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com.github.krukow.clj_lang.PersistentTreeMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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a *   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
 *   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
 *   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
 *   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
 *   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
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/* rich May 20, 2006 */

package com.github.krukow.clj_lang;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

import com.github.krukow.clj_ds.PersistentSortedMap;

 * Persistent Red Black Tree
 * Note that instances of this class are constant values
 * i.e. add/remove etc return new values

* See Okasaki, Kahrs, Larsen et al */ public class PersistentTreeMap extends APersistentMap implements IObj, Reversible>, Sorted, PersistentSortedMap{ public final Comparator comp; public final Node tree; public final int _count; final IPersistentMap _meta; final static public PersistentTreeMap EMPTY = new PersistentTreeMap(); static public PersistentTreeMap create(Map other){ PersistentTreeMap ret = EMPTY; for(Map.Entry o : other.entrySet()) { ret = ret.assoc(o.getKey(), o.getValue()); } return ret; } public PersistentTreeMap(){ this(RT.DEFAULT_COMPARATOR); } public PersistentTreeMap withMeta(IPersistentMap meta){ return new PersistentTreeMap(meta, comp, tree, _count); } private PersistentTreeMap(Comparator comp){ this(null, comp); } public PersistentTreeMap(IPersistentMap meta, Comparator comp){ this.comp = comp; this._meta = meta; tree = null; _count = 0; } PersistentTreeMap(IPersistentMap meta, Comparator comp, Node tree, int _count){ this._meta = meta; this.comp = comp; this.tree = tree; this._count = _count; } static public PersistentTreeMap create(ISeq items){ IPersistentMap ret = EMPTY; for(; items != null; items = { if( == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("No value supplied for key: %s", items.first())); ret = ret.assoc((K) items.first(), (V) RT.second(items)); } return (PersistentTreeMap) ret; } static public PersistentTreeMap create(Comparator comp, ISeq items){ IPersistentMap ret = new PersistentTreeMap(comp); for(; items != null; items = { if( == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("No value supplied for key: %s", items.first())); ret = ret.assoc((K) items.first(), (V) RT.second(items)); } return (PersistentTreeMap) ret; } public boolean containsKey(Object key){ return entryAt((K) key) != null; } public PersistentTreeMap assocEx(K key, V val) { Box found = new Box(null); Node t = add(tree, key, val, found); if(t == null) //null == already contains key { throw Util.runtimeException("Key already present"); } return new PersistentTreeMap(comp, t.blacken(), _count + 1, meta()); } public PersistentTreeMap assoc(K key, V val){ Box found = new Box(null); Node t = add(tree, key, val, found); if(t == null) //null == already contains key { Node foundNode = (Node) found.val; if(foundNode.val() == val) //note only get same collection on identity of val, not equals() return this; return new PersistentTreeMap(comp, replace(tree, key, val), _count, meta()); } return new PersistentTreeMap(comp, t.blacken(), _count + 1, meta()); } public PersistentTreeMap without(K key){ Box found = new Box(null); Node t = remove(tree, key, found); if(t == null) { if(found.val == null)//null == doesn't contain key return this; //empty return new PersistentTreeMap(meta(), comp); } return new PersistentTreeMap(comp, t.blacken(), _count - 1, meta()); } public ISeq seq(){ if(_count > 0) return Seq.create(tree, true, _count); return null; } public IPersistentCollection empty(){ return new PersistentTreeMap(meta(), comp); } public ISeq rseq() { if(_count > 0) return Seq.create(tree, false, _count); return null; } public Comparator comparator(){ return comp; } public Object entryKey(Object entry){ return ((IMapEntry) entry).key(); } public ISeq seq(boolean ascending){ if(_count > 0) return Seq.create(tree, ascending, _count); return null; } public ISeq seqFrom(K key, boolean ascending){ if(_count > 0) { ISeq stack = null; Node t = tree; while(t != null) { int c = doCompare(key, (K) t.key); if(c == 0) { stack = RT.cons(t, stack); return