com.lowagie.text.pdf.CFFFontSubset Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $Id: CFFFontSubset.java 3573 2008-07-21 15:08:04Z blowagie $
* Copyright 2004 Oren Manor and Ygal Blum
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by
* the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by Bruno Lowagie.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer
* are Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code
* where applicable.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
* LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the
* provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
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* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* details.
* If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if
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package com.lowagie.text.pdf;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* This Class subsets a CFF Type Font. The subset is preformed for CID fonts and NON CID fonts.
* The Charstring is subsetted for both types. For CID fonts only the FDArray which are used are embedded.
* The Lsubroutines of the FDArrays used are subsetted as well. The Subroutine subset supports both Type1 and Type2
* formatting although only tested on Type2 Format.
* For Non CID the Lsubroutines are subsetted. On both types the Gsubroutines is subsetted.
* A font which was not of CID type is transformed into CID as a part of the subset process.
* The CID synthetic creation was written by Sivan Toledo ([email protected])
* @author Oren Manor ([email protected]) and Ygal Blum ([email protected])
public class CFFFontSubset extends CFFFont {
* The Strings in this array represent Type1/Type2 operator names
static final String[] SubrsFunctions = {
"RESERVED_0", "hstem", "RESERVED_2", "vstem", "vmoveto", "rlineto", "hlineto", "vlineto",
"rrcurveto", "RESERVED_9", "callsubr", "return", "escape", "RESERVED_13",
"endchar", "RESERVED_15", "RESERVED_16", "RESERVED_17", "hstemhm", "hintmask",
"cntrmask", "rmoveto", "hmoveto", "vstemhm", "rcurveline", "rlinecurve", "vvcurveto",
"hhcurveto", "shortint", "callgsubr", "vhcurveto", "hvcurveto"
* The Strings in this array represent Type1/Type2 escape operator names
static final String[] SubrsEscapeFuncs = {
"RESERVED_0", "RESERVED_1", "RESERVED_2", "and", "or", "not", "RESERVED_6",
"RESERVED_7", "RESERVED_8", "abs", "add", "sub", "div", "RESERVED_13", "neg",
"eq", "RESERVED_16", "RESERVED_17", "drop", "RESERVED_19", "put", "get", "ifelse",
"random", "mul", "RESERVED_25", "sqrt", "dup", "exch", "index", "roll", "RESERVED_31",
"RESERVED_32", "RESERVED_33", "hflex", "flex", "hflex1", "flex1", "RESERVED_REST"
* Operator codes for unused CharStrings and unused local and global Subrs
static final byte ENDCHAR_OP = 14;
static final byte RETURN_OP = 11;
* A HashMap containing the glyphs used in the text after being converted
* to glyph number by the CMap
HashMap GlyphsUsed;
* The GlyphsUsed keys as an ArrayList
ArrayList glyphsInList;
* A HashMap for keeping the FDArrays being used by the font
HashMap FDArrayUsed = new HashMap<>();
* A HashMaps array for keeping the subroutines used in each FontDict
HashMap[] hSubrsUsed;
* The SubroutinesUsed HashMaps as ArrayLists
ArrayList[] lSubrsUsed;
* A HashMap for keeping the Global subroutines used in the font
HashMap hGSubrsUsed = new HashMap<>();
* The Global SubroutinesUsed HashMaps as ArrayLists
ArrayList lGSubrsUsed = new ArrayList<>();
* A HashMap for keeping the subroutines used in a non-cid font
HashMap hSubrsUsedNonCID = new HashMap<>();
* The SubroutinesUsed HashMap as ArrayList
ArrayList lSubrsUsedNonCID = new ArrayList<>();
* An array of the new Indexes for the local Subr. One index for each FontDict
byte[][] NewLSubrsIndex;
* The new subroutines index for a non-cid font
byte[] NewSubrsIndexNonCID;
* The new global subroutines index of the font
byte[] NewGSubrsIndex;
* The new CharString of the font
byte[] NewCharStringsIndex;
* The bias for the global subroutines
int GBias = 0;
* The linked list for generating the new font stream
LinkedList- OutputList;
* Number of arguments to the stem operators in a subroutine calculated recursively
int NumOfHints=0;
* C'tor for CFFFontSubset
* @param rf - The font file
* @param GlyphsUsed - a HashMap that contains the glyph used in the subset
public CFFFontSubset(RandomAccessFileOrArray rf, HashMap
// Use CFFFont c'tor in order to parse the font file.
