com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $Id: PdfName.java 4082 2009-10-25 14:18:28Z psoares33 $
* Copyright 1999-2006 Bruno Lowagie
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by
* the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer
* are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code
* where applicable.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
* LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the
* provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
* allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL
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* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
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* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU
* Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more
* details.
* If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if
* you aren't using an obsolete version:
* https://github.com/LibrePDF/OpenPDF
package com.lowagie.text.pdf;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.lowagie.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;
* PdfName
is an object that can be used as a name in a PDF-file.
* A name, like a string, is a sequence of characters.
* It must begin with a slash followed by a sequence of ASCII characters in
* the range 32 through 136 except %, (, ), [, ], <, >, {, }, / and #.
* Any character except 0x00 may be included in a name by writing its
* two character hex code, preceded by #. The maximum number of characters
* in a name is 127.
* This object is described in the 'Portable Document Format Reference Manual
* version 1.7' section 3.2.4 (page 56-58).
* @see PdfObject
* @see PdfDictionary
* @see BadPdfFormatException
public class PdfName extends PdfObject implements Comparable {
// CLASS CONSTANTS (a variety of standard names used in PDF))
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName _3D = new PdfName("3D");
/** (Optional) An action that shall be performed when the annotation is activated. */
public static final PdfName A = new PdfName("A");
/** (Optional) An additional-actions dictionary defining the field's / annotations's behaviour in response to various trigger events.
* This entry has exactly the same meaning as the AA entry in an annotation dictionary. */
public static final PdfName AA = new PdfName("AA");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5 renamed from ABSOLUTECALORIMETRIC
public static final PdfName ABSOLUTECOLORIMETRIC = new PdfName("AbsoluteColorimetric");
* A name
public static final PdfName AC = new PdfName("AC");
* A name
public static final PdfName ACROFORM = new PdfName("AcroForm");
/** (Required) A name which, in conjunction with Fields, indicates the set of fields that should be locked. The value shall be one of the following: All, include or exclude. */
public static final PdfName ACTION = new PdfName("Action");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ACTIVATION = new PdfName("Activation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ADBE = new PdfName("ADBE");
* a name used in PDF structure
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ACTUALTEXT = new PdfName("ActualText");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED = new PdfName("adbe.pkcs7.detached");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ADBE_PKCS7_S4 =new PdfName("adbe.pkcs7.s4");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ADBE_PKCS7_S5 =new PdfName("adbe.pkcs7.s5");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ADBE_PKCS7_SHA1 = new PdfName("adbe.pkcs7.sha1");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ADBE_X509_RSA_SHA1 = new PdfName("adbe.x509.rsa_sha1");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ADOBE_PPKLITE = new PdfName("Adobe.PPKLite");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ADOBE_PPKMS = new PdfName("Adobe.PPKMS");
* (PDF 1.6; deprecated) The application shall ask the security handler for the file encryption key and shall
* implicitly decrypt data with, "Algorithm 1: Encryption of data using the RC4or AES algorithms", using the
* AES algorithm in Cipher BlockChaining (CBC) mode with a 16-byte block size and an initialization vector that
* shall be randomly generated and placed as the first 16 bytes in the stream or string. The key size(Length) shall
* be 128 bits.
public static final PdfName AESV2 = new PdfName("AESV2");
* (PDF 2.0) The application shall ask the security handler for the file encryption key and shall implicitly decrypt
* data with, "Algorithm 1.A: Encryption of data using the AES algorithms", using the AES-256 algorithm in
* Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)with padding mode with a 16-byte block size and an initialization vector that is
* randomly generated and placed as the first 16 bytes in the stream or string. The key size (Length)shall be 256
* bits.
public static final PdfName AESV3 = new PdfName("AESV3");
/**(Optional; PDF 2.0) An array of one or more file specification dictionaries which denote the associated files for this annotation.*/
public static final PdfName AF = new PdfName("AF");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName AIS = new PdfName("AIS");
/** Stands for "Lock all fields in the document" which is one possible value of the Action attribute in a signature field lock dictionary */
public static final PdfName ALL = new PdfName("All");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ALLPAGES = new PdfName("AllPages");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ALT = new PdfName("Alt");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ALTERNATE = new PdfName("Alternate");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ANIMATION = new PdfName("Animation");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ANNOT = new PdfName("Annot");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ANNOTS = new PdfName("Annots");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ANTIALIAS = new PdfName("AntiAlias");
/** (Optional) An appearance dictionary specifying how the annotation shall be presented visually on the page. A PDF writer shall
* include an appearance dictionary when writing or updating an annotation dictionary except for the two cases listed below.
* Every annotation (including those whose Subtype value is Widget, as used for form fields), except for the two cases listed below,
* shall have at least one appearance dictionary.
* Exclusions:
* - Annotations where the value of the Rect key consists of an array where the value at index 1 is equal to the value at index 3 or the value at index 2 is equal to the value at index 4
* - Annotations whose Subtype value is Popup, Projection or Link.
* */
public static final PdfName AP = new PdfName("AP");
* A build data dictionary for a description of the signature APP.
public static final PdfName APP = new PdfName("App");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName APPDEFAULT = new PdfName("AppDefault");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ART = new PdfName("Art");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ARTBOX = new PdfName("ArtBox");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ASCENT = new PdfName("Ascent");
/** (Required if the appearance dictionary AP contains one or more subdictionaries) The annotation's appearance state, which
* selects the applicable appearance stream from an appearance subdictionary. */
public static final PdfName AS = new PdfName("AS");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ASCII85DECODE = new PdfName("ASCII85Decode");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ASCIIHEXDECODE = new PdfName("ASCIIHexDecode");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ASSET = new PdfName("Asset");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ASSETS = new PdfName("Assets");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName AUTHEVENT = new PdfName("AuthEvent");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName AUTHOR = new PdfName("Author");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName B = new PdfName("B");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BACKGROUND = new PdfName("Background");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BASEENCODING = new PdfName("BaseEncoding");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BASEFONT = new PdfName("BaseFont");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BASEVERSION = new PdfName("BaseVersion");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BBOX = new PdfName("BBox");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BC = new PdfName("BC");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BG = new PdfName("BG");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BIBENTRY = new PdfName("BibEntry");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BIGFIVE = new PdfName("BigFive");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BINDING = new PdfName("Binding");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BINDINGMATERIALNAME = new PdfName("BindingMaterialName");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BITSPERCOMPONENT = new PdfName("BitsPerComponent");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BITSPERSAMPLE = new PdfName("BitsPerSample");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BL = new PdfName("Bl");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BLACKIS1 = new PdfName("BlackIs1");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BLACKPOINT = new PdfName("BlackPoint");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BLOCKQUOTE = new PdfName("BlockQuote");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BLEEDBOX = new PdfName("BleedBox");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BLINDS = new PdfName("Blinds");
/** (Optional; PDF 2.0) The blend mode that shall be used when painting the annotation onto the page. If this key is not present,
* blending shall take place using the Normal blend mode. The value shall be a name object, designating one of the standard blend
* modes. */
public static final PdfName BM = new PdfName("BM");
* Optional) An array specifying the characteristics of the annotation's border, which shall be drawn as a rounded rectangle.
