com.lowagie.text.pdf.ColumnText Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $Id: ColumnText.java 4091 2009-11-10 15:15:28Z psoares33 $
* Copyright 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by
* the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer
* are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code
* where applicable.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
* LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the
* provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
* allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL
* License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under
* the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
* replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL.
* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
* of this file under either the MPL or the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU
* Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more
* details.
* If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if
* you aren't using an obsolete version:
* http://www.lowagie.com/iText/
package com.lowagie.text.pdf;
import com.lowagie.text.Chunk;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.Element;
import com.lowagie.text.ExceptionConverter;
import com.lowagie.text.Image;
import com.lowagie.text.ListItem;
import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
import com.lowagie.text.Phrase;
import com.lowagie.text.SimpleTable;
import com.lowagie.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.draw.DrawInterface;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
* Formats text in a columnwise form. The text is bound
* on the left and on the right by a sequence of lines. This allows the column
* to have any shape, not only rectangular.
* Several parameters can be set like the first paragraph line indent and
* extra space between paragraphs.
* A call to the method go
will return one of the following
* situations: the column ended or the text ended.
* I the column ended, a new column definition can be loaded with the method
* setColumns
and the method go
can be called again.
* If the text ended, more text can be loaded with addText
* and the method go
can be called again.
* The only limitation is that one or more complete paragraphs must be loaded
* each time.
* Full bidirectional reordering is supported. If the run direction is
the meaning of the horizontal
* alignments and margins is mirrored.
* @author Paulo Soares ([email protected])
public class ColumnText {
/** Eliminate the arabic vowels */
public static final int AR_NOVOWEL = ArabicLigaturizer.ar_novowel;
/** Compose the tashkeel in the ligatures. */
public static final int AR_COMPOSEDTASHKEEL = ArabicLigaturizer.ar_composedtashkeel;
/** Do some extra double ligatures. */
public static final int AR_LIG = ArabicLigaturizer.ar_lig;
* Digit shaping option: Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits.
public static final int DIGITS_EN2AN = ArabicLigaturizer.DIGITS_EN2AN;
* Digit shaping option: Replace Arabic-Indic digits by European digits (U+0030...U+0039).
public static final int DIGITS_AN2EN = ArabicLigaturizer.DIGITS_AN2EN;
* Digit shaping option:
* Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits
* if the most recent strongly directional character
* is an Arabic letter (its Bidi direction value is RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC).
* The initial state at the start of the text is assumed to be not an Arabic,
* letter, so European digits at the start of the text will not change.
public static final int DIGITS_EN2AN_INIT_LR = ArabicLigaturizer.DIGITS_EN2AN_INIT_LR;
* Digit shaping option:
* Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits
* if the most recent strongly directional character
* is an Arabic letter (its Bidi direction value is RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC).
* The initial state at the start of the text is assumed to be an Arabic,
* letter, so European digits at the start of the text will change.
public static final int DIGITS_EN2AN_INIT_AL = ArabicLigaturizer.DIGITS_EN2AN_INIT_AL;
* Digit type option: Use Arabic-Indic digits (U+0660...U+0669).
public static final int DIGIT_TYPE_AN = ArabicLigaturizer.DIGIT_TYPE_AN;
* Digit type option: Use Eastern (Extended) Arabic-Indic digits (U+06f0...U+06f9).