this.GlyphsUsed = GlyphsUsed;
//Put the glyphs into a list
glyphsInList = new ArrayList<>(GlyphsUsed.keySet());
for (int i=0;i=0)
// Process the FDSelect
// Build the FDArrayUsed hashmap
if (fonts[i].isCID)
// Build the FD Array used Hash Map
// compute the charset length
fonts[i].CharsetLength = CountCharset(fonts[i].charsetOffset,fonts[i].nglyphs);
* Calculates the length of the charset according to its format
* @param Offset The Charset Offset
* @param NumofGlyphs Number of glyphs in the font
* @return the length of the Charset
int CountCharset(int Offset,int NumofGlyphs){
int format;
int Length=0;
// Read the format
format = getCard8();
// Calc according to format
switch (format){
case 0:
Length = 1+2*NumofGlyphs;
case 1:
Length = 1+3*CountRange(NumofGlyphs,1);
case 2:
Length = 1+4*CountRange(NumofGlyphs,2);
return Length;
* Function calculates the number of ranges in the Charset
* @param NumofGlyphs The number of glyphs in the font
* @param Type The format of the Charset
* @return The number of ranges in the Charset data structure
int CountRange(int NumofGlyphs,int Type){
int num=0;
char Sid;
int i=1,nLeft;
while (i= 0)
GBias = CalcBias(gsubrIndexOffset,j);
// Prepare the new CharStrings Index
// Prepare the new Global and Local Subrs Indices
// Build the new file
byte[] Ret = BuildNewFile(j);
return Ret;
finally {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
// empty on purpose
* Function calcs bias according to the CharString type and the count
* of the subrs
* @param Offset The offset to the relevant subrs index
* @param Font the font
* @return The calculated Bias
protected int CalcBias(int Offset,int Font)
int nSubrs = getCard16();
// If type==1 -> bias=0
if (fonts[Font].CharstringType == 1)
return 0;
// else calc according to the count
else if (nSubrs < 1240)
return 107;
else if (nSubrs < 33900)
return 1131;
return 32768;
*Function uses BuildNewIndex to create the new index of the subset charstrings
* @param FontIndex the font
* @throws IOException
protected void BuildNewCharString(int FontIndex) throws IOException
NewCharStringsIndex = BuildNewIndex(fonts[FontIndex].charstringsOffsets,GlyphsUsed,ENDCHAR_OP);
* Function builds the new local & global subsrs indices. IF CID then All of
* the FD Array lsubrs will be subsetted.
* @param Font the font
* @throws IOException
protected void BuildNewLGSubrs(int Font)throws IOException
// If the font is CID then the lsubrs are divided into FontDicts.
// for each FD array the lsubrs will be subsetted.
// Init the hashmap-array and the arraylist-array to hold the subrs used
// in each private dict.
HashMap mapClazz = new HashMap<>();
hSubrsUsed = (HashMap[]) Array.newInstance(mapClazz.getClass(), fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets.length);
ArrayList listClass = new ArrayList<>();
lSubrsUsed = (ArrayList[]) Array.newInstance(listClass.getClass(), fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets.length);
// A [][] which will store the byte array for each new FD Array lsubs index
NewLSubrsIndex = new byte[fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets.length][];
// An array to hold the offset for each Lsubr index
fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffset = new int[fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets.length];
// A [][] which will store the offset array for each lsubr index
fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffsetsArray = new int[fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets.length][];
// Put the FDarrayUsed into a list
List FDInList = new ArrayList<>(FDArrayUsed.keySet());
// For each FD array which is used subset the lsubr
for (int FD : FDInList) {
// The FDArray index, Hash Map, Array List to work on
hSubrsUsed[FD] = new HashMap<>();
lSubrsUsed[FD] = new ArrayList<>();
//Reads the private dicts looking for the subr operator and
// store both the offset for the index and its offset array
BuildFDSubrsOffsets(Font, FD);
// Verify that FDPrivate has a LSubrs index
if (fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffset[FD] >= 0) {
//Scans the Charstring data storing the used Local and Global subroutines
// by the glyphs. Scans the Subrs recursively.
BuildSubrUsed(Font, FD, fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffset[FD], fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffsetsArray[FD], hSubrsUsed[FD], lSubrsUsed[FD]);
// Builds the New Local Subrs index
NewLSubrsIndex[FD] = BuildNewIndex(fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffsetsArray[FD], hSubrsUsed[FD], RETURN_OP);
// If the font is not CID && the Private Subr exists then subset:
else if (fonts[Font].privateSubrs>=0)
// Build the subrs offsets;
fonts[Font].SubrsOffsets = getIndex(fonts[Font].privateSubrs);
//Scans the Charstring data storing the used Local and Global subroutines
// by the glyphs. Scans the Subrs recursively.