new Seq(stack, ascending); } else if(ascending) { if(c < 0) { stack = RT.cons(t, stack); t = t.left(); } else t = t.right(); } else { if(c > 0) { stack = RT.cons(t, stack); t = t.right(); } else t = t.left(); } } if(stack != null) return new Seq(stack, ascending); } return null; } public NodeIterator iterator(){ return new NodeIterator(tree, true); } public Iterator> iteratorFrom(K key) { return new SeqIterator>(seqFrom(key, true)); } public Object kvreduce(IFn f, Object init){ if(tree != null) init = tree.kvreduce(f,init); if(RT.isReduced(init)) init = ((IDeref)init).deref(); return init; } public NodeIterator reverseIterator(){ return new NodeIterator(tree, false); } public Iterator keys(){ return keys(iterator()); } public Iterator vals(){ return vals(iterator()); } public Iterator keys(NodeIterator it){ return new KeyIterator(it); } public Iterator vals(NodeIterator it){ return new ValIterator(it); } public Object minKey(){ Node t = min(); return t != null ? t.key : null; } public Node min(){ Node t = tree; if(t != null) { while(t.left() != null) t = t.left(); } return t; } public Object maxKey(){ Node t = max(); return t != null ? t.key : null; } public Node max(){ Node t = tree; if(t != null) { while(t.right() != null) t = t.right(); } return t; } public int depth(){ return depth(tree); } int depth(Node t){ if(t == null) return 0; return 1 + Math.max(depth(t.left()), depth(t.right())); } public V valAt(K key, V notFound){ Node n = entryAt(key); return ((n != null) ? (V) n.val() : notFound); } public V valAt(K key){ return valAt(key, null); } public int capacity(){ return _count; } public int count(){ return _count; } public Node entryAt(K key){ Node t = tree; while(t != null) { int c = doCompare(key, (K) t.key); if(c == 0) return t; else if(c < 0) t = t.left(); else t = t.right(); } return t; } public int doCompare(K k1, K k2){ // if(comp != null) return, k2); // return ((Comparable) k1).compareTo(k2); } Node add(Node t, Object key, Object val, Box found){ if(t == null) { if(val == null) return new Red(key); return new RedVal(key, val); } int c = doCompare((K) key, (K) t.key); if(c == 0) { found.val = t; return null; } Node ins = c < 0 ? add(t.left(), key, val, found) : add(t.right(), key, val, found); if(ins == null) //found below return null; if(c < 0) return t.addLeft(ins); return t.addRight(ins); } Node remove(Node t, K key, Box found){ if(t == null) return null; //not found indicator int c = doCompare(key, (K) t.key); if(c == 0) { found.val = t; return append(t.left(), t.right()); } Node del = c < 0 ? remove(t.left(), key, found) : remove(t.right(), key, found); if(del == null && found.val == null) //not found below return null; if(c < 0) { if(t.left() instanceof Black) return balanceLeftDel(t.key, t.val(), del, t.right()); else return red(t.key, t.val(), del, t.right()); } if(t.right() instanceof Black) return balanceRightDel(t.key, t.val(), t.left(), del); return red(t.key, t.val(), t.left(), del); // return t.removeLeft(del); // return t.removeRight(del); } static Node append(Node left, Node right){ if(left == null) return right; else if(right == null) return left; else if(left instanceof Red) { if(right instanceof Red) { Node app = append(left.right(), right.left()); if(app instanceof Red) return red(app.key, app.val(), red(left.key, left.val(), left.left(), app.left()), red(right.key, right.val(), app.right(), right.right())); else return red(left.key, left.val(), left.left(), red(right.key, right.val(), app, right.right())); } else return red(left.key, left.val(), left.left(), append(left.right(), right)); } else if(right instanceof Red) return red(right.key, right.val(), append(left, right.left()), right.right()); else //black/black { Node app = append(left.right(), right.left()); if(app instanceof Red) return red(app.key, app.val(), black(left.key, left.val(), left.left(), app.left()), black(right.key, right.val(), app.right(), right.right())); else return balanceLeftDel(left.key, left.val(), left.left(), black(right.key, right.val(), app, right.right())); } } static Node balanceLeftDel(Object key, Object val, Node del, Node right){ if(del instanceof Red) return red(key, val, del.blacken(), right); else if(right instanceof Black) return rightBalance(key, val, del, right.redden()); else if(right instanceof Red && right.left() instanceof Black) return