com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $Id: 4082 2009-10-25 14:18:28Z psoares33 $
* Copyright 1999-2006 Bruno Lowagie
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by
* the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer
* are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code
* where applicable.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
* LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the
* provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
* allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL
* License and not to allow others to use your version of this file under
* the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
* replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL.
* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
* of this file under either the MPL or the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU
* Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more
* details.
* If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if
* you aren't using an obsolete version:
package com.lowagie.text.pdf;
import com.lowagie.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* PdfName
is an object that can be used as a name in a PDF-file.
* A name, like a string, is a sequence of characters. It must begin with a slash followed by a sequence of ASCII
* characters in the range 32 through 136 except %, (, ), [, ], <, >, {, }, / and #. Any character except 0x00 may
* be included in a name by writing its two character hex code, preceded by #. The maximum number of characters in a
* name is 127.
This object is described in the 'Portable Document Format Reference Manual version 1.7' section
* 3.2.4 (page 56-58).
* @see PdfObject
* @see PdfDictionary
* @see BadPdfFormatException
public class PdfName extends PdfObject implements Comparable {
// CLASS CONSTANTS (a variety of standard names used in PDF))
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName _3D = new PdfName("3D");
* (Optional) An action that shall be performed when the annotation is activated.
public static final PdfName A = new PdfName("A");
* (Optional) An additional-actions dictionary defining the field's / annotations's behaviour in response to various
* trigger events. This entry has exactly the same meaning as the AA entry in an annotation dictionary.
public static final PdfName AA = new PdfName("AA");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5 renamed from ABSOLUTECALORIMETRIC
public static final PdfName ABSOLUTECOLORIMETRIC = new PdfName("AbsoluteColorimetric");
* A name
public static final PdfName AC = new PdfName("AC");
* A name
public static final PdfName ACROFORM = new PdfName("AcroForm");
* (Required) A name which, in conjunction with Fields, indicates the set of fields that should be locked. The value
* shall be one of the following: All, include or exclude.
public static final PdfName ACTION = new PdfName("Action");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ACTIVATION = new PdfName("Activation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ADBE = new PdfName("ADBE");
* a name used in PDF structure
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ACTUALTEXT = new PdfName("ActualText");
* A name
public static final PdfName ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED = new PdfName("adbe.pkcs7.detached");
* A name
public static final PdfName ADBE_PKCS7_S4 = new PdfName("adbe.pkcs7.s4");
* A name
public static final PdfName ADBE_PKCS7_S5 = new PdfName("adbe.pkcs7.s5");
* A name
public static final PdfName ADBE_PKCS7_SHA1 = new PdfName("adbe.pkcs7.sha1");
* A name
public static final PdfName ADBE_X509_RSA_SHA1 = new PdfName("adbe.x509.rsa_sha1");
* A name
public static final PdfName ADOBE_PPKLITE = new PdfName("Adobe.PPKLite");
* A name
public static final PdfName ADOBE_PPKMS = new PdfName("Adobe.PPKMS");
* (PDF 1.6; deprecated) The application shall ask the security handler for the file encryption key and shall
* implicitly decrypt data with, "Algorithm 1: Encryption of data using the RC4or AES algorithms", using the
* AES algorithm in Cipher BlockChaining (CBC) mode with a 16-byte block size and an initialization vector that
* shall be randomly generated and placed as the first 16 bytes in the stream or string. The key size(Length) shall
* be 128 bits.
public static final PdfName AESV2 = new PdfName("AESV2");
* (PDF 2.0) The application shall ask the security handler for the file encryption key and shall implicitly decrypt
* data with, "Algorithm 1.A: Encryption of data using the AES algorithms", using the AES-256 algorithm in
* Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)with padding mode with a 16-byte block size and an initialization vector that is
* randomly generated and placed as the first 16 bytes in the stream or string. The key size (Length)shall be 256
* bits.
public static final PdfName AESV3 = new PdfName("AESV3");
* (Optional; PDF 2.0) An array of one or more file specification dictionaries which denote the associated files for
* this annotation.
public static final PdfName AF = new PdfName("AF");
* A name
public static final PdfName AIS = new PdfName("AIS");
* Stands for "Lock all fields in the document" which is one possible value of the Action attribute in a signature
* field lock dictionary
public static final PdfName ALL = new PdfName("All");
* A name
public static final PdfName ALLPAGES = new PdfName("AllPages");
* A name
public static final PdfName ALT = new PdfName("Alt");
* A name
public static final PdfName ALTERNATE = new PdfName("Alternate");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ANIMATION = new PdfName("Animation");
* A name
public static final PdfName ANNOT = new PdfName("Annot");
* A name
public static final PdfName ANNOTS = new PdfName("Annots");
* A name
public static final PdfName ANTIALIAS = new PdfName("AntiAlias");
* (Optional) An appearance dictionary specifying how the annotation shall be presented visually on the page. A PDF
* writer shall include an appearance dictionary when writing or updating an annotation dictionary except for the
* two cases listed below. Every annotation (including those whose Subtype value is Widget, as used for form
* fields), except for the two cases listed below, shall have at least one appearance dictionary. Exclusions:
* - Annotations where the value of the Rect key consists of an array where the value at index 1 is equal to the
* value at index 3 or the value at index 2 is equal to the value at index 4
* - Annotations whose Subtype value is Popup, Projection or Link.
public static final PdfName AP = new PdfName("AP");
* A build data dictionary for a description of the signature APP.
public static final PdfName APP = new PdfName("App");
* A name
public static final PdfName APPDEFAULT = new PdfName("AppDefault");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ART = new PdfName("Art");
* A name
public static final PdfName ARTBOX = new PdfName("ArtBox");
* A name
public static final PdfName ASCENT = new PdfName("Ascent");
* (Required if the appearance dictionary AP contains one or more subdictionaries) The annotation's appearance
* state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from an appearance subdictionary.
public static final PdfName AS = new PdfName("AS");
* A name
public static final PdfName ASCII85DECODE = new PdfName("ASCII85Decode");
* A name
public static final PdfName ASCIIHEXDECODE = new PdfName("ASCIIHexDecode");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ASSET = new PdfName("Asset");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName ASSETS = new PdfName("Assets");
* A name
public static final PdfName AUTHEVENT = new PdfName("AuthEvent");
* A name
public static final PdfName AUTHOR = new PdfName("Author");
* A name
public static final PdfName B = new PdfName("B");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BACKGROUND = new PdfName("Background");
* A name
public static final PdfName BASEENCODING = new PdfName("BaseEncoding");
* A name
public static final PdfName BASEFONT = new PdfName("BaseFont");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BASEVERSION = new PdfName("BaseVersion");
* A name
public static final PdfName BBOX = new PdfName("BBox");
* A name
public static final PdfName BC = new PdfName("BC");
* A name
public static final PdfName BG = new PdfName("BG");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BIBENTRY = new PdfName("BibEntry");
* A name
public static final PdfName BIGFIVE = new PdfName("BigFive");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BINDING = new PdfName("Binding");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BINDINGMATERIALNAME = new PdfName("BindingMaterialName");
* A name
public static final PdfName BITSPERCOMPONENT = new PdfName("BitsPerComponent");
* A name
public static final PdfName BITSPERSAMPLE = new PdfName("BitsPerSample");
* A name
public static final PdfName BL = new PdfName("Bl");
* A name
public static final PdfName BLACKIS1 = new PdfName("BlackIs1");
* A name
public static final PdfName BLACKPOINT = new PdfName("BlackPoint");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName BLOCKQUOTE = new PdfName("BlockQuote");
* A name
public static final PdfName BLEEDBOX = new PdfName("BleedBox");
* A name
public static final PdfName BLINDS = new PdfName("Blinds");
* (Optional; PDF 2.0) The blend mode that shall be used when painting the annotation onto the page. If this key is
* not present, blending shall take place using the Normal blend mode. The value shall be a name object, designating
* one of the standard blend modes.
public static final PdfName BM = new PdfName("BM");
* Optional) An array specifying the characteristics of the annotation's border, which shall be drawn as a rounded
* rectangle.
public static final PdfName BORDER = new PdfName("Border");
* A name
public static final PdfName BOUNDS = new PdfName("Bounds");
* A name
public static final PdfName BOX = new PdfName("Box");
* A name
public static final PdfName BS = new PdfName("BS");
* A name
public static final PdfName BTN = new PdfName("Btn");
* An array of pairs of integers (starting byte offset, length in bytes) describing the exact byte range for the
* digest calculation. (Required)
public static final PdfName BYTERANGE = new PdfName("ByteRange");
* (Optional) An array of numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0, representing a colour used for the following purposes:
* - The background of the annotation's icon when closed
* - The title bar of the annotation's popup window
* - The border of a link annotation
* The number of array elements determines the colour space in which the colour shall be defined:
* 0=No colour; transparent 1=DeviceGray 3=DeviceRGB 4=DeviceCMYK
public static final PdfName C = new PdfName("C");
* A name
public static final PdfName C0 = new PdfName("C0");
* A name
public static final PdfName C1 = new PdfName("C1");
* (Optional; PDF 2.0) When regenerating the annotation's appearance stream, this is the opacity value that shall be
* used for stroking all visiblea elements of the annotation in its closed state, including its background and
* border, but not the popup window that appears when the annotation is opened. If a ca entry is not present in this
* dictionary, then the value of this CA entry shall also be used for nonstroking operations as well.