// For all fonts subset the Global Subroutines
// Scan the Global Subr Hashmap recursively on the Gsubrs
if (fonts[Font].privateSubrs>=0)
// Builds the New Local Subrs index
NewSubrsIndexNonCID = BuildNewIndex(fonts[Font].SubrsOffsets,hSubrsUsedNonCID,RETURN_OP);
//Builds the New Global Subrs index
NewGSubrsIndex = BuildNewIndex(gsubrOffsets,hGSubrsUsed,RETURN_OP);
* The function finds for the FD array processed the local subr offset and its
* offset array.
* @param Font the font
* @param FD The FDARRAY processed
protected void BuildFDSubrsOffsets(int Font,int FD)
// Initiate to -1 to indicate lsubr operator present
fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffset[FD] = -1;
// Goto beginning of objects
// While in the same object:
while (getPosition() < fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets[FD]+fonts[Font].fdprivateLengths[FD])
// If the dictItem is the "Subrs" then find and store offset,
if (Objects.equals(key, "Subrs"))
fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffset[FD] = (Integer) args[0] +fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets[FD];
//Read the lsubr index if the lsubr was found
if (fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffset[FD] >= 0)
fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffsetsArray[FD] = getIndex(fonts[Font].PrivateSubrsOffset[FD]);
* Function uses ReadAsubr on the glyph used to build the LSubr & Gsubr HashMap.
* The HashMap (of the lsubr only) is then scanned recursively for Lsubr & Gsubrs
* calls.
* @param Font the font
* @param FD FD array processed. 0 indicates function was called by non CID font
* @param SubrOffset the offset to the subr index to calc the bias
* @param SubrsOffsets the offset array of the subr index
* @param hSubr HashMap of the subrs used
* @param lSubr ArrayList of the subrs used
protected void BuildSubrUsed(int Font,int FD,int SubrOffset,int[] SubrsOffsets, Map hSubr, List lSubr)
// Calc the Bias for the subr index
int LBias = CalcBias(SubrOffset,Font);
// For each glyph used find its GID, start & end pos
for (Object o : glyphsInList) {
int glyph = (Integer) o;
int Start = fonts[Font].charstringsOffsets[glyph];
int End = fonts[Font].charstringsOffsets[glyph + 1];
// IF CID:
if (FD >= 0) {
NumOfHints = 0;
// Using FDSELECT find the FD Array the glyph belongs to.
int GlyphFD = fonts[Font].FDSelect[glyph];
// If the Glyph is part of the FD being processed
if (GlyphFD == FD)
// Find the Subrs called by the glyph and insert to hash:
ReadASubr(Start, End, GBias, LBias, hSubr, lSubr, SubrsOffsets);
} else
// If the font is not CID
//Find the Subrs called by the glyph and insert to hash:
ReadASubr(Start, End, GBias, LBias, hSubr, lSubr, SubrsOffsets);
// For all Lsubrs used, check recursively for Lsubr & Gsubr used
for (int i=0;i=0)
// Read and process the subr
int Start = SubrsOffsets[Subr];
int End = SubrsOffsets[Subr+1];
* Function scans the Glsubr used ArrayList to find recursive calls
* to Gsubrs and adds to Hashmap & ArrayList
* @param Font the font
protected void BuildGSubrsUsed(int Font)
int LBias = 0;
int SizeOfNonCIDSubrsUsed = 0;
if (fonts[Font].privateSubrs>=0)
LBias = CalcBias(fonts[Font].privateSubrs,Font);
SizeOfNonCIDSubrsUsed = lSubrsUsedNonCID.size();
// For each global subr used
for (int i=0;i=0)
// Read the subr and process
int Start = gsubrOffsets[Subr];
int End = gsubrOffsets[Subr+1];
if (fonts[Font].isCID)
if (SizeOfNonCIDSubrsUsed < lSubrsUsedNonCID.size())
for (int j=SizeOfNonCIDSubrsUsed;j=0)
// Read the subr and process
int LStart = fonts[Font].SubrsOffsets[LSubr];
int LEnd = fonts[Font].SubrsOffsets[LSubr+1];
SizeOfNonCIDSubrsUsed = lSubrsUsedNonCID.size();
* The function reads a subrs (glyph info) between begin and end.
