com.github.kikuomax.spray.jwt.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.kikuomax.spray
* Provides utilities for signing and verifying the JSON Web Token (JWT).
* Only JSON Web Signature (JWS) is supported.
* Please refer to [[ OAuth Working Group Draft]] for details about JWT.
* The implementation is powered by [[ Nimbus JOSE + JWT]].
* ===Signing===
* Signing is designed to be done when a Basic authentication succeeds.
* The function [[JwtDirectives.jwtAuthenticator]] returns
* a `UserPassAuthenticator` which authenticates a given pair of user and
* password, builds a claims set and signs it.
* Both claims set buildind and signing functions are implicitly given to
* [[JwtDirectives.jwtAuthenticator]].
* [[JwtClaimBuilder]] helps defining a claims set building function.
* [[JwtSignature]] helps defining a signing function.
* ===Verification===
* There is a directive [[JwtDirectives.authorizeToken]] which verifies and
* privileges a given JWT.
* A verification function is implicitly given to
* [[JwtDirectives.authorizeToken]].
* [[JwtSignature]] helps defining a verification function.
* [[JwtClaimVerifier]] helps defining a privileging function.
* ===Example===
* The following is an example derived from [[ the example of the authenticate directive]].
* {{{
* import JwtDirectives._
* import JwtClaimBuilder._
* import JwtClaimVerifier._
* // you can use Actor's dispatcher as the execution context
* implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext
* // imports implicit signing and verification functions in the scope
* val signature = JwtSignature(JWSAlgorithm.HS256, "chiave segreta")
* import signature._
* // an implicit claim set building function
* implicit val claimBuilder: String => Option[JWTClaimsSet] =
* claimSubject[String](identity) &&
* claimIssuer("spray-jwt") &&
* claimExpiration(30.minutes)
* // a user authentication function
* def myUserPassAuthenticator(userPass: Option[UserPass]): Future[Option[String]] =
* Future {
* if (userPass.exists(up => up.user == "John" && up.pass == "p4ssw0rd"))
* Some("John")
* else
* None
* }
* val route =
* path("authenticate") {
* authenticate(BasicAuth(jwtAuthenticator(myUserPassAuthenticator _), "secure site")) { jws =>
* complete(jws.serialize())
* }
* } ~
* path("verify") {
* // a privileging function
* def privilegeUser(claim: JWTClaimsSet): Option[String] =
* Option(claim.getSubject()) flatMap {
* case user: String if user == "John" => Some(user)
* case _ => None
* }
* authorizeToken(verifyNotExpired && privilegeUser) { userName =>
* complete(s"The user is $userName")
* }
* }
* }}}
package object jwt