* Value: 1.0
The specified value shall not be used if the annotation has an appearance stream; in that case, the
* appearance stream shall specify any transparency.
public static final PdfName CA = new PdfName("CA");
* (Optional; PDF 2.0) When regenerating the annotation's appearance stream, this is the opacity value that shall be
* used for all nonstroking operations on all visible elements of the annotation in its closed state (including its
* background and border) but not the popup window that appears when the annotation is opened. Default value: 1.0
* The specified value shall not be used if the annotation has an appearance stream in that case, the appearance
* stream shall specify any transparency.
public static final PdfName ca = new PdfName("ca");
* A name
public static final PdfName CALGRAY = new PdfName("CalGray");
* A name
public static final PdfName CALRGB = new PdfName("CalRGB");
* A name
public static final PdfName CAPHEIGHT = new PdfName("CapHeight");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CAPTION = new PdfName("Caption");
* A name
public static final PdfName CATALOG = new PdfName("Catalog");
* A name
public static final PdfName CATEGORY = new PdfName("Category");
* A name
public static final PdfName CCITTFAXDECODE = new PdfName("CCITTFaxDecode");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CENTER = new PdfName("Center");
* A name
public static final PdfName CENTERWINDOW = new PdfName("CenterWindow");
* A name
public static final PdfName CERT = new PdfName("Cert");
* An array of indirect reference to streams, each containing one DER-encoded X.509 certificate (see RFC 5280). This
* array contains certificates that maybe used in the validation of any signatures in the document.
public static final PdfName CERTS = new PdfName("Certs");
* A name
public static final PdfName CF = new PdfName("CF");
* A name
public static final PdfName CFM = new PdfName("CFM");
* A name
public static final PdfName CH = new PdfName("Ch");
* A name
public static final PdfName CHARPROCS = new PdfName("CharProcs");
* A name
public static final PdfName CHECKSUM = new PdfName("CheckSum");
* A name
public static final PdfName CI = new PdfName("CI");
* A name
public static final PdfName CIDFONTTYPE0 = new PdfName("CIDFontType0");
* A name
public static final PdfName CIDFONTTYPE2 = new PdfName("CIDFontType2");
* A name
* @since 2.0.7
public static final PdfName CIDSET = new PdfName("CIDSet");
* A name
public static final PdfName CIDSYSTEMINFO = new PdfName("CIDSystemInfo");
* A name
public static final PdfName CIDTOGIDMAP = new PdfName("CIDToGIDMap");
* A name
public static final PdfName CIRCLE = new PdfName("Circle");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CMD = new PdfName("CMD");
* A name
public static final PdfName CO = new PdfName("CO");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CODE = new PdfName("Code");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLORS = new PdfName("Colors");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLORSPACE = new PdfName("ColorSpace");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLLECTION = new PdfName("Collection");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONFIELD = new PdfName("CollectionField");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONITEM = new PdfName("CollectionItem");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONSCHEMA = new PdfName("CollectionSchema");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONSORT = new PdfName("CollectionSort");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLLECTIONSUBITEM = new PdfName("CollectionSubitem");
* A name
public static final PdfName COLUMNS = new PdfName("Columns");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CONDITION = new PdfName("Condition");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CONFIGURATION = new PdfName("Configuration");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CONFIGURATIONS = new PdfName("Configurations");
* A name
public static final PdfName CONTACTINFO = new PdfName("ContactInfo");
* A name
public static final PdfName CONTENT = new PdfName("Content");
* Used in several places:
* 1) Annotations: (Optional) Text that shall be displayed for the annotation or, if this type of annotation does not display text,
* an alternative description of the annotation's contents in human-readable form. In either case, this text is useful when extracting
* the document's contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes. Might be different for each
* annotation type.
* -
* 2) Part of the signature dictionary. The signature value. The value is a hexadecimal string representing the
* value of the byte range digest. (Required)
public static final PdfName CONTENTS = new PdfName("Contents");
* A name
public static final PdfName COORDS = new PdfName("Coords");
* A name
public static final PdfName COUNT = new PdfName("Count");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName COURIER = new PdfName("Courier");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName COURIER_BOLD = new PdfName("Courier-Bold");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName COURIER_OBLIQUE = new PdfName("Courier-Oblique");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE = new PdfName("Courier-BoldOblique");
* A name
public static final PdfName CREATIONDATE = new PdfName("CreationDate");
* A name
public static final PdfName CREATOR = new PdfName("Creator");
* A name
public static final PdfName CREATORINFO = new PdfName("CreatorInfo");
* An array of indirect references to streams, each containing a DER-encoded Certificate Revocation List (CRL) (see
* RFC 5280). This array contains CRLs that may be used in the validation of the signatures in the document.
public static final PdfName CRLS = new PdfName("CRLs");
* A name
public static final PdfName CROPBOX = new PdfName("CropBox");
* A name
public static final PdfName CRYPT = new PdfName("Crypt");
* A name
public static final PdfName CS = new PdfName("CS");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CUEPOINT = new PdfName("CuePoint");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName CUEPOINTS = new PdfName("CuePoints");
* A name
public static final PdfName D = new PdfName("D");
* (Required; inheritable) The default appearance string containing a sequence of valid page-content graphics or
* text state operators that define such properties as the field's text size and colour.
public static final PdfName DA = new PdfName("DA");
* A name
public static final PdfName DATA = new PdfName("Data");
* Part of the Build Data Dictionary. The software module build date.
public static final PdfName DATE = new PdfName("Date");
* A name
public static final PdfName DC = new PdfName("DC");
* A name
public static final PdfName DCTDECODE = new PdfName("DCTDecode");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName DEACTIVATION = new PdfName("Deactivation");
* A name
public static final PdfName DECODE = new PdfName("Decode");
* A name
public static final PdfName DECODEPARMS = new PdfName("DecodeParms");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName DEFAULT = new PdfName("Default");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5 renamed from DEFAULTCRYPTFILER
public static final PdfName DEFAULTCRYPTFILTER = new PdfName("DefaultCryptFilter");
* A name
public static final PdfName DEFAULTCMYK = new PdfName("DefaultCMYK");
* A name
public static final PdfName DEFAULTGRAY = new PdfName("DefaultGray");
* A name
public static final PdfName DEFAULTRGB = new PdfName("DefaultRGB");
* A name
public static final PdfName DESC = new PdfName("Desc");
* A name
public static final PdfName DESCENDANTFONTS = new PdfName("DescendantFonts");
* A name
public static final PdfName DESCENT = new PdfName("Descent");
* A name
public static final PdfName DEST = new PdfName("Dest");
* A name
public static final PdfName DESTOUTPUTPROFILE = new PdfName("DestOutputProfile");
* A name
public static final PdfName DESTS = new PdfName("Dests");
* A name
public static final PdfName DEVICEGRAY = new PdfName("DeviceGray");
* A name
public static final PdfName DEVICERGB = new PdfName("DeviceRGB");
* A name
public static final PdfName DEVICECMYK = new PdfName("DeviceCMYK");
* A name
public static final PdfName DI = new PdfName("Di");
* A name
public static final PdfName DIFFERENCES = new PdfName("Differences");
* A name
public static final PdfName DISSOLVE = new PdfName("Dissolve");
* A name
public static final PdfName DIRECTION = new PdfName("Direction");
* A name
public static final PdfName DISPLAYDOCTITLE = new PdfName("DisplayDocTitle");
* A name
public static final PdfName DIV = new PdfName("Div");
* A name
public static final PdfName DL = new PdfName("DL");
* A name
public static final PdfName DM = new PdfName("Dm");
* A name
public static final PdfName DOCMDP = new PdfName("DocMDP");
* A name
public static final PdfName DOCOPEN = new PdfName("DocOpen");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName DOCUMENT = new PdfName("Document");
* A name
public static final PdfName DOMAIN = new PdfName("Domain");
* A name
public static final PdfName DP = new PdfName("DP");
* A name
public static final PdfName DR = new PdfName("DR");
* (Optional) A default style string; described in the PDF Annex M.