* Adds calls to a Lsubr to the hSubr and lSubrs.
* Adds calls to a Gsubr to the hGSubr and lGSubrs.
* @param begin the start point of the subr
* @param end the end point of the subr
* @param GBias the bias of the Global Subrs
* @param LBias the bias of the Local Subrs
* @param hSubr the HashMap for the lSubrs
* @param lSubr the ArrayList for the lSubrs
protected void ReadASubr(int begin,int end,int GBias,int LBias, Map hSubr, List lSubr, int[] LSubrsOffsets)
// Clear the stack for the subrs
NumOfHints = 0;
// Goto beginning of the subr
while (getPosition() < end)
// Read the next command
int pos = getPosition();
Object TopElement=null;
if (arg_count > 0)
TopElement = args[arg_count-1];
int NumOfArgs = arg_count;
// Check the modification needed on the Argument Stack according to key;
// a call to a Lsubr
if (Objects.equals(key, "callsubr"))
// Verify that arguments are passed
if (NumOfArgs > 0)
// Calc the index of the Subrs
int Subr = (Integer) TopElement + LBias;
// If the subr isn't in the HashMap -> Put in
if (!hSubr.containsKey(Subr))
// a call to a Gsubr
else if (Objects.equals(key, "callgsubr"))
// Verify that arguments are passed
if (NumOfArgs > 0)
// Calc the index of the Subrs
int Subr = (Integer) TopElement + GBias;
// If the subr isn't in the HashMap -> Put in
if (!hGSubrsUsed.containsKey(Subr))
// A call to "stem"
else if (Objects.equals(key, "hstem") || Objects.equals(key, "vstem") || Objects.equals(key, "hstemhm") || Objects.equals(key, "vstemhm"))
// Increment the NumOfHints by the number couples of of arguments
NumOfHints += NumOfArgs/2;
// A call to "mask"
else if (Objects.equals(key, "hintmask") || Objects.equals(key, "cntrmask"))
// Compute the size of the mask
int SizeOfMask = NumOfHints/8;
if (NumOfHints%8 != 0 || SizeOfMask == 0)
// Continue the pointer in SizeOfMask steps
for (int i=0;i flush the stack
protected int StackOpp()
if (Objects.equals(key, "ifelse"))
return -3;
if (Objects.equals(key, "roll") || Objects.equals(key, "put"))
return -2;
if (Objects.equals(key, "callsubr") || Objects.equals(key, "callgsubr") || Objects.equals(key, "add") || Objects.equals(key, "sub") ||
Objects.equals(key, "div") || Objects.equals(key, "mul") || Objects.equals(key, "drop") || Objects.equals(key, "and") ||
Objects.equals(key, "or") || Objects.equals(key, "eq"))
return -1;
if (Objects.equals(key, "abs") || Objects.equals(key, "neg") || Objects.equals(key, "sqrt") || Objects.equals(key, "exch") ||
Objects.equals(key, "index") || Objects.equals(key, "get") || Objects.equals(key, "not") || Objects.equals(key, "return"))
return 0;
if (Objects.equals(key, "random") || Objects.equals(key, "dup"))
return 1;
return 2;
* Empty the Type2 Stack
protected void EmptyStack()
// Null the arguments
for (int i=0; i0)
* Add an item to the stack
protected void PushStack()
* The function reads the next command after the file pointer is set
protected void ReadCommand()
key = null;
boolean gotKey = false;
// Until a key is found
while (!gotKey) {
// Read the first Char
char b0 = getCard8();
// decode according to the type1/type2 format
if (b0 == 28) // the two next bytes represent a short int;
int first = getCard8();
int second = getCard8();
args[arg_count] = first << 8 | second;
if (b0 >= 32 && b0 <= 246) // The byte read is the byte;
args[arg_count] = b0 - 139;
if (b0 >= 247 && b0 <= 250) // The byte read and the next byte constitute a short int
int w = getCard8();
args[arg_count] = (b0 - 247) * 256 + w + 108;
if (b0 >= 251 && b0 <= 254)// Same as above except negative
int w = getCard8();
args[arg_count] = -(b0 - 251) * 256 - w - 108;
if (b0 == 255)// The next for bytes represent a double.
int first = getCard8();
int second = getCard8();
int third = getCard8();
int fourth = getCard8();
args[arg_count] = first << 24 | second << 16 | third << 8 | fourth;
if (b0<=31 && b0 != 28) // An operator was found.. Set Key.