public static final int DIGIT_TYPE_AN_EXTENDED = ArabicLigaturizer.DIGIT_TYPE_AN_EXTENDED;
protected int runDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT;
/** the space char ratio */
public static final float GLOBAL_SPACE_CHAR_RATIO = 0;
/** Initial value of the status. */
public static final int START_COLUMN = 0;
/** Signals that there is no more text available. */
public static final int NO_MORE_TEXT = 1;
/** Signals that there is no more column. */
public static final int NO_MORE_COLUMN = 2;
/** The column is valid. */
protected static final int LINE_STATUS_OK = 0;
/** The line is out the column limits. */
protected static final int LINE_STATUS_OFFLIMITS = 1;
/** The line cannot fit this column position. */
protected static final int LINE_STATUS_NOLINE = 2;
/** Upper bound of the column. */
protected float maxY;
/** Lower bound of the column. */
protected float minY;
protected float leftX;
protected float rightX;
/** The column alignment. Default is left alignment. */
protected int alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
/** The left column bound. */
protected List leftWall;
/** The right column bound. */
protected List rightWall;
/** The chunks that form the text. */
// protected ArrayList chunks = new ArrayList();
protected BidiLine bidiLine;
/** The current y line location. Text will be written at this line minus the leading. */
protected float yLine;
/** The leading for the current line. */
protected float currentLeading = 16;
/** The fixed text leading. */
protected float fixedLeading = 16;
/** The text leading that is multiplied by the biggest font size in the line. */
protected float multipliedLeading = 0;
/** The PdfContent
where the text will be written to. */
protected PdfContentByte canvas;
protected PdfContentByte[] canvases;
/** The line status when trying to fit a line to a column. */
protected int lineStatus;
/** The first paragraph line indent. */
protected float indent = 0;
/** The following paragraph lines indent. */
protected float followingIndent = 0;
/** The right paragraph lines indent. */
protected float rightIndent = 0;
/** The extra space between paragraphs. */
protected float extraParagraphSpace = 0;
/** The width of the line when the column is defined as a simple rectangle. */
protected float rectangularWidth = -1;
protected boolean rectangularMode = false;
/** Holds value of property spaceCharRatio. */
private float spaceCharRatio = GLOBAL_SPACE_CHAR_RATIO;
private boolean lastWasNewline = true;
/** Holds value of property linesWritten. */
private int linesWritten;
private float firstLineY;
private boolean firstLineYDone = false;
/** Holds value of property arabicOptions. */
private int arabicOptions = 0;
protected float descender;
protected boolean composite = false;
protected ColumnText compositeColumn;
protected LinkedList compositeElements;
protected int listIdx = 0;
private boolean splittedRow;
protected Phrase waitPhrase;
/** if true, first line height is adjusted so that the max ascender touches the top */
private boolean useAscender = false;
/** Holds value of property filledWidth. */
private float filledWidth;
private boolean adjustFirstLine = true;
* Creates a ColumnText
* @param canvas the place where the text will be written to. Can
* be a template.
public ColumnText(PdfContentByte canvas) {
this.canvas = canvas;
* Creates an independent duplicated of the instance org
* @param org the original ColumnText
* @return the duplicated
public static ColumnText duplicate(ColumnText org) {
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(null);
return ct;
* Makes this instance an independent copy of org
* @param org the original ColumnText
* @return itself
public ColumnText setACopy(ColumnText org) {
if (org.bidiLine != null)
bidiLine = new BidiLine(org.bidiLine);
return this;
protected void setSimpleVars(ColumnText org) {
maxY = org.maxY;
minY = org.minY;
alignment = org.alignment;
leftWall = null;
if (org.leftWall != null)
leftWall = new ArrayList<>(org.leftWall);
rightWall = null;
if (org.rightWall != null)
rightWall = new ArrayList<>(org.rightWall);
yLine = org.yLine;
currentLeading = org.currentLeading;
fixedLeading = org.fixedLeading;
multipliedLeading = org.multipliedLeading;
canvas = org.canvas;
canvases = org.canvases;
lineStatus = org.lineStatus;
indent = org.indent;
followingIndent = org.followingIndent;
rightIndent = org.rightIndent;
extraParagraphSpace = org.extraParagraphSpace;
rectangularWidth = org.rectangularWidth;
rectangularMode = org.rectangularMode;
spaceCharRatio = org.spaceCharRatio;
lastWasNewline = org.lastWasNewline;
linesWritten = org.linesWritten;
arabicOptions = org.arabicOptions;
runDirection = org.runDirection;
descender = org.descender;
composite = org.composite;
splittedRow = org.splittedRow;
if (org.composite) {
compositeElements = new LinkedList<>(org.compositeElements);
if (splittedRow) {
PdfPTable table = (PdfPTable)compositeElements.getFirst();
compositeElements.set(0, new PdfPTable(table));
if (org.compositeColumn != null)
compositeColumn = duplicate(org.compositeColumn);
listIdx = org.listIdx;
firstLineY = org.firstLineY;
leftX = org.leftX;
rightX = org.rightX;
firstLineYDone = org.firstLineYDone;
waitPhrase = org.waitPhrase;
useAscender = org.useAscender;
filledWidth = org.filledWidth;
adjustFirstLine = org.adjustFirstLine;
private void addWaitingPhrase() {
if (bidiLine == null && waitPhrase != null) {
bidiLine = new BidiLine();
for (Object o : waitPhrase.getChunks()) {
bidiLine.addChunk(new PdfChunk((Chunk) o, null));
waitPhrase = null;
* Adds a Phrase
to the current text array.
