lux.compiler.clj Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The JVM compiler for the Lux programming language.
;; Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
;; If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
;; You can obtain one at
(ns lux.compiler
(:refer-clojure :exclude [compile])
(:require (clojure [string :as string]
[set :as set]
[template :refer [do-template]])
(lux [base :as & :refer [|let |do return* return fail fail* |case]]
[type :as &type]
[reader :as &reader]
[lexer :as &lexer]
[parser :as &parser]
[analyser :as &analyser]
[optimizer :as &optimizer]
[host :as &host])
[ :as &host-generics]
[lux.optimizer :as &o]
[lux.analyser.base :as &a]
[lux.analyser.module :as &a-module]
(lux.compiler [base :as &&]
[cache :as &&cache]
[lux :as &&lux]
[host :as &&host]
[case :as &&case]
[lambda :as &&lambda]
[module :as &&module]
[io :as &&io])
[lux.packager.program :as &packager-program])
(:import (org.objectweb.asm Opcodes
;; [Resources]
(def ^:private !source->last-line (atom nil))
(defn compile-expression [$begin syntax]
(|let [[[?type [_file-name _line _]] ?form] syntax]
(|do [^MethodVisitor *writer* &/get-writer
:let [debug-label (new Label)
_ (when (not= _line (get @!source->last-line _file-name))
(doto *writer*
(.visitLabel debug-label)
(.visitLineNumber (int _line) debug-label))
(swap! !source->last-line assoc _file-name _line))]]
(|case ?form
(&o/$bool ?value)
(&&lux/compile-bool ?value)
(&o/$int ?value)
(&&lux/compile-int ?value)
(&o/$real ?value)
(&&lux/compile-real ?value)
(&o/$char ?value)
(&&lux/compile-char ?value)
(&o/$text ?value)
(&&lux/compile-text ?value)
(&o/$tuple ?elems)
(&&lux/compile-tuple (partial compile-expression $begin) ?elems)
(&o/$var (&/$Local ?idx))
(&&lux/compile-local (partial compile-expression $begin) ?idx)
(&o/$captured ?scope ?captured-id ?source)
(&&lux/compile-captured (partial compile-expression $begin) ?scope ?captured-id ?source)
(&o/$var (&/$Global ?owner-class ?name))
(&&lux/compile-global (partial compile-expression $begin) ?owner-class ?name)
(&o/$apply ?fn ?args)
(&&lux/compile-apply (partial compile-expression $begin) ?fn ?args)
(&o/$loop ?args)
(&&lux/compile-loop (partial compile-expression $begin) $begin ?args)
(&o/$variant ?tag ?tail ?members)
(&&lux/compile-variant (partial compile-expression $begin) ?tag ?tail ?members)
(&o/$case ?value [?pm ?bodies])
(&&case/compile-case (partial compile-expression $begin) ?value ?pm ?bodies)
(&o/$let _value _register _body)
(&&lux/compile-let (partial compile-expression $begin) _value _register _body)
(&o/$function ?arity ?scope ?env ?body)
(&&lambda/compile-function compile-expression &/$None ?arity ?scope ?env ?body)
;; Must get rid of this one...