public static final PdfName BORDER = new PdfName("Border");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BOUNDS = new PdfName("Bounds");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BOX = new PdfName("Box");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BS = new PdfName("BS");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName BTN = new PdfName("Btn");
/** An array of pairs of integers (starting byte offset, length in bytes) describing the exact
byte range for the digest calculation. (Required)*/
public static final PdfName BYTERANGE = new PdfName("ByteRange");
/**(Optional) An array of numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing a colour used for the following purposes:
* - The background of the annotation's icon when closed
* - The title bar of the annotation's popup window
* - The border of a link annotation
* The number of array elements determines the colour space in which the colour shall be defined:
* 0=No colour; transparent 1=DeviceGray 3=DeviceRGB 4=DeviceCMYK*/
public static final PdfName C = new PdfName("C");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName C0 = new PdfName("C0");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName C1 = new PdfName("C1");
/** (Optional; PDF 2.0) When regenerating the annotation's appearance stream, this is the opacity value that shall be used for
* stroking all visiblea elements of the annotation in its closed state, including its background and border, but not the popup
* window that appears when the annotation is opened. If a ca entry is not present in this dictionary, then the value of this CA
* entry shall also be used for nonstroking operations as well.
* Default Value: 1.0
The specified value shall not be used if the annotation has an appearance stream; in that case, the
* appearance stream shall specify any transparency.*/
public static final PdfName CA = new PdfName("CA");
/** (Optional; PDF 2.0) When regenerating the annotation's appearance stream, this is the opacity value that shall be used for all
* nonstroking operations on all visible elements of the annotation in its closed state (including its background and border)
* but not the popup window that appears when the annotation is opened. Default value: 1.0
* The specified value shall not be used if the annotation has an appearance stream in that case, the appearance stream shall specify
* any transparency.*/
public static final PdfName ca = new PdfName("ca");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CALGRAY = new PdfName("CalGray");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CALRGB = new PdfName("CalRGB");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CAPHEIGHT = new PdfName("CapHeight");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CAPTION = new PdfName("Caption");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CATALOG = new PdfName("Catalog");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CATEGORY = new PdfName("Category");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CCITTFAXDECODE = new PdfName("CCITTFaxDecode");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CENTER = new PdfName("Center");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CENTERWINDOW = new PdfName("CenterWindow");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CERT = new PdfName("Cert");
* An array of indirect reference to streams, each containing one DER-encoded X.509 certificate (see RFC 5280).
* This array contains certificates that maybe used in the validation of any signatures in the document.
public static final PdfName CERTS = new PdfName("Certs");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CF = new PdfName("CF");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CFM = new PdfName("CFM");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CH = new PdfName("Ch");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CHARPROCS = new PdfName("CharProcs");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CHECKSUM = new PdfName("CheckSum");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CI = new PdfName("CI");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CIDFONTTYPE0 = new PdfName("CIDFontType0");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CIDFONTTYPE2 = new PdfName("CIDFontType2");
* A name
* @since 2.0.7
public static final PdfName CIDSET = new PdfName("CIDSet");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CIDSYSTEMINFO = new PdfName("CIDSystemInfo");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CIDTOGIDMAP = new PdfName("CIDToGIDMap");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CIRCLE = new PdfName("Circle");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CMD = new PdfName("CMD");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CO = new PdfName("CO");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CODE = new PdfName("Code");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLORS = new PdfName("Colors");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLORSPACE = new PdfName("ColorSpace");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLLECTION = new PdfName("Collection");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONFIELD = new PdfName("CollectionField");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONITEM = new PdfName("CollectionItem");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONSCHEMA = new PdfName("CollectionSchema");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONSORT = new PdfName("CollectionSort");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONSUBITEM = new PdfName("CollectionSubitem");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COLUMNS = new PdfName("Columns");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CONDITION = new PdfName("Condition");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CONFIGURATION = new PdfName("Configuration");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CONFIGURATIONS = new PdfName("Configurations");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CONTACTINFO = new PdfName("ContactInfo");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CONTENT = new PdfName("Content");
* Used in several places:
* 1) Annotations: (Optional) Text that shall be displayed for the annotation or, if this type of annotation does not display text,
* an alternative description of the annotation's contents in human-readable form. In either case, this text is useful when extracting
* the document's contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. Might be different for each
* annotation type.
* -
* 2) Part of the signature dictionary. The signature value. The value is a hexadecimal string representing the
value of the byte range digest. (Required)
public static final PdfName CONTENTS = new PdfName("Contents");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COORDS = new PdfName("Coords");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName COUNT = new PdfName("Count");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName COURIER = new PdfName("Courier");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName COURIER_BOLD = new PdfName("Courier-Bold");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName COURIER_OBLIQUE = new PdfName("Courier-Oblique");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE = new PdfName("Courier-BoldOblique");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CREATIONDATE = new PdfName("CreationDate");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CREATOR = new PdfName("Creator");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CREATORINFO = new PdfName("CreatorInfo");
* An array of indirect references to streams, each containing a DER-encoded Certificate Revocation List (CRL) (see RFC 5280).
* This array contains CRLs that may be used in the validation of the signatures in the document.
public static final PdfName CRLS = new PdfName("CRLs");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CROPBOX = new PdfName("CropBox");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CRYPT = new PdfName("Crypt");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName CS = new PdfName("CS");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CUEPOINT = new PdfName("CuePoint");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CUEPOINTS = new PdfName("CuePoints");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName D = new PdfName("D");
/** (Required; inheritable) The default appearance string containing a sequence of valid page-content graphics or text state operators
* that define such properties as the field's text size and colour. */
public static final PdfName DA = new PdfName("DA");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DATA = new PdfName("Data");
* Part of the Build Data Dictionary. The software module build date.
public static final PdfName DATE = new PdfName("Date");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DC = new PdfName("DC");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DCTDECODE = new PdfName("DCTDecode");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName DEACTIVATION = new PdfName("Deactivation");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DECODE = new PdfName("Decode");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DECODEPARMS = new PdfName("DecodeParms");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName DEFAULT = new PdfName("Default");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5 renamed from DEFAULTCRYPTFILER
public static final PdfName DEFAULTCRYPTFILTER = new PdfName("DefaultCryptFilter");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DEFAULTCMYK = new PdfName("DefaultCMYK");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DEFAULTGRAY = new PdfName("DefaultGray");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DEFAULTRGB = new PdfName("DefaultRGB");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DESC = new PdfName("Desc");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DESCENDANTFONTS = new PdfName("DescendantFonts");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DESCENT = new PdfName("Descent");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DEST = new PdfName("Dest");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DESTOUTPUTPROFILE = new PdfName("DestOutputProfile");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DESTS = new PdfName("Dests");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DEVICEGRAY = new PdfName("DeviceGray");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DEVICERGB = new PdfName("DeviceRGB");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DEVICECMYK = new PdfName("DeviceCMYK");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DI = new PdfName("Di");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DIFFERENCES = new PdfName("Differences");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DISSOLVE = new PdfName("Dissolve");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DIRECTION = new PdfName("Direction");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DISPLAYDOCTITLE = new PdfName("DisplayDocTitle");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DIV = new PdfName("Div");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DL = new PdfName("DL");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DM = new PdfName("Dm");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DOCMDP = new PdfName("DocMDP");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DOCOPEN = new PdfName("DocOpen");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName DOCUMENT = new PdfName( "Document" );
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DOMAIN = new PdfName("Domain");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DP = new PdfName("DP");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DR = new PdfName("DR");
/** (Optional) A default style string; described in the PDF Annex M. */
public static final PdfName DS = new PdfName("DS");
* A DSS dictionary containing document-wide security information. See PDF 2.0 specification ch. for further details.
