com.github.loyada.dollarx.Path.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.loyada.dollarx
import com.github.loyada.dollarx.util.XpathUtils
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
import com.github.loyada.dollarx.ElementPropertiesHelper.{hasHierarchy, transformXpathToCorrectAxis}
object Path {
val body = new Path(xpath = Some("body"), xpathExplanation = Some("document body"))
val div = new Path(xpath = Some("div"), xpathExplanation = Some("div"))
val listItem = new Path(xpath = Some("li"), xpathExplanation = Some("list item"))
val unorderedList = new Path(xpath = Some("ul"), xpathExplanation = Some("unordered-list"))
val orderedList = new Path(xpath = Some("ol"), xpathExplanation = Some("ordered-list"))
val span = new Path(xpath = Some("span"), xpathExplanation = Some("span"))
val anchor = new Path(xpath = Some("a"), xpathExplanation = Some("anchor"))
val image = new Path(xpath = Some("img"), xpathExplanation = Some("image"))
val html = new Path(xpath = Some("html"), xpathExplanation = Some("document"))
val button = new Path(xpath = Some("button"), xpathExplanation = Some("button"))
val input = new Path(xpath = Some("input"), xpathExplanation = Some("input"))
val form = new Path(xpath = Some("form"), xpathExplanation = Some("form"))
val iframe = new Path(xpath = Some("iframe"), xpathExplanation = Some("iframe"))
val title = new Path(xpath = Some("title"), xpathExplanation = Some("title"))
val header1 = new Path(xpath = Some("h1"), xpathExplanation = Some("header1"))
val header2 = new Path(xpath = Some("h2"), xpathExplanation = Some("header2"))
val header3 = new Path(xpath = Some("h3"), xpathExplanation = Some("header3"))
val header4 = new Path(xpath = Some("h4"), xpathExplanation = Some("header4"))
val header5 = new Path(xpath = Some("h5"), xpathExplanation = Some("header5"))
val header = header1 or header2 or header3 or header4 or header5
val element = new Path(xpath = Some("*"), xpathExplanation = Some("any element"))
val tr = new Path(xpath = Some("tr"), xpathExplanation = Some("table row"))
val td = new Path(xpath = Some("td"), xpathExplanation = Some("table cell"))
val th = new Path(xpath = Some("th"), xpathExplanation = Some("table header cell"))
val table = customElement("table")
val select = new Path(xpath = Some("select"), xpathExplanation = Some("selection menu"))
val option = customElement("option")
val paragraph = new Path(xpath = Some("p"), xpathExplanation = Some("paragraph"))
def customElement(el: String): Path = new Path(xpath = Some(el), xpathExplanation = Some(el))
def apply(path: String): Path = {
new Path(xpath = Some(path))
implicit def webElementToPath(we: WebElement): Path = {
new Path(Some(we))
object first {
* @param path
* @return The first occurrence of path in the document
def occurrenceOf(path: Path): Path = path(0)
object last {
* @param path
* @return The last occurrence of path in the document
def occurrenceOf(path: Path): Path = path(-1)
case class childNumber(n: Int) {
* @param path
* @return all the elements that are child number n of type path. This is different than path(n), which is global.
def ofType(path: Path): Path = {
val newXpath = path.getXPath.get + s"[${n}]"
val alternateXpath = path.getAlternateXPath.get + s"[${n}]"
new Path(path.underlyingSource, xpath = Some(newXpath), elementProps = List(),
xpathExplanation = Some(s"child number $n of type($path)"), alternateXpath = Some(alternateXpath))
class Path(val underlyingSource: Option[WebElement] = None, val xpath: Option[String] = None, val insideXpath: Option[String] = None,
val elementProps: List[ElementProperty] = Nil, val xpathExplanation: Option[String] = None, val describedBy: Option[String] = None,
val alternateXpath: Option[String] = None) {
def getXPath: Option[String] = {
if (xpath.isEmpty && elementProps.isEmpty && insideXpath.isEmpty) {
} else {
val processedXpath = (if (insideXpath.isDefined) (insideXpath.get + "//") else "") + xpath.getOrElse("*")
val props = => s"[${e.toXpath}]").mkString("")
Some(processedXpath + props)
def getAlternateXPath: Option[String] = {
if (xpath.isEmpty && elementProps.isEmpty && insideXpath.isEmpty) {
} else {
val props = => s"[${e.toXpath}]").mkString("")
Some(alternateXpath.getOrElse(xpath.getOrElse("*")) + props)
private def getXPathWithoutInsideClause: Option[String] = {
if (xpath.isEmpty && elementProps.isEmpty) {
else {
val props: String = => s"[${e.toXpath}]").mkString("")
Some(xpath.getOrElse("*") + props)
def getUnderlyingSource(): Option[WebElement] = underlyingSource
def getElementProperties = elementProps
* @param n
* @return always a single element, since this is simply nth element of type path in the document.