red(right.left().key, right.left().val(), black(key, val, del, right.left().left()), rightBalance(right.key, right.val(), right.left().right(), right.right().redden())); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Invariant violation"); } static Node balanceRightDel(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node del){ if(del instanceof Red) return red(key, val, left, del.blacken()); else if(left instanceof Black) return leftBalance(key, val, left.redden(), del); else if(left instanceof Red && left.right() instanceof Black) return red(left.right().key, left.right().val(), leftBalance(left.key, left.val(), left.left().redden(), left.right().left()), black(key, val, left.right().right(), del)); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Invariant violation"); } static Node leftBalance(Object key, Object val, Node ins, Node right){ if(ins instanceof Red && ins.left() instanceof Red) return red(ins.key, ins.val(), ins.left().blacken(), black(key, val, ins.right(), right)); else if(ins instanceof Red && ins.right() instanceof Red) return red(ins.right().key, ins.right().val(), black(ins.key, ins.val(), ins.left(), ins.right().left()), black(key, val, ins.right().right(), right)); else return black(key, val, ins, right); } static Node rightBalance(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node ins){ if(ins instanceof Red && ins.right() instanceof Red) return red(ins.key, ins.val(), black(key, val, left, ins.left()), ins.right().blacken()); else if(ins instanceof Red && ins.left() instanceof Red) return red(ins.left().key, ins.left().val(), black(key, val, left, ins.left().left()), black(ins.key, ins.val(), ins.left().right(), ins.right())); else return black(key, val, left, ins); } Node replace(Node t, K key, Object val){ int c = doCompare(key, (K) t.key); return t.replace(t.key, c == 0 ? val : t.val(), c < 0 ? replace(t.left(), key, val) : t.left(), c > 0 ? replace(t.right(), key, val) : t.right()); } PersistentTreeMap(Comparator comp, Node tree, int count, IPersistentMap meta){ this._meta = meta; this.comp = comp; this.tree = tree; this._count = count; } static Red red(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node right){ if(left == null && right == null) { if(val == null) return new Red(key); return new RedVal(key, val); } if(val == null) return new RedBranch(key, left, right); return new RedBranchVal(key, val, left, right); } static Black black(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node right){ if(left == null && right == null) { if(val == null) return new Black(key); return new BlackVal(key, val); } if(val == null) return new BlackBranch(key, left, right); return new BlackBranchVal(key, val, left, right); } public IPersistentMap meta(){ return _meta; } static abstract class Node extends AMapEntry{ final Object key; Node(Object key){ this.key = key; } public Object key(){ return key; } public Object val(){ return null; } public Object getKey(){ return key(); } public Object getValue(){ return val(); } Node left(){ return null; } Node right(){ return null; } abstract Node addLeft(Node ins); abstract Node addRight(Node ins); abstract Node removeLeft(Node del); abstract Node removeRight(Node del); abstract Node blacken(); abstract Node redden(); Node balanceLeft(Node parent){ return black(parent.key, parent.val(), this, parent.right()); } Node balanceRight(Node parent){ return black(parent.key, parent.val(), parent.left(), this); } abstract Node replace(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node right); public Object kvreduce(IFn f, Object init){ if(left() != null){ init = left().kvreduce(f, init); if(RT.isReduced(init)) return init; } init = f.invoke(init, key(), val()); if(RT.isReduced(init)) return init; if(right() != null){ init = right().kvreduce(f, init); } return init; } } static class Black extends Node{ public Black(Object key){ super(key); } Node addLeft(Node ins){ return ins.balanceLeft(this); } Node addRight(Node ins){ return ins.balanceRight(this); } Node removeLeft(Node del){ return balanceLeftDel(key, val(), del, right()); } Node removeRight(Node del){ return balanceRightDel(key, val(), left(), del); } Node blacken(){ return this; } Node redden(){ return new Red(key); } Node replace(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node right){ return