public static final PdfName DSS = new PdfName("DSS");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DUR = new PdfName("Dur");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DUPLEX = new PdfName("Duplex");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DUPLEXFLIPSHORTEDGE = new PdfName("DuplexFlipShortEdge");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DUPLEXFLIPLONGEDGE = new PdfName("DuplexFlipLongEdge");
/** (Optional; inheritable) The default value to which the field reverts when a reset-form action is executed. The format of this
* value is the same as that of V. */
public static final PdfName DV = new PdfName("DV");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName DW = new PdfName("DW");
* Entry in a structure element dictionary: The expanded form of an abbreviation or an acronym.
* OR
* Entry in an annotation’s additional-actions dictionary: An action that shall be performed when
* the cursor enters theannotation’s active area.
* Entry in a collection field dictionary: A flag indicating whether the interactive PDF processor
* should provide support for editing the field value.
OR more...
* */
public static final PdfName E = new PdfName("E");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EARLYCHANGE = new PdfName("EarlyChange");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EF = new PdfName("EF");
* A name
* @since 2.1.3
public static final PdfName EFF = new PdfName("EFF");
* A name
* @since 2.1.3
public static final PdfName EFOPEN = new PdfName("EFOpen");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName EMBEDDED = new PdfName("Embedded");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EMBEDDEDFILE = new PdfName("EmbeddedFile");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EMBEDDEDFILES = new PdfName("EmbeddedFiles");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ENCODE = new PdfName("Encode");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ENCODEDBYTEALIGN = new PdfName("EncodedByteAlign");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ENCODING = new PdfName("Encoding");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ENCRYPT = new PdfName("Encrypt");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ENCRYPTMETADATA = new PdfName("EncryptMetadata");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ENDOFBLOCK = new PdfName("EndOfBlock");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ENDOFLINE = new PdfName("EndOfLine");
* Extension supplied by ETSI TS 102 778-4 V1.1.2 (2009-12)
public static final PdfName ESIC = new PdfName("ESIC");
/** Stands for "Exclude all fields except those specified in Fields array" which is one possible value of the Action attribute in a signature field lock dictionary */
public static final PdfName EXCLUDE = new PdfName("Exclude");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EXTEND = new PdfName("Extend");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName EXTENSIONS = new PdfName("Extensions");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName EXTENSIONLEVEL = new PdfName("ExtensionLevel");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EXTGSTATE = new PdfName("ExtGState");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EXPORT = new PdfName("Export");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EXPORTSTATE = new PdfName("ExportState");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName EVENT = new PdfName("Event");
/** (Optional) A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the annotation Default value: 0. */
public static final PdfName F = new PdfName("F");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FAR = new PdfName("Far");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FB = new PdfName("FB");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FDECODEPARMS = new PdfName("FDecodeParms");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FDF = new PdfName("FDF");
/** (Optional; inheritable) A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the field. Default value: 0. */
public static final PdfName FF = new PdfName("Ff");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FFILTER = new PdfName("FFilter");
* The FieldMDP transform method shall be used to detect changes to the values of a list of form fields.
* The entries in its transform parameters dictionary are Type, Actions, Field and V.
public static final PdfName FIELDMDP = new PdfName("FieldMDP");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FIELDS = new PdfName("Fields");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FIGURE = new PdfName( "Figure" );
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FILEATTACHMENT = new PdfName("FileAttachment");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FILEID = new PdfName("FileId");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FILESPEC = new PdfName("Filespec");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FILTER = new PdfName("Filter");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FIRST = new PdfName("First");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FIRSTCHAR = new PdfName("FirstChar");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FIRSTPAGE = new PdfName("FirstPage");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FIT = new PdfName("Fit");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FITH = new PdfName("FitH");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FITV = new PdfName("FitV");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FITR = new PdfName("FitR");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FITB = new PdfName("FitB");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FITBH = new PdfName("FitBH");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FITBV = new PdfName("FitBV");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FITWINDOW = new PdfName("FitWindow");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FLAGS = new PdfName("Flags");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FLASH = new PdfName("Flash");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FLASHVARS = new PdfName("FlashVars");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FLATEDECODE = new PdfName("FlateDecode");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FO = new PdfName("Fo");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FONT = new PdfName("Font");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FONTBBOX = new PdfName("FontBBox");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FONTDESCRIPTOR = new PdfName("FontDescriptor");
/** A byte string specifying the preferred font family name. E.g. for the font Times Bold Italic, the FontFamily is Times. */
public static final PdfName FONTFAMILY = new PdfName("FontFamily");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FONTFILE = new PdfName("FontFile");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FONTFILE2 = new PdfName("FontFile2");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FONTFILE3 = new PdfName("FontFile3");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FONTMATRIX = new PdfName("FontMatrix");
/** (Required) The PostScript name of the font. This name shall be the same as the value of BaseFont in the font or CIDFont dictionary that refers to this font descriptor. */
public static final PdfName FONTNAME = new PdfName("FontName");
/** (Optional); PDF 1.5; The weight (thickness) component of the fully-qualified font name or font specifier.
* The possible values shall be 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900, where each number indicates a weight
* that is at least as dark as its predecessor. A value of 400 shall indicate a normal weight; 700 shall indicate bold.
* The specific interpretation of these values varies from font to font. E.g. 300 in one font may appear most similar
* to 500 in another.
public static final PdfName FONTWEIGHT = new PdfName("FontWeight");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FOREGROUND = new PdfName("Foreground");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FORM = new PdfName("Form");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FORMTYPE = new PdfName("FormType");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FORMULA = new PdfName( "Formula" );
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FREETEXT = new PdfName("FreeText");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FRM = new PdfName("FRM");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FS = new PdfName("FS");
/** The type of field that this dictionary describes: Btn Button, Tx Text, Ch Choice, Sig Signature
* (Required; inheritable)*/
public static final PdfName FT = new PdfName("FT");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FULLSCREEN = new PdfName("FullScreen");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FUNCTION = new PdfName("Function");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FUNCTIONS = new PdfName("Functions");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName FUNCTIONTYPE = new PdfName("FunctionType");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GAMMA = new PdfName("Gamma");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GBK = new PdfName("GBK");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GLITTER = new PdfName("Glitter");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GOTO = new PdfName("GoTo");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GOTOE = new PdfName("GoToE");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GOTOR = new PdfName("GoToR");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GROUP = new PdfName("Group");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GTS_PDFA1 = new PdfName("GTS_PDFA1");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GTS_PDFX = new PdfName("GTS_PDFX");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName GTS_PDFXVERSION = new PdfName("GTS_PDFXVersion");
/** Optional) The annotation's highlighting mode, the visual effect that shall be used when the mouse button is pressed or held
* down inside its active area:
* - N (None) No highlighting.