// 12 is an escape command therefore the next byte is a part
// of this command
if (b0 == 12)
int b1 = getCard8();
if (b1>SubrsEscapeFuncs.length-1)
b1 = SubrsEscapeFuncs.length-1;
key = SubrsEscapeFuncs[b1];
key = SubrsFunctions[b0];
* The function reads the subroutine and returns the number of the hint in it.
* If a call to another subroutine is found the function calls recursively.
* @param begin the start point of the subr
* @param end the end point of the subr
* @param LBias the bias of the Local Subrs
* @param GBias the bias of the Global Subrs
* @param LSubrsOffsets The Offsets array of the subroutines
* @return The number of hints in the subroutine read.
protected int CalcHints(int begin, int end, int LBias, int GBias, int[] LSubrsOffsets)
// Goto beginning of the subr
while (getPosition() < end)
// Read the next command
int pos = getPosition();
Object TopElement = null;
if (arg_count>0)
TopElement = args[arg_count-1];
int NumOfArgs = arg_count;
//Check the modification needed on the Argument Stack according to key;
// a call to a Lsubr
if (Objects.equals(key, "callsubr"))
if (NumOfArgs>0)
int Subr = (Integer) TopElement + LBias;
// a call to a Gsubr
else if (Objects.equals(key, "callgsubr"))
if (NumOfArgs>0)
int Subr = (Integer) TopElement + GBias;
// A call to "stem"
else if (Objects.equals(key, "hstem") || Objects.equals(key, "vstem") || Objects.equals(key, "hstemhm") || Objects.equals(key, "vstemhm"))
// Increment the NumOfHints by the number couples of of arguments
NumOfHints += NumOfArgs/2;
// A call to "mask"
else if (Objects.equals(key, "hintmask") || Objects.equals(key, "cntrmask"))
// Compute the size of the mask
int SizeOfMask = NumOfHints/8;
if (NumOfHints%8 != 0 || SizeOfMask == 0)
// Continue the pointer in SizeOfMask steps
for (int i=0;i Used,byte OperatorForUnusedEntries) throws IOException
int unusedCount = 0;
int Offset=0;
int[] NewOffsets = new int[Offsets.length];
// Build the Offsets Array for the Subset
for (int i=0;i>> 8) & 0xff);
NewIndex[Place++] = (byte) ((Count >>> 0) & 0xff);
// Write the offsize field
NewIndex[Place++] = Offsize;
// Write the offset array according to the offsize
for (int newOffset : NewOffsets) {
// The value to be written
int Num = newOffset - NewOffsets[0] + 1;
// Write in bytes according to the offsize
switch (Offsize) {
case 4:
NewIndex[Place++] = (byte) ((Num >>> 24) & 0xff);
case 3:
NewIndex[Place++] = (byte) ((Num >>> 16) & 0xff);
case 2:
NewIndex[Place++] = (byte) ((Num >>> 8) & 0xff);
case 1:
NewIndex[Place++] = (byte) ((Num >>> 0) & 0xff);
// Write the new object array one by one
for (byte newObject : NewObjects) {
NewIndex[Place++] = newObject;
// Return the new index
return NewIndex;
* The function builds the new output stream according to the subset process
* @param Font the font
* @return the subsetted font stream
protected byte[] BuildNewFile(int Font)
// Prepare linked list for new font components
OutputList = new LinkedList<>();
// copy the header of the font
// create a name index
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)( 1+fonts[Font].name.length() )));
OutputList.addLast(new StringItem(fonts[Font].name));
// create the topdict Index
OffsetItem topdictIndex1Ref = new IndexOffsetItem(2);
IndexBaseItem topdictBase = new IndexBaseItem();
// Initialize the Dict Items for later use
OffsetItem charsetRef = new DictOffsetItem();
OffsetItem charstringsRef = new DictOffsetItem();
OffsetItem fdarrayRef = new DictOffsetItem();
OffsetItem fdselectRef = new DictOffsetItem();
OffsetItem privateRef = new DictOffsetItem();
// If the font is not CID create the following keys
if ( !fonts[Font].isCID ) {
// create a ROS key
OutputList.addLast(new DictNumberItem(fonts[Font].nstrings));
OutputList.addLast(new DictNumberItem(fonts[Font].nstrings+1));
OutputList.addLast(new DictNumberItem(0));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)12));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)30));
// create a CIDCount key
OutputList.addLast(new DictNumberItem(fonts[Font].nglyphs));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)12));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)34));
// Sivan's comments
// What about UIDBase (12,35)? Don't know what is it.
