com.github.m50d.plusminuszero.PlusMinusZero.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.m50d.plusminuszero
import cats.instances.double._
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.instances.vector._
import cats.syntax.apply._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.foldable._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._
import us.oyanglul.owlet._
import org.scalajs.dom._
import DOM._
import monix.reactive.Observable
import monix.reactive.subjects.Var
import Function.const
import cats.Foldable
case class TournamentResult(weight: Double, points: Int)
object TournamentResult {
def weight: Owlet[Double] = label(number("weight", 0), "Weight")
def points: Owlet[Int] = label(number("points", 0), "Points").map(_.toInt)
def tournamentResult: Owlet[TournamentResult] =
(weight, points).mapN(apply)
val Zero = TournamentResult(1, 0)
object Rank {
private def weightedAverage[F[_]: Foldable](results: F[TournamentResult]) =
(results.foldMap(r => r.points * r.weight)) / results.foldMap(_.weight)
def partA(results: Vector[TournamentResult]) = {
val (best5, rest) = results.padTo(5, TournamentResult.Zero).splitAt(5)
val toDrop = rest.size / 5
weightedAverage(best5 ++ rest.dropRight(toDrop))
def partB(results: Vector[TournamentResult]) =
weightedAverage(results.padTo(4, TournamentResult.Zero).take(4))
def ranking(results: Vector[TournamentResult]) = {
val sortedResults = results.sortBy(_.points).reverse
0.5 * partA(sortedResults) + 0.5 * partB(sortedResults)
object PlusMinusZero {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val toAdd = Var(None): Var[Option[TournamentResult]]
val added = toAdd.scan(Vector[TournamentResult]())(_ ++ _)
val toRemove = Var(None): Var[Option[TournamentResult]]
val removed = toRemove.scan(Vector[TournamentResult]())(_ ++ _)
val listOfResults = added.combineLatestMap(removed)(_ diff _)
val explanation = {
val el: html.Div = document.createElement("div").asInstanceOf[html.Div]
val text = document.createTextNode("""
In "weight", enter MERS weight for tournaments in the past year and MERS weight/2
for tournaments between 1 and 2 years ago.
In "points", enter EMA points for your place in the tournament - 1000 for first
and around 0 for last.
Owlet(Observable(List(el)), Var(()))
val resultEntry = div(TournamentResult.tournamentResult, Var(Seq.empty))
val addNewResult = (resultEntry, button("add", false, true)).mapN((
(entry, pressed) => toAdd := (if (pressed) Some(entry) else None)))
val rankUi = {
val sink = Var(())
val el: html.Div = document.createElement("div").asInstanceOf[html.Div]
listOfResults foreach { results =>
while (el.lastChild != null) {
results foreach { result =>
val rel = document.createElement("div").asInstanceOf[html.Div]
val tn = document.createTextNode(result.toString)
val removeButton =
removeButton.onclick = { _ =>
toRemove := Some(result)
val score = Rank.ranking(results.toVector)
val scoreTn = document.createTextNode(s"EMA Ranking points: $score")
sink := (())
Owlet(Observable(List(el)), sink)
render(explanation *> addNewResult *> rankUi, "#app")