- I (Invert) Invert the colours used to display the contents of the annotation rectangle.
- O (Outline) Stroke the colours used to display the annotation border.
- P (Push) Display the annotation's down appearance, if any. If no down appearance is defined, the contents of the annotation rectangle shall be offset to appear as if it were beingpushed below the surface of the page.
- T (Toggle) Same as P (which is preferred).
* A highlighting mode other than P shall override any down appearance defined for the annotation. Default value: I. */
public static final PdfName H = new PdfName("H");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H1 = new PdfName( "H1" );
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H2 = new PdfName("H2");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H3 = new PdfName("H3");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H4 = new PdfName("H4");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H5 = new PdfName("H5");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H6 = new PdfName("H6");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName HALIGN = new PdfName("HAlign");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName HEIGHT = new PdfName("Height");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName HELV = new PdfName("Helv");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName HELVETICA = new PdfName("Helvetica");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName HELVETICA_BOLD = new PdfName("Helvetica-Bold");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName HELVETICA_OBLIQUE = new PdfName("Helvetica-Oblique");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE = new PdfName("Helvetica-BoldOblique");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName HID = new PdfName("Hid");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName HIDE = new PdfName("Hide");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName HIDEMENUBAR = new PdfName("HideMenubar");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName HIDETOOLBAR = new PdfName("HideToolbar");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName HIDEWINDOWUI = new PdfName("HideWindowUI");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName HIGHLIGHT = new PdfName("Highlight");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName HOFFSET = new PdfName("HOffset");
/**(Sometimes required, otherwise optional) For choice fields that allow multiple selection (MultiSelect flag set),
* an array of integers, sorted in ascending order, representing the zero-based indices in the Opt array of the currently
* selected option items. This entry shall be used when two or more elements in the Opt array have different names but the
* same export value or when the value of the choice field is an array. If the items identified by this entry differ from
* those in the V entry of the field dictionary (see discussion following this Table), the V entry shall be used. */
public static final PdfName I = new PdfName("I");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ICCBASED = new PdfName("ICCBased");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ID = new PdfName("ID");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName IDENTITY = new PdfName("Identity");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName IF = new PdfName("IF");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName IMAGE = new PdfName("Image");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName IMAGEB = new PdfName("ImageB");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName IMAGEC = new PdfName("ImageC");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName IMAGEI = new PdfName("ImageI");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName IMAGEMASK = new PdfName("ImageMask");
/** Stands for "Include all fields specified in Fields array" which is one possible value of the Action attribute in a signature field lock dictionary */
public static final PdfName INCLUDE = new PdfName("Include");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName INDEX = new PdfName("Index");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName INDEXED = new PdfName("Indexed");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName INFO = new PdfName("Info");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName INK = new PdfName("Ink");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName INKLIST = new PdfName("InkList");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName INSTANCES = new PdfName("Instances");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName IMPORTDATA = new PdfName("ImportData");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName INTENT = new PdfName("Intent");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName INTERPOLATE = new PdfName("Interpolate");
* A name
public static final PdfName ISMAP = new PdfName("IsMap");
* A name
public static final PdfName IRT = new PdfName("IRT");
* A name
public static final PdfName ITALICANGLE = new PdfName("ItalicAngle");
* A name
public static final PdfName IX = new PdfName("IX");
* A name
public static final PdfName JAVASCRIPT = new PdfName("JavaScript");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName JBIG2DECODE = new PdfName("JBIG2Decode");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName JBIG2GLOBALS = new PdfName("JBIG2Globals");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName JPXDECODE = new PdfName("JPXDecode");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName JS = new PdfName("JS");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName K = new PdfName("K");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName KEYWORDS = new PdfName("Keywords");
/** (Sometimes required, as described) An array of indirect references to the immediate children of this field.
* In a non-terminal field, the Kids array shall refer to field dictionaries that are immediate descendants of this field.
* In a terminal field, the Kids array ordinarily shall refer to one or more separate widget annotations that are associated
* with this field. However, if there is only one associated widget annotation, and its contents have been merged into the
* field dictionary, Kids shall be omitted. */
public static final PdfName KIDS = new PdfName("Kids");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName L = new PdfName("L");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName L2R = new PdfName("L2R");
/** (Optional; PDF 2.0) A language identifier overriding the document's language identifier to specify the natural language for all
* text in the annotation except where overridden by other explicit language specifications.*/
public static final PdfName LANG = new PdfName("Lang");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LANGUAGE = new PdfName("Language");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LAST = new PdfName("Last");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LASTCHAR = new PdfName("LastChar");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LASTPAGE = new PdfName("LastPage");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LAUNCH = new PdfName("Launch");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName LBL = new PdfName("Lbl");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName LBODY = new PdfName("LBody");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LENGTH = new PdfName("Length");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LENGTH1 = new PdfName("Length1");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName LI = new PdfName("LI");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LIMITS = new PdfName("Limits");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LINE = new PdfName("Line");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName LINEAR = new PdfName("Linear");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LINK = new PdfName("Link");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LISTMODE = new PdfName("ListMode");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LOCATION = new PdfName("Location");
/** (Optional; shall be an indirect reference) A signature field lock dictionary that specifies a set of form fields that shall be
* locked when this signature field is signed.*/
public static final PdfName LOCK = new PdfName("Lock");
* A name
* @since 2.1.2
public static final PdfName LOCKED = new PdfName("Locked");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName LZWDECODE = new PdfName("LZWDecode");
/** (Optional) The date and time when the annotation was most recently modified. The format should be a date string (a text string
* containing no whitespace, of the form (D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm)) but interactive PDF processors shall accept and display a string
* in any format. */
public static final PdfName M = new PdfName("M");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName MATERIAL = new PdfName("Material");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MATRIX = new PdfName("Matrix");
/** A name of an encoding */
public static final PdfName MAC_EXPERT_ENCODING = new PdfName("MacExpertEncoding");
/** A name of an encoding */
public static final PdfName MAC_ROMAN_ENCODING = new PdfName("MacRomanEncoding");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MARKED = new PdfName("Marked");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MARKINFO = new PdfName("MarkInfo");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MASK = new PdfName("Mask");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6 renamed from MAX
public static final PdfName MAX_LOWER_CASE = new PdfName("max");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName MAX_CAMEL_CASE = new PdfName("Max");
/** (Optional; inheritable) The maximum length of the field's text, in characters */
public static final PdfName MAXLEN = new PdfName("MaxLen");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MEDIABOX = new PdfName("MediaBox");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MCID = new PdfName("MCID");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MCR = new PdfName("MCR");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName METADATA = new PdfName("Metadata");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6 renamed from MIN
public static final PdfName MIN_LOWER_CASE = new PdfName("min");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName MIN_CAMEL_CASE = new PdfName("Min");
/** (Optional) An appearance characteristics dictionary that shall be used in constructing a dynamic appearance stream
* specifying the annotation's visual presentation on the page.*/
public static final PdfName MK = new PdfName("MK");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MMTYPE1 = new PdfName("MMType1");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName MODDATE = new PdfName("ModDate");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName N = new PdfName("N");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName N0 = new PdfName("n0");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName N1 = new PdfName("n1");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName N2 = new PdfName("n2");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName N3 = new PdfName("n3");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName N4 = new PdfName("n4");
/** (optional) The name of the person or authority signing the document. This value should be used only when
* it is not possible to extract the name from the signature. */
public static final PdfName NAME = new PdfName("Name");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NAMED = new PdfName("Named");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NAMES = new PdfName("Names");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NAVIGATION = new PdfName("Navigation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NAVIGATIONPANE = new PdfName("NavigationPane");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NEAR = new PdfName("Near");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NEEDAPPEARANCES = new PdfName("NeedAppearances");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NEWWINDOW = new PdfName("NewWindow");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NEXT = new PdfName("Next");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NEXTPAGE = new PdfName("NextPage");
*The annotation name, a text string uniquely identifying it among all the annotations on its page.