// I don't think we need FontName; the font I looked at didn't have it.
// Go to the TopDict of the font being processed
// Run until the end of the TopDict
while (getPosition() < topdictOffsets[Font+1]) {
int p1 = getPosition();
int p2 = getPosition();
// The encoding key is disregarded since CID has no encoding
if (Objects.equals(key, "Encoding")
// These keys will be added manually by the process.
|| Objects.equals(key, "Private")
|| Objects.equals(key, "FDSelect")
|| Objects.equals(key, "FDArray")
|| Objects.equals(key, "charset")
|| Objects.equals(key, "CharStrings")
) {
}else {
//OtherWise copy key "as is" to the output list
OutputList.add(new RangeItem(buf,p1,p2-p1));
// Create the FDArray, FDSelect, Charset and CharStrings Keys
// Mark the end of the top dict area
OutputList.addLast(new IndexMarkerItem(topdictIndex1Ref,topdictBase));
// Copy the string index
if (fonts[Font].isCID)
// If the font is not CID we need to append new strings.
// We need 3 more strings: Registry, Ordering, and a FontName for one FD.
// The total length is at most "Adobe"+"Identity"+63 = 76
// copy the new subsetted global subroutine index
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(NewGSubrsIndex),0,NewGSubrsIndex.length));
// deal with fdarray, fdselect, and the font descriptors
// If the font is CID:
if (fonts[Font].isCID) {
// copy the FDArray, FDSelect, charset
// Copy FDSelect
// Mark the beginning
OutputList.addLast(new MarkerItem(fdselectRef));
// If an FDSelect exists copy it
if (fonts[Font].fdselectOffset>=0)
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(buf,fonts[Font].fdselectOffset,fonts[Font].FDSelectLength));
// Else create a new one
// Copy the Charset
// Mark the beginning and copy entirely
OutputList.addLast(new MarkerItem(charsetRef));
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(buf,fonts[Font].charsetOffset,fonts[Font].CharsetLength));
// Copy the FDArray
// If an FDArray exists
if (fonts[Font].fdarrayOffset>=0)
// Mark the beginning
OutputList.addLast(new MarkerItem(fdarrayRef));
// Build a new FDArray with its private dicts and their LSubrs
// Else create a new one
// If the font is not CID
// create FDSelect
// recreate a new charset
// create a font dict index (fdarray)
// if a private dict exists insert its subsetted version
if (fonts[Font].privateOffset>=0)
// Mark the beginning of the private dict
IndexBaseItem PrivateBase = new IndexBaseItem();
OutputList.addLast(new MarkerItem(privateRef));
OffsetItem Subr = new DictOffsetItem();
// Build and copy the new private dict
// Copy the new LSubrs index
// copy the charstring index
OutputList.addLast(new MarkerItem(charstringsRef));
// Add the subsetted charstring
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(NewCharStringsIndex),0,NewCharStringsIndex.length));
// now create the new CFF font
int[] currentOffset = new int[1];
currentOffset[0] = 0;
// Count and save the offset for each item
Iterator listIter = OutputList.iterator();
while ( listIter.hasNext() ) {
Item item = (Item) listIter.next();
// Compute the Xref for each of the offset items
listIter = OutputList.iterator();
while ( listIter.hasNext() ) {
Item item = (Item) listIter.next();
int size = currentOffset[0];
byte[] b = new byte[size];
// Emit all the items into the new byte array
listIter = OutputList.iterator();
while ( listIter.hasNext() ) {
Item item = (Item) listIter.next();
// Return the new stream
return b;
* Function Copies the header from the original fileto the output list
protected void CopyHeader()
int major = getCard8();
int minor = getCard8();
int hdrSize = getCard8();
int offSize = getCard8();
nextIndexOffset = hdrSize;
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(buf,0,hdrSize));
* Function Build the header of an index
* @param Count the count field of the index
* @param Offsize the offsize field of the index
* @param First the first offset of the index
protected void BuildIndexHeader(int Count,int Offsize,int First)
// Add the count field
OutputList.addLast(new UInt16Item((char)Count)); // count
// Add the offsize field
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)Offsize)); // offSize