public static final PdfName DS = new PdfName("DS");
* A DSS dictionary containing document-wide security information. See PDF 2.0 specification ch. for
* further details.
public static final PdfName DSS = new PdfName("DSS");
* A name
public static final PdfName DUR = new PdfName("Dur");
* A name
public static final PdfName DUPLEX = new PdfName("Duplex");
* A name
public static final PdfName DUPLEXFLIPSHORTEDGE = new PdfName("DuplexFlipShortEdge");
* A name
public static final PdfName DUPLEXFLIPLONGEDGE = new PdfName("DuplexFlipLongEdge");
* (Optional; inheritable) The default value to which the field reverts when a reset-form action is executed. The
* format of this value is the same as that of V.
public static final PdfName DV = new PdfName("DV");
* A name
public static final PdfName DW = new PdfName("DW");
* Entry in a structure element dictionary: The expanded form of an abbreviation or an acronym.
* OR
* Entry in an annotation’s additional-actions dictionary: An action that shall be performed when the cursor enters
* theannotation’s active area.
* Entry in a collection field dictionary: A flag indicating whether the interactive PDF processor should provide
* support for editing the field value.
OR more...
public static final PdfName E = new PdfName("E");
* A name
public static final PdfName EARLYCHANGE = new PdfName("EarlyChange");
* A name
public static final PdfName EF = new PdfName("EF");
* A name
* @since 2.1.3
public static final PdfName EFF = new PdfName("EFF");
* A name
* @since 2.1.3
public static final PdfName EFOPEN = new PdfName("EFOpen");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName EMBEDDED = new PdfName("Embedded");
* A name
public static final PdfName EMBEDDEDFILE = new PdfName("EmbeddedFile");
* A name
public static final PdfName EMBEDDEDFILES = new PdfName("EmbeddedFiles");
* A name
public static final PdfName ENCODE = new PdfName("Encode");
* A name
public static final PdfName ENCODEDBYTEALIGN = new PdfName("EncodedByteAlign");
* A name
public static final PdfName ENCODING = new PdfName("Encoding");
* A name
public static final PdfName ENCRYPT = new PdfName("Encrypt");
* A name
public static final PdfName ENCRYPTMETADATA = new PdfName("EncryptMetadata");
* A name
public static final PdfName ENDOFBLOCK = new PdfName("EndOfBlock");
* A name
public static final PdfName ENDOFLINE = new PdfName("EndOfLine");
* Extension supplied by ETSI TS 102 778-4 V1.1.2 (2009-12)
public static final PdfName ESIC = new PdfName("ESIC");
* Stands for "Exclude all fields except those specified in Fields array" which is one possible value of the Action
* attribute in a signature field lock dictionary
public static final PdfName EXCLUDE = new PdfName("Exclude");
* A name
public static final PdfName EXTEND = new PdfName("Extend");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName EXTENSIONS = new PdfName("Extensions");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName EXTENSIONLEVEL = new PdfName("ExtensionLevel");
* A name
public static final PdfName EXTGSTATE = new PdfName("ExtGState");
* A name
public static final PdfName EXPORT = new PdfName("Export");
* A name
public static final PdfName EXPORTSTATE = new PdfName("ExportState");
* A name
public static final PdfName EVENT = new PdfName("Event");
* (Optional) A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the annotation Default value: 0.
public static final PdfName F = new PdfName("F");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FAR = new PdfName("Far");
* A name
public static final PdfName FB = new PdfName("FB");
* A name
public static final PdfName FDECODEPARMS = new PdfName("FDecodeParms");
* A name
public static final PdfName FDF = new PdfName("FDF");
* (Optional; inheritable) A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the field. Default value: 0.
public static final PdfName FF = new PdfName("Ff");
* A name
public static final PdfName FFILTER = new PdfName("FFilter");
* The FieldMDP transform method shall be used to detect changes to the values of a list of form fields. The entries
* in its transform parameters dictionary are Type, Actions, Field and V.
public static final PdfName FIELDMDP = new PdfName("FieldMDP");
* A name
public static final PdfName FIELDS = new PdfName("Fields");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FIGURE = new PdfName("Figure");
* A name
public static final PdfName FILEATTACHMENT = new PdfName("FileAttachment");
* A name
public static final PdfName FILEID = new PdfName("FileId");
* A name
public static final PdfName FILESPEC = new PdfName("Filespec");
* A name
public static final PdfName FILTER = new PdfName("Filter");
* A name
public static final PdfName FIRST = new PdfName("First");
* A name
public static final PdfName FIRSTCHAR = new PdfName("FirstChar");
* A name
public static final PdfName FIRSTPAGE = new PdfName("FirstPage");
* A name
public static final PdfName FIT = new PdfName("Fit");
* A name
public static final PdfName FITH = new PdfName("FitH");
* A name
public static final PdfName FITV = new PdfName("FitV");
* A name
public static final PdfName FITR = new PdfName("FitR");
* A name
public static final PdfName FITB = new PdfName("FitB");
* A name
public static final PdfName FITBH = new PdfName("FitBH");
* A name
public static final PdfName FITBV = new PdfName("FitBV");
* A name
public static final PdfName FITWINDOW = new PdfName("FitWindow");
* A name
public static final PdfName FLAGS = new PdfName("Flags");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FLASH = new PdfName("Flash");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FLASHVARS = new PdfName("FlashVars");
* A name
public static final PdfName FLATEDECODE = new PdfName("FlateDecode");
* A name
public static final PdfName FO = new PdfName("Fo");
* A name
public static final PdfName FONT = new PdfName("Font");
* A name
public static final PdfName FONTBBOX = new PdfName("FontBBox");
* A name
public static final PdfName FONTDESCRIPTOR = new PdfName("FontDescriptor");
* A byte string specifying the preferred font family name. E.g. for the font Times Bold Italic, the FontFamily is
* Times.
public static final PdfName FONTFAMILY = new PdfName("FontFamily");
* A name
public static final PdfName FONTFILE = new PdfName("FontFile");
* A name
public static final PdfName FONTFILE2 = new PdfName("FontFile2");
* A name
public static final PdfName FONTFILE3 = new PdfName("FontFile3");
* A name
public static final PdfName FONTMATRIX = new PdfName("FontMatrix");
* (Required) The PostScript name of the font. This name shall be the same as the value of BaseFont in the font or
* CIDFont dictionary that refers to this font descriptor.
public static final PdfName FONTNAME = new PdfName("FontName");
* (Optional); PDF 1.5; The weight (thickness) component of the fully-qualified font name or font specifier. The
* possible values shall be 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900, where each number indicates a weight
* that is at least as dark as its predecessor. A value of 400 shall indicate a normal weight; 700 shall indicate
* bold. The specific interpretation of these values varies from font to font. E.g. 300 in one font may appear most
* similar to 500 in another.
public static final PdfName FONTWEIGHT = new PdfName("FontWeight");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FOREGROUND = new PdfName("Foreground");
* A name
public static final PdfName FORM = new PdfName("Form");
* A name
public static final PdfName FORMTYPE = new PdfName("FormType");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName FORMULA = new PdfName("Formula");
* A name
public static final PdfName FREETEXT = new PdfName("FreeText");
* A name
public static final PdfName FRM = new PdfName("FRM");
* A name
public static final PdfName FS = new PdfName("FS");
* The type of field that this dictionary describes: Btn Button, Tx Text, Ch Choice, Sig Signature (Required;
* inheritable)
public static final PdfName FT = new PdfName("FT");
* A name
public static final PdfName FULLSCREEN = new PdfName("FullScreen");
* A name
public static final PdfName FUNCTION = new PdfName("Function");
* A name
public static final PdfName FUNCTIONS = new PdfName("Functions");
* A name
public static final PdfName FUNCTIONTYPE = new PdfName("FunctionType");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GAMMA = new PdfName("Gamma");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GBK = new PdfName("GBK");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GLITTER = new PdfName("Glitter");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GOTO = new PdfName("GoTo");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GOTOE = new PdfName("GoToE");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GOTOR = new PdfName("GoToR");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GROUP = new PdfName("Group");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GTS_PDFA1 = new PdfName("GTS_PDFA1");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GTS_PDFX = new PdfName("GTS_PDFX");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName GTS_PDFXVERSION = new PdfName("GTS_PDFXVersion");
* Optional) The annotation's highlighting mode, the visual effect that shall be used when the mouse button is
* pressed or held down inside its active area:
* - N (None) No highlighting.
