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;;  Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
;;  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
;;  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
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  (:require clojure.core.match
            (lux [base :as & :refer [defvariant |do return fail |let |case]]
                 [parser :as &parser]
                 [type :as &type])
            (lux.analyser [base :as &&]
                          [env :as &env]
                          [module :as &module]
                          [record :as &&record])))

;; [Tags]
  ("DefaultTotal" 1)
  ("BoolTotal" 2)
  ("IntTotal" 2)
  ("RealTotal" 2)
  ("CharTotal" 2)
  ("TextTotal" 2)
  ("TupleTotal" 2)
  ("VariantTotal" 2))

  ("NoTestAC" 0)
  ("StoreTestAC" 1)
  ("BoolTestAC" 1)
  ("IntTestAC" 1)
  ("RealTestAC" 1)
  ("CharTestAC" 1)
  ("TextTestAC" 1)
  ("TupleTestAC" 1)
  ("VariantTestAC" 1))

;; [Utils]
(def ^:private unit-tuple
  (&/T [(&/T ["" -1 -1]) (&/$TupleS &/$Nil)]))

(defn ^:private resolve-type [type]
  (|case type
    (&/$VarT ?id)
    (|do [type* (&/try-all% (&/|list (&type/deref ?id)
                                     (fail "##1##")))]
      (resolve-type type*))

    (&/$UnivQ _)
    (|do [$var &type/existential
          =type (&type/apply-type type $var)]
      (&type/actual-type =type))

    (&/$ExQ _ _)
    (|do [$var &type/existential
          =type (&type/apply-type type $var)]
      (&type/actual-type =type))

    (&type/actual-type type)))

(defn update-up-frame [frame]
  (|let [[_env _idx _var] frame]
    (&/T [_env (+ 2 _idx) _var])))

(defn clean! [level ?tid bound-idx type]
  (|case type
    (&/$VarT ?id)
    (if (= ?tid ?id)
      (&/$BoundT (+ (* 2 level) bound-idx))

    (&/$HostT ?name ?params)
    (&/$HostT ?name (&/|map (partial clean! level ?tid bound-idx)
    (&/$LambdaT ?arg ?return)
    (&/$LambdaT (clean! level ?tid bound-idx ?arg)
                (clean! level ?tid bound-idx ?return))

    (&/$AppT ?lambda ?param)
    (&/$AppT (clean! level ?tid bound-idx ?lambda)
             (clean! level ?tid bound-idx ?param))

    (&/$ProdT ?left ?right)
    (&/$ProdT (clean! level ?tid bound-idx ?left)
              (clean! level ?tid bound-idx ?right))
    (&/$SumT ?left ?right)
    (&/$SumT (clean! level ?tid bound-idx ?left)
             (clean! level ?tid bound-idx ?right))

    (&/$UnivQ ?env ?body)
    (&/$UnivQ (&/|map (partial clean! level ?tid bound-idx) ?env)
              (clean! (inc level) ?tid bound-idx ?body))

    (&/$ExQ ?env ?body)
    (&/$ExQ (&/|map (partial clean! level ?tid bound-idx) ?env)
            (clean! (inc level) ?tid bound-idx ?body))


(defn beta-reduce! [level env type]
  (|case type
    (&/$HostT ?name ?params)
    (&/$HostT ?name (&/|map (partial beta-reduce! level env) ?params))

    (&/$SumT ?left ?right)
    (&/$SumT (beta-reduce! level env ?left)
             (beta-reduce! level env ?right))

    (&/$ProdT ?left ?right)
    (&/$ProdT (beta-reduce! level env ?left)
              (beta-reduce! level env ?right))

    (&/$AppT ?type-fn ?type-arg)
    (&/$AppT (beta-reduce! level env ?type-fn)
             (beta-reduce! level env ?type-arg))
    (&/$UnivQ ?local-env ?local-def)
    (&/$UnivQ ?local-env (beta-reduce! (inc level) env ?local-def))

    (&/$ExQ ?local-env ?local-def)
    (&/$ExQ ?local-env (beta-reduce! (inc level) env ?local-def))

    (&/$LambdaT ?input ?output)
    (&/$LambdaT (beta-reduce! level env ?input)
                (beta-reduce! level env ?output))

    (&/$BoundT ?idx)
    (|case (&/|at (- ?idx (* 2 level)) env)
      (&/$Some bound)
      (beta-reduce! level env bound)