public static final PdfName NM = new PdfName("NM");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NONE = new PdfName("None");
* If there is a Legal dictionary in the catalog of the PDF file, and the NonEmbeddedFonts attribute (which
* specifies the number of fonts not embedded) in that dictionary has a non-zero value, and the viewing application
* has a preference set to suppress the display of the warning about fonts not being embedded, then the value of
* this attribute will be set to true (meaning that no warning need be displayed)
public static final PdfName NONEFONTNOWARN = new PdfName("NonEFontNoWarn");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NONFULLSCREENPAGEMODE = new PdfName("NonFullScreenPageMode");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NONSTRUCT = new PdfName("NonStruct");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NOTE = new PdfName("Note");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NUMCOPIES = new PdfName("NumCopies");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName NUMS = new PdfName("Nums");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName O = new PdfName("O");
* A name used with Document Structure
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName OBJ = new PdfName("Obj");
* a name used with Doucment Structure
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName OBJR = new PdfName("OBJR");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OBJSTM = new PdfName("ObjStm");
/** (Optional) An optional content group or optional content membership dictionary specifying the optional content properties for the
* annotation. Before the annotation is drawn, its visibility shall be determined based on this entry as well as the annotation flags
* specified in the F entry. If it is determined to be invisible, the annotation shall not be drawn.*/
public static final PdfName OC = new PdfName("OC");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OCG = new PdfName("OCG");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OCGS = new PdfName("OCGs");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OCMD = new PdfName("OCMD");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OCPROPERTIES = new PdfName("OCProperties");
/** (Optional) The checked value for the Checkbox form field. The recommended name for the on state is Yes, but this is not required.*/
public static final PdfName YES = new PdfName("Yes");
* An array of indirect references to streams, each containing a DER-encoded Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) response
* (see RFC 6960). This array contains OCSPs that may be used in the validation of the signatures in the document.
public static final PdfName OCSPS = new PdfName("OCSPs");
/** (Required if R is 6 (PDF 2.0)) A 32-byte string, based on the owner and userpassword, that shall be used in computing the file encryption key.*/
public static final PdfName OE = new PdfName("OE");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName Off = new PdfName("Off");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OFF = new PdfName("OFF");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ON = new PdfName("ON");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ONECOLUMN = new PdfName("OneColumn");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OPEN = new PdfName("Open");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OPENACTION = new PdfName("OpenAction");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OP = new PdfName("OP");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName op = new PdfName("op");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OPM = new PdfName("OPM");
/** (Optional; inheritable) An array containing one entry for each widget annotation in the Kids array of the radio button or check
* box field. Each entry shall be a text string representing the on state of the corresponding widget annotation.
* When this entry is present, the names used to represent the on state in the AP dictionary of each annotation may use numerical
* position (starting with 0) of the annotation in the Kids array, encoded as a name object (for example: /0, /1).
* This allows distinguishing between the annotations even if two or more of them have the same value in the Opt array. */
public static final PdfName OPT = new PdfName("Opt");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ORDER = new PdfName("Order");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ORDERING = new PdfName("Ordering");
* Parts of the Build Data Dictionary. Indicates the operating system, such as Win10.
* Currently there is no specific string format defined for the value of this attribute.
public static final PdfName OS = new PdfName("OS");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName OSCILLATING = new PdfName("Oscillating");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OUTLINES = new PdfName("Outlines");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OUTPUTCONDITION = new PdfName("OutputCondition");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OUTPUTCONDITIONIDENTIFIER = new PdfName("OutputConditionIdentifier");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OUTPUTINTENT = new PdfName("OutputIntent");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName OUTPUTINTENTS = new PdfName("OutputIntents");
/** (Optional) An indirect reference to the page object with which this annotation is associated. This entry shall be present in
* screen annotations associated with rendition actions. OR
* (Optional; PDF 2.0) The access permissions granted for this document. Valid values shall be 1,2,3
* */
public static final PdfName P = new PdfName("P");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PAGE = new PdfName("Page");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PAGELABELS = new PdfName("PageLabels");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PAGELAYOUT = new PdfName("PageLayout");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PAGEMODE = new PdfName("PageMode");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PAGES = new PdfName("Pages");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PAINTTYPE = new PdfName("PaintType");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PANOSE = new PdfName("Panose");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PARAMS = new PdfName("Params");
/**(Required if this field is the child of another in the field hierarchy; absent otherwise) The field that is the immediate
* parent of this one (the field, if any, whose Kids array includes this field). A field can have at most one parent; that is,
* it can be included in the Kids array of at most one other field. */
public static final PdfName PARENT = new PdfName("Parent");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PARENTTREE = new PdfName("ParentTree");
* A name used in defining Document Structure.