black(key, val, left, right); } } static class BlackVal extends Black{ final Object val; public BlackVal(Object key, Object val){ super(key); this.val = val; } public Object val(){ return val; } Node redden(){ return new RedVal(key, val); } } static class BlackBranch extends Black{ final Node left; final Node right; public BlackBranch(Object key, Node left, Node right){ super(key); this.left = left; this.right = right; } public Node left(){ return left; } public Node right(){ return right; } Node redden(){ return new RedBranch(key, left, right); } } static class BlackBranchVal extends BlackBranch{ final Object val; public BlackBranchVal(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node right){ super(key, left, right); this.val = val; } public Object val(){ return val; } Node redden(){ return new RedBranchVal(key, val, left, right); } } static class Red extends Node{ public Red(Object key){ super(key); } Node addLeft(Node ins){ return red(key, val(), ins, right()); } Node addRight(Node ins){ return red(key, val(), left(), ins); } Node removeLeft(Node del){ return red(key, val(), del, right()); } Node removeRight(Node del){ return red(key, val(), left(), del); } Node blacken(){ return new Black(key); } Node redden(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Invariant violation"); } Node replace(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node right){ return red(key, val, left, right); } } static class RedVal extends Red{ final Object val; public RedVal(Object key, Object val){ super(key); this.val = val; } public Object val(){ return val; } Node blacken(){ return new BlackVal(key, val); } } static class RedBranch extends Red{ final Node left; final Node right; public RedBranch(Object key, Node left, Node right){ super(key); this.left = left; this.right = right; } public Node left(){ return left; } public Node right(){ return right; } Node balanceLeft(Node parent){ if(left instanceof Red) return red(key, val(), left.blacken(), black(parent.key, parent.val(), right, parent.right())); else if(right instanceof Red) return red(right.key, right.val(), black(key, val(), left, right.left()), black(parent.key, parent.val(), right.right(), parent.right())); else return super.balanceLeft(parent); } Node balanceRight(Node parent){ if(right instanceof Red) return red(key, val(), black(parent.key, parent.val(), parent.left(), left), right.blacken()); else if(left instanceof Red) return red(left.key, left.val(), black(parent.key, parent.val(), parent.left(), left.left()), black(key, val(), left.right(), right)); else return super.balanceRight(parent); } Node blacken(){ return new BlackBranch(key, left, right); } } static class RedBranchVal extends RedBranch{ final Object val; public RedBranchVal(Object key, Object val, Node left, Node right){ super(key, left, right); this.val = val; } public Object val(){ return val; } Node blacken(){ return new BlackBranchVal(key, val, left, right); } } static public class Seq extends ASeq{ final ISeq stack; final boolean asc; final int cnt; public Seq(ISeq stack, boolean asc){ this.stack = stack; this.asc = asc; this.cnt = -1; } public Seq(ISeq stack, boolean asc, int cnt){ this.stack = stack; this.asc = asc; this.cnt = cnt; } Seq(IPersistentMap meta, ISeq stack, boolean asc, int cnt){ super(meta); this.stack = stack; this.asc = asc; this.cnt = cnt; } static Seq create(Node t, boolean asc, int cnt){ return new Seq(push(t, null, asc), asc, cnt); } static ISeq push(Node t, ISeq stack, boolean asc){ while(t != null) { stack = RT.cons(t, stack); t = asc ? t.left() : t.right(); } return stack; } public Object first(){ return stack.first(); } public ISeq next(){ Node t = (Node) stack.first(); ISeq nextstack = push(asc ? t.right() : t.left(),, asc); if(nextstack != null) { return new Seq(nextstack, asc, cnt - 1); } return null; } public int count(){ if(cnt < 0) return super.count(); return cnt; } public Obj withMeta(IPersistentMap meta){ return new Seq(meta, stack, asc, cnt); } } static public class NodeIterator implements Iterator{ Stack stack = new Stack(); boolean asc; NodeIterator(Node t, boolean asc){ this.asc = asc; push(t); } void push(Node t){ while(t != null) { stack.push(t); t = asc ? t.left() : t.right(); } } public boolean hasNext(){ return !stack.isEmpty(); } public Object next(){ Node t = (Node) stack.pop(); push(asc ? t.right() : t.left()); return