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com.github.leeonky.dal.runtime.Data Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.leeonky.dal.runtime;
import com.github.leeonky.dal.ast.node.SortGroupNode;
import com.github.leeonky.dal.runtime.RuntimeContextBuilder.DALRuntimeContext;
import com.github.leeonky.dal.runtime.inspector.Inspector;
import com.github.leeonky.dal.runtime.inspector.InspectorCache;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static com.github.leeonky.dal.runtime.CurryingMethod.createCurryingMethod;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Optional.of;
import static;
import static;
public class Data {
private final SchemaType schemaType;
final DALRuntimeContext context;
private final Object instance;
private List listValue;
private Comparator listComparator = SortGroupNode.NOP_COMPARATOR;
public Data(Object instance, DALRuntimeContext context, SchemaType schemaType) {
this.instance = instance;
this.schemaType = schemaType;
this.context = context.registerPropertyAccessor(instance);
public Object getInstance() {
return instance;
public Set getFieldNames() {
return context.findPropertyReaderNames(instance);
public boolean isList() {
return context.isRegisteredList(instance) || (instance != null && instance.getClass().isArray());
public int getListSize() {
return getValueList().size();
public List getValueList() {
return listValue == null ? (listValue = stream(context.getList(instance).spliterator(), false)
.sorted(listComparator).collect(toList())) : listValue;
public List getDataList() {
AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(0);
return getValueList().stream().map(object -> new Data(object, context,
public boolean isNull() {
return context.isNull(instance);
public Data getValue(List propertyChain) {
return propertyChain.isEmpty() ? this :
getValue(propertyChain.get(0)).getValue(propertyChain.subList(1, propertyChain.size()));
public Data getValue(Object propertyChain) {
try {
List chain = schemaType.access(propertyChain).getPropertyChainBefore(schemaType);
if (chain.size() == 1 && chain.get(0).equals(propertyChain))
return new Data(getPropertyValue(propertyChain), context, propertySchema(propertyChain));
return getValue(chain);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new PropertyAccessException("Index out of bounds (" + ex.getMessage() + "), first index is: " + getListFirstIndex(), ex);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PropertyAccessException(format("Get property `%s` failed, property can be:\n" +
" 1. public field\n" +
" 2. public getter\n" +
" 3. public no args method\n" +
" 4. Map key value\n" +
" 5. customized type getter\n" +
" 6. static method extension\n%s%s",
propertyChain, e.getMessage(), listMappingMessage(this, propertyChain)), e);
private String listMappingMessage(Data data, Object symbol) {
return data.isList() ? format("\nImplicit list mapping is not allowed in current version of DAL, use `%s[]` instead",
symbol) : "";
private Object getPropertyValue(Object property) {
return isList() ? fetchFromList(property) : context.getPropertyValue(this, property);
private Object fetchFromList(Object property) {
if (property instanceof String)
return context.getPropertyValue(this, property);
if ((int) property < 0)
return getValueList().get(getListSize() + (int) property);
return getValueList().get((int) property - getListFirstIndex());
public int getListFirstIndex() {
return context.getListFirstIndex(instance);
private SchemaType propertySchema(Object property) {
if (isList() && property instanceof String)
return schemaType.mappingAccess(property);
return schemaType.access(property);
public Object firstFieldFromAlias(Object alias) {
return schemaType.firstFieldFromAlias(alias);
public Data convert(Class> target) {
return new Data(context.getConverter().convert(target, instance), context, schemaType);
public Data setListComparator(Comparator listComparator) {
this.listComparator = listComparator;
return this;
public Data listMap(Object property) {
return new Data(listMap(data -> data.getValue(property).getInstance()), context, propertySchema(property));
public AutoMappingList listMap(Function mapper) {
return new AutoMappingList(getListFirstIndex(), getDataList(), mapper);
public Data filter(String prefix) {
FilteredObject filteredObject = new FilteredObject();
.filter(field -> field.startsWith(prefix)).forEach(fieldName ->
filteredObject.put(trimPrefix(prefix, fieldName), getValue(fieldName).getInstance()));
return new Data(filteredObject, context, schemaType).setListComparator(listComparator);
private String trimPrefix(String prefix, String fieldName) {
return fieldName.substring(prefix.length(), prefix.length() + 1).toLowerCase()
+ fieldName.substring(prefix.length() + 1);
public String inspect() {
return buildInspector().inspect("root", InspectorCache.cache());
public String dump() {
return buildInspector().dump("root", InspectorCache.cache());
public Inspector buildInspector() {
return context.fetchInspector(this);
public T newBlockScope(Supplier supplier) {
return context.newBlockScope(this, supplier);
public Optional currying(Object property) {
return currying(instance, property);
private Optional currying(Object instance, Object property) {
List methods = context.methodToCurrying(instance.getClass(), property).stream()
.map(method -> createCurryingMethod(instance, method, context.getConverter())).collect(toList());
if (!methods.isEmpty())
return of(new CurryingMethodGroup(methods, null));
return context.getImplicitObject(instance).flatMap(obj -> currying(obj, property));
public Data requireList(int position) {
if (isList())
return this;
throw new RuntimeException(format("Invalid input value, expect a List but: %s", inspect().trim()), position);
public boolean numberNotEquals(Data another) {
return context.getNumberType().compare((Number) instance, (Number) another.instance) != 0;
static class FilteredObject extends LinkedHashMap implements PartialObject {