* Will not have any effect if addElement() was called before.
* @param phrase the text
public void addText(Phrase phrase) {
if (phrase == null || composite)
if (bidiLine == null) {
waitPhrase = phrase;
for (Object o : phrase.getChunks()) {
bidiLine.addChunk(new PdfChunk((Chunk) o, null));
* Replaces the current text array with this Phrase
* Anything added previously with addElement() is lost.
* @param phrase the text
public void setText(Phrase phrase) {
bidiLine = null;
composite = false;
compositeColumn = null;
compositeElements = null;
listIdx = 0;
splittedRow = false;
waitPhrase = phrase;
* Adds a Chunk
to the current text array.
* Will not have any effect if addElement() was called before.
* @param chunk the text
public void addText(Chunk chunk) {
if (chunk == null || composite)
addText(new Phrase(chunk));
* Adds an element. Elements supported are Paragraph
* List
, PdfPTable
, Image
* Graphic
* It removes all the text placed with addText()
* @param element the Element
public void addElement(Element element) {
if (element == null)
if (element instanceof Image) {
Image img = (Image)element;
PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(1);
float w = img.getWidthPercentage();
if (w == 0) {
switch (img.getAlignment()) {
case Image.LEFT:
case Image.RIGHT:
PdfPCell c = new PdfPCell(img, true);
element = t;
if (element.type() == Element.CHUNK) {
element = new Paragraph((Chunk)element);
else if (element.type() == Element.PHRASE) {
element = new Paragraph((Phrase)element);
if (element instanceof SimpleTable) {
try {
element = ((SimpleTable)element).createPdfPTable();
} catch (DocumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("element.not.allowed"));
else if (element.type() != Element.PARAGRAPH && element.type() != Element.LIST && element.type() != Element.PTABLE && element.type() != Element.YMARK)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("element.not.allowed"));
if (!composite) {
composite = true;
compositeElements = new LinkedList<>();
bidiLine = null;
waitPhrase = null;
* Converts a sequence of lines representing one of the column bounds into
* an internal format.
* Each array element will contain a float[4]
* the line x = ax + b.
* @param cLine the column array
* @return the converted array
protected List convertColumn(float[] cLine) {
if (cLine.length < 4)
throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("no.valid.column.line.found"));
List cc = new ArrayList<>();
for (int k = 0; k < cLine.length - 2; k += 2) {
if (cLine.length == k + 3){
float x1 = cLine[k];
float y1 = cLine[k + 1];
float x2 = cLine[k + 2];
float y2 = cLine[k + 3];
if (y1 == y2)
// x = ay + b
float a = (x1 - x2) / (y1 - y2);
float b = x1 - a * y1;
float[] r = new float[4];
r[0] = Math.min(y1, y2);
r[1] = Math.max(y1, y2);
r[2] = a;
r[3] = b;
maxY = Math.max(maxY, r[1]);
minY = Math.min(minY, r[0]);
if (cc.isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("no.valid.column.line.found"));
return cc;
* Finds the intersection between the yLine
and the column. It will
* set the lineStatus
* @param wall the column to intersect
* @return the x coordinate of the intersection
protected float findLimitsPoint(List wall) {
lineStatus = LINE_STATUS_OK;
if (yLine < minY || yLine > maxY) {
return 0;
for (Object o : wall) {
float[] r = (float[]) o;
if (yLine < r[0] || yLine > r[1])
return r[2] * yLine + r[3];
return 0;
* Finds the intersection between the yLine
and the two
* column bounds. It will set the lineStatus
* @return a float[2]
with the x coordinates of the intersection
protected float[] findLimitsOneLine() {
float x1 = findLimitsPoint(leftWall);
if (lineStatus == LINE_STATUS_OFFLIMITS || lineStatus == LINE_STATUS_NOLINE)
return null;
float x2 = findLimitsPoint(rightWall);
if (lineStatus == LINE_STATUS_NOLINE)
return null;
return new float[]{x1, x2};
* Finds the intersection between the yLine
* the yLine-leading
and the two column bounds.