(defn apply-type! [type-fn param]
  (|case type-fn
    (&/$UnivQ local-env local-def)
    (return (beta-reduce! 0 (->> local-env
                                 (&/$Cons param)
                                 (&/$Cons type-fn))

    (&/$ExQ local-env local-def)
    (return (beta-reduce! 0 (->> local-env
                                 (&/$Cons param)
                                 (&/$Cons type-fn))

    (&/$AppT F A)
    (|do [type-fn* (apply-type! F A)]
      (apply-type! type-fn* param))

    (&/$NamedT ?name ?type)
    (apply-type! ?type param)

    (&/$ExT id)
    (return (&/$AppT type-fn param))

    (&/$VarT id)
    (|do [=type-fun (deref id)]
      (apply-type! =type-fun param))
    (fail (str "[Type System] Not a type function:\n" (&type/show-type type-fn) "\n"))))

(defn adjust-type* [up type]
  "(-> (List (, (Maybe (List Type)) Int Type)) Type (Lux Type))"
  (|case type
    (&/$UnivQ _aenv _abody)
      (fn [$var]
        (|do [=type (apply-type! type $var)
              ==type (adjust-type* (&/$Cons (&/T [_aenv 1 $var]) (&/|map update-up-frame up)) =type)]
          (&type/clean $var ==type))))

    (&/$ExQ _aenv _abody)
    (|do [$var &type/existential
          =type (apply-type! type $var)]
      (adjust-type* up =type))

    (&/$ProdT ?left ?right)
    (|do [:let [=type (&/fold (fn [_abody ena]
                                (|let [[_aenv _aidx (&/$VarT _avar)] ena]
                                  (clean! 0 _avar _aidx _abody)))
          :let [distributor (fn [v]
                              (&/fold (fn [_abody ena]
                                        (|let [[_aenv _aidx _avar] ena]
                                          (&/$UnivQ _aenv _abody)))
                adjusted-type (&type/Tuple$ (&/|map distributor (&type/flatten-prod =type)))]]
      (return adjusted-type))

    (&/$SumT ?left ?right)
    (|do [:let [=type (&/fold (fn [_abody ena]
                                (|let [[_aenv _aidx (&/$VarT _avar)] ena]
                                  (clean! 0 _avar _aidx _abody)))
          :let [distributor (fn [v]
                              (&/fold (fn [_abody ena]
                                        (|let [[_aenv _aidx _avar] ena]
                                          (&/$UnivQ _aenv _abody)))
                adjusted-type (&type/Variant$ (&/|map distributor (&type/flatten-sum =type)))]]
      (return adjusted-type))

    (&/$AppT ?tfun ?targ)
    (|do [=type (apply-type! ?tfun ?targ)]
      (adjust-type* up =type))

    (&/$VarT ?id)
    (|do [type* (&/try-all% (&/|list (&type/deref ?id)
                                     (fail (str "##2##: " ?id))))]
      (adjust-type* up type*))

    (&/$NamedT ?name ?type)
    (adjust-type* up ?type)

    (return type)

    (fail (str "[Pattern-matching Error] Can't adjust type: " (&type/show-type type)))

(defn adjust-type [type]
  "(-> Type (Lux Type))"
  (adjust-type* &/$Nil type))

(defn ^:private analyse-pattern [var?? value-type pattern kont]
  (|let [[meta pattern*] pattern]
    (|case pattern*
      (&/$SymbolS "" name)
      (|case var??
        (&/$Some var-analysis)
        (|do [=kont (&env/with-alias name var-analysis
          (return (&/T [$NoTestAC =kont])))

        (|do [=kont (&env/with-local name value-type
              idx &env/next-local-idx]
          (return (&/T [($StoreTestAC idx) =kont]))))
      (&/$SymbolS ident)
      (fail (str "[Pattern-matching Error] Symbols must be unqualified: " (&/ident->text ident)))

      (&/$BoolS ?value)
      (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Bool)
            =kont kont]
        (return (&/T [($BoolTestAC ?value) =kont])))

      (&/$IntS ?value)
      (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Int)
            =kont kont]
        (return (&/T [($IntTestAC ?value) =kont])))

      (&/$RealS ?value)
      (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Real)
            =kont kont]
        (return (&/T [($RealTestAC ?value) =kont])))

