByName
import spray.routing.directives.RouteDirectives.reject
import scala.util.Try
* Provides utilities for building, signing and verification of a JSON Web
* Token (JWT).
trait JwtDirectives {
* `UserPassAuthenticator` that returns a JWS object if a given pair of
* a user and a password is authenticated.
* Useful if combined with `BasicAuth` and an `authenticate` directive.
* An inner route of an `authenticate` directive will receive a JSON Web
* Signature object (`JWSObject`) built by `claimsBuilder` and signed by
* `signer`.
* @tparam T
* Outcome type of `authenticator`.
* @param authenticator
* Authenticates a given pair of a user and a password.
* @param claimsBuilder
* Builds a claims set from the authentication result.
* @param signer
* Signs the claims set and creates a JSON Web Signature.
* @param executionContext
* Execution context where a `Future` returned from `authenticator` runs.
def jwtAuthenticator[T](authenticator: UserPassAuthenticator[T])
(implicit claimsBuilder: T => Option[JWTClaimsSet],
signer: JWTClaimsSet => JWSObject,
executionContext: ExecutionContext):
UserPassAuthenticator[JWSObject] =
authenticator(_) map {
case Some(x) => claimsBuilder(x) map { signer(_) }
case None => None
* Verifies a token sent with an HTTP request.
* Thanks to [[JwtAuthorizationMagnet]], this directive works like the
* following functions,
* {{{
* authorizeToken[T](verifier: JWTClaimsSet => Option[T])
* (implicit confirmer: JWSObject => Option[JWTClaimsSet]): Directive1[T]
* authorizeToken[T](extractor: Directive1[Option[JWSObject]],
* verifier: JWTClaimsSet => Option[T])
* (implicit confirmer: JWSObject => Option[JWTClaimsSet]): Directive1[T]
* }}}
* This directive
* 1. Extracts a JWS from the request through `extractor`.
* 1. Confirms the signature of the JWS and extracts the claims set by
* `confirmer`.
* 1. Verifies the claims set by `verifier`.
* 1. Supplies the result from `verifier` to the inner route.
* Rejects
* - if `extractor` cannot extract a JWS from the request,
* - or if `confirmer` cannot confirm the signature of a JWS,
* - or if `confirmer` cannot extract the claims set from a JWS,
* - or if `verifier` rejects the claims set.
def authorizeToken[T](magnet: JwtAuthorizationMagnet[T]): Directive1[T] =
magnet.extractor flatMap { jwsOpt =>
jwsOpt flatMap { jws =>
magnet.confirmer(jws) flatMap { token =>
} match {
case Some(result) => provide(result)
case _ => reject(AuthorizationFailedRejection)
/** Companion object of [[JwtDirectives]]. */
object JwtDirectives extends JwtDirectives
* Magnet that attracts parameters necessary for the `authorizeToken`
* directive.
* @constructor
* @tparam T
* Outcome type of `verifier`.
* @param extractor
* Extracts a JSON Web Signature (JWS) from an HTTP request.
* @param confirmer
* Confirms the signature of the JWS and extracts the claims set.
* @param verifier
* Verifiers the claims set and converts it to an application-specific
* object.
case class JwtAuthorizationMagnet[T](
extractor: Directive1[Option[JWSObject]],
confirmer: JWSObject => Option[JWTClaimsSet],
verifier: JWTClaimsSet => Option[T])
/** Companion object of [[JwtAuthorizationMagnet]]. */
object JwtAuthorizationMagnet {
* Implicitly converts a given verifier function into
* a [[JwtAuthorizationMagnet]].
* @param verifier
* Returns an application-specific object if a given claims set is
* verified, otherwise `None`.
implicit def fromVerifier[T](verifier: JWTClaimsSet => Option[T])
(implicit confirmer: JWSObject => Option[JWTClaimsSet]):
JwtAuthorizationMagnet[T] = JwtAuthorizationMagnet(
* Implicitly converts a given pair of an extractor directive and a verifier
* function into a [[JwtAuthorizationMagnet]].
* @param ev
* `ev._1` extracts a JWS from an HTTP request.
* `ev._2` verifies a given claims set and returns an application-specific
* object.
implicit def fromExtractor[T](ev: (Directive1[Option[JWSObject]],
JWTClaimsSet => Option[T]))
(implicit confirmer: JWSObject => Option[JWTClaimsSet]):
JwtAuthorizationMagnet[T] =
JwtAuthorizationMagnet(ev._1, confirmer, ev._2)
* Provides signature signer and verifier for JWS.
* @constructor
* @param algorithm
* Name of the signature algorithm.
* @param secret
* Secret key for the signature algorithm.
case class JwtSignature(algorithm: JWSAlgorithm, secret: String) {
/** Common header of JWS objects. */
private val header = new JWSHeader(algorithm)
/** Common signer for JWS objects. */
private val signer = new MACSigner(secret.getBytes())
/** Common verifier for JWS objects. */
private val verifier = new MACVerifier(secret.getBytes())
* Implicit signer for JWS objects.
* Signs a given claims set and returns a signed JWS object.
implicit def jwtSigner(claim: JWTClaimsSet): JWSObject = {
val jwsObject = new JWSObject(header, new Payload(claim.toJSONObject()))
* Implicit confirmer for JWS objects.
* Confirms the signature of a given JWS object and returns its claims set.
implicit def jwtConfirmer(token: JWSObject): Option[JWTClaimsSet] = {
if (token.verify(verifier)) {
try {
} catch {
case _: ParseException => None
} else {
* Claim builder.