* It will set the lineStatus
* @return a float[4]
with the x coordinates of the intersection
protected float[] findLimitsTwoLines() {
boolean repeat = false;
for (;;) {
if (repeat && currentLeading == 0)
return null;
repeat = true;
float[] x1 = findLimitsOneLine();
if (lineStatus == LINE_STATUS_OFFLIMITS)
return null;
yLine -= currentLeading;
if (lineStatus == LINE_STATUS_NOLINE) {
float[] x2 = findLimitsOneLine();
if (lineStatus == LINE_STATUS_OFFLIMITS)
return null;
if (lineStatus == LINE_STATUS_NOLINE) {
yLine -= currentLeading;
if (x1[0] >= x2[1] || x2[0] >= x1[1])
return new float[]{x1[0], x1[1], x2[0], x2[1]};
* Sets the columns bounds. Each column bound is described by a
* float[]
with the line points [x1,y1,x2,y2,...].
* The array must have at least 4 elements.
* @param leftLine the left column bound
* @param rightLine the right column bound
public void setColumns(float[] leftLine, float[] rightLine) {
maxY = -10e20f;
minY = 10e20f;
setYLine(Math.max(leftLine[1], leftLine[leftLine.length - 1]));
rightWall = convertColumn(rightLine);
leftWall = convertColumn(leftLine);
rectangularWidth = -1;
rectangularMode = false;
* Simplified method for rectangular columns.
* @param phrase a Phrase
* @param llx the lower left x corner
* @param lly the lower left y corner
* @param urx the upper right x corner
* @param ury the upper right y corner
* @param leading the leading
* @param alignment the column alignment
public void setSimpleColumn(Phrase phrase, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, float leading, int alignment) {
setSimpleColumn(llx, lly, urx, ury, leading, alignment);
* Simplified method for rectangular columns.
* @param llx the lower left x corner
* @param lly the lower left y corner
* @param urx the upper right x corner
* @param ury the upper right y corner
* @param leading the leading
* @param alignment the column alignment
public void setSimpleColumn(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, float leading, int alignment) {
this.alignment = alignment;
setSimpleColumn(llx, lly, urx, ury);
* Simplified method for rectangular columns.
* @param llx
* @param lly
* @param urx
* @param ury
public void setSimpleColumn(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) {
leftX = Math.min(llx, urx);
maxY = Math.max(lly, ury);
minY = Math.min(lly, ury);
rightX = Math.max(llx, urx);
yLine = maxY;
rectangularWidth = rightX - leftX;
if (rectangularWidth < 0)
rectangularWidth = 0;
rectangularMode = true;
* Sets the leading to fixed.
* @param leading the leading
public void setLeading(float leading) {
fixedLeading = leading;
multipliedLeading = 0;
* Sets the leading fixed and variable. The resultant leading will be
* fixedLeading+multipliedLeading*maxFontSize where maxFontSize is the
* size of the biggest font in the line.
* @param fixedLeading the fixed leading
* @param multipliedLeading the variable leading
public void setLeading(float fixedLeading, float multipliedLeading) {
this.fixedLeading = fixedLeading;
this.multipliedLeading = multipliedLeading;
* Gets the fixed leading.
* @return the leading
public float getLeading() {
return fixedLeading;
* Gets the variable leading.
* @return the leading
public float getMultipliedLeading() {
return multipliedLeading;
* Sets the yLine. The line will be written to yLine-leading.