      (&/$CharS ?value)
      (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Char)
            =kont kont]
        (return (&/T [($CharTestAC ?value) =kont])))

      (&/$TextS ?value)
      (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Text)
            =kont kont]
        (return (&/T [($TextTestAC ?value) =kont])))

      (&/$TupleS ?members)
      (|case ?members
        (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &/$UnitT)
              =kont kont]
          (return (&/T [($TupleTestAC (&/|list)) =kont])))

        (&/$Cons ?member (&/$Nil))
        (analyse-pattern var?? value-type ?member kont)

        (|do [must-infer? (&type/unknown? value-type)
              value-type* (if must-infer?
                            (|do [member-types (&/map% (fn [_] &type/create-var+) (&/|range (&/|length ?members)))]
                              (return (&type/fold-prod member-types)))
                            (adjust-type value-type))]
          (|case value-type*
            (&/$ProdT _)
            (|let [num-elems (&/|length ?members)
                   [_shorter _tuple-types] (&type/tuple-types-for (&/|length ?members) value-type*)]
              (if (= num-elems _shorter)
                (|do [[=tests =kont] (&/fold (fn [kont* vm]
                                               (|let [[v m] vm]
                                                 (|do [[=test [=tests =kont]] (analyse-pattern &/$None v m kont*)]
                                                   (return (&/T [(&/$Cons =test =tests) =kont])))))
                                             (|do [=kont kont]
                                               (return (&/T [&/$Nil =kont])))
                                             (&/|reverse (&/zip2 _tuple-types ?members)))]
                  (return (&/T [($TupleTestAC =tests) =kont])))
                (fail (str "[Pattern-matching Error] Pattern-matching mismatch. Require tuple[" (&/|length (&type/flatten-prod value-type*)) "]. Given tuple [" (&/|length ?members) "]"
                           " -- " (&/show-ast pattern)
                           " " (&type/show-type value-type*) " " (&type/show-type value-type)))))

            (fail (str "[Pattern-matching Error] Tuples require tuple-types: " (&type/show-type value-type))))))

      (&/$RecordS pairs)
      (|do [[rec-members rec-type] (&&record/order-record pairs)
            must-infer? (&type/unknown? value-type)
            rec-type* (if must-infer?
                        (&type/instantiate-inference rec-type)
                        (return value-type))
            _ (&type/check value-type rec-type*)]
        (analyse-pattern &/$None rec-type* (&/T [meta (&/$TupleS rec-members)]) kont))

      (&/$TagS ?ident)
      (|do [[=module =name] (&&/resolved-ident ?ident)
            must-infer? (&type/unknown? value-type)
            variant-type (if must-infer?
                           (|do [variant-type (&module/tag-type =module =name)
                                 variant-type* (&type/instantiate-inference variant-type)
                                 _ (&type/check value-type variant-type*)]
                             (return variant-type*))
                           (return value-type))
            value-type* (adjust-type variant-type)
            idx (&module/tag-index =module =name)
            group (&module/tag-group =module =name)
            case-type (&type/sum-at idx value-type*)
            [=test =kont] (analyse-pattern &/$None case-type unit-tuple kont)]
        (return (&/T [($VariantTestAC (&/T [idx (&/|length group) =test])) =kont])))

      (&/$FormS (&/$Cons [_ (&/$IntS idx)] ?values))
      (|do [value-type* (adjust-type value-type)
            case-type (&type/sum-at idx value-type*)
            [=test =kont] (case (int (&/|length ?values))
                            0 (analyse-pattern &/$None case-type unit-tuple kont)
                            1 (analyse-pattern &/$None case-type (&/|head ?values) kont)
                            ;; 1+
                            (analyse-pattern &/$None case-type (&/T [(&/T ["" -1 -1]) (&/$TupleS ?values)]) kont))]
        (return (&/T [($VariantTestAC (&/T [idx (&/|length (&type/flatten-sum value-type*)) =test])) =kont])))