// Add the first offset according to the offsize
case 1:
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)First)); // first offset
case 2:
OutputList.addLast(new UInt16Item((char)First)); // first offset
case 3:
OutputList.addLast(new UInt24Item((char)First)); // first offset
case 4:
OutputList.addLast(new UInt32Item((char)First)); // first offset
* Function adds the keys into the TopDict
* @param fdarrayRef OffsetItem for the FDArray
* @param fdselectRef OffsetItem for the FDSelect
* @param charsetRef OffsetItem for the CharSet
* @param charstringsRef OffsetItem for the CharString
protected void CreateKeys(OffsetItem fdarrayRef,OffsetItem fdselectRef,OffsetItem charsetRef,OffsetItem charstringsRef)
// create an FDArray key
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)12));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)36));
// create an FDSelect key
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)12));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)37));
// create an charset key
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)15));
// create a CharStrings key
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)17));
* Function takes the original string item and adds the new strings
* to accommodate the CID rules
* @param Font the font
protected void CreateNewStringIndex(int Font)
String fdFontName = fonts[Font].name+"-OneRange";
if (fdFontName.length() > 127)
fdFontName = fdFontName.substring(0,127);
String extraStrings = "Adobe"+"Identity"+fdFontName;
int origStringsLen = stringOffsets[stringOffsets.length-1]
- stringOffsets[0];
int stringsBaseOffset = stringOffsets[0]-1;
byte stringsIndexOffSize;
if (origStringsLen+extraStrings.length() <= 0xff) stringsIndexOffSize = 1;
else if (origStringsLen+extraStrings.length() <= 0xffff) stringsIndexOffSize = 2;
else if (origStringsLen+extraStrings.length() <= 0xffffff) stringsIndexOffSize = 3;
else stringsIndexOffSize = 4;
OutputList.addLast(new UInt16Item((char)((stringOffsets.length-1)+3))); // count
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)stringsIndexOffSize)); // offSize
for (int stringOffset : stringOffsets)
OutputList.addLast(new IndexOffsetItem(stringsIndexOffSize,
stringOffset - stringsBaseOffset));
int currentStringsOffset = stringOffsets[stringOffsets.length-1]
- stringsBaseOffset;
//l.addLast(new IndexOffsetItem(stringsIndexOffSize,currentStringsOffset));
currentStringsOffset += "Adobe".length();
OutputList.addLast(new IndexOffsetItem(stringsIndexOffSize,currentStringsOffset));
currentStringsOffset += "Identity".length();
OutputList.addLast(new IndexOffsetItem(stringsIndexOffSize,currentStringsOffset));
currentStringsOffset += fdFontName.length();
OutputList.addLast(new IndexOffsetItem(stringsIndexOffSize,currentStringsOffset));
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(buf,stringOffsets[0],origStringsLen));
OutputList.addLast(new StringItem(extraStrings));
* Function creates new FDSelect for non-CID fonts.
* The FDSelect built uses a single range for all glyphs
* @param fdselectRef OffsetItem for the FDSelect
* @param nglyphs the number of glyphs in the font
protected void CreateFDSelect(OffsetItem fdselectRef,int nglyphs)
OutputList.addLast(new MarkerItem(fdselectRef));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)3)); // format identifier
OutputList.addLast(new UInt16Item((char)1)); // nRanges
OutputList.addLast(new UInt16Item((char)0)); // Range[0].firstGlyph
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)0)); // Range[0].fd
OutputList.addLast(new UInt16Item((char)nglyphs)); // sentinel
* Function creates new CharSet for non-CID fonts.
* The CharSet built uses a single range for all glyphs
* @param charsetRef OffsetItem for the CharSet
* @param nglyphs the number of glyphs in the font
protected void CreateCharset(OffsetItem charsetRef,int nglyphs)
OutputList.addLast(new MarkerItem(charsetRef));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)2)); // format identifier
OutputList.addLast(new UInt16Item((char)1)); // first glyph in range (ignore .notdef)
OutputList.addLast(new UInt16Item((char)(nglyphs-1))); // nLeft
* Function creates new FDArray for non-CID fonts.