(&o/$ann ?value-ex ?type-ex ?value-type)
(compile-expression $begin ?value-ex)
(&o/$proc [?proc-category ?proc-name] ?args special-args)
(&&host/compile-host (partial compile-expression $begin) ?proc-category ?proc-name ?args special-args)
(assert false (prn-str 'compile-expression (&/adt->text syntax)))
(defn init! []
(reset! !source->last-line {})
(.mkdirs ( &&/output-dir))
(doto (.getDeclaredMethod "addURL" (into-array []))
(.setAccessible true)
(.invoke (ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader) (to-array [(-> (new "./resources") .toURI .toURL)]))))
(defn eval! [expr]
(|do [module &/get-module-name
id &/gen-id
[file-name _ _] &/cursor
:let [class-name (str (&host/->module-class module) "/" id)
=class (doto (new ClassWriter ClassWriter/COMPUTE_MAXS)
(.visit &host/bytecode-version (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_SUPER)
class-name nil "java/lang/Object" nil)
(-> (.visitField (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_FINAL Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) &/eval-field "Ljava/lang/Object;" nil nil)
(doto (.visitEnd)))
(.visitSource file-name nil))]
_ (&/with-writer (.visitMethod =class Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC "" "()V" nil nil)
(|do [^MethodVisitor *writer* &/get-writer
:let [_ (.visitCode *writer*)]
_ (compile-expression nil expr)
:let [_ (doto *writer*
(.visitFieldInsn Opcodes/PUTSTATIC class-name &/eval-field "Ljava/lang/Object;")
(.visitInsn Opcodes/RETURN)
(.visitMaxs 0 0)
(return nil)))
:let [bytecode (.toByteArray (doto =class
_ (&&/save-class! (str id) bytecode)
loader &/loader]
(-> (.loadClass ^ClassLoader loader (str (&host-generics/->class-name module) "." id))
(.getField &/eval-field)
(.get nil)
(def all-compilers
(let [compile-expression* (partial compile-expression nil)]
(&/T [(partial &&lux/compile-def compile-expression)
(partial &&lux/compile-program compile-expression*)
(partial &&host/compile-jvm-class compile-expression*)
(defn compile-module [source-dirs name]
(let [file-name (str name ".lux")]
(|do [file-content (&&io/read-file source-dirs file-name)
:let [file-hash (hash file-content)]]
(if (&&cache/cached? name)
(&&cache/load source-dirs name file-hash compile-module)
(let [compiler-step (&analyser/analyse &optimizer/optimize eval! (partial compile-module source-dirs) all-compilers)]
(|do [module-exists? (&a-module/exists? name)]
(if module-exists?
(fail "[Compiler Error] Can't redefine a module!")
(|do [_ (&&cache/delete name)
_ (&a-module/create-module name file-hash)
_ (&/flag-active-module name)
:let [=class (doto (new ClassWriter ClassWriter/COMPUTE_MAXS)
(.visit &host/bytecode-version (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_SUPER)
(str (&host/->module-class name) "/_") nil "java/lang/Object" nil)
(-> (.visitField (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_FINAL Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) &/hash-field "I" nil file-hash)
(-> (.visitField (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_FINAL Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) &/compiler-field "Ljava/lang/String;" nil &/compiler-version)
(.visitSource file-name nil))]
_ (if (= "lux" name)
(|do [_ &&host/compile-Function-class
_ &&host/compile-LuxRT-class]
(return nil))
(return nil))]
(fn [state]
(|case ((&/with-writer =class
(&/exhaust% compiler-step))
(&/set$ &/$source (&reader/from name file-content) state))
(&/$Right ?state _)
(&/run-state (|do [defs &a-module/defs
imports &a-module/imports
tag-groups &&module/tag-groups
:let [_ (doto =class
(-> (.visitField (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_FINAL Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) &/defs-field "Ljava/lang/String;" nil
(->> defs
(&/|map (fn [_def]
(|let [[?name ?alias] _def]
(str ?name
(&/|interpose &&/def-separator)
(&/fold str "")))
(-> (.visitField (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_FINAL Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) &/imports-field "Ljava/lang/String;" nil
(->> imports
(&/|map (fn [import]
(|let [[_module _hash] import]
(str _module &&/field-separator _hash))))
(&/|interpose &&/entry-separator)
(&/fold str "")))
(-> (.visitField (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_FINAL Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) &/tags-field "Ljava/lang/String;" nil
(->> tag-groups
(&/|map (fn [group]
(|let [[type tags] group]
(->> tags (&/|interpose &&/tag-separator) (&/fold str "")
(str type &&/type-separator)))))
(&/|interpose &&/tag-group-separator)
(&/fold str "")))
_ (&/flag-compiled-module name)
_ (&&/save-class! &/module-class-name (.toByteArray =class))]
(return file-hash))
(&/$Left ?message)
(fail* ?message)))))))
(defn compile-program [mode program-module source-dirs]
(let [m-action (&/map% (partial compile-module source-dirs) (&/|list "lux" program-module))]
(|case (m-action (&/init-state mode))
(&/$Right ?state _)
(do (println "Compilation complete!")
(&&cache/clean ?state)
(&packager-program/package program-module))
(&/$Left ?message)
(assert false ?message))))