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName PARENTTREENEXTKEY = new PdfName( "ParentTreeNextKey" );
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PART = new PdfName( "Part" );
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PASSCONTEXTCLICK = new PdfName("PassContextClick");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PATTERN = new PdfName("Pattern");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PATTERNTYPE = new PdfName("PatternType");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PC = new PdfName("PC");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PDF = new PdfName("PDF");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PDFDOCENCODING = new PdfName("PDFDocEncoding");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PERCEPTUAL = new PdfName("Perceptual");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PERMS = new PdfName("Perms");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PG = new PdfName("Pg");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PI = new PdfName("PI");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PICKTRAYBYPDFSIZE = new PdfName("PickTrayByPDFSize");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PLAYCOUNT = new PdfName("PlayCount");
* (Required; barcode fields only; ExtensionLevel 3) The PaperMetaData generation parameters dictionary. The entries
* of this dictionary are instructions to the barcode encoding software on how to generate the barcode image. (Part
* of *dobe Supplement to the ISO 32000)
public static final PdfName PMD = new PdfName("PMD");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PO = new PdfName("PO");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName POPUP = new PdfName("Popup");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName POSITION = new PdfName("Position");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PREDICTOR = new PdfName("Predictor");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PREFERRED = new PdfName("Preferred");
* Parts of the Build Data Dictionary. A flag that can be used by the signature handler or software module to indicate that this signature was created with unreleased software.
public static final PdfName PRERELEASE = new PdfName("PreRelease");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PRESENTATION = new PdfName("Presentation");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PRESERVERB = new PdfName("PreserveRB");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PREV = new PdfName("Prev");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PREVPAGE = new PdfName("PrevPage");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PRINT = new PdfName("Print");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PRINTAREA = new PdfName("PrintArea");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PRINTCLIP = new PdfName("PrintClip");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PRINTPAGERANGE = new PdfName("PrintPageRange");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PRINTSCALING = new PdfName("PrintScaling");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PRINTSTATE = new PdfName("PrintState");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PRIVATE = new PdfName("Private");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PROCSET = new PdfName("ProcSet");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PRODUCER = new PdfName("Producer");
* The build properties dictionary and all of its contents are required to be direct objects.
* The use of a build properties dictionary is optional but highly recommended.
* The build properties dictionary may contain a build data dictionary entry for each unique software module used to
* create the signature. The software modules involved in the signing process will vary depending on the viewing application.
* All signing implementations should include at least a Filter entry in the build properties dictionary.
public static final PdfName PROP_BUILD = new PdfName("Prop_Build");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PROPERTIES = new PdfName("Properties");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PS = new PdfName("PS");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName PUBSEC = new PdfName("Adobe.PubSec");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PV = new PdfName("PV");
/** (Optional; inheritable) A code specifying the form of quadding (justification) that shall be used in displaying the text:
* - 0 Left-justified (default)
* - 1 Centered
* - 2 Right-justified
* */
public static final PdfName Q = new PdfName("Q");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName QUADPOINTS = new PdfName("QuadPoints");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName QUOTE = new PdfName("Quote");
/** Part of the Build Data Dictionary. The software module revision number */
public static final PdfName R = new PdfName("R");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName R2L = new PdfName("R2L");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RANGE = new PdfName("Range");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RC = new PdfName("RC");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RBGROUPS = new PdfName("RBGroups");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName REASON = new PdfName("Reason");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RECIPIENTS = new PdfName("Recipients");
/** (Required) The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space units. */
public static final PdfName RECT = new PdfName("Rect");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName REFERENCE = new PdfName("Reference");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName REGISTRY = new PdfName("Registry");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName REGISTRYNAME = new PdfName("RegistryName");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5 renamed from RELATIVECALORIMETRIC
public static final PdfName RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC = new PdfName("RelativeColorimetric");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RENDITION = new PdfName("Rendition");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RESETFORM = new PdfName("ResetForm");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RESOURCES = new PdfName("Resources");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RI = new PdfName("RI");
* Part of the Build Data Dictionary when used as the App dictionary.
* A text string indicating the version of the application implementation, as described by the Name attribute in this dictionary. When set by Adobe Acrobat, this entry is in the format: major.minor.micro (for example 7.0.7).
public static final PdfName REX = new PdfName("REx");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIA = new PdfName("RichMedia");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAACTIVATION = new PdfName("RichMediaActivation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAANIMATION = new PdfName("RichMediaAnimation");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIACOMMAND = new PdfName("RichMediaCommand");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIACONFIGURATION = new PdfName("RichMediaConfiguration");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIACONTENT = new PdfName("RichMediaContent");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIADEACTIVATION = new PdfName("RichMediaDeactivation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAEXECUTE = new PdfName("RichMediaExecute");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAINSTANCE = new PdfName("RichMediaInstance");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAPARAMS = new PdfName("RichMediaParams");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAPOSITION = new PdfName("RichMediaPosition");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAPRESENTATION = new PdfName("RichMediaPresentation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIASETTINGS = new PdfName("RichMediaSettings");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAWINDOW = new PdfName("RichMediaWindow");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ROLEMAP = new PdfName("RoleMap");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ROOT = new PdfName("Root");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ROTATE = new PdfName("Rotate");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ROWS = new PdfName("Rows");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RUBY = new PdfName( "Ruby" );
/** A name */
public static final PdfName RUNLENGTHDECODE = new PdfName("RunLengthDecode");
/** (Optional) A rich text string; described in the PDF Specification Annex M*/
public static final PdfName RV = new PdfName("RV");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName S = new PdfName("S");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SATURATION = new PdfName("Saturation");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SCHEMA = new PdfName("Schema");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SCREEN = new PdfName("Screen");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName SCRIPTS = new PdfName("Scripts");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SECT = new PdfName("Sect");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SEPARATION = new PdfName("Separation");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SETOCGSTATE = new PdfName("SetOCGState");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName SETTINGS = new PdfName("Settings");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SHADING = new PdfName("Shading");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SHADINGTYPE = new PdfName("ShadingType");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SHIFT_JIS = new PdfName("Shift-JIS");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SIG = new PdfName("Sig");
/**The type name of a signature field lock dictionary */
public static final PdfName SIGFIELDLOCK = new PdfName("SigFieldLock");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SIGFLAGS = new PdfName("SigFlags");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SIGREF = new PdfName("SigRef");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SIMPLEX = new PdfName("Simplex");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SINGLEPAGE = new PdfName("SinglePage");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SIZE = new PdfName("Size");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SMASK = new PdfName("SMask");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SORT = new PdfName("Sort");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName SOUND = new PdfName("Sound");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SPAN = new PdfName("Span");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName SPEED = new PdfName("Speed");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SPLIT = new PdfName("Split");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SQUARE = new PdfName("Square");
* A name
* @since 2.1.3
public static final PdfName SQUIGGLY = new PdfName("Squiggly");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ST = new PdfName("St");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STAMP = new PdfName("Stamp");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STANDARD = new PdfName("Standard");
/** (Optional; PDF 1.5) The state to which the original annotation should be set. Default: "Unmarked" if StateModel is "Marked";
* "None" if StateModel is "Review". (Additional entries specific to a text annotation)*/
public static final PdfName STATE = new PdfName("State");