* You can chain multiple claim builders by `&&` operator.
trait JwtClaimBuilder[T] extends (T => Option[JWTClaimsSet]) { self =>
* Builds a claim.
* @param input
* Input for the claim builder.
* Usually an output from an authenticator.
* @return
* Claims set build from `input`.
def apply(input: T): Option[JWTClaimsSet];
* Chains a specified claim builder function after this claim builder.
* Claims appended by `after` have precedence over the claims built by this
* claim builder.
* @param after
* Claim builder that appends claims after this claim builder.
* @return
* New claim builder which builds a claims set by this claim builder and
* `after`.
def &&(after: T => Option[JWTClaimsSet]): T => Option[JWTClaimsSet] =
input => mergeClaims(self(input), after(input))
* Merges specified two claim sets.
* Claims in `second` have precedence over claims in `first`.
* @param first
* First claims set.
* @param second
* Second claims set.
* @return
* New claims set that has claims in both `first` and `second`.
* `None` if `first` or `second` is `None`.
protected def mergeClaims(first: Option[JWTClaimsSet],
second: Option[JWTClaimsSet]):
Option[JWTClaimsSet] = {
for {
claims1 <- first
claims2 <- second
} yield {
val newClaims = new JSONObject(claims1.toJSONObject())
/** Companion object of [[JwtClaimBuilder]]. */
object JwtClaimBuilder {
* Returns a claim builder which sets the "exp" field to an expiration time.
* If `duration` is less than one second, it will be treated as 0.
* @param duration
* Valid duration of a JWT.
* Minimum resolution is one second.
def claimExpiration[T](duration: Duration): T => Option[JWTClaimsSet] =
input => {
val validUntil = Calendar.getInstance()
validUntil.add(Calendar.SECOND, duration.toSeconds.toInt)
Try(new JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
* Returns a claim builder which sets the "iss" field to a specified string.
* @param issuer
* Issuer of a JWT.
def claimIssuer[T](issuer: String): T => Option[JWTClaimsSet] =
input => {
Try(new JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
* Returns a claim builder which sets the "sub" field.
* @param subject
* Extracts the subject from an input.
def claimSubject[T](subject: T => String): T => Option[JWTClaimsSet] =
input => {
Try(new JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
* Implicitly converts a claim builder function into a [[JwtClaimBuilder]].
implicit def toJwtClaimBuilder[T](f: T => Option[JWTClaimsSet]):
JwtClaimBuilder[T] =
new JwtClaimBuilder[T] {
override def apply(input: T) = f(input)
/** Provides common JWS extractors. */
object JwsExtractor {
* Extracts a JWS from "Authorization" header of an HTTP request.
* A JWS should be sent through "Authorization" header like,
* {{{
* Authorization: Bearer JWS
* }}}
* @return
* Directive that extracts a JWS from "Authorization" header of an HTTP
* request.
* This directive provides `None` if an HTTP request does not have
* "Authorization" header, or if the value of "Authorization" header is
* invalid.
val extractJwsFromAuthorizationHeader: Directive1[Option[JWSObject]] =
optionalHeaderValueByName("Authorization") flatMap { tokenOpt =>
provide {
tokenOpt flatMap { token =>
val prefix = "Bearer "
if (token.startsWith(prefix))
catch {
case _: ParseException => None
* Extracts a JWS from a cookie that has a given name.
* @param name
* Name of a cookie from which a JWS is to be extracted.
* @return
* Directive that extracts a JWS from a cookie given by `name`.
* This directive provides `None` if no cookie corresponding to `name`
* exists, or if the value of the cookie is invalid.
def extractJwsFromCookie(name: String): Directive1[Option[JWSObject]] =
optionalCookie(name) flatMap { ckOpt =>
provide {
ckOpt flatMap { ck =>
catch {
case _: ParseException => None
* Verifies a claims set.
* Instance of this trait can be passed as a `verifier` argument of the
* `authorizeToken` directive.
trait JwtClaimVerifier extends (JWTClaimsSet => Option[JWTClaimsSet]) { self =>
* Verifies a given claims set.
* @param claims
* Claims set to be verified.
* @return
* Verified claims set. `None` if `claims` is not verified.
def apply(claims: JWTClaimsSet): Option[JWTClaimsSet]
* Chains a given claim verifier after this claim verifier.
* `after` will not be applied if this claim verifier fails.
* @param after
* Claim verifier to be applied after this claim verifier.
* @return
* New claim verifier that applies this claim verifier and then `after`.
def &&[T](after: JWTClaimsSet => Option[T]): JWTClaimsSet => Option[T] =
claims =>
for {
first <- self(claims)
second <- after(first)
} yield (second)
/** Companion object of [[JwtClaimVerifier]]. */
object JwtClaimVerifier {
* Returns a claim verifier that tests the expiration time.
* If a specified claims set does not have "exp" field, verification of it
* fails; i.e., returns `None`.
def verifyNotExpired: JWTClaimsSet => Option[JWTClaimsSet] =
claims => {
def isValid(validUntil: Date) =
Calendar.getInstance().getTime().compareTo(validUntil) <= 0
Option(claims.getExpirationTime()) match {
case Some(validUntil) if isValid(validUntil) => Some(claims)
case _ => None
* Implicitly converts a claim verifier function into a [[JwtClaimVerifier]].
implicit def toJwtClaimVerifier(f: JWTClaimsSet => Option[JWTClaimsSet]) =
new JwtClaimVerifier {
override def apply(claims: JWTClaimsSet): Option[JWTClaimsSet] = f(claims)