t; } public void remove(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } static class KeyIterator implements Iterator{ NodeIterator it; KeyIterator(NodeIterator it){ = it; } public boolean hasNext(){ return it.hasNext(); } public K next(){ return (K) ((Node); } public void remove(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } static class ValIterator implements Iterator{ NodeIterator it; ValIterator(NodeIterator it){ = it; } public boolean hasNext(){ return it.hasNext(); } public T next(){ return (T) ((Node); } public void remove(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } @Override public PersistentSortedMap zero() { return (PersistentSortedMap) empty(); } @Override public PersistentSortedMap plus(K key, V val) { return assoc(key, val); } @Override public PersistentSortedMap plusEx(K key, V val) { return assocEx(key, val); } @Override public PersistentSortedMap minus(K key) { return without(key); } /* static public void main(String args[]){ if(args.length != 1) System.err.println("Usage: RBTree n"); int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); Integer[] ints = new Integer[n]; for(int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) { ints[i] = i; } Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(ints)); //force the ListMap class loading now // try // { // // //PersistentListMap.EMPTY.assocEx(1, null).assocEx(2,null).assocEx(3,null); // } // catch(Exception e) // { // e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. // } System.out.println("Building set"); //IPersistentMap set = new PersistentArrayMap(); //IPersistentMap set = new PersistentHashtableMap(1001); IPersistentMap set = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY; //IPersistentMap set = new ListMap(); //IPersistentMap set = new ArrayMap(); //IPersistentMap set = new PersistentTreeMap(); // for(int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) // { // Integer anInt = ints[i]; // set = set.add(anInt); // } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); for(Integer anInt : ints) { set = set.assoc(anInt, anInt); } //System.out.println("_count = " + set.count()); // System.out.println("_count = " + set._count + ", min: " + set.minKey() + ", max: " + set.maxKey() // + ", depth: " + set.depth()); for(Object aSet : set) { IMapEntry o = (IMapEntry) aSet; if(!set.contains(o.key())) System.err.println("Can't find: " + o.key()); //else if(n < 2000) // System.out.print(o.key().toString() + ","); } Random rand = new Random(42); for(int i = 0; i < ints.length / 2; i++) { Integer anInt = ints[rand.nextInt(n)]; set = set.without(anInt); } long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println(); System.out.println("_count = " + set.count() + ", time: " + estimatedTime / 1000000); System.out.println("Building ht"); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(1001); startTime = System.nanoTime(); // for(int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) // { // Integer anInt = ints[i]; // ht.put(anInt,null); // } for(Integer anInt : ints) { ht.put(anInt, anInt); } //System.out.println("size = " + ht.size()); //Iterator it = ht.entrySet().iterator(); for(Object o1 : ht.entrySet()) { Map.Entry o = (Map.Entry) o1; if(!ht.containsKey(o.getKey())) System.err.println("Can't find: " + o); //else if(n < 2000) // System.out.print(o.toString() + ","); } rand = new Random(42); for(int i = 0; i < ints.length / 2; i++) { Integer anInt = ints[rand.nextInt(n)]; ht.remove(anInt); } estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println(); System.out.println("size = " + ht.size() + ", time: " + estimatedTime / 1000000); System.out.println("set lookup"); startTime = System.nanoTime(); int c = 0; for(Integer anInt : ints) { if(!set.contains(anInt)) ++c; } estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println("notfound = " + c + ", time: " + estimatedTime / 1000000); System.out.println("ht lookup"); startTime = System.nanoTime(); c = 0; for(Integer anInt : ints) { if(!ht.containsKey(anInt)) ++c; } estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println("notfound = " + c + ", time: " + estimatedTime / 1000000); // System.out.println("_count = " + set._count + ", min: " + set.minKey() + ", max: " + set.maxKey() // + ", depth: " + set.depth()); } */ }

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