def apply(n: Int) = {
val prefix = if (n == 0) "the first occurrence of " else {
if (n == -1) "the last occurence of " else s"occurrence number ${n + 1} of "
val pathString = this.toString()
val wrapped = if (pathString.contains(" ")) s"($pathString)" else pathString
val index: String = if (n== -1) "last()" else s"${n+1}"
new Path(underlyingSource, Some(s"(//${getXPath.get})[$index]"), xpathExplanation = Some(prefix + wrapped),
alternateXpath = Some(s"(//${getAlternateXPath.get})[$index]"))
def that(props: ElementProperty*): Path = {
if (describedBy.isDefined) {
new Path(underlyingSource, xpath = getXPathWithoutInsideClause, elementProps = List(props: _*), xpathExplanation = describedBy, insideXpath = insideXpath,
alternateXpath = alternateXpath)
} else {
new Path(underlyingSource, xpath = xpath, elementProps = elementProps ++ props, xpathExplanation = xpathExplanation, insideXpath = insideXpath, alternateXpath = alternateXpath)
def and(props: ElementProperty*): Path = that(props: _*)
def unary_!(): Path = new Path(underlyingSource,
xpathExplanation = Some(s"anything except (${toString()})"),
alternateXpath = Some(XpathUtils.DoesNotExistInEntirePage(getAlternateXPath.getOrElse(""))) )
def or(path: Path) = {
new Path(underlyingSource, Some(s"*[(self::${transformXpathToCorrectAxis(this).get}) | (self::${transformXpathToCorrectAxis(path).get})]"),
alternateXpath = Some(s"*[(self::${getAlternateXPath.get}) | (self::${path.getAlternateXPath.get})]"),
xpathExplanation = Some(s"${wrapIfNeeded(this)} or ${wrapIfNeeded(path)}"))
def withClass(cssClass: String): Path = {
def withClasses(cssClasses: String*): Path = {
createNewWithAdditionalProperty(ElementProperties.hasClasses(cssClasses: _*))
def withTextContaining(txt: String): Path = {
private def createNewWithAdditionalProperty(prop: ElementProperty) = {
if (describedBy.isEmpty) {
new Path(underlyingSource, xpath, elementProps = elementProps :+ prop, insideXpath = insideXpath,
xpathExplanation = xpathExplanation, alternateXpath = alternateXpath)
} else {
new Path(underlyingSource, getXPath, insideXpath = insideXpath, elementProps = List(prop), xpathExplanation = describedBy, describedBy = describedBy,
alternateXpath = alternateXpath)
def withText(txt: String): Path = {
def withId(id: String): Path = {
def inside(path: Path): Path = {
val newXPath = getXPathWithoutInsideClause.getOrElse("")
val (correctedXpathForIndex, correctInsidePath) = if (newXPath startsWith ("(")) {
((newXPath + s"[${}]"), None)
} else (newXPath, Some(path.getXPath.get + (if (insideXpath.isDefined) ("//" + insideXpath.get) else "")))
new Path(path.getUnderlyingSource(),
xpath = Some(correctedXpathForIndex),
insideXpath = correctInsidePath,
alternateXpath = this.that(,
xpathExplanation = Some(toString + s", inside ${wrapIfNeeded(path)}"))
def insideTopLevel: Path = {
if (getXPath.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have a non-empty xpath")
new Path(
xpath = Some(XpathUtils.insideTopLevel(getXPath.get)),
describedBy = Some(toString()),
alternateXpath = Some(XpathUtils.insideTopLevel(getAlternateXPath.get)))
private def wrapIfNeeded(path: Path): String = {
if ((path.toString.trim.contains(" "))) "(" + path + ")" else path.toString
def childOf(path: Path) = {
createWithSimpleRelation(path, "child")
def parentOf(path: Path) = {
createWithSimpleRelation(path, "parent")
def containing(path: Path) = ancestorOf(path)
def containedIn(path: Path) = descendantOf(path)
def ancestorOf(path: Path) = {
createWithSimpleRelation(path, "ancestor")
def descendantOf(path: Path) = {
createWithSimpleRelation(path, "descendant")
def afterSibling(path: Path) = {
createWithHumanReadableRelation(path, "following-sibling", "after the sibling")
def after(path: Path) = {
createWithHumanReadableRelation(path, "following", "after")
def beforeSibling(path: Path) = {
createWithHumanReadableRelation(path, "preceding-sibling", "before the sibling")