/** (Required if State is present, otherwise optional; PDF 1.5) The state model corresponding to State; see "Annotation States" above. (Additional entries specific to a text annotation)*/
public static final PdfName STATEMODEL = new PdfName("StateModel");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STDCF = new PdfName("StdCF");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STEMV = new PdfName("StemV");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STMF = new PdfName("StmF");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STRF = new PdfName("StrF");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STRIKEOUT = new PdfName("StrikeOut");
/** (Required if the annotation is a structural content item) The integer key of the annotation's entry in the structural parent tree.*/
public static final PdfName STRUCTPARENT = new PdfName("StructParent");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STRUCTPARENTS = new PdfName("StructParents");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STRUCTTREEROOT = new PdfName("StructTreeRoot");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName STYLE = new PdfName("Style");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SUBFILTER = new PdfName("SubFilter");
/** (Optional; PDF 1.5) Text representing a short description of the subject being addressed by the annotation. (Additional entry specific to markup annotations)*/
public static final PdfName SUBJ = new PdfName("Subj");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SUBJECT = new PdfName("Subject");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SUBMITFORM = new PdfName("SubmitForm");
/** (Required) The type of annotation that this dictionary describes.*/
public static final PdfName SUBTYPE = new PdfName("Subtype");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SUPPLEMENT = new PdfName("Supplement");
/** (Optional; shall be an indirect reference) A seed value dictionary containing information that constrains the properties of a
* signature that is applied to this field. */
public static final PdfName SV = new PdfName("SV");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName SW = new PdfName("SW");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName SYMBOL = new PdfName("Symbol");
/** (Required; ExtensionLevel 3) Specifies which barcode or glyph technology is to be used on this annotation. Supported values are PDF417, QRCode, and DataMatrix. (Entries in a PaperMetaData generation parameters dictionary)*/
public static final PdfName SYMBOLOGY = new PdfName("Symbology");
/** (Required) The partial field name. */
public static final PdfName T = new PdfName("T");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TA = new PdfName("TA");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TABLE = new PdfName("Table");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName TABS = new PdfName("Tabs");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TBODY = new PdfName("TBody");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TD = new PdfName("TD");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TEXT = new PdfName("Text");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TFOOT = new PdfName("TFoot");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TH = new PdfName("TH");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName THEAD = new PdfName("THead");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName THUMB = new PdfName("Thumb");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName THREADS = new PdfName("Threads");
/** (Optional) For scrollable list boxes, the top index (the index in the Opt array of the first option visible in the list). Default value: 0. */
public static final PdfName TI = new PdfName("TI");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TIME = new PdfName("Time");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TILINGTYPE = new PdfName("TilingType");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName TIMES_ROMAN = new PdfName("Times-Roman");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName TIMES_BOLD = new PdfName("Times-Bold");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName TIMES_ITALIC = new PdfName("Times-Italic");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName TIMES_BOLDITALIC = new PdfName("Times-BoldItalic");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TITLE = new PdfName("Title");
* A name
public static final PdfName TK = new PdfName("TK");
/** Optional) The mapping name that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document.*/
public static final PdfName TM = new PdfName("TM");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TOC = new PdfName("TOC");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TOCI = new PdfName("TOCI");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TOGGLE = new PdfName("Toggle");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TOOLBAR = new PdfName("Toolbar");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TOUNICODE = new PdfName("ToUnicode");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TP = new PdfName("TP");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TABLEROW = new PdfName( "TR" );
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TRANS = new PdfName("Trans");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TRANSFORMPARAMS = new PdfName("TransformParams");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TRANSFORMMETHOD = new PdfName("TransformMethod");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TRANSPARENCY = new PdfName("Transparency");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TRANSPARENT = new PdfName("Transparent");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TRAPPED = new PdfName("Trapped");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TRIMBOX = new PdfName("TrimBox");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TRUETYPE = new PdfName("TrueType");
* Parts of the Build Data Dictionary If the value is true, the application was in trusted mode when signing took
* place. The default value is false. A viewing application is in trusted mode when only reviewed code is executing,
* where reviewed code is code that does not affect the rendering of PDF files in ways that are not covered by the
* PDF Reference.
public static final PdfName TRUSTEDMODE = new PdfName("TrustedMode");
/** (Optional) An alternative field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field shall be identified
* in the user interface (such as in error or status messages referring to the field). This text is also useful when extracting
* the document's contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. */
public static final PdfName TU = new PdfName("TU");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TWOCOLUMNLEFT = new PdfName("TwoColumnLeft");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TWOCOLUMNRIGHT = new PdfName("TwoColumnRight");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TWOPAGELEFT = new PdfName("TwoPageLeft");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TWOPAGERIGHT = new PdfName("TwoPageRight");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TX = new PdfName("Tx");
/** There are lots of Type s in the PDF specification. The following dictionaries use Type:
* - Crypt filters
* - object stream dictionary
* - cross-reference stream dictionary
* - encrypted payload dictionary
* - catalog dictionary
* - page tree node
* - page object
* - file specification dictionary
* - embedded file stream dictionary
* - collection item dictionary
* - collection subitem dictionary
* - extensions dictionary
* - developer extensions dictionary
* - graphics state parameter dictionary
* - Type 1 pattern dictionary
* - DSS dictionary
* - Type 2 pattern dictionary
* - image dictionary
* - Type 1 form dictionary
* - group attributes dictionary
* - content group dictionary
* - content membership dictionary
* - Type 1 font dictionary
* - Type 3 font dictionary
* - encoding dictionary
* - outline dictionary
* - annotation dictionaries
* - field lock dictionary
* - ...
* */
public static final PdfName TYPE = new PdfName("Type");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TYPE0 = new PdfName("Type0");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName TYPE1 = new PdfName("Type1");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName TYPE3 = new PdfName("Type3");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName U = new PdfName("U");
/** (Required if R=6 (PDF 2.0)) A 32-byte string, based on the user password, that shall be used in computing the file encryption key.*/
public static final PdfName UE = new PdfName("UE");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName UF = new PdfName("UF");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName UHC = new PdfName("UHC");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName UNDERLINE = new PdfName("Underline");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName UR = new PdfName("UR");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName UR3 = new PdfName("UR3");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName URI = new PdfName("URI");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName URL = new PdfName("URL");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USAGE = new PdfName("Usage");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USEATTACHMENTS = new PdfName("UseAttachments");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USENONE = new PdfName("UseNone");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USEOC = new PdfName("UseOC");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USEOUTLINES = new PdfName("UseOutlines");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USER = new PdfName("User");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USERPROPERTIES = new PdfName("UserProperties");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USERUNIT = new PdfName("UserUnit");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName USETHUMBS = new PdfName("UseThumbs");
/** (Optional; inheritable) The field value, whose format varies depending on the field type. See the descriptions of individual
* field types for further information. */
public static final PdfName V = new PdfName("V");
* (Deprecated) The application shall ask the security handler for the file encryption key and shall implicitly
* decrypt data with7.6.3.1, "Algorithm 1: Encryption of data using the RC4 or AESalgorithms", using the RC4
* algorithm.
public static final PdfName V2 = new PdfName("V2");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName VALIGN = new PdfName("VAlign");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName VERISIGN_PPKVS = new PdfName("VeriSign.PPKVS");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName VERSION = new PdfName("Version");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName VIDEO = new PdfName("Video");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName VIEW = new PdfName("View");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName VIEWS = new PdfName("Views");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName VIEWAREA = new PdfName("ViewArea");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName VIEWCLIP = new PdfName("ViewClip");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName VIEWERPREFERENCES = new PdfName("ViewerPreferences");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName VIEWSTATE = new PdfName("ViewState");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName VISIBLEPAGES = new PdfName("VisiblePages");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName VOFFSET = new PdfName("VOffset");
* This dictionary contains Signature VRI dictionaries (see PDF 2.0 ch.,"Validation-related information (VRI)").