* @param yLine the yLine
public void setYLine(float yLine) {
this.yLine = yLine;
* Gets the yLine.
* @return the yLine
public float getYLine() {
return yLine;
* Sets the alignment.
* @param alignment the alignment
public void setAlignment(int alignment) {
this.alignment = alignment;
* Gets the alignment.
* @return the alignment
public int getAlignment() {
return alignment;
* Sets the first paragraph line indent.
* @param indent the indent
public void setIndent(float indent) {
this.indent = indent;
lastWasNewline = true;
* Gets the first paragraph line indent.
* @return the indent
public float getIndent() {
return indent;
* Sets the following paragraph lines indent.
* @param indent the indent
public void setFollowingIndent(float indent) {
this.followingIndent = indent;
lastWasNewline = true;
* Gets the following paragraph lines indent.
* @return the indent
public float getFollowingIndent() {
return followingIndent;
* Sets the right paragraph lines indent.
* @param indent the indent
public void setRightIndent(float indent) {
this.rightIndent = indent;
lastWasNewline = true;
* Gets the right paragraph lines indent.
* @return the indent
public float getRightIndent() {
return rightIndent;
* Outputs the lines to the document. It is equivalent to go(false)
* @return returns the result of the operation. It can be NO_MORE_TEXT
* @throws DocumentException on error
public int go() throws DocumentException {
return go(false);
* Outputs the lines to the document. The output can be simulated.
* @param simulate true
to simulate the writing to the document
* @return returns the result of the operation. It can be NO_MORE_TEXT
* @throws DocumentException on error
public int go(boolean simulate) throws DocumentException {
if (composite)
return goComposite(simulate);
if (bidiLine == null)
return NO_MORE_TEXT;
descender = 0;
linesWritten = 0;
boolean dirty = false;
float ratio = spaceCharRatio;
Object[] currentValues = new Object[2];
PdfFont currentFont = null;
currentValues[1] = 0.0F;
PdfDocument pdf = null;
PdfContentByte graphics = null;
PdfContentByte text = null;
firstLineY = Float.NaN;
int localRunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI;
if (runDirection != PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT)
localRunDirection = runDirection;
if (canvas != null) {
graphics = canvas;
pdf = canvas.getPdfDocument();
text = canvas.getDuplicate();
else if (!simulate)
throw new NullPointerException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("columntext.go.with.simulate.eq.eq.false.and.text.eq.eq.null"));
if (!simulate) {
ratio = text.getPdfWriter().getSpaceCharRatio();
else if (ratio < 0.001f)
ratio = 0.001f;
float firstIndent = 0;
PdfLine line;
float x1;
int status = 0;
while(true) {
firstIndent = (lastWasNewline ? indent : followingIndent); //
if (rectangularMode) {
if (rectangularWidth <= firstIndent + rightIndent) {
status = NO_MORE_COLUMN;
if (bidiLine.isEmpty())
status |= NO_MORE_TEXT;
if (bidiLine.isEmpty()) {
status = NO_MORE_TEXT;
line = bidiLine.processLine(leftX, rectangularWidth - firstIndent - rightIndent, alignment, localRunDirection, arabicOptions);
if (line == null) {
status = NO_MORE_TEXT;
float[] maxSize = line.getMaxSize();
if (isUseAscender() && Float.isNaN(firstLineY))
currentLeading = line.getAscender();
currentLeading = Math.max(fixedLeading + maxSize[0] * multipliedLeading, maxSize[1]);
if (yLine > maxY || yLine - currentLeading < minY ) {
status = NO_MORE_COLUMN;
yLine -= currentLeading;
if (!simulate && !dirty) {
dirty = true;
if (Float.isNaN(firstLineY))
firstLineY = yLine;
updateFilledWidth(rectangularWidth - line.widthLeft());
x1 = leftX;
else {
float yTemp = yLine;
float[] xx = findLimitsTwoLines();
if (xx == null) {
status = NO_MORE_COLUMN;
if (bidiLine.isEmpty())
status |= NO_MORE_TEXT;
yLine = yTemp;
if (bidiLine.isEmpty()) {
status = NO_MORE_TEXT;
yLine = yTemp;
x1 = Math.max(xx[0], xx[2]);
float x2 = Math.min(xx[1], xx[3]);
if (x2 - x1 <= firstIndent + rightIndent)
if (!simulate && !dirty) {
dirty = true;
line = bidiLine.processLine(x1, x2 - x1 - firstIndent - rightIndent, alignment, localRunDirection, arabicOptions);
if (line == null) {
status = NO_MORE_TEXT;
yLine = yTemp;
if (!simulate) {
currentValues[0] = currentFont;
text.setTextMatrix(x1 + (line.isRTL() ? rightIndent : firstIndent) + line.indentLeft(), yLine);
pdf.writeLineToContent(line, text, graphics, currentValues, ratio);
currentFont = (PdfFont)currentValues[0];
lastWasNewline = line.isNewlineSplit();
yLine -= line.isNewlineSplit() ? extraParagraphSpace : 0;
descender = line.getDescender();
if (dirty) {
return status;
* Sets the extra space between paragraphs.