- I (Invert) Invert the colours used to display the contents of the annotation rectangle.
- O (Outline) Stroke the colours used to display the annotation border.
- P (Push) Display the annotation's down appearance, if any. If no down appearance is defined, the contents of
* the annotation rectangle shall be offset to appear as if it were beingpushed below the surface of the page.
- T (Toggle) Same as P (which is preferred).
* A highlighting mode other than P shall override any down appearance defined for the annotation. Default value:
* I.
public static final PdfName H = new PdfName("H");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H1 = new PdfName("H1");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H2 = new PdfName("H2");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H3 = new PdfName("H3");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H4 = new PdfName("H4");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H5 = new PdfName("H5");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName H6 = new PdfName("H6");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName HALIGN = new PdfName("HAlign");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName HEIGHT = new PdfName("Height");
* A name
public static final PdfName HELV = new PdfName("Helv");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName HELVETICA = new PdfName("Helvetica");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName HELVETICA_BOLD = new PdfName("Helvetica-Bold");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName HELVETICA_OBLIQUE = new PdfName("Helvetica-Oblique");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE = new PdfName("Helvetica-BoldOblique");
* A name
public static final PdfName HID = new PdfName("Hid");
* A name
public static final PdfName HIDE = new PdfName("Hide");
* A name
public static final PdfName HIDEMENUBAR = new PdfName("HideMenubar");
* A name
public static final PdfName HIDETOOLBAR = new PdfName("HideToolbar");
* A name
public static final PdfName HIDEWINDOWUI = new PdfName("HideWindowUI");
* A name
public static final PdfName HIGHLIGHT = new PdfName("Highlight");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName HOFFSET = new PdfName("HOffset");
* (Sometimes required, otherwise optional) For choice fields that allow multiple selection (MultiSelect flag set),
* an array of integers, sorted in ascending order, representing the zero-based indices in the Opt array of the
* currently selected option items. This entry shall be used when two or more elements in the Opt array have
* different names but the same export value or when the value of the choice field is an array. If the items
* identified by this entry differ from those in the V entry of the field dictionary (see discussion following this
* Table), the V entry shall be used.
public static final PdfName I = new PdfName("I");
* A name
public static final PdfName ICCBASED = new PdfName("ICCBased");
* A name
public static final PdfName ID = new PdfName("ID");
* A name
public static final PdfName IDENTITY = new PdfName("Identity");
* A name
public static final PdfName IF = new PdfName("IF");
* A name
public static final PdfName IMAGE = new PdfName("Image");
* A name
public static final PdfName IMAGEB = new PdfName("ImageB");
* A name
public static final PdfName IMAGEC = new PdfName("ImageC");
* A name
public static final PdfName IMAGEI = new PdfName("ImageI");
* A name
public static final PdfName IMAGEMASK = new PdfName("ImageMask");
* Stands for "Include all fields specified in Fields array" which is one possible value of the Action attribute in
* a signature field lock dictionary
public static final PdfName INCLUDE = new PdfName("Include");
* A name
public static final PdfName INDEX = new PdfName("Index");
* A name
public static final PdfName INDEXED = new PdfName("Indexed");
* A name
public static final PdfName INFO = new PdfName("Info");
* A name
public static final PdfName INK = new PdfName("Ink");
* A name
public static final PdfName INKLIST = new PdfName("InkList");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName INSTANCES = new PdfName("Instances");
* A name
public static final PdfName IMPORTDATA = new PdfName("ImportData");
* A name
public static final PdfName INTENT = new PdfName("Intent");
* A name
public static final PdfName INTERPOLATE = new PdfName("Interpolate");
* A name
public static final PdfName ISMAP = new PdfName("IsMap");
* A name
public static final PdfName IRT = new PdfName("IRT");
* A name
public static final PdfName ITALICANGLE = new PdfName("ItalicAngle");
* A name
public static final PdfName IX = new PdfName("IX");
* A name
public static final PdfName JAVASCRIPT = new PdfName("JavaScript");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName JBIG2DECODE = new PdfName("JBIG2Decode");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName JBIG2GLOBALS = new PdfName("JBIG2Globals");
* A name
public static final PdfName JPXDECODE = new PdfName("JPXDecode");
* A name
public static final PdfName JS = new PdfName("JS");
* A name
public static final PdfName K = new PdfName("K");
* A name
public static final PdfName KEYWORDS = new PdfName("Keywords");
* (Sometimes required, as described) An array of indirect references to the immediate children of this field. In a
* non-terminal field, the Kids array shall refer to field dictionaries that are immediate descendants of this
* field. In a terminal field, the Kids array ordinarily shall refer to one or more separate widget annotations that
* are associated with this field. However, if there is only one associated widget annotation, and its contents have
* been merged into the field dictionary, Kids shall be omitted.
public static final PdfName KIDS = new PdfName("Kids");
* A name
public static final PdfName L = new PdfName("L");
* A name
public static final PdfName L2R = new PdfName("L2R");
* (Optional; PDF 2.0) A language identifier overriding the document's language identifier to specify the natural
* language for all text in the annotation except where overridden by other explicit language specifications.
public static final PdfName LANG = new PdfName("Lang");
* A name
public static final PdfName LANGUAGE = new PdfName("Language");
* A name
public static final PdfName LAST = new PdfName("Last");
* A name
public static final PdfName LASTCHAR = new PdfName("LastChar");
* A name
public static final PdfName LASTPAGE = new PdfName("LastPage");
* A name
public static final PdfName LAUNCH = new PdfName("Launch");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName LBL = new PdfName("Lbl");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName LBODY = new PdfName("LBody");
* A name
public static final PdfName LENGTH = new PdfName("Length");
* A name
public static final PdfName LENGTH1 = new PdfName("Length1");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName LI = new PdfName("LI");
* A name
public static final PdfName LIMITS = new PdfName("Limits");
* A name
public static final PdfName LINE = new PdfName("Line");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName LINEAR = new PdfName("Linear");
* A name
public static final PdfName LINK = new PdfName("Link");
* A name
public static final PdfName LISTMODE = new PdfName("ListMode");
* A name
public static final PdfName LOCATION = new PdfName("Location");
* (Optional; shall be an indirect reference) A signature field lock dictionary that specifies a set of form fields
* that shall be locked when this signature field is signed.
public static final PdfName LOCK = new PdfName("Lock");
* A name
* @since 2.1.2
public static final PdfName LOCKED = new PdfName("Locked");
* A name
public static final PdfName LZWDECODE = new PdfName("LZWDecode");
* (Optional) The date and time when the annotation was most recently modified. The format should be a date string
* (a text string containing no whitespace, of the form (D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm)) but interactive PDF processors
* shall accept and display a string in any format.