* The FDArray built has only the "Private" operator that points to the font's
* original private dict
* @param fdarrayRef OffsetItem for the FDArray
* @param privateRef OffsetItem for the Private Dict
* @param Font the font
protected void CreateFDArray(OffsetItem fdarrayRef,OffsetItem privateRef,int Font)
OutputList.addLast(new MarkerItem(fdarrayRef));
// Build the header (count=offsize=first=1)
// Mark
OffsetItem privateIndex1Ref = new IndexOffsetItem(1);
IndexBaseItem privateBase = new IndexBaseItem();
// Insert the private operands and operator
// Calc the new size of the private after subsetting
// Origianl size
int NewSize = fonts[Font].privateLength;
// Calc the original size of the Subr offset in the private
int OrgSubrsOffsetSize = CalcSubrOffsetSize(fonts[Font].privateOffset,fonts[Font].privateLength);
// Increase the ptivate's size
if (OrgSubrsOffsetSize != 0)
NewSize += 5-OrgSubrsOffsetSize;
OutputList.addLast(new DictNumberItem(NewSize));
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)18)); // Private
OutputList.addLast(new IndexMarkerItem(privateIndex1Ref,privateBase));
* Function reconstructs the FDArray, PrivateDict and LSubr for CID fonts
* @param Font the font
void Reconstruct(int Font)
// Init for later use
OffsetItem[] fdPrivate = new DictOffsetItem[fonts[Font].FDArrayOffsets.length-1];
IndexBaseItem[] fdPrivateBase = new IndexBaseItem[fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets.length];
OffsetItem[] fdSubrs = new DictOffsetItem[fonts[Font].fdprivateOffsets.length];
// Reconstruct each type
* Function subsets the FDArray and builds the new one with new offsets
* @param Font The font
* @param fdPrivate OffsetItem Array (one for each FDArray)
void ReconstructFDArray(int Font,OffsetItem[] fdPrivate)
// Build the header of the index
// For each offset create an Offset Item
OffsetItem[] fdOffsets = new IndexOffsetItem[fonts[Font].FDArrayOffsets.length-1];
for (int i=0;i= 0)
OutputList.addLast(new SubrMarkerItem(fdSubrs[i],fdPrivateBase[i]));
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(NewLSubrsIndex[i]),0,NewLSubrsIndex[i].length));
* Calculates how many byte it took to write the offset for the subrs in a specific
* private dict.
* @param Offset The Offset for the private dict
* @param Size The size of the private dict
* @return The size of the offset of the subrs in the private dict
int CalcSubrOffsetSize(int Offset,int Size)
// Set the size to 0
int OffsetSize = 0;
// Go to the beginning of the private dict
// Go until the end of the private dict
while (getPosition() < Offset+Size)
int p1 = getPosition();
int p2 = getPosition();
// When reached to the subrs offset
if (Objects.equals(key, "Subrs")) {
// The Offsize (minus the subrs key)
OffsetSize = p2-p1-1;
// All other keys are ignored
// return the size
return OffsetSize;
* Function computes the size of an index
* @param indexOffset The offset for the computed index
* @return The size of the index
protected int countEntireIndexRange(int indexOffset)
// Go to the beginning of the index
// Read the count field
int count = getCard16();
// If count==0 -> size=2
if (count==0)
return 2;
// Read the offsize field
int indexOffSize = getCard8();
// Go to the last element of the offset array
// The size of the object array is the value of the last element-1
int size = getOffset(indexOffSize)-1;
// Return the size of the entire index
return 2+1+(count+1)*indexOffSize+size;
* The function creates a private dict for a font that was not CID
* All the keys are copied as is except for the subrs key
* @param Font the font
* @param Subr The OffsetItem for the subrs of the private
void CreateNonCIDPrivate(int Font,OffsetItem Subr)
// Go to the beginning of the private dict and read until the end
while (getPosition() < fonts[Font].privateOffset+fonts[Font].privateLength)
int p1 = getPosition();
int p2 = getPosition();
// If the dictItem is the "Subrs" then,
// use marker for offset and write operator number
if (Objects.equals(key, "Subrs")) {
OutputList.addLast(new UInt8Item((char)19)); // Subrs
// Else copy the entire range
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(buf,p1,p2-p1));
* the function marks the beginning of the subrs index and adds the subsetted subrs
* index to the output list.
* @param Font the font
* @param PrivateBase IndexBaseItem for the private that's referencing to the subrs
* @param Subrs OffsetItem for the subrs
void CreateNonCIDSubrs(int Font,IndexBaseItem PrivateBase,OffsetItem Subrs)
// Mark the beginning of the Subrs index
OutputList.addLast(new SubrMarkerItem(Subrs,PrivateBase));
// Put the subsetted new subrs index
if (NewSubrsIndexNonCID != null) {
OutputList.addLast(new RangeItem(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(NewSubrsIndexNonCID), 0, NewSubrsIndexNonCID.length));
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