def before(path: Path): Path = {
createWithHumanReadableRelation(path, "preceding", "before")
private def verifyRelationBetweenElements(path: Path) {
if (path.getUnderlyingSource().isDefined || !getXPath.isDefined || !path.getXPath.isDefined) throw new IllegalArgumentException()
def describedBy(txt: String) = {
val descriptionAsOption = Some(txt)
new Path(underlyingSource, xpath = xpath, elementProps = elementProps, insideXpath = insideXpath,
xpathExplanation = xpathExplanation,
alternateXpath = alternateXpath,
describedBy = descriptionAsOption)
def toXpath() = "xpath: " + getXPath.getOrElse("")
private def createWithSimpleRelation(path: Path, relation: String): Path = {
val myXpath: String = getXPath.get
val isInside: Boolean = insideXpath.isDefined
val processedXpath: String = if (isInside) s"*[ancestor::${insideXpath.get} and self::${xpath.getOrElse("*")}]" else myXpath
val newAlternateXpath = getAlternateXPath.get + s"[${ElementPropertiesHelper.oppositeRelation(relation)}::${path.getAlternateXPath.get}]"
val useAlternateXpath = hasHierarchy(processedXpath)
val newXpath = if (useAlternateXpath) newAlternateXpath else path.getXPath.get + "/" + relation + "::" + processedXpath
new Path(underlyingSource = underlyingSource,
xpath = Some(newXpath),
alternateXpath = Some(newAlternateXpath),
xpathExplanation = Some(toString + ", " + relation + " of " + path.toString))
private def createWithHumanReadableRelation(path: Path, xpathRelation: String, humanReadableRelation: String): Path = {
val myXpath: String = getXPath.get
val isInside: Boolean = insideXpath.isDefined
val processedXpath: String = if (isInside) s"${getXPathWithoutInsideClause.get}[ancestor::${insideXpath.get}]" else myXpath
val newAlternateXpath = getAlternateXPath.get + s"[${ElementPropertiesHelper.oppositeRelation(xpathRelation)}::${path.getAlternateXPath.get}]"
val useAlternateXpath = hasHierarchy(processedXpath)
val newXpath = if (useAlternateXpath) newAlternateXpath else (path.getXPath.get + "/" + xpathRelation + "::" + processedXpath)
new Path(underlyingSource = underlyingSource,
xpath = Some(newXpath),
alternateXpath = Some(newAlternateXpath),
xpathExplanation = Some(toString + ", " + humanReadableRelation + " " + wrapIfNeeded(path)))
override def toString() = {
def getXpathExplanationForToString: Option[String] = {
if (xpath.isDefined) {
if (xpathExplanation.isDefined) xpathExplanation else Some("xpath: \"" + xpath.get + "\"")
else None
def getPropertiesToStringForLength1: Option[String] = {
val firstProp = elementProps.head.toString
val thatMaybe: String = if ((firstProp.startsWith("has ") || firstProp.startsWith("is ") || firstProp.startsWith("not "))) "that " else ""
Some(thatMaybe + elementProps.head)
def getPropertiesToStringForLengthLargerThan2: Option[String] = {
val propsAsList: String = => e.toString).mkString(", ")
if (xpathExplanation.isDefined && xpathExplanation.get.contains("with properties") || elementProps.size == 1) {
Some("and " + propsAsList)
else {
Some("that [" + propsAsList + "]")
if (describedBy.isDefined && describedBy != xpathExplanation) {
} else {
val underlyingOption = if (underlyingSource.isDefined) Some(s"under reference element ${underlyingSource.get}") else None
val xpathOption = getXpathExplanationForToString
val propsOption: Option[String] = {
if (elementProps.size == 1 && (!xpathOption.getOrElse("").contains(", ") || xpathOption == describedBy)) {
} else if (elementProps.size == 2 && !xpathOption.getOrElse("").contains(" ")) {
Some(s"that ${elementProps.head}, and ${elementProps.last}")
} else if (elementProps.size > 1 || xpathOption.getOrElse("").contains(" ") && elementProps.nonEmpty) {
} else None
if (xpathExplanation.isDefined && underlyingOption.isEmpty && propsOption.isEmpty) {
} else {
List(underlyingOption, xpathOption, propsOption).flatten.mkString(", ")
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