public static final PdfName M = new PdfName("M");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName MATERIAL = new PdfName("Material");
* A name
public static final PdfName MATRIX = new PdfName("Matrix");
* A name of an encoding
public static final PdfName MAC_EXPERT_ENCODING = new PdfName("MacExpertEncoding");
* A name of an encoding
public static final PdfName MAC_ROMAN_ENCODING = new PdfName("MacRomanEncoding");
* A name
public static final PdfName MARKED = new PdfName("Marked");
* A name
public static final PdfName MARKINFO = new PdfName("MarkInfo");
* A name
public static final PdfName MASK = new PdfName("Mask");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6 renamed from MAX
public static final PdfName MAX_LOWER_CASE = new PdfName("max");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName MAX_CAMEL_CASE = new PdfName("Max");
* (Optional; inheritable) The maximum length of the field's text, in characters
public static final PdfName MAXLEN = new PdfName("MaxLen");
* A name
public static final PdfName MEDIABOX = new PdfName("MediaBox");
* A name
public static final PdfName MCID = new PdfName("MCID");
* A name
public static final PdfName MCR = new PdfName("MCR");
* A name
public static final PdfName METADATA = new PdfName("Metadata");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6 renamed from MIN
public static final PdfName MIN_LOWER_CASE = new PdfName("min");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName MIN_CAMEL_CASE = new PdfName("Min");
* (Optional) An appearance characteristics dictionary that shall be used in constructing a dynamic appearance
* stream specifying the annotation's visual presentation on the page.
public static final PdfName MK = new PdfName("MK");
* A name
public static final PdfName MMTYPE1 = new PdfName("MMType1");
* A name
public static final PdfName MODDATE = new PdfName("ModDate");
* A name
public static final PdfName N = new PdfName("N");
* A name
public static final PdfName N0 = new PdfName("n0");
* A name
public static final PdfName N1 = new PdfName("n1");
* A name
public static final PdfName N2 = new PdfName("n2");
* A name
public static final PdfName N3 = new PdfName("n3");
* A name
public static final PdfName N4 = new PdfName("n4");
* (optional) The name of the person or authority signing the document. This value should be used only when it is
* not possible to extract the name from the signature.
public static final PdfName NAME = new PdfName("Name");
* A name
public static final PdfName NAMED = new PdfName("Named");
* A name
public static final PdfName NAMES = new PdfName("Names");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NAVIGATION = new PdfName("Navigation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NAVIGATIONPANE = new PdfName("NavigationPane");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NEAR = new PdfName("Near");
* A name
public static final PdfName NEEDAPPEARANCES = new PdfName("NeedAppearances");
* A name
public static final PdfName NEWWINDOW = new PdfName("NewWindow");
* A name
public static final PdfName NEXT = new PdfName("Next");
* A name
public static final PdfName NEXTPAGE = new PdfName("NextPage");
* The annotation name, a text string uniquely identifying it among all the annotations on its page.
public static final PdfName NM = new PdfName("NM");
* A name
public static final PdfName NONE = new PdfName("None");
* If there is a Legal dictionary in the catalog of the PDF file, and the NonEmbeddedFonts attribute (which
* specifies the number of fonts not embedded) in that dictionary has a non-zero value, and the viewing application
* has a preference set to suppress the display of the warning about fonts not being embedded, then the value of
* this attribute will be set to true (meaning that no warning need be displayed)
public static final PdfName NONEFONTNOWARN = new PdfName("NonEFontNoWarn");
* A name
public static final PdfName NONFULLSCREENPAGEMODE = new PdfName("NonFullScreenPageMode");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NONSTRUCT = new PdfName("NonStruct");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName NOTE = new PdfName("Note");
* A name
public static final PdfName NUMCOPIES = new PdfName("NumCopies");
* A name
public static final PdfName NUMS = new PdfName("Nums");
* A name
public static final PdfName O = new PdfName("O");
* A name used with Document Structure
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName OBJ = new PdfName("Obj");
* a name used with Doucment Structure
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName OBJR = new PdfName("OBJR");
* A name
public static final PdfName OBJSTM = new PdfName("ObjStm");
* (Optional) An optional content group or optional content membership dictionary specifying the optional content
* properties for the annotation. Before the annotation is drawn, its visibility shall be determined based on this
* entry as well as the annotation flags specified in the F entry. If it is determined to be invisible, the
* annotation shall not be drawn.
public static final PdfName OC = new PdfName("OC");
* A name
public static final PdfName OCG = new PdfName("OCG");
* A name
public static final PdfName OCGS = new PdfName("OCGs");
* A name
public static final PdfName OCMD = new PdfName("OCMD");
* A name
public static final PdfName OCPROPERTIES = new PdfName("OCProperties");
* (Optional) The checked value for the Checkbox form field. The recommended name for the on state is Yes, but this
* is not required.
public static final PdfName YES = new PdfName("Yes");
* An array of indirect references to streams, each containing a DER-encoded Online Certificate Status Protocol
* (OCSP) response (see RFC 6960). This array contains OCSPs that may be used in the validation of the signatures in
* the document.
public static final PdfName OCSPS = new PdfName("OCSPs");
* (Required if R is 6 (PDF 2.0)) A 32-byte string, based on the owner and userpassword, that shall be used in
* computing the file encryption key.
public static final PdfName OE = new PdfName("OE");
* A name
public static final PdfName Off = new PdfName("Off");
* A name
public static final PdfName OFF = new PdfName("OFF");
* A name
public static final PdfName ON = new PdfName("ON");
* A name
public static final PdfName ONECOLUMN = new PdfName("OneColumn");
* A name
public static final PdfName OPEN = new PdfName("Open");
* A name
public static final PdfName OPENACTION = new PdfName("OpenAction");
* A name
public static final PdfName OP = new PdfName("OP");
* A name
public static final PdfName op = new PdfName("op");
* A name
public static final PdfName OPM = new PdfName("OPM");
* (Optional; inheritable) An array containing one entry for each widget annotation in the Kids array of the radio
* button or check box field. Each entry shall be a text string representing the on state of the corresponding
* widget annotation. When this entry is present, the names used to represent the on state in the AP dictionary of
* each annotation may use numerical position (starting with 0) of the annotation in the Kids array, encoded as a
* name object (for example: /0, /1). This allows distinguishing between the annotations even if two or more of them
* have the same value in the Opt array.
public static final PdfName OPT = new PdfName("Opt");
* A name
public static final PdfName ORDER = new PdfName("Order");
* A name
public static final PdfName ORDERING = new PdfName("Ordering");
* Parts of the Build Data Dictionary. Indicates the operating system, such as Win10. Currently there is no specific
* string format defined for the value of this attribute.
public static final PdfName OS = new PdfName("OS");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName OSCILLATING = new PdfName("Oscillating");
* A name
public static final PdfName OUTLINES = new PdfName("Outlines");
* A name
public static final PdfName OUTPUTCONDITION = new PdfName("OutputCondition");
* A name
public static final PdfName OUTPUTCONDITIONIDENTIFIER = new PdfName("OutputConditionIdentifier");
* A name
public static final PdfName OUTPUTINTENT = new PdfName("OutputIntent");
* A name
public static final PdfName OUTPUTINTENTS = new PdfName("OutputIntents");
* (Optional) An indirect reference to the page object with which this annotation is associated. This entry shall be
* present in screen annotations associated with rendition actions. OR (Optional; PDF 2.0) The access permissions
* granted for this document. Valid values shall be 1,2,3
public static final PdfName P = new PdfName("P");
* A name
public static final PdfName PAGE = new PdfName("Page");
* A name
public static final PdfName PAGELABELS = new PdfName("PageLabels");
* A name
public static final PdfName PAGELAYOUT = new PdfName("PageLayout");
* A name
public static final PdfName PAGEMODE = new PdfName("PageMode");
* A name
public static final PdfName PAGES = new PdfName("Pages");
* A name
public static final PdfName PAINTTYPE = new PdfName("PaintType");
* A name
public static final PdfName PANOSE = new PdfName("Panose");
* A name
public static final PdfName PARAMS = new PdfName("Params");
* (Required if this field is the child of another in the field hierarchy; absent otherwise) The field that is the
* immediate parent of this one (the field, if any, whose Kids array includes this field). A field can have at most
* one parent; that is, it can be included in the Kids array of at most one other field.
public static final PdfName PARENT = new PdfName("Parent");
* A name
public static final PdfName PARENTTREE = new PdfName("ParentTree");
* A name used in defining Document Structure.