* @return the extra space between paragraphs
public float getExtraParagraphSpace() {
return extraParagraphSpace;
* Sets the extra space between paragraphs.
* @param extraParagraphSpace the extra space between paragraphs
public void setExtraParagraphSpace(float extraParagraphSpace) {
this.extraParagraphSpace = extraParagraphSpace;
* Clears the chunk array.
* A call to go()
will always return NO_MORE_TEXT.
public void clearChunks() {
if (bidiLine != null)
* Gets the space/character extra spacing ratio for fully justified text.
* @return the space/character extra spacing ratio
public float getSpaceCharRatio() {
return spaceCharRatio;
* Sets the ratio between the extra word spacing and the extra character
* spacing when the text is fully justified.
* Extra word spacing will grow spaceCharRatio
times more
* than extra character spacing.
* If the ratio is PdfWriter.NO_SPACE_CHAR_RATIO
then the
* extra character spacing will be zero.
* @param spaceCharRatio the ratio between the extra word spacing and the extra character spacing
public void setSpaceCharRatio(float spaceCharRatio) {
this.spaceCharRatio = spaceCharRatio;
* Sets the run direction.
* @param runDirection the run direction
public void setRunDirection(int runDirection) {
if (runDirection < PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT || runDirection > PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL)
throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.run.direction.1", runDirection));
this.runDirection = runDirection;
* Gets the run direction.
* @return the run direction
public int getRunDirection() {
return runDirection;
* Gets the number of lines written.
* @return the number of lines written
public int getLinesWritten() {
return this.linesWritten;
* Gets the arabic shaping options.
* @return the arabic shaping options
public int getArabicOptions() {
return this.arabicOptions;
* Sets the arabic shaping options. The option can be AR_NOVOWEL,
* @param arabicOptions the arabic shaping options
public void setArabicOptions(int arabicOptions) {
this.arabicOptions = arabicOptions;
* Gets the biggest descender value of the last line written.
* @return the biggest descender value of the last line written
public float getDescender() {
return descender;
* Gets the width that the line will occupy after writing.
* Only the width of the first line is returned.
* @param phrase the Phrase
containing the line
* @param runDirection the run direction
* @param arabicOptions the options for the arabic shaping
* @return the width of the line
public static float getWidth(Phrase phrase, int runDirection, int arabicOptions) {
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(null);
PdfLine line = ct.bidiLine.processLine(0, 20000, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, runDirection, arabicOptions);
if (line == null)
return 0;
return 20000 - line.widthLeft();
* Gets the width that the line will occupy after writing.
* Only the width of the first line is returned.
* @param phrase the Phrase
containing the line
* @return the width of the line
public static float getWidth(Phrase phrase) {
return getWidth(phrase, PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI, 0);
* Shows a line of text. Only the first line is written.
