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package com.github.lgooddatepicker.ysandbox;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* testParsingMatchFunction, This class was written to thoroughly test the effectiveness of the
* DatePickerUtilities.doesParsedDateMatchText() function. This class is not involved with the
* normal operation of the date pickers.
public class TestParsingMatchFunction {
* main, This only exists to run test functions.
public static void main(String[] args) {
* testDoesParsedDateMatchTextFunction, Test for the function doesParsedDateMatchText(). This
* test every valid date between years -10000 and 10000, and also tests all the invalid dates up
* to the 31st of short months, in the same range. The tests are done with both alphabetic and
* numeric months, and done with BC dates (BC dates have years that are offset from ISO). As of
* this writing, the function correctly handles every tested date.
public static void testDoesParsedDateMatchTextFunction() {
* February - 28 days; 29 days in Leap Years, April - 30 days, June - 30 days, September -
* 30 days, November - 30 days.
DateTimeFormatter parseFormat = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().parseLenient().parseCaseInsensitive().
appendPattern("M d, u").toFormatter(Locale.getDefault());
DateTimeFormatter parseFormat2 = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().parseLenient().parseCaseInsensitive().
appendPattern("MMMM d, u").toFormatter(Locale.getDefault());
DateTimeFormatter parseFormatBC = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().parseLenient().parseCaseInsensitive().
appendPattern("MMMM d, yyyy G").toFormatter(Locale.getDefault());
Month[] shortMonths = new Month[]{Month.FEBRUARY, Month.APRIL, Month.JUNE, Month.SEPTEMBER, Month.NOVEMBER};
// Make sure that none of short month dates match when given a nonexistent 31st date.
for (int year = -10000; year < 10001; ++year) {
for (int monthIndex = 0; monthIndex < shortMonths.length; ++monthIndex) {
String nonExistantDateString = shortMonths[monthIndex].getValue() + " 31, " + year;
LocalDate nonExistantDate = LocalDate.parse(nonExistantDateString, parseFormat);
if (doesParsedDateMatchText(nonExistantDate, nonExistantDateString, Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid match at " + nonExistantDateString);
String nonExistantDateString2 = shortMonths[monthIndex].name() + " 31, " + year;
LocalDate nonExistantDate2 = LocalDate.parse(nonExistantDateString2, parseFormat2);
if (doesParsedDateMatchText(nonExistantDate2, nonExistantDateString2, Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid match at " + nonExistantDateString2);
// Make sure that February never matches when given a nonexistent 30th date.
for (int year = -10000; year < 10001; ++year) {
String nonExistantDateString = Month.FEBRUARY.getValue() + " 30, " + year;
LocalDate nonExistantDate = LocalDate.parse(nonExistantDateString, parseFormat);
if (doesParsedDateMatchText(nonExistantDate, nonExistantDateString, Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid match at " + nonExistantDateString);
String nonExistantDateString2 = + " 30, " + year;
LocalDate nonExistantDate2 = LocalDate.parse(nonExistantDateString2, parseFormat2);
if (doesParsedDateMatchText(nonExistantDate2, nonExistantDateString2, Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid match at " + nonExistantDateString2);
// Make sure that February never matches when given a (nonexistent) 29th date which
// is not on a leap year.
for (int year = -10000; year < 10001; ++year) {
if (!isLeapYear(year)) {
String nonExistantDateString = Month.FEBRUARY.getValue() + " 29, " + year;
LocalDate nonExistantDate = LocalDate.parse(nonExistantDateString, parseFormat);
if (doesParsedDateMatchText(nonExistantDate, nonExistantDateString, Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid match at " + nonExistantDateString);
String nonExistantDateString2 = + " 29, " + year;
LocalDate nonExistantDate2 = LocalDate.parse(nonExistantDateString2, parseFormat2);
if (doesParsedDateMatchText(nonExistantDate2, nonExistantDateString2, Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid match at " + nonExistantDateString2);
// Make sure that all valid dates give a match.
LocalDate validDate = LocalDate.of(-10000, 1, 1);
while (validDate.getYear() < 10001) {
if (!doesParsedDateMatchText(validDate, validDate.toString(), Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid mismatch at " + validDate.toString());
String alphabeticDate = validDate.format(parseFormat2);
if (!doesParsedDateMatchText(validDate, alphabeticDate, Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid mismatch at " + validDate.toString());
validDate = validDate.plusDays(1);
// Make sure that valid BC formatted dates give a match.
LocalDate validDateBC = LocalDate.of(-10000, 1, 1);
while (validDateBC.getYear() < 5) {
String alphabeticDateBC = validDateBC.format(parseFormatBC);
if (!doesParsedDateMatchText(validDateBC, alphabeticDateBC, Locale.getDefault())) {
System.out.println("invalid mismatch at " + validDateBC.toString());
validDateBC = validDateBC.plusDays(1);
// Indicate that we are finished.
static private boolean isLeapYear(int year) {
if (year % 4 != 0) {
return false;
} else if (year % 400 == 0) {
return true;
} else if (year % 100 == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Note, this function has been thoroughly tested and gives the proper result with all valid and
* invalid dates in the years between -10000 and 10000 inclusive. Invalid dates are defined as:
* The 31st day of February, April, June, September, or November. The 30th day of February. Or
* the 29th day of February on any year that is not a leap year.
static private boolean doesParsedDateMatchText(LocalDate parsedDate, String text,
Locale formatLocale) {
if (parsedDate == null || text == null) {
return false;
text = text.toLowerCase();
// This only matches numbers, and it leaves off any hyphen "-".
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
ArrayList unsignedNumbersFound = new ArrayList();
while (matcher.find()) {
String foundString =;
foundString = forceTwoDigitNumberString(foundString);
String parsedDayOfMonth = "" + parsedDate.getDayOfMonth();
parsedDayOfMonth = forceTwoDigitNumberString(parsedDayOfMonth);
boolean dayOfMonthFound = unsignedNumbersFound.remove(parsedDayOfMonth);
DateTimeFormatter formatBC = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("G", formatLocale);
String eraBCString = LocalDate.of(-100, 1, 1).format(formatBC).toLowerCase();
if (parsedDate.getYear() < 1 && text.contains(eraBCString)) {
String parsedYearForBC = "" + (parsedDate.getYear() - 1);
parsedYearForBC = parsedYearForBC.replace("-", "");
parsedYearForBC = forceTwoDigitNumberString(parsedYearForBC);
boolean yearFoundForBC = unsignedNumbersFound.remove(parsedYearForBC);
return yearFoundForBC && dayOfMonthFound;
} else {
String parsedYear = "" + parsedDate.getYear();
parsedYear = parsedYear.replace("-", "");
parsedYear = forceTwoDigitNumberString(parsedYear);
boolean yearFound = unsignedNumbersFound.remove(parsedYear);
return yearFound && dayOfMonthFound;
private static String forceTwoDigitNumberString(String text) {
while (text.length() < 2) {
text = "0" + text;
if (text.length() > 2) {
text = text.substring(text.length() - 2, text.length());
return text;