      (&/$FormS (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TagS ?ident)] ?values))
      (|do [[=module =name] (&&/resolved-ident ?ident)
            must-infer? (&type/unknown? value-type)
            variant-type (if must-infer?
                           (|do [variant-type (&module/tag-type =module =name)
                                 variant-type* (&type/instantiate-inference variant-type)
                                 _ (&type/check value-type variant-type*)]
                             (return variant-type*))
                           (return value-type))
            value-type* (adjust-type variant-type)
            idx (&module/tag-index =module =name)
            group (&module/tag-group =module =name)
            case-type (&type/sum-at idx value-type*)
            [=test =kont] (case (int (&/|length ?values))
                            0 (analyse-pattern &/$None case-type unit-tuple kont)
                            1 (analyse-pattern &/$None case-type (&/|head ?values) kont)
                            ;; 1+
                            (analyse-pattern &/$None case-type (&/T [(&/T ["" -1 -1]) (&/$TupleS ?values)]) kont))]
        (return (&/T [($VariantTestAC (&/T [idx (&/|length group) =test])) =kont])))

      (fail (str "[Pattern-matching Error] Unrecognized pattern syntax: " (&/show-ast pattern)))

(defn ^:private analyse-branch [analyse exo-type var?? value-type pattern body patterns]
  (|do [pattern+body (analyse-pattern var?? value-type pattern
                                      (&&/analyse-1 analyse exo-type body))]
    (return (&/$Cons pattern+body patterns))))

(defn ^:private merge-total [struct test+body]
  (|let [[test ?body] test+body]
    (|case [struct test]
      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($NoTestAC)]
      (return ($DefaultTotal true))

      [($BoolTotal total? ?values) ($NoTestAC)]
      (return ($BoolTotal true ?values))

      [($IntTotal total? ?values) ($NoTestAC)]
      (return ($IntTotal true ?values))

      [($RealTotal total? ?values) ($NoTestAC)]
      (return ($RealTotal true ?values))

      [($CharTotal total? ?values) ($NoTestAC)]
      (return ($CharTotal true ?values))

      [($TextTotal total? ?values) ($NoTestAC)]
      (return ($TextTotal true ?values))

      [($TupleTotal total? ?values) ($NoTestAC)]
      (return ($TupleTotal true ?values))

      [($VariantTotal total? ?values) ($NoTestAC)]
      (return ($VariantTotal true ?values))

      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($StoreTestAC ?idx)]
      (return ($DefaultTotal true))

      [($BoolTotal total? ?values) ($StoreTestAC ?idx)]
      (return ($BoolTotal true ?values))

      [($IntTotal total? ?values) ($StoreTestAC ?idx)]
      (return ($IntTotal true ?values))

      [($RealTotal total? ?values) ($StoreTestAC ?idx)]
      (return ($RealTotal true ?values))

      [($CharTotal total? ?values) ($StoreTestAC ?idx)]
      (return ($CharTotal true ?values))

      [($TextTotal total? ?values) ($StoreTestAC ?idx)]
      (return ($TextTotal true ?values))

      [($TupleTotal total? ?values) ($StoreTestAC ?idx)]
      (return ($TupleTotal true ?values))

      [($VariantTotal total? ?values) ($StoreTestAC ?idx)]
      (return ($VariantTotal true ?values))

      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($BoolTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($BoolTotal total? (&/|list ?value)))

      [($BoolTotal total? ?values) ($BoolTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($BoolTotal total? (&/$Cons ?value ?values)))

      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($IntTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($IntTotal total? (&/|list ?value)))

      [($IntTotal total? ?values) ($IntTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($IntTotal total? (&/$Cons ?value ?values)))

      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($RealTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($RealTotal total? (&/|list ?value)))

      [($RealTotal total? ?values) ($RealTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($RealTotal total? (&/$Cons ?value ?values)))

      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($CharTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($CharTotal total? (&/|list ?value)))

      [($CharTotal total? ?values) ($CharTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($CharTotal total? (&/$Cons ?value ?values)))

      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($TextTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($TextTotal total? (&/|list ?value)))

      [($TextTotal total? ?values) ($TextTestAC ?value)]
      (return ($TextTotal total? (&/$Cons ?value ?values)))

      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($TupleTestAC ?tests)]
      (|do [structs (&/map% (fn [t]
                              (merge-total ($DefaultTotal total?) (&/T [t ?body])))
        (return ($TupleTotal total? structs)))

      [($TupleTotal total? ?values) ($TupleTestAC ?tests)]
      (if (.equals ^Object (&/|length ?values) (&/|length ?tests))
        (|do [structs (&/map2% (fn [v t]
                                 (merge-total v (&/T [t ?body])))
                               ?values ?tests)]
          (return ($TupleTotal total? structs)))
        (fail "[Pattern-matching Error] Inconsistent tuple-size."))