* The key of each entry in this dictionary is the base-16-encoded (uppercase) SHA1 digest of the signature to which it applies
* a and the value is the Signature VRI dictionary which contains the validation-related information for that signature.
public static final PdfName VRI = new PdfName("VRI");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName W = new PdfName("W");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName W2 = new PdfName("W2");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName WARICHU = new PdfName("Warichu");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName WC = new PdfName("WC");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName WIDGET = new PdfName("Widget");
/** A name of an attribute. */
public static final PdfName WIDTH = new PdfName("Width");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName WIDTHS = new PdfName("Widths");
/** A name of an encoding */
public static final PdfName WIN = new PdfName("Win");
/** A name of an encoding */
public static final PdfName WIN_ANSI_ENCODING = new PdfName("WinAnsiEncoding");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName WINDOW = new PdfName("Window");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName WINDOWED = new PdfName("Windowed");
/** A name of an encoding */
public static final PdfName WIPE = new PdfName("Wipe");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName WHITEPOINT = new PdfName("WhitePoint");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName WP = new PdfName("WP");
/** A name of an encoding */
public static final PdfName WS = new PdfName("WS");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName X = new PdfName("X");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName XA = new PdfName("XA");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName XD = new PdfName("XD");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName XFA = new PdfName("XFA");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName XML = new PdfName("XML");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName XOBJECT = new PdfName("XObject");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName XSTEP = new PdfName("XStep");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName XREF = new PdfName("XRef");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName XREFSTM = new PdfName("XRefStm");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName XYZ = new PdfName("XYZ");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName YSTEP = new PdfName("YStep");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ZADB = new PdfName("ZaDb");
/** A name of a base 14 type 1 font */
public static final PdfName ZAPFDINGBATS = new PdfName("ZapfDingbats");
/** A name */
public static final PdfName ZOOM = new PdfName("Zoom");
* map strings to all known static names
* @since 2.1.6
public static Map staticNames;
* List of names used for widget annotations
private static ArrayList widgetNames;
* List of names used in form field dictionaries
private static ArrayList formfieldNames;
private static void initLists() {
//All possible values for an annotation dictionary
//Additional entries specific to a widget annotation
//does exist in both and should have the identical meaning => so either or suffice
//When separating a merged dictionary the Parent stays in the field thus it is disabled here
//All possible values for an form field dictionary
//Additional entries common to all fields containing variable text
//Additional entry specific to check box and radio button fields
//Additional entry specific to a text field
//Additional entries specific to a choice field
//Additional entries specific to a signature field
//Additional entries common to all fields containing variable text
* Use reflection to cache all the static public final names so
* future PdfName
additions don't have to be "added twice".
* A bit less efficient (around 50ms spent here on a 2.2ghz machine),
* but Much Less error prone.
* @since 2.1.6
static {
Field[] fields = PdfName.class.getDeclaredFields();
staticNames = new HashMap<>(fields.length);
final int flags = Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.FINAL;
try {
for (Field curFld : fields) {
if ((curFld.getModifiers() & flags) == flags &&
curFld.getType().equals(PdfName.class)) {
PdfName name = (PdfName) curFld.get(null);
staticNames.put(decodeName(name.toString()), name);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The pdfname map could not be initialized!",e);
widgetNames = new ArrayList<>();
formfieldNames = new ArrayList<>();
public static ArrayList getWidgetNames() {
return widgetNames;
public static ArrayList getFormfieldNames() {
return formfieldNames;
private int hash = 0;
* Constructs a new PdfName
. The name length will be checked.
* @param name the new name
public PdfName(String name) {
this(name, true);
* Constructs a new PdfName
* @param name the new name
* @param lengthCheck if true
check the length validity,
* if false
the name can have any length
public PdfName(String name, boolean lengthCheck) {
// The minimum number of characters in a name is 0, the maximum is 127 (the '/' not included)
int length = name.length();
if (lengthCheck && length > 127)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("the.name.1.is.too.long.2.characters", name, String.valueOf(length)));
bytes = encodeName(name);
* Constructs a PdfName.
* @param bytes the byte representation of the name
public PdfName(byte[] bytes) {
super(PdfObject.NAME, bytes);
* Compares this object with the specified object for order.
* Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object
* is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
* @param name the Object to be compared.
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object
* is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
* @throws ClassCastException if the specified object's type prevents it
* from being compared to this Object.
public int compareTo(PdfName name) {
byte[] myBytes = bytes;
byte[] objBytes = name.bytes;
int len = Math.min(myBytes.length, objBytes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (myBytes[i] > objBytes[i])
return 1;
if (myBytes[i] < objBytes[i])
return -1;
return Integer.compare(myBytes.length, objBytes.length);
* Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
* @param obj the reference object with which to compare.
* @return true
if this object is the same as the obj
* argument; false
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj instanceof PdfName)
return compareTo((PdfName) obj) == 0;
return false;
* Returns a hash code value for the object.
* This method is supported for the benefit of hashtables such as those provided by
* java.util.Hashtable
* @return a hash code value for this object.
public int hashCode() {
int h = hash;
if (h == 0) {
int ptr = 0;
int len = bytes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
h = 31*h + (bytes[ptr++] & 0xff);
hash = h;
return h;
* Encodes a plain name given in the unescaped form "AB CD" into "/AB#20CD".
* @param name the name to encode
* @return the encoded name
* @since 2.1.5
public static byte[] encodeName(String name) {
int length = name.length();
ByteBuffer buf = new ByteBuffer(length + 20);
char c;
char[] chars = name.toCharArray();
for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) {
c = (char)(chars[k] & 0xff);
// Escape special characters
switch (c) {
case ' ':
case '%':
case '(':
case ')':
case '<':
case '>':
case '[':
case ']':
case '{':
case '}':
case '/':
case '#':
buf.append(Integer.toString(c, 16));
if (c >= 32 && c <= 126)
else {
if (c < 16)
buf.append(Integer.toString(c, 16));
return buf.toByteArray();
* Decodes an escaped name given in the form "/AB#20CD" into "AB CD".
* @param name the name to decode
* @return the decoded name
public static String decodeName(String name) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
try {
int len = name.length();
for (int k = 1; k < len; ++k) {
char c = name.charAt(k);
if (c == '#') {
char c1 = name.charAt(k + 1);
char c2 = name.charAt(k + 2);
c = (char)((PRTokeniser.getHex(c1) << 4) + PRTokeniser.getHex(c2));
k += 2;
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// empty on purpose
return buf.toString();