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName PARENTTREENEXTKEY = new PdfName("ParentTreeNextKey");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PART = new PdfName("Part");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PASSCONTEXTCLICK = new PdfName("PassContextClick");
* A name
public static final PdfName PATTERN = new PdfName("Pattern");
* A name
public static final PdfName PATTERNTYPE = new PdfName("PatternType");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PC = new PdfName("PC");
* A name
public static final PdfName PDF = new PdfName("PDF");
* A name
public static final PdfName PDFDOCENCODING = new PdfName("PDFDocEncoding");
* A name
public static final PdfName PERCEPTUAL = new PdfName("Perceptual");
* A name
public static final PdfName PERMS = new PdfName("Perms");
* A name
public static final PdfName PG = new PdfName("Pg");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PI = new PdfName("PI");
* A name
public static final PdfName PICKTRAYBYPDFSIZE = new PdfName("PickTrayByPDFSize");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PLAYCOUNT = new PdfName("PlayCount");
* (Required; barcode fields only; ExtensionLevel 3) The PaperMetaData generation parameters dictionary. The entries
* of this dictionary are instructions to the barcode encoding software on how to generate the barcode image. (Part
* of *dobe Supplement to the ISO 32000)
public static final PdfName PMD = new PdfName("PMD");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PO = new PdfName("PO");
* A name
public static final PdfName POPUP = new PdfName("Popup");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName POSITION = new PdfName("Position");
* A name
public static final PdfName PREDICTOR = new PdfName("Predictor");
* A name
public static final PdfName PREFERRED = new PdfName("Preferred");
* Parts of the Build Data Dictionary. A flag that can be used by the signature handler or software module to
* indicate that this signature was created with unreleased software.
public static final PdfName PRERELEASE = new PdfName("PreRelease");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PRESENTATION = new PdfName("Presentation");
* A name
public static final PdfName PRESERVERB = new PdfName("PreserveRB");
* A name
public static final PdfName PREV = new PdfName("Prev");
* A name
public static final PdfName PREVPAGE = new PdfName("PrevPage");
* A name
public static final PdfName PRINT = new PdfName("Print");
* A name
public static final PdfName PRINTAREA = new PdfName("PrintArea");
* A name
public static final PdfName PRINTCLIP = new PdfName("PrintClip");
* A name
public static final PdfName PRINTPAGERANGE = new PdfName("PrintPageRange");
* A name
public static final PdfName PRINTSCALING = new PdfName("PrintScaling");
* A name
public static final PdfName PRINTSTATE = new PdfName("PrintState");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PRIVATE = new PdfName("Private");
* A name
public static final PdfName PROCSET = new PdfName("ProcSet");
* A name
public static final PdfName PRODUCER = new PdfName("Producer");
* The build properties dictionary and all of its contents are required to be direct objects. The use of a build
* properties dictionary is optional but highly recommended. The build properties dictionary may contain a build
* data dictionary entry for each unique software module used to create the signature. The software modules involved
* in the signing process will vary depending on the viewing application. All signing implementations should include
* at least a Filter entry in the build properties dictionary.
public static final PdfName PROP_BUILD = new PdfName("Prop_Build");
* A name
public static final PdfName PROPERTIES = new PdfName("Properties");
* A name
public static final PdfName PS = new PdfName("PS");
* A name
public static final PdfName PUBSEC = new PdfName("Adobe.PubSec");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName PV = new PdfName("PV");
* (Optional; inheritable) A code specifying the form of quadding (justification) that shall be used in displaying
* the text:
* - 0 Left-justified (default)
* - 1 Centered
* - 2 Right-justified
public static final PdfName Q = new PdfName("Q");
* A name
public static final PdfName QUADPOINTS = new PdfName("QuadPoints");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName QUOTE = new PdfName("Quote");
* Part of the Build Data Dictionary. The software module revision number
public static final PdfName R = new PdfName("R");
* A name
public static final PdfName R2L = new PdfName("R2L");
* A name
public static final PdfName RANGE = new PdfName("Range");
* A name
public static final PdfName RC = new PdfName("RC");
* A name
public static final PdfName RBGROUPS = new PdfName("RBGroups");
* A name
public static final PdfName REASON = new PdfName("Reason");
* A name
public static final PdfName RECIPIENTS = new PdfName("Recipients");
* (Required) The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page in default user space
* units.
public static final PdfName RECT = new PdfName("Rect");
* A name
public static final PdfName REFERENCE = new PdfName("Reference");
* A name
public static final PdfName REGISTRY = new PdfName("Registry");
* A name
public static final PdfName REGISTRYNAME = new PdfName("RegistryName");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5 renamed from RELATIVECALORIMETRIC
public static final PdfName RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC = new PdfName("RelativeColorimetric");
* A name
public static final PdfName RENDITION = new PdfName("Rendition");
* A name
public static final PdfName RESETFORM = new PdfName("ResetForm");
* A name
public static final PdfName RESOURCES = new PdfName("Resources");
* A name
public static final PdfName RI = new PdfName("RI");
* Part of the Build Data Dictionary when used as the App dictionary. A text string indicating the version of the
* application implementation, as described by the Name attribute in this dictionary. When set by Adobe Acrobat,
* this entry is in the format: major.minor.micro (for example 7.0.7).
public static final PdfName REX = new PdfName("REx");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIA = new PdfName("RichMedia");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAACTIVATION = new PdfName("RichMediaActivation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAANIMATION = new PdfName("RichMediaAnimation");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIACOMMAND = new PdfName("RichMediaCommand");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIACONFIGURATION = new PdfName("RichMediaConfiguration");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIACONTENT = new PdfName("RichMediaContent");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIADEACTIVATION = new PdfName("RichMediaDeactivation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAEXECUTE = new PdfName("RichMediaExecute");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAINSTANCE = new PdfName("RichMediaInstance");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAPARAMS = new PdfName("RichMediaParams");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAPOSITION = new PdfName("RichMediaPosition");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAPRESENTATION = new PdfName("RichMediaPresentation");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIASETTINGS = new PdfName("RichMediaSettings");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RICHMEDIAWINDOW = new PdfName("RichMediaWindow");
* A name
public static final PdfName ROLEMAP = new PdfName("RoleMap");
* A name
public static final PdfName ROOT = new PdfName("Root");
* A name
public static final PdfName ROTATE = new PdfName("Rotate");
* A name
public static final PdfName ROWS = new PdfName("Rows");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName RUBY = new PdfName("Ruby");
* A name
public static final PdfName RUNLENGTHDECODE = new PdfName("RunLengthDecode");
* (Optional) A rich text string; described in the PDF Specification Annex M
public static final PdfName RV = new PdfName("RV");
* A name
public static final PdfName S = new PdfName("S");
* A name
public static final PdfName SATURATION = new PdfName("Saturation");
* A name
public static final PdfName SCHEMA = new PdfName("Schema");
* A name
public static final PdfName SCREEN = new PdfName("Screen");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName SCRIPTS = new PdfName("Scripts");
* A name
public static final PdfName SECT = new PdfName("Sect");
* A name
public static final PdfName SEPARATION = new PdfName("Separation");
* A name
public static final PdfName SETOCGSTATE = new PdfName("SetOCGState");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName SETTINGS = new PdfName("Settings");
* A name
public static final PdfName SHADING = new PdfName("Shading");
* A name
public static final PdfName SHADINGTYPE = new PdfName("ShadingType");
* A name
public static final PdfName SHIFT_JIS = new PdfName("Shift-JIS");
* A name
public static final PdfName SIG = new PdfName("Sig");
* The type name of a signature field lock dictionary
public static final PdfName SIGFIELDLOCK = new PdfName("SigFieldLock");
* A name
public static final PdfName SIGFLAGS = new PdfName("SigFlags");
* A name
public static final PdfName SIGREF = new PdfName("SigRef");
* A name
public static final PdfName SIMPLEX = new PdfName("Simplex");
* A name
public static final PdfName SINGLEPAGE = new PdfName("SinglePage");
* A name
public static final PdfName SIZE = new PdfName("Size");
* A name
public static final PdfName SMASK = new PdfName("SMask");
* A name
public static final PdfName SORT = new PdfName("Sort");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName SOUND = new PdfName("Sound");
* A name
public static final PdfName SPAN = new PdfName("Span");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName SPEED = new PdfName("Speed");
* A name
public static final PdfName SPLIT = new PdfName("Split");
* A name
public static final PdfName SQUARE = new PdfName("Square");
* A name
* @since 2.1.3
public static final PdfName SQUIGGLY = new PdfName("Squiggly");
* A name
public static final PdfName ST = new PdfName("St");
* A name
public static final PdfName STAMP = new PdfName("Stamp");
* A name
public static final PdfName STANDARD = new PdfName("Standard");
* (Optional; PDF 1.5) The state to which the original annotation should be set. Default: "Unmarked" if StateModel
* is "Marked"; "None" if StateModel is "Review". (Additional entries specific to a text annotation)
public static final PdfName STATE = new PdfName("State");
* (Required if State is present, otherwise optional; PDF 1.5) The state model corresponding to State; see
* "Annotation States" above. (Additional entries specific to a text annotation)
public static final PdfName STATEMODEL = new PdfName("StateModel");
* A name
public static final PdfName STDCF = new PdfName("StdCF");
* A name
public static final PdfName STEMV = new PdfName("StemV");
* A name
public static final PdfName STMF = new PdfName("StmF");
* A name
public static final PdfName STRF = new PdfName("StrF");
* A name
public static final PdfName STRIKEOUT = new PdfName("StrikeOut");
* (Required if the annotation is a structural content item) The integer key of the annotation's entry in the
* structural parent tree.