* @param canvas where the text is to be written to
* @param alignment the alignment. It is not influenced by the run direction
* @param phrase the Phrase
with the text
* @param x the x reference position
* @param y the y reference position
* @param rotation the rotation to be applied in degrees counterclockwise
* @param runDirection the run direction
* @param arabicOptions the options for the arabic shaping
public static void showTextAligned(PdfContentByte canvas, int alignment, Phrase phrase, float x, float y, float rotation, int runDirection, int arabicOptions) {
if (alignment != Element.ALIGN_LEFT && alignment != Element.ALIGN_CENTER
&& alignment != Element.ALIGN_RIGHT)
alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(canvas);
float lly = -1;
float ury = 2;
float llx;
float urx;
switch (alignment) {
case Element.ALIGN_LEFT:
llx = 0;
urx = 20000;
case Element.ALIGN_RIGHT:
llx = -20000;
urx = 0;
llx = -20000;
urx = 20000;
if (rotation == 0) {
llx += x;
lly += y;
urx += x;
ury += y;
else {
double alpha = rotation * Math.PI / 180.0;
float cos = (float)Math.cos(alpha);
float sin = (float)Math.sin(alpha);
canvas.concatCTM(cos, sin, -sin, cos, x, y);
ct.setSimpleColumn(phrase, llx, lly, urx, ury, 2, alignment);
if (runDirection == PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL) {
if (alignment == Element.ALIGN_LEFT)
alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
else if (alignment == Element.ALIGN_RIGHT)
alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
try {
catch (DocumentException e) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
* Shows a line of text. Only the first line is written.
* @param canvas where the text is to be written to
* @param alignment the alignment
* @param phrase the Phrase
with the text
* @param x the x reference position
* @param y the y reference position
* @param rotation the rotation to be applied in degrees counterclockwise
public static void showTextAligned(PdfContentByte canvas, int alignment, Phrase phrase, float x, float y, float rotation) {
showTextAligned(canvas, alignment, phrase, x, y, rotation, PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI, 0);
protected int goComposite(boolean simulate) throws DocumentException {
if (!rectangularMode)
throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("irregular.columns.are.not.supported.in.composite.mode"));
linesWritten = 0;
descender = 0;
boolean firstPass = adjustFirstLine;
while (true) {
if (compositeElements.isEmpty())
return NO_MORE_TEXT;
Element element = compositeElements.getFirst();
if (element.type() == Element.PARAGRAPH) {
Paragraph para = (Paragraph)element;
int status = 0;
for (int keep = 0; keep < 2; ++keep) {
float lastY = yLine;
boolean createHere = false;
if (compositeColumn == null) {
compositeColumn = new ColumnText(canvas);
compositeColumn.setUseAscender(firstPass && useAscender);
compositeColumn.setIndent(para.getIndentationLeft() + para.getFirstLineIndent());
compositeColumn.setLeading(para.getLeading(), para.getMultipliedLeading());
if (!firstPass) {
yLine -= para.getSpacingBefore();
createHere = true;
compositeColumn.leftX = leftX;
compositeColumn.rightX = rightX;
compositeColumn.yLine = yLine;
compositeColumn.rectangularWidth = rectangularWidth;
compositeColumn.rectangularMode = rectangularMode;
compositeColumn.minY = minY;
compositeColumn.maxY = maxY;
boolean keepCandidate = (para.getKeepTogether() && createHere && !firstPass);
status = compositeColumn.go(simulate || (keepCandidate && keep == 0));
if ((status & NO_MORE_TEXT) == 0 && keepCandidate) {
compositeColumn = null;
yLine = lastY;
if (simulate || !keepCandidate)
if (keep == 0) {
compositeColumn = null;
yLine = lastY;
firstPass = false;
yLine = compositeColumn.yLine;
linesWritten += compositeColumn.linesWritten;
descender = compositeColumn.descender;
if ((status & NO_MORE_TEXT) != 0) {
compositeColumn = null;
yLine -= para.getSpacingAfter();
if ((status & NO_MORE_COLUMN) != 0) {
else if (element.type() == Element.LIST) {
com.lowagie.text.List list = (com.lowagie.text.List)element;
java.util.List items = list.getItems();
ListItem item = null;
float listIndentation = list.getIndentationLeft();
int count = 0;