      [($DefaultTotal total?) ($VariantTestAC ?tag ?count ?test)]
      (|do [sub-struct (merge-total ($DefaultTotal total?)
                                    (&/T [?test ?body]))
            structs (|case (&/|list-put ?tag sub-struct (&/|repeat ?count ($DefaultTotal total?)))
                      (&/$Some list)
                      (return list)

                      (fail "[Pattern-matching Error] YOLO"))]
        (return ($VariantTotal total? structs)))

      [($VariantTotal total? ?branches) ($VariantTestAC ?tag ?count ?test)]
      (|do [sub-struct (merge-total (|case (&/|at ?tag ?branches)
                                      (&/$Some sub)
                                      ($DefaultTotal total?))
                                    (&/T [?test ?body]))
            structs (|case (&/|list-put ?tag sub-struct ?branches)
                      (&/$Some list)
                      (return list)

                      (fail "[Pattern-matching Error] YOLO"))]
        (return ($VariantTotal total? structs)))

(defn check-totality+ [check-totality]
  (fn [?token]
      (fn [$var]
        (|do [=output (check-totality $var ?token)
              ?type (&type/deref+ $var)
              =type (&type/clean $var ?type)]
          (return (&/T [=output =type])))))))

(defn ^:private check-totality [value-type struct]
  (|case struct
    ($DefaultTotal ?total)
    (return ?total)

    ($BoolTotal ?total ?values)
    (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Bool)]
      (return (or ?total
                  (= #{true false} (set (&/->seq ?values))))))

    ($IntTotal ?total _)
    (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Int)]
      (return ?total))

    ($RealTotal ?total _)
    (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Real)]
      (return ?total))

    ($CharTotal ?total _)
    (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Char)]
      (return ?total))

    ($TextTotal ?total _)
    (|do [_ (&type/check value-type &type/Text)]
      (return ?total))

    ($TupleTotal ?total ?structs)
    (|case ?structs
      (|do [value-type* (resolve-type value-type)]
        (|case value-type*
          (return true)

          (fail "[Pattern-maching Error] Unit is not total.")))
      (|do [unknown? (&type/unknown? value-type)]
        (if unknown?
          (|do [=structs (&/map% (check-totality+ check-totality) ?structs)
                _ (&type/check value-type (|case (->> (&/|map &/|second =structs) (&/|reverse))
                                            (&/$Cons last prevs)
                                            (&/fold (fn [right left] (&/$ProdT left right))
                                                    last prevs)))]
            (return (or ?total
                        (&/fold #(and %1 %2) true (&/|map &/|first =structs)))))
          (if ?total
            (return true)
            (|do [value-type* (resolve-type value-type)]
              (|case value-type*
                (&/$ProdT _)
                (|let [num-elems (&/|length ?structs)
                       [_shorter _tuple-types] (&type/tuple-types-for (&/|length ?structs) value-type*)]
                  (if (= num-elems _shorter)
                    (|do [totals (&/map2% check-totality _tuple-types ?structs)]
                      (return (&/fold #(and %1 %2) true totals)))
                    (fail (str "[Pattern-maching Error] Tuple-mismatch. Require tuple[" (&/|length (&type/flatten-prod value-type*)) "]. Given tuple [" (&/|length ?structs) "]"))))
                (fail (str "[Pattern-maching Error] Tuple is not total." " - " (&type/show-type value-type*)))))))))

    ($VariantTotal ?total ?structs)
    (if ?total
      (return true)
      (|do [value-type* (resolve-type value-type)]
        (|case value-type*
          (&/$SumT _)
          (|do [totals (&/map2% check-totality
                                (&type/flatten-sum value-type*)
            (return (&/fold #(and %1 %2) true totals)))

          (fail "[Pattern-maching Error] Variant is not total."))))

;; [Exports]
(defn analyse-branches [analyse exo-type var?? value-type branches]
  (|do [patterns (&/fold% (fn [patterns branch]
                            (|let [[pattern body] branch]
                              (analyse-branch analyse exo-type var?? value-type pattern body patterns)))
        struct (&/fold% merge-total ($DefaultTotal false) patterns)
        ? (check-totality value-type struct)]
    (if ?
      (return patterns)
      (fail "[Pattern-maching Error] Pattern-matching is non-total."))))

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