public static final PdfName STRUCTPARENT = new PdfName("StructParent");
* A name
public static final PdfName STRUCTPARENTS = new PdfName("StructParents");
* A name
public static final PdfName STRUCTTREEROOT = new PdfName("StructTreeRoot");
* A name
public static final PdfName STYLE = new PdfName("Style");
* A name
public static final PdfName SUBFILTER = new PdfName("SubFilter");
* (Optional; PDF 1.5) Text representing a short description of the subject being addressed by the annotation.
* (Additional entry specific to markup annotations)
public static final PdfName SUBJ = new PdfName("Subj");
* A name
public static final PdfName SUBJECT = new PdfName("Subject");
* A name
public static final PdfName SUBMITFORM = new PdfName("SubmitForm");
* (Required) The type of annotation that this dictionary describes.
public static final PdfName SUBTYPE = new PdfName("Subtype");
* A name
public static final PdfName SUPPLEMENT = new PdfName("Supplement");
* (Optional; shall be an indirect reference) A seed value dictionary containing information that constrains the
* properties of a signature that is applied to this field.
public static final PdfName SV = new PdfName("SV");
* A name
public static final PdfName SW = new PdfName("SW");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName SYMBOL = new PdfName("Symbol");
* (Required; ExtensionLevel 3) Specifies which barcode or glyph technology is to be used on this annotation.
* Supported values are PDF417, QRCode, and DataMatrix. (Entries in a PaperMetaData generation parameters
* dictionary)
public static final PdfName SYMBOLOGY = new PdfName("Symbology");
* (Required) The partial field name.
public static final PdfName T = new PdfName("T");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TA = new PdfName("TA");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TABLE = new PdfName("Table");
* A name
* @since 2.1.5
public static final PdfName TABS = new PdfName("Tabs");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TBODY = new PdfName("TBody");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TD = new PdfName("TD");
* A name
public static final PdfName TEXT = new PdfName("Text");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TFOOT = new PdfName("TFoot");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TH = new PdfName("TH");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName THEAD = new PdfName("THead");
* A name
public static final PdfName THUMB = new PdfName("Thumb");
* A name
public static final PdfName THREADS = new PdfName("Threads");
* (Optional) For scrollable list boxes, the top index (the index in the Opt array of the first option visible in
* the list). Default value: 0.
public static final PdfName TI = new PdfName("TI");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TIME = new PdfName("Time");
* A name
public static final PdfName TILINGTYPE = new PdfName("TilingType");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName TIMES_ROMAN = new PdfName("Times-Roman");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName TIMES_BOLD = new PdfName("Times-Bold");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName TIMES_ITALIC = new PdfName("Times-Italic");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName TIMES_BOLDITALIC = new PdfName("Times-BoldItalic");
* A name
public static final PdfName TITLE = new PdfName("Title");
* A name
public static final PdfName TK = new PdfName("TK");
* Optional) The mapping name that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document.
public static final PdfName TM = new PdfName("TM");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TOC = new PdfName("TOC");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TOCI = new PdfName("TOCI");
* A name
public static final PdfName TOGGLE = new PdfName("Toggle");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TOOLBAR = new PdfName("Toolbar");
* A name
public static final PdfName TOUNICODE = new PdfName("ToUnicode");
* A name
public static final PdfName TP = new PdfName("TP");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TABLEROW = new PdfName("TR");
* A name
public static final PdfName TRANS = new PdfName("Trans");
* A name
public static final PdfName TRANSFORMPARAMS = new PdfName("TransformParams");
* A name
public static final PdfName TRANSFORMMETHOD = new PdfName("TransformMethod");
* A name
public static final PdfName TRANSPARENCY = new PdfName("Transparency");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName TRANSPARENT = new PdfName("Transparent");
* A name
public static final PdfName TRAPPED = new PdfName("Trapped");
* A name
public static final PdfName TRIMBOX = new PdfName("TrimBox");
* A name
public static final PdfName TRUETYPE = new PdfName("TrueType");
* Parts of the Build Data Dictionary If the value is true, the application was in trusted mode when signing took
* place. The default value is false. A viewing application is in trusted mode when only reviewed code is executing,
* where reviewed code is code that does not affect the rendering of PDF files in ways that are not covered by the
* PDF Reference.
public static final PdfName TRUSTEDMODE = new PdfName("TrustedMode");
* (Optional) An alternative field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field
* shall be identified in the user interface (such as in error or status messages referring to the field). This text
* is also useful when extracting the document's contents in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or
* for other purposes.
public static final PdfName TU = new PdfName("TU");
* A name
public static final PdfName TWOCOLUMNLEFT = new PdfName("TwoColumnLeft");
* A name
public static final PdfName TWOCOLUMNRIGHT = new PdfName("TwoColumnRight");
* A name
public static final PdfName TWOPAGELEFT = new PdfName("TwoPageLeft");
* A name
public static final PdfName TWOPAGERIGHT = new PdfName("TwoPageRight");
* A name
public static final PdfName TX = new PdfName("Tx");
* There are lots of Type s in the PDF specification. The following dictionaries use Type:
* - Crypt filters
* - object stream dictionary
* - cross-reference stream dictionary
* - encrypted payload dictionary
* - catalog dictionary
* - page tree node
* - page object
* - file specification dictionary
* - embedded file stream dictionary
* - collection item dictionary
* - collection subitem dictionary
* - extensions dictionary
* - developer extensions dictionary
* - graphics state parameter dictionary
* - Type 1 pattern dictionary
* - DSS dictionary
* - Type 2 pattern dictionary
* - image dictionary
* - Type 1 form dictionary
* - group attributes dictionary
* - content group dictionary
* - content membership dictionary
* - Type 1 font dictionary
* - Type 3 font dictionary
* - encoding dictionary
* - outline dictionary
* - annotation dictionaries
* - field lock dictionary
* - ...
public static final PdfName TYPE = new PdfName("Type");
* A name
public static final PdfName TYPE0 = new PdfName("Type0");
* A name
public static final PdfName TYPE1 = new PdfName("Type1");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName TYPE3 = new PdfName("Type3");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName U = new PdfName("U");
* (Required if R=6 (PDF 2.0)) A 32-byte string, based on the user password, that shall be used in computing the
* file encryption key.
public static final PdfName UE = new PdfName("UE");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName UF = new PdfName("UF");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName UHC = new PdfName("UHC");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName UNDERLINE = new PdfName("Underline");
* A name
public static final PdfName UR = new PdfName("UR");
* A name
public static final PdfName UR3 = new PdfName("UR3");
* A name
public static final PdfName URI = new PdfName("URI");
* A name
public static final PdfName URL = new PdfName("URL");
* A name
public static final PdfName USAGE = new PdfName("Usage");
* A name
public static final PdfName USEATTACHMENTS = new PdfName("UseAttachments");
* A name
public static final PdfName USENONE = new PdfName("UseNone");
* A name
public static final PdfName USEOC = new PdfName("UseOC");
* A name
public static final PdfName USEOUTLINES = new PdfName("UseOutlines");
* A name
public static final PdfName USER = new PdfName("User");
* A name
public static final PdfName USERPROPERTIES = new PdfName("UserProperties");
* A name
public static final PdfName USERUNIT = new PdfName("UserUnit");
* A name
public static final PdfName USETHUMBS = new PdfName("UseThumbs");
* (Optional; inheritable) The field value, whose format varies depending on the field type. See the descriptions of
* individual field types for further information.
public static final PdfName V = new PdfName("V");
* (Deprecated) The application shall ask the security handler for the file encryption key and shall implicitly
* decrypt data with7.6.3.1, "Algorithm 1: Encryption of data using the RC4 or AESalgorithms", using the RC4
* algorithm.
public static final PdfName V2 = new PdfName("V2");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName VALIGN = new PdfName("VAlign");
* A name
public static final PdfName VERISIGN_PPKVS = new PdfName("VeriSign.PPKVS");
* A name
public static final PdfName VERSION = new PdfName("Version");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName VIDEO = new PdfName("Video");
* A name
public static final PdfName VIEW = new PdfName("View");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName VIEWS = new PdfName("Views");
* A name
public static final PdfName VIEWAREA = new PdfName("ViewArea");
* A name
public static final PdfName VIEWCLIP = new PdfName("ViewClip");
* A name
public static final PdfName VIEWERPREFERENCES = new PdfName("ViewerPreferences");
* A name
public static final PdfName VIEWSTATE = new PdfName("ViewState");
* A name
public static final PdfName VISIBLEPAGES = new PdfName("VisiblePages");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName VOFFSET = new PdfName("VOffset");
* This dictionary contains Signature VRI dictionaries (see PDF 2.0 ch.,"Validation-related information
* (VRI)"). The key of each entry in this dictionary is the base-16-encoded (uppercase) SHA1 digest of the signature
* to which it applies a and the value is the Signature VRI dictionary which contains the validation-related
* information for that signature.
public static final PdfName VRI = new PdfName("VRI");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName W = new PdfName("W");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName W2 = new PdfName("W2");
* A name
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName WARICHU = new PdfName("Warichu");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName WC = new PdfName("WC");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName WIDGET = new PdfName("Widget");
* A name of an attribute.
public static final PdfName WIDTH = new PdfName("Width");
* A name
public static final PdfName WIDTHS = new PdfName("Widths");
* A name of an encoding
public static final PdfName WIN = new PdfName("Win");
* A name of an encoding
public static final PdfName WIN_ANSI_ENCODING = new PdfName("WinAnsiEncoding");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName WINDOW = new PdfName("Window");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName WINDOWED = new PdfName("Windowed");
* A name of an encoding
public static final PdfName WIPE = new PdfName("Wipe");
* A name
public static final PdfName WHITEPOINT = new PdfName("WhitePoint");
* A name
public static final PdfName WP = new PdfName("WP");
* A name of an encoding
public static final PdfName WS = new PdfName("WS");
* A name
public static final PdfName X = new PdfName("X");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName XA = new PdfName("XA");
* A name.
* @since 2.1.6
public static final PdfName XD = new PdfName("XD");
* A name
public static final PdfName XFA = new PdfName("XFA");
* A name
public static final PdfName XML = new PdfName("XML");
* A name
public static final PdfName XOBJECT = new PdfName("XObject");
* A name
public static final PdfName XSTEP = new PdfName("XStep");
* A name
public static final PdfName XREF = new PdfName("XRef");
* A name
public static final PdfName XREFSTM = new PdfName("XRefStm");
* A name
public static final PdfName XYZ = new PdfName("XYZ");
* A name
public static final PdfName YSTEP = new PdfName("YStep");
* A name
public static final PdfName ZADB = new PdfName("ZaDb");
* A name of a base 14 type 1 font
public static final PdfName ZAPFDINGBATS = new PdfName("ZapfDingbats");
* A name
public static final PdfName ZOOM = new PdfName("Zoom");
* map strings to all known static names
* @since 2.1.6
public static Map staticNames;
* List of names used for widget annotations
private static final ArrayList widgetNames;
* List of names used in form field dictionaries
private static final ArrayList formfieldNames;
* Use reflection to cache all the static public final names so
* future PdfName
additions don't have to be "added twice".
* A bit less efficient (around 50ms spent here on a 2.2ghz machine),
* but Much Less error prone.
* @since 2.1.6
static {
Field[] fields = PdfName.class.getDeclaredFields();
staticNames = new HashMap<>(fields.length);
final int flags = Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.FINAL;
try {
for (Field curFld : fields) {
if ((curFld.getModifiers() & flags) == flags &&
curFld.getType().equals(PdfName.class)) {
PdfName name = (PdfName) curFld.get(null);
staticNames.put(decodeName(name.toString()), name);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The pdfname map could not be initialized!", e);
widgetNames = new ArrayList<>();
formfieldNames = new ArrayList<>();
private int hash = 0;
* Constructs a new PdfName
. The name length will be checked.
* @param name the new name
public PdfName(String name) {
this(name, true);
* Constructs a new PdfName
* @param name the new name
* @param lengthCheck if true
check the length validity, if false
the name can have any
* length
public PdfName(String name, boolean lengthCheck) {
// The minimum number of characters in a name is 0, the maximum is 127 (the '/' not included)
int length = name.length();
if (lengthCheck && length > 127) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", name,
bytes = encodeName(name);
* Constructs a PdfName.
* @param bytes the byte representation of the name
public PdfName(byte[] bytes) {
super(PdfObject.NAME, bytes);
private static void initLists() {
//All possible values for an annotation dictionary
//Additional entries specific to a widget annotation
//does exist in both and should have the identical meaning => so either or suffice
//When separating a merged dictionary the Parent stays in the field thus it is disabled here
//All possible values for an form field dictionary
//Additional entries common to all fields containing variable text
//Additional entry specific to check box and radio button fields
//Additional entry specific to a text field
//Additional entries specific to a choice field
//Additional entries specific to a signature field
//Additional entries common to all fields containing variable text
public static ArrayList getWidgetNames() {
return widgetNames;
public static ArrayList getFormfieldNames() {
return formfieldNames;
* Encodes a plain name given in the unescaped form "AB CD" into "/AB#20CD".
* @param name the name to encode
* @return the encoded name
* @since 2.1.5
public static byte[] encodeName(String name) {
int length = name.length();
ByteBuffer buf = new ByteBuffer(length + 20);
char c;
char[] chars = name.toCharArray();
for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) {
c = (char) (chars[k] & 0xff);
// Escape special characters
switch (c) {
case ' ':
case '%':
case '(':
case ')':
case '<':
case '>':
case '[':
case ']':
case '{':
case '}':
case '/':
case '#':
buf.append(Integer.toString(c, 16));
if (c >= 32 && c <= 126) {
} else {
if (c < 16) {
buf.append(Integer.toString(c, 16));
return buf.toByteArray();
* Decodes an escaped name given in the form "/AB#20CD" into "AB CD".
* @param name the name to decode
* @return the decoded name
public static String decodeName(String name) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
try {
int len = name.length();
for (int k = 1; k < len; ++k) {
char c = name.charAt(k);
if (c == '#') {
char c1 = name.charAt(k + 1);
char c2 = name.charAt(k + 2);
c = (char) ((PRTokeniser.getHex(c1) << 4) + PRTokeniser.getHex(c2));
k += 2;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// empty on purpose
return buf.toString();
* Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer
* as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
* @param name the Object to be compared.
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than
* the specified object.
* @throws ClassCastException if the specified object's type prevents it from being compared to this Object.
public int compareTo(PdfName name) {
byte[] myBytes = bytes;
byte[] objBytes = name.bytes;
int len = Math.min(myBytes.length, objBytes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (myBytes[i] > objBytes[i]) {
return 1;
if (myBytes[i] < objBytes[i]) {
return -1;
return, objBytes.length);
* Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
* @param obj the reference object with which to compare.
* @return true
if this object is the same as the obj
* argument; false
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof PdfName) {
return compareTo((PdfName) obj) == 0;
return false;
* Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is supported for the benefit of hashtables such as those
* provided by
* java.util.Hashtable
* @return a hash code value for this object.
public int hashCode() {
int h = hash;
if (h == 0) {
int ptr = 0;
int len = bytes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
h = 31 * h + (bytes[ptr++] & 0